
Theoretical Physics Quotes

There are 761 quotes

"If controlled backwards time travel was possible today, where do you think your matter or information would travel?"
"The fundamental paradox of time travel is if you go back in time and prevent your parents from meeting one another, then they wouldn't have ever given birth to you."
"Nasa scientists detect evidence of a parallel universe where time runs backwards."
"Gravity has to be connected to the other three forces in a quantum regime and I think it is quite likely then that gravity as we know it is some sort of emergent phenomenon."
"Theoretical physics... appears to be the secret powering our economy. It gave us the worldwide web, the semiconductor, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, communications technology..."
"Maybe this landscape of different possible ways to get down from ten dimensions to four dimensions all take place somewhere out there in some large cosmological multiverse."
"The basic idea is that Einstein had this dream of a unified theory that would put our understanding of everything into a single theoretical framework."
"Even Einstein's bad ideas turn out to be good if you wait long enough."
"I consider myself someone who is excited about the possibility that string theory is the right description of the world, but I reserve judgment to ultimately base my assessment on observation and experiment."
"Despite its challenges, string theory remains one of our best candidates for a theory of everything."
"Every theory in physics that we've known about eventually will be surpassed."
"The universe has a finite number of components, which means it has a finite number of states, which means it's computable."
"The holographic principle tells us something quite astonishing: our ideas of volume, of that the real world, in a sense, might be a kind of illusion."
"If we can solve this equation, we can solve the universe."
"Every time a black hole is created, inside it a new universe. There is a place inside a black hole where time ends called the singularity; at the beginning of the universes we observe, it is a place where, if we model it with general relativity, time begins."
"It's a revolution in thinking about how space-time emerges."
"Now here's the exotic model that I put forward a few years ago, which I call conformal cyclic cosmology."
"He understands four-dimensional curved space-time better than any person alive."
"Why did no one come to Stephen Hawking's time traveler party? Oh well, fair play to the time travelers then."
"The dream of physicists is to discover the theory of everything."
"No local theory... can match the predictions of quantum mechanics."
"Many-worlds is the purest, simplest, most austere version of quantum mechanics."
"The point is not to say that I know what the correct theory is and it's many-worlds. The point is that we are actually comparing truly different well-formulated scientific theories."
"Many worlds... doesn't add any extra worlds, anything like that. That is just taking seriously the prediction of quantum mechanics."
"Einstein believed that quantum mechanics was only a provisional theory, one that would ultimately be replaced by a deeper understanding that would not rely on probabilities."
"Einstein called this strange quantum connection 'spooky action at a distance,' and it troubled him deeply."
"As wrong or incomplete as current string theory may be, it may also be the inevitable early step as we seek an even more beautiful and ultimately more right understanding of space-time."
"The best solution on the market to why the cosmological constant is small is the anthropic principle."
"It's not just quantum mechanics; it's something more outrageous than that."
"Look at the fantastic things Roger Penrose did... why look at the only two [theories] that don't make sense?"
"The quantum measurement problem is the gaping hole in the theory of quantum mechanics."
"But humanity has long wondered, could there be a cheat code? Could there be a way to exceed that cosmic speed limit? Could we go faster than light?"
"Negative energy may hold the key to powering faster-than-light travel concepts such as warp drives and traversable wormholes."
"If you really want to get into the science of it, scientists have a theoretical object called a blackbody."
"The next revolution in physics will likely involve thinking about space and time not as fundamentals but as emergent properties."
"A theory of everything must unite general relativity with quantum mechanics and a black hole is where these two theories converge at their limits."
"Vacuum space-time metric engineering: some light reading for some of our members."
"The theoretical inconsistency between quantum theory and gravity is a genuine problem that demands a solution."
"Quantum entanglement... allows you to create a gravity well of Consciousness that allows things to fall toward you."
"A hundred years ago, it was black holes that were purely theoretical—and now, we think there are literally billions of them out there."
"If the theory of general relativity had failed to receive experimental and observation support, he would have felt sorry for the Good Lord because that was a really brilliant idea."
"Often, there's very long time scales between developments in theoretical physics... but the clearest message that comes through is that progress does get made."
"The many worlds or multiple universes theory says that anything that can possibly happen does happen, it just happens in a different reality that exists parallel to our own."
"Time travel in one sense actually just means universe hopping."
"It's my fondest wish that in our lifetime, we would see the final theory."
"Einstein had revolutionized our notions of space and time."
"If string theory is correct, it basically means that two-dimensional random quantum geometry on the string worldsheet is the key to a new kind of four-dimensional random quantum geometry."
"We're trying to find...a theory that describes space-time at the quantum mechanical level."
