
Information Control Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"When you control the information that an entire population is getting, you're controlling their choices."
"The world of social media...the newspapers don't control the narrative anymore."
"There is definitely very tight control over the flow of information of certain topics through our corporate-controlled mass media."
"Nobody knows what's happening. A small group of people control access to all relevant information and the rest of us don't know."
"We're not the ministry of truth for the world that's deciding whether everything is true or not."
"Control of information is necessary in the resetting of a society."
"By controlling the flow of information, nobody does this better than the Murdoch family."
"Not one person or one small group of people should control all the information."
"You can't claim you've got a democracy if all the information voters receive before a presidential election has been curated by the people already in charge."
"If the government has a secret they really want to keep, they don't admit they have a secret."
"Empowering yourself with knowledge is not part of the YouTube Community standard now."
"What they are actually saying is we wish to shut down streams of information we don't like."
"It's definitely time to take charge of your media consumption."
"The implications of the conclusions of the study were so astounding that the decision was made that they could not release this information because it would be terror disruptive to the populations of Europe in the United States."
"Don't let YouTube decide what information you get. That's your choice. YouTube is deleting our videos and cuts you off from a source of honest reporting."
"Media warfare is a manipulation and control of news outlets, social media, any outlet of information."
"Change the rules, change the law, control the flow of information."
"Control over information and the ability to shape perceptions are equally if not more potent than military might."
"We are dealing with a system of information distribution that is designed to keep all the facts to themselves."
"The CCP is using the virus to expand its information controls and surveillance."
"Why does anyone want a government capable of censoring information from you?"
"Who needs Dominion voting machines when you have Google and YouTube determining what you have access to?"
"Who is dictating what is true and what is false?"
"The first way to control a population is to control the information they consume."
"Powerful elites working behind the scenes to change the rules and the laws to manipulate the flow of information is the opposite of democracy."
"The information flow comes through them; they are the gatekeepers."
"The control of information is the greatest weapon."
"People inside of Donald Trump's orbit know what is going on."
"We're not holding back information because we want to be, you know, cruel about it. We're holding back information because sometimes things aren't ready."
"The Chinese Communist Party is no longer able to keep information suppressed like it used to."
"Knowledge is power, that's what we've been told. Whoever holds the information has the control."
"It is far worse that somebody decides which messages we get to see and which ones we don't."
"Whoever controls the information controls your reality."
"By controlling how information is shared, they control the narrative, they control the future, they control you."
"Whoever controls the narrative will be able to tell the story of what really happened."
"The goal once more, shut down the dissemination of information."
"This is something that the elite do not want the masses to know."
"If you have all the data and all the information, you have all the power."
"They wanted to be able to edit digital information in such a way that it would manipulate people's thoughts and actions."
"This is about controlling a narrative, controlling the flow of information, controlling how people think about public policy like the vaccine mandate and how people think about a particular product that Corporation is profiting from."
"He liked dangling pieces of information so that they chased it and then he didn't give them any more."
"The Biden Administration has taken...to really determine what types of information the American public gets."
"Beginning times of the dismantling of much of your mainstream media."
"For information to be permitted into the mainstream, it is filtered."
"We need our own media yes we got our own information that way we don't have to worry about what mainstream media is doing we we are the mainstream."
"Freedom from information is the new agenda. They're erasing history to keep control."
"Information is power, and that is the true strength of the divination wizard."
"The Silicon Valley companies are foolish to think that they're gonna be the gatekeepers of who's can be able to consume this information."
"Information, knowledge is power. If you could have control information, you can control the people."
"If you control the flow of information and limit speech, you can control people."
"Disclosure can come out with genuine control over the narrative by an elite group."
"Pursuing information control by funding outside organizations."
"Control the flow of information, you have a lot of power."
"Bill Gates isn't the boss of me, Bill Gates was on Epstein island that went away they're the bosses of information."
"Censorship is about controlling information."
"That's our information, and if I can control that being put out there, that would be, that would make me feel a lot better."
"Be wary of those who would keep information from you."
"No doubt that the World Health Organization is doing all that they can to control the flow of information."
"It's all about information footprint and control just like the movie."
"The state no longer has a monopoly on the narrative and on information."
"Complete media suppression of this information."
"Something is going on... a news blackout on Ukraine war information."
"Misinformation is not always false information, but it is just information that they don't want you to know about."
"The gated institutional narrative can't shut down the information anymore."
"Oppression have some things in common, and the thing that an oppressor does not want you to have is information."
"The mainstream press has put people into this cul-de-sac very cleverly."
"George Orwell thought the problem in the future was going to be that a few people would possess all the information."
"The thing about Na Hong-jin - and you’ll know this if you’ve seen his other films - is that he always asks one question when constructing a scene: who has the information?"
"Fact-checkers censoring information that doesn't conform to official narratives."
"NDAs are basically like, 'look you can't say nothing about everything that went down.'"
