
Christ Quotes

There are 1587 quotes

"Freedom is not in the constitution... Freedom is only found in Christ."
"Kindness is a built-in attraction to a child of God because Christ is our life."
"Christ defeats that tool of Satan called death by his resurrection from the dead to defeat death."
"The birth of Christ is the awakening of the inner or Second man."
"There is peace in Christ when we learn of Him, feel the love He felt for us."
"When there's no peace on earth, there is peace in Christ."
"Through His death, Christ dealt with the primary cause of human loneliness: separation from God."
"I testify that there is hope and peace in Christ."
"He can carry us today through difficult times."
"Salvation and transformation only come in Christ."
"Jesus in you is the hope of glory. Christ as you is a manifestation of glory."
"The whole issue is an appeal to worship Christ supremely."
"Without Christ's example, we have no idea; without Christ's death, we have no forgiveness; without Christ's resurrection, we have no hope."
"We only become holy in relationship to Christ; it is a holiness that has been imbued."
"My knowledge of that life is small, the eye of faith is dim; but 'tis enough that Christ knows all, and I shall be with him."
"My ambition is to please Christ and Christ alone."
"We all have the ability to mirror Christ in his resurrection. We all have that ability."
"There's no height that can separate us from the love of Christ."
"Christ is Lord, he is transcendent, he's above all, he defines the limits of government, his law reigns supreme."
"Christ worked out the infinite and eternal atonement."
"Christ is not Jesus's last name. Christ means 'anointed.'"
"Never give up an opportunity to testify of Christ."
"All that you've done through Christ and all that has happened, it is according to the teachings of even the Old Testament."
"Human activities cannot help us. But only the suffering of Christ."
"The war is over. Christ has risen from the dead."
"There is an obvious sense of urgency in Christ's words."
"The love of Christ compels us, drove me out with the story of the death of Christ for sinners."
"Christ looks down upon his people protectively."
"Christ preached all the virtues from the cross."
"To really get into the intricacies and the Deep Secrets of the cosmos you have to understand the Christ, there's no way around it."
"I yield myself, I surrender myself to the headship of Christ."
"The resurrection is confirmation of his Christ position."
"Christ is a gracious savior, he's a kind friend, and that he's worth holding on to."
"The difference between those mythological gods and Christ was that there's a historical representation of his existence as well."
"In Christianity it's Christ which means the anointed one, the redeemer."
"Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever."
"The resurrected Christ appeared fully human, with a corporeal body, eating with his disciples to prove his physicality."
"Jacob is unquestionably an archetype of Christ."
"You can't really understand prophecy without Christ, he is the reason we can have a Brotherhood."
"The first member of the body is the head, that's right, the head is Christ."
"Jacob's purpose is to teach people to come unto Christ..."
"The revelation will unfold if we understand Christ."
"I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
"The love of Christ revealed in Calvary compels us."
"The church belongs to Christ, it's the Bride of Christ."
"If God does not keep his promises to Israel, the Christian has no hope."
"Peace is not the absence of trouble, but peace is the presence of Christ."
"To receive Christ is to reject the Antichrist."
"That which glorifies Christ is of the Holy Spirit."
"There's one God and there's one person that revealed the highest qualities of God and it was Jesus."
"He's the contemporary Christ. That Christ is living in the world today, and He's changing lives."
"Love dies for another person. The perfect example of Love Is Christ."
"We are permanently united with Christ, there's no separation."
"The very best things you could possibly want or imagine are a result of Christ in your life."
"To live is Christ, and to die is gain."
"Now is the day of salvation, now Christ has come, now I'm a new creation."
"The standard of our christ-likeness is not church, church culture, society; it's Christ."
"Christ is so worth our dedication."
"She found Christ precisely in a great act of self-forgetting love."
"Christ does live; he appeared many times and he still appears today in his house."
"Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, and when you are moving, you will be guided."
"Christ's Incarnation on Earth was what had made it possible for us to perform this balance."
"The church in the Book of Revelation is the bride, and He is the bridegroom."
"Come unto Christ and be perfected in him."
"When the flowers of charity bloom there, we will love others with the power of Christ's own love."
"Christ came not to be served, but to serve."
"Even after death, they continued to call him Christ."
"We must proclaim Christ; what a glorious gospel we have in Christ."
"The only guarantee I have is Christ within me, who's the only hope of glory that you and I will ever have."
"Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God."
"The person God made you to be is wrapped in the beautiful covering of Christ."
"The history of Christian piety teaches that Mary is the way which leads to Christ."
"Christ in you is the hope of glory."
"Christ didn't start Christianity, no he didn't"
"Abiding in Christ signifies a deep, intimate, and ongoing relationship with him."
"...if my identity is found in Christ then there is a way for me to be righteous..."
"To be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment, to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ."