"If this theory was not able to make contact with reality, do you really think physicists would spend time on it?"
"Wormholes fix this narrative problem as, theoretically speaking, they can be used as a kind of space shortcut by almost instantaneously folding space-time."
"Jacob Bekenstein... suggested that black holes have entropy, fundamentally changing how we think about them."
"The holographic principle... tells us something very deep about the nature of the universe from a very simple argument."
"I'm about to talk to you now this evening about another theory which, by the way, has no empirical evidence to support it, which is entirely contrived from the imaginations of theoretical physicists."
"The chronology protection conjecture is the idea that no, that will never actually happen in any real universe, and we'll be protected from that, but... nobody can prove that you couldn't make a universe that does that."
"Every star will end, every galaxy, every planet. Matter itself will, according to some of our cutting-edge theories, disintegrate into a spray of more refined particles, electrons, neutrinos that will just continue to waft through that ever-expanding cosmos."
"Einstein’s general theory of relativity came from asking what were the inevitable implications of simple statements like the equivalence principle and the invariance of the speed of light."
"If there's an energy suffusing space uniformly, it gives rise to repulsive gravity, repulsive gravity to push everything apart."
"Einstein said about to find a framework in which the speed of light would be the same in every reference frame."
"So I'm going to boldly declare that time travel's not disproven by a lack of tourists from the future."
"Going back in time means changing the timeline. But the timeline itself is how the universe changes with time. The timeline itself can't change; all that can change are things along the timeline."
"Domain walls...cosmic strings, monopoles...are all examples of topological defects in cosmology."
"You can essentially turn pretty much anything into a black hole."
"Dirac's theory was a remarkable achievement. If proven correct, it would double the number of known particles in the world."
"These three forces we think then there may be the possibility that they unify at some early epoch in the history of the universe."
"One of the aspects of our subject, the deepest aspect, is that all of these things are somehow completely governed, and their properties, the broad properties, are almost entirely dictated by big general principles."
"A single formula capable of describing all phenomena and forces in the cosmos."
"Everything came from not even Lawrence Krauss Krauss in his book a universe from nothing."
"If it's physically possible then it must exist somewhere else."
"The Multiverse is still just that, an idea... completely hypothetical... just maths on a page that we don't have any observational evidence for."
"That's the weird thing, is like when you think of space and time, like the reason we have multiverses..."
"Talking about what happened before the Big Bang is like talking about what is north of the North Pole; it's a nonsensical idea."
"So that bizarre electric monopole-based life is us."
"There are reasons within physics to predict a multiverse."
"Einstein's theory breaks down before the Planck time."
"Time travel, that's something that we physicists actually look into."
"Time travel, we realize that if you have a wormhole, there is a theory that you can go backwards in time."
"Perpetual motion machines are all scams. But perpetual motion itself is possible."
"We have all sorts of ideas for what the dark matter might be, and there's even a good chance that whatever it really is isn't on this chart or anyone's mind yet."
"The wave function can be thought of as a state in which all physically possible realities intermingle."
"The multiverse theory is one that has been hypothesized and supported by various reputable scientists over the last few centuries."
"That would be a weird group and I could see them getting collectively exhausted and just saying enough, we have people here who make Einstein look dumb and they’ve been researching ways to beat entropy for a billion years."
"Understanding the secrets of the universe would require to think in terms of energy frequency and vibration."
"There is no law of physics preventing a civilization perhaps a million years more advanced than ours from reaching the planet Earth."
"Teeter was either a bona fide time traveler or the guy was a genius because he understood the physics, mathematics, history, you know, the human mind."
"Could you imagine Albert Einstein sitting there and saying, 'You know, we looked at the universe, it's complicated, so we just decided we're gonna leave it'?"
"Einstein once said that a problem's solution cannot come from the same level where the problem originated."
"Aliens are hope; if they're here, the odds that the Einsteinian theory is merely an effective theory shoot way up."
"Einstein expands what Newton knew, he takes what Newton ooh and then makes that region much greater and it continues to endless Road."
"Dwarf the yield of a hydrogen bomb... turn the entire mass of our planet into Pure Energy."
"If you wish to understand the universe... think of energy, frequency, and vibration."
"The amount of negative energy it takes to control society is proportional to the amount needed to bypass the laws of physics."
"These are the smartest people in the world saying there's a potential parallel universe where everything goes backwards."
"It's truly amazing to see that we're now finally being able to prove Einstein's theories."
"As long as it's possible then it will happen an infinite number of times in an infinite universe."
"Few people can understand the complexities of his theories, but what they do know is that Stephen Hawking became an inspiration to millions."
"String theory, multi-dimensional reality, and matter displacement all real."