"They are the number one, they are destroying this country. They are destroying this because what they're doing is they're keeping information from you, data from you."
"It's about censorship, it's about keeping the population stupid, disinformed, and de-democratizing our societies."
"It's all about narrative and spinning... whatever you want the populace to perceive these events as."
"Whoever controls the money controls the information controls the people."
"A billionaire with the power to take back the town square and restore freedom of speech is being thwarted by powerful special interests."
"Give me control of the flow of information and I care not who controls the currency."
"The russians have managed to establish a neo-orwellian information state."
"Who are you, Twitter? You are not the arbiter of truth."
"There is a suppression piece actively happening... the information, the opposing views are all stopped."
"He who controls the information controls the environment."
"The ultimate control is information, it's the devil's promise in the form of a lie being bought by the technocrats."
"The US government colludes with private companies to control information flow for foreign regime change and preventing populist uprisings, particularly in Europe."
"Knowing what we know about MLM companies and the certain kinds of Mind Control information control thought control tactics that they employ on their members, it gives us some context as to unfortunately how these things can happen."
"If you control the information, you control the world."
"Withholding information is the essence of tyranny." - Flat Earth Dave
"We will use our media to control the flow of information and sentiment in our favor."
"He who controls the printed page controls the thinking of the age."
"Gatekeepers of secrecy: controlling access to classified programs."
"This is called fascism. The government and huge giant corporations control the flow of information in a democracy, colluding together to suppress your first amendment rights."
"Propaganda at this point is way more powerful."
"You can control a population far more with what you don't tell them than what you do."
"My purpose, just like in the real world, is to completely and utterly break and destroy absolutely everything around me."
"Open information is the problem... the public should just be told what to do."
"There's a big danger when you mess with the flow of information."
"Whoever rules the information Highway will be the most powerful person on the planet."
"There's no difference between burning a book and taking something off the internet."
"LS TMs use gates to add or remove information to the cell state, controlling the flow of information."
"If you're in a former proper room, you're gonna be blocked if you're listening to facts."
"Just be aware we are all being fed what the corporate media wants to feed us."
"The establishment is already prepping and creating the infrastructure so that they can fact check away any piece of information that they don't like."
"It's insane to think they can control information. It's like standing in a river holding your hands up trying to stop the water."
"If you can control the information that people can see, you can control the people."
"Do your own research. Don't give your power away."
"I know something you don't know, and that is I know what this is."
"When you have hidden information, you can completely manipulate a large group of people."
"He's trying to hermetically seal out information for ordinary Russians."
"Having private companies controlling public discourse in a way that is practically an oligopoly on information flow poses some interesting problems with our idea of freedom of speech."
"It's about who controls the message, you control the mind of people."
"To control money and information is to control the world."
"Knowing that information of how things work, until a certain aspect in time when things are declassified, then things can be talked about."
"Nobody should be speaking to anybody who remotely CL or closely heard anything or knows anything about this case."
"Whoever controls the information, controls the people."
"Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you could control the people."
"Who controls the information that other people see."
"Any attempts to leak information about happy Meat Farms will be met with a Swift and severe punishment."
"Google may well be the most powerful company on the face of the planet because they have a monopoly on information."
"Don't ask a question unless you know the answer."
"We are more so in the driver's seat... in controlling and demanding what we want to know about these people."
"Unhealthy organizations control the information to prevent you from having thoughts that they don't want you to have."
"Control of information is getting more and more difficult."
"So it's not difficult to use, and it's something that we all need to get involved in and start adding addresses because it's a pretty cool tool when you actually take control over all of our information that the government and these big companies are trying to hold over us."
"I was able to keep this on a need-to-know basis, and right now, you know the only person who needs to know."
"The best way to keep a secret is you privatize it, make it proprietary."
"Every piece of information needs to pass through me for you to hear it for your own safety."
"The power of secrets of information."
"Remember what you have heard here, but be silent."
"The control of information to such an extent that facts are not reality, and reality can be changed simply on the whim of Big Brother and the party."
"Controlling information is a huge part of war."
"The truth is out there, and they just don't want to give anyone an opportunity to spread it."
"China has essentially, through its great firewall, limited its citizens' access to outside information by offering alternatives within the nation."
"We have to control how much information we're looking at, or we're going to go down a rabbit hole and spend way too much time doing analysis and not actually looking for results."
"One of the first things the Nazis did when they came in is they shut down all the press and any means of conveying information."
"You have a right to be able to take that information down and away from these companies."
"To permit this information to enter the public domain at such an early stage would have been to encourage extremely unhealthy and likely virulent speculation."
"Attack on Titan also does a beautiful job of playing with information and how withholding information or leaders telling half truths can result in so much devastation."
"The news covered up a lot of it, of course."
"Information is currency, if you control the flow of information, you control the game."
"...my mind started racing on what was being covered up and how much control these people have over the information we receive."
"Now the facts can be deleted with no physical flames, they just change the information and the truth gets erased."