"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ."
"Having this imprint of Christ's face was almost as good as having a photograph. You had an idea of how God who became man really looks. God was not an idea; it was a face. God got a face, a human face."
"There's a real sense of an encounter, face to face, with Christ."
"If we want to know who God is, then we only have to look into the face of his son."
"Glorification replaces our character with Christ's character and He is permanently formed in us."
"The intent is that the Bible reveals to me the lordship of Christ"
"Help us to deal with sin in our lives first to come to Christ who alone can wash it away."
"Christ is the center and so often names of Christ like the Lord God omnipotent will be mentioned twice to drive home for us the importance of Christ being at the center of this."
"...the magnitude of what Christ suffered for them on the cross."
"If you belong to Christ, you're Abraham's seed. And heirs according to the promise."
"At the end, when all humans develop the Christ principles fully, they basically become like Christ was."
"If a relationship isn't built on Christ, it won't last."
"So, when we respond to the oppression in our world, it's not that we're just responding to people who are poor or in need; we are touching the heart of Christ Himself."
"We've done amazing beautiful things in the world in the name of Christ."
"Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ."
"Christ came to this earth and died to save mankind."
"The contended person, in a sense, lives in a divine sphere where all the joys and all the fulfillment is found in Christ."
"As people come to Christ, there is an end goal, and that is holiness."
"In Christ and in the body of Christ, we can do this together."
"...what Christ said when he was on the cross, 'Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.'"
"Accept the forgiveness of Christ, and fear will be removed."
"Ultimate truth is knowable only in Christ."
"Your language to believe on his name. What? Why do we believe on Christ? We don't just believe that Jesus is our savior. We believe that because of him we have become co-air."
"The stars were only meant to locate Christ."
"You can never validate the coming of Christ using astrology."
"If you are acting outside of that Spirit, you're not acting for Christ."
"What could Judaizers or what could anybody else add to Christ's work on the cross? Answer - What? - nothing."
"Be dependent on Christ, never on yourself."
"When you come to Christ, there is freedom in the Lord, freedom from worry, freedom from eternal damnation, freedom from the snare of the devil."
"Our lives become an allegory and perfect picture of the coming of Christ."
"In Christ we are given a new nature, though that old root is still in the ground."
"Christ spent a lot of time releasing people from the grip of evil spirits."
"Christ came to purchase, to save, to redeem. He purchased strangers and made them his own."
"You've got to see yourself in Christ Jesus."
"Christ the head effects expiation in these members of his mystical body who put themselves Body and Soul at his disposal for carrying out his work of redemption."
"I learned something new about Christ almost every year probably every week every month I just learn a lot about Christ all the time."
"Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born, if he is not born of in thy soul, is still forlorn."
"When we're secure in our relationship with Christ, we can refuse temptations to be offended."
"I have been crucified with Christ."
"Be kind... Kindness and Christ's likeness go together."
"May the mind of Christ my Savior live in me... for surely this is victory."
"I declare that light which Christ brings in life shines brighter than any Darkness."
"There is not a single inch in the whole Dominion of our Human Experience over which Christ who is Sovereign over all does not cry out mine."
"Communion incorporates us to the life of Christ, incorporates us to the death of Christ, and incorporates us to the members of the mystical body and their joys and sorrows."
"Salvation is Christ, and if we're in Christ, Christ covers us."
"Christ is not divided, neither should His Church be."
"Pray that you would do so in the power of the risen Christ."
"Christ never begged anyone to receive him."
"This Christ is not able to be co-opted by Empire nearly as easily."
"Christ is not an individual, Christ is a collective."
"Christ is everywhere in him every kind of life has meaning."
"A Christian is one who sees Christ everywhere else."
"Veiling humbles us before Christ and it's a beautiful way to gain humility and purity."
"A person that does not have Christ as his treasure is a poor person even if that person has the whole world at his fingertip."
"Christ plays in 10,000 places, lovely in limbs and lovely in eyes."
"Christ shared his blood on that cross for a purpose. That blood became the cleansing fount where all of us can find a place to wash our sins away."
"We misrepresent Christ to the world because we refuse to surrender, and we refuse to surrender because we still love self."
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature."
"I believe a fullness of the doctrine of Christ."
"I don't just want God as my way maker and my Miracle Worker and these beautiful things that we sing. That I want to have the image of the heart of Christ. I want to be a bearer of the image of Christ."
"Salvation didn't come so that you can have the best version of you. Salvation came so that you could be an image of Christ Jesus on the earth."
"There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign overall, does not cry 'mine.'"
"Faith in Christ is based on his credibility or lack thereof."
"Nothing matches the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus. Everything else pales to the knowledge of Jesus."
"God's seal gives us an identity. Because you are sealed, your identity is found in Christ."