"If you want to know the secrets of the universe, you need to think in terms of frequency, energy, and vibration."
"The most mathematical formulations will fail to apply, but that doesn't explain mathematical precision."
"Equally fascinating is underpinning Heisenberg's conclusion is that position and momentum have the same relationship as sound and frequency as."
"Einstein's theory was not just a minor update of Newton's; it was a complete overhaul, revealing a new way of thinking about gravity."
"If anyone finds a magnetic monopole -- and don't think that people are not looking -- that would certainly be worth a Nobel Prize."
"Any physicist searching for the theory of everything or some kind of numerical answer to the ultimate question of life is, when you think about it, a Pythagorean."
"Imagine you can see gravitational fields. It would mean seeing the literal threads of the fabric of spacetime."
"I want to know God's thoughts. The rest are just details."
"The secret to actual antigravity... omnidirectional coherent field array... it's not science fiction."
"Last time we talked about Singularity Theorems, and how they show that the singularities at the heart of the black hole and at the Big Bang are inevitable if you follow only general relativity."
"Plasmas act as some kind of wormhole or portal in their own right, so light forms will cause electromagnetic pulses, fields, environmental anomalies, body changes, consciousness shifts."
"String theory: the one great hope for a theory of everything."
"Why string theory has been the obsession of a generation."
"Space-time ceases to be coherent; it has no operational meaning at that level. It's gone, it's doomed."
"I don't think it's ever happened that a theory that has the kind of mathematical appeal that string theory has turned out to be entirely wrong."
"String theory: a unified theory of everything."
"String theory is really the Wild West of physics."
"Parallel universes are connected to the whole time travel thing solidly."
"The hunt for extra dimensions sounds like science fiction."
"One cool way of theoretically going from our universe to another one is to go through... what's called a wormhole, a bridge connecting two universes, kind of like getting on a train or a subway."
"In principle, you can go right through to another parallel universe. If you go through again, you wind up on yet another parallel universe."
"This fantastic idea, like the replay button on the universal iPod, could reset the cosmic concerto of human history back to the beginning."
"So these are brand-new questions and they're good ones and this is where some of the theoretical work is going right now."
"String theory is even better. It's gravity plus a grand unified theory. That's even better."
"If you're in the 90th percentile or above, you're gonna contribute. In theoretical physics, you've got to be like one of the top 50 people in the world or you're really just not helping out much."
"I think what's missing in our theories are the big connections that hold the entire universe together."
"Tractor Beams are another example of how we might warp space."
"The amazing thing is that conformal mappings preserve the solution of Laplace's equation."
"In the special case that the mapping u plus IV is conformal we have the remarkable result that the laplacian is changed all by a non-negative factor."
"Kaluza may have finally unified two forces of nature by just extending general relativity to include one more dimension."
"But what else might be hiding in the ripples’ of spacetime? Oh, I know: how about the gravitational wakes caused by planet-sized alien spacecraft accelerating to near light speed."
"Humans on their way to the center of the galaxy would be spacetime travelers."
"We've spent the following 100 years trying to reconcile these two theories and bring them together into a single Master Theory of Everything."
"Perhaps the most direct evidence of quantum gravity would be the observation of a graviton."
"Ideas like cosmological natural selection and eternal inflation are helpful because they reduce the amount of work required by that initial creationary event - it only needs to produce a spacetime capable of exponential growth."
"From the equivalence principle and one more axiom that the speed of light is constant for all observers, an inevitable chain of reasoning led Einstein to the general theory of relativity."
"All of spacetime across the pulsar network, and probably across the universe, is a bit wibbly wobbly."
"Infinite resources... simulate an infinite number of infinite universes without problems."
"Can we achieve faster-than-light travel? That's the big question, isn't it?"
"Black holes are portals to baby universes... making life-permitting universes more probable."
"The ideas that controlled motion of electrically charged matter via accelerated vibration and/or accelerators been subjected to smooth yet rapid acceleration transitions would generate extremely high energy."
"Einstein's insight gave us a radically different picture."
"This Bell result, this Bell theorem is your equation for today, that is your daily equation."
"We really have to put on our effective theory hats."
"The mind of God, the mind of God that Einstein wrote about for the last 30 years of his life, the mind of God is cosmic music resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace."
"The standard model Lagrangian represents the apex of human knowledge and understanding of how the universe works."
"The better answer that I should give is we're trying to do this just because we want to understand the fundamental nature of reality."
"Maybe gravity is the key to hundreds of thousands of other universes interlocked in a web of creation."
"Even if it's true that all of these galaxies have supermassive black holes, they might actually have incredible agency despite their smaller fraction in terms of mass."
"The scheme of effective field theory makes all calculations finite."
"The infinities would really really matter if these irrelevant operators were part and parcel of your fundamental description of the theory."
"You can in principle discover new physics without discovering new particles."
"There's a huge hierarchy between the electroweak scale and the Planck scale."
"If our universe was closed, we would see the back of our heads."
"Look at how amazing it is that entropy and evolution can combine together to yield these kinds of conjugating structures that only exist on the cosmic timeline for a mere moment. But we are that moment."
"If we can get a deeper understanding of the nature of force in space distant from a particle, we'll have what we need to know in order to get an understanding of the Higgs boson."
"Loop quantum gravity, string theory, and supersymmetry are just a few of the candidate theories currently being explored in that vein."
"So much of what we understand about time came from Einstein and his special theory of relativity."
"I could design a universe that does not suffer heat death."
"What if the world was actually 3D and you were just a 2D flat character that could only move inside a 2D plane?"
"What if we were living on a 3D plane inside a 4D world?"
"This universe is only one of an infinite number..."
"This gradually fades into the individual timelines that make up the one sacred timeline..."
"That's the best hope that we will find out that quantum mechanics as we know it actually breaks down for very large things."
"There's enough potential energy in the fabric of space-time for the zero point energy field to run the entire planet."
"The field theory concept will be very important, even if you're only interested in atomic physics or statistical physics."
"Quantum field theory has become a universal language for theoretical physics."
"But certainly nonrelativistic systems you can have a higher number of spatial derivatives."
"Tesla's dynamic theory of gravity sought to revolutionize our understanding of this fundamental force. He maintained that his theory could reconcile gravitational, electromagnetic, and mechanical phenomena into a single unified framework."
"What exists outside the observable universe's boundaries... a much greater multiverse."
"Predicted the presence of other universes... the multiverse idea truly gained fire."
"An infinite world produces uncountable variance... oddly occur an endless number of times."
"The information paradox contradicts the quantum mechanical principle known as unitarity."
"A successful Theory of Everything would unify all the fundamental forces into a single framework."
"You think Star Trek purposefully made this warp bubble thing to make things as causally reasonable as possible for Star Wars? I think they just punted."
"So, in some sense, God is a mathematician; God is a geometer..." - Michio Kaku
"The moment you entered a black hole, reality would split you in two."
"Technically they're saying that there's an infinite version of you."
"Parallel universes are an idea of both science fiction and perhaps science fact."
"The big success of loop quantum gravity is that it manages to combine general relativity and quantum mechanics in their currently accepted forms, without taking away their most important foundational principles."
"It’s general relativity – our modern theory of gravity – cast in terms of very abstract building blocks."
"One way or another, we live in a seriously loopy space time."
"String theory is one of the methods proposed for developing a Theory of Everything."
"The universe may be riding on an ever-expanding bubble in an extra dimension."
"Learn as much mathematics as you possibly can right mean that's that is for for for a theorist translating your abstract ideas into something that you can really use and make predictions from is is a precious gift."
"There really are two separate versions of what we sometimes call the multiverse."
"Time stretches back for all infinity in this sort of bigger system in the multiverse."
"One exciting theory suggests that diamonds may be raining inside Uranus and Neptune."
"But here's the kicker... maybe it's in some strange situation such as the star getting bombarded by a neutron star... there's also the possibility remote though it is... that this star may be the first detected techno signature."
"Reality is weird, the more we discover at the largest and smallest scales, the more scientists have been forced to ask the same question: what the [ __ ]?"
"There is almost nobody working on the original problems that motivated people to seek grant unification or unification of particle physics and gravity."
"How can you throw something that opens a portal and have it open a second portal wherever you want without throwing something else?"
"The general theory of relativity forever changed how scientists understood the universe and shaped modern physics."
"Maxwell wanted to show how by a strict application of the ideas and methods of Faraday, the connection of the very different orders of phenomenon may be clearly placed before the mathematical mind."
"If you start from here, point X, you can never get to here, point Y."
"Every action creates another spin-off, so there could be literally millions of multiverses."
"Interesting story. I've heard a magnetic component to gravity, and once humans understand this, it will be easier for them to manipulate."
"It's almost like string theory is that the entire universe and everything together is tied together in some sort of web."
"Inflation theory... an extension of the usual idea of the big bang."
"Infinity is the wrong shape if you don't have the cosmological constant. It's the right shape when you do have it. It's the same shape as a big bang."
"But the true impact of Penrose’s singularity theorem is much deeper."
"Penrose’s singularity theorem is a big part of what set us on the path to this yet-undiscovered greater theory."
"Researchers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory are in the process of proving the existence of a parallel universe."
"Each time a subatomic particle goes through an interaction, a new parallel universe may form."