"I belong to Christ, I'm Abraham's seed and an heir according to the promise"
"Christ came to save us from ourselves."
"It's a slow, steady climb and all the way you're gazing at the glory of Christ, being caught up in the wonder of who He is."
"The more we get to know Christ, the more we see a reflection of who we really are."
"There’s a very interesting contrast between the true Christ and the false christ. The true Christ refused the deal. The false christ will accept the deal."
"Anything that influences you out of Christ leads you on another path in that world so you're on this path there are difficulty on this path on this path there are roads that you have to take there's no short cut there's no shortcut."
"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief."
"The love of Christ was a conquering triumphant love."
"The path of Christ never leaves us with any regrets."
"You were not redeemed with corruptible things, but with the precious blood of Christ."
"The birth of Christ is the new catastrophe of man's history, the resurrection is the eucatastrophe of the story of the Incarnation. This story begins and ends in joy."
"Salvation, transformation, being raised up, being able to sit with Christ in Heavenly places, transformation for heaven. That happens in Christ."
"Reconciliation, restoration come in Christ Jesus."
"Both Jews and Gentiles have access in Christ."
"Christ did win right and is still winning right and will never stop"
"Christ disarmed powers and authorities, triumphing over them by the cross."
"When Christ comes to live in your life, you no longer have to be afraid of the devil."
"Thank you for reminding us of how desperately we need to be saved and redeemed and rescued from our sin and thank you for reminding us how utterly and completely sufficient Christ is in his person and in his work to do exactly that."
"The greatness and the supremacy of Christ is manifest in suffering."
"Living the doctrine of Christ can produce the most powerful, virtuous cycle, creating spiritual momentum in our lives."
"Marriage is the little living breathing illustration of the relationship between Christ and His Church."
"The Holy Spirit does in us what He did in the Son, conforming us to the very image of Christ."
"God's judgment of unbelievers should never make any of us happy. It is not a cause of rejoicing. It should affect believers. It should cause us discomfort to fully realize what may happen to a person without Christ should cause us discomfort."
"God's great purpose is to teach you to love as Christ loved."
"Christ Jesus: Who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."
"Hold fast to the confidence you once had in Christ."
"It must be settled that there is nothing on earth that approaches your love for Christ. There is nothing that competes with the final affections of your heart."
"This is the beginning of the doctrine of Christ."
"...the triumph of Christ and of His kingdom over all of the forces of evil in this world."
"The alive in Christ will be changed right at the start. I will come forth in the morning of the first resurrection."
"May each look to Christ and find in Him eternal life. Amen."
"If Keturah partly eludes us, Christ rendered Himself totally knowable by becoming one of us."
"Christ offers me something that nobody else offers."
"Christ himself refused to allow the use of violence to defend him or his message."
"Now you talk about love, you know me desiring to see her flourish. Well, isn't that how Christ loves the church?"
"Our peace with God was secured by the Prince of Peace."
"Salvation is about who Christ is, how he's at the climax of everything."
"The death of Christ was a propitiation, that means the satisfaction, it was satisfactory to the Father."
"The means of redemption is the sacrifice of Christ, so through his death, the Son purchased the redemption of God's elect."
"When a person is under the full control of the Holy Spirit, that person will act like Christ."
"You do what pleases God, and that is Christ perfectly pleasing God all the time in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"That's the earthly coronation of Christ."
"Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?"
"The glory of this age is Christ in you. The mystery of this age is Christ in you. It's Christ in you is the hope of glory."
"And, by the way, all of them, all of them were perfectly manifest in Jesus Christ. So we could say it is fruit in us to manifest the very characteristics of Christ - not in the perfection with which He possessed them, but those same virtues we pursue."
"The Common Thread here is resilience. No matter what comes at me, I have the ability, even the power in Christ, to be able to rise strong."
"Justification by faith is the anticipation of that in the present on the basis of faith on the basis of the work of Christ."
"If any man be in Christ, he's not only a new creation, but he is freed from condemnation."
"We're going to see that Christ has his headship through and through. Christ alone."
"At the very summit of all that we know about Christ is His sin-bearing substitutionary death upon Calvary’s cross."
"May we rejoice to be counted worthy to suffer for Christ's sake."
"Well first of all it's in the list because you can't have the gospel without the deity of Christ the steedy death Resurrection."
"To be a saint is to be holy, to be sanctified, and Christ is the definition of Holiness."
"Because Christ is the greatest reconciler of all."
"Christ's psalm, his pain, it's Jesus who truly endured this."
"Christ's death and resurrection as a man established his headship over the entire human race."
"As we go on, when we see this list of what can separate us from the love of Christ, beginning with tribulation, angels, demons, principalities, life, death itself, there's nothing outside of you, nothing outside of you that can pull you away."
"Obedience brings you closer to Christ, even if it involves suffering."