
Mental Imagery Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Your conscious mind is the camera, and your subconscious mind is the sensitive plate on which you register or impress the picture."
"Our real, fundamental quality is genuine awareness, and thoughts and emotions are just like clouds in the sky."
"Thoughts are like clouds that move through the atmosphere; imagine your mind like the atmosphere and the thoughts are like clouds."
"Everything in the whole world, from the hat on your head to the boots on your feet, was first a thought, a mental picture."
"The pictures you make in your mind's eye, the thoughts you harbor, are day by day building your outward conditions."
"The function of the brain is to take the picture in the mind and turn it into complementary chemistry."
"Words in the head are...other stuff of course there as well, there is music, there are images, there's all sorts of things that make up what William James at the end of the 19th century memorably called the stream of consciousness."
"You can change your life by altering the images in your mind."
"Every time that I'm reading something, I'm drawing a mental image."
"I'm living that in my head, and that's what really keeps me positive."
"The ability to hold that picture on the screen of your mind."
"The way you feel about everything is down to only two things: the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself."
"I keep my thoughts stacked in my memory like they are on filing cards."
"I saw her after the accident. I keep getting mental pictures of her in that state trying desperately to contact me. I don't know if I'm scared because I'm weak or scared because I should be scared."
"At bedtime, the eight-year-old told me his teacher said this: 'Think of your mind like a pond full of fish and each fish is a feeling. Try to be the pond, not the fish.'"
"Current events feels like a treadmill, like a hamster wheel."
"Thoughts are like clouds, if we're outside on a sunny day and clouds come by, we don't judge."
"Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see is that image from the car accident."
"You can feel it, it's a dark cloud over your happiest moments in life."
"By mental imagery, you create in the unseen. Be careful what you create, for it will find its way into your life."
"Congratulations Nia, I'm doing this happy dance in my head."
"When we imagine something in our mind's eye or mind's ear, we are imagining the real thing happening."
"The number one scariest thing in the world is losing the mental, losing the mind thinking something there when it's not really anything there."
"There’s a great big bunch of it if you imagine the mind like a big globe."
"It was like a spiral staircase, a bottomless pit."
"I'm the one when I'm in it, man, y'all know I draw it from the brain, plugged in just like Google."
"It's almost like uploading a little file to your brain."
"When you hear the word neon an image pops into our heads."
"I like songs like this. I like something that you can literally have a mental image of the whole time."
"Our thoughts can be pictures that influence who we are and how we feel."
"We won't ever see what monsters are under the bed, so we'll always be running."
"Time is a curse and a blessing, confined in the eye of my mind."
"I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space."
"That's like real photos too, hmm imagine being trapped in a dark room and there's no way out and every fear every nightmare you ever had is in that room with you."
"Every successful person is a very vivid visualizer."
"Notice how you can still focus on that spot with your eyes closed. It's almost as if you have x-ray vision."
"Even when you're thinking about conceptual objects in your head you're imagining various things that there are there's evidence that there are grid cells underlying it."
"Are you familiar with dream catchers? It's basically stories alive, the only part very alive is a brain."
"What a man think if he becomes is actually painting movies in your subconscious brain as well."
"Visualization is the process of mentally picturing your desired outcomes as if they have already come to fruition."
"Start envisioning what you want to experience, profoundly seeing those visions in your mind."
"Repetitively in my mind saying the word wealth, all of a sudden images start popping up."
"Creativity is like having a stallion in your head."
"Imagine the grin inside that helmet right now."
"Visualization involves creating mental images of achievable goals."
"His brain's going to burst out his skull like Mojo Jojo."
"Visualizations have a power of their own."
"If you're dreaming, you're not trying to conjure up a mental image of an apple like I am if I do it now."
"Imagination is the action of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses."
"A three-dimensional representation of what's going on in this head of mine."
"I'm mentally spotting for everyone in my head while they show them on TV."
"It's like a sliver inside Kanye's mind, which is just like a glitchy computer that is like things over and over and over again, images from the past and like memories and then words, words, words, words."
"Visualization isn't just about imagining the future, but it's also about being able to recall accurately what's happened in the past."
"That's my brain is like do you know those old uh like game shows where someone would be in a glass tube full of money flying about that's my that's my brain."
"It's definitely one of those things that got stuck in my brain and I've been pondering, swimming around in there."
"You are always imaging something first. There's always an image of it first, and then psychologically you go there and then you bring it back to yourself."
"I've seen worse things anytime I close my eyes."
"The game of life is to see clearly one's good and to obliterate all mental pictures of evil."
"The memories danced in my mind, forever out of reach."
"Spatial reasoning is the ability to interpret and make drawings from mental images and visualize movement or changes within those images."
"The experience is really rather like creating a virtual city in my mind and on paper."
"The more accurate your words and the more active the scenario, the stronger the mental image in someone's mind."
"The stronger the mental image, the more that they're involved with you."
"Our minds think in pictures, and your mind can exhibit magnetic properties that when it latches onto an image, it becomes emotionally connected to it."
"For proper visualization, we need two elements: first, a clear mental picture and second, it must be charged with emotion."
"When we’re quiet and the mind is quiet, our little boat here which we’ve sailed, so to speak, on the surface of our mind and the imagination, very gently, floating it."
"Imagine a dog, and it is sure that your imagination and my imagination may differ."
"This just paints a picture in my mind."
"For autistic people, the process is more about painting a visual mental picture of who that person is."
"Humans possess a remarkable ability to create mental images of unseen objects and actions through a process known as The Mind's Eye."
"Humans can enhance their spatial awareness and inform decisions by creating mental images during the spatial reasoning process."
"Imagination is just an ability to form a mental image on the inside of something that you can't see at that moment."
"Yasna closed her eyes, listening to the call of the obsidian. It was a cool, clear tone in her mind, so familiar, enticing."
"Sometimes I feel like my brain is like a shaken up can of Coke."
"A vision is a mental picture of a preferred future."
"How can our minds take us in the depths of a crashing tidal wave?"
"I'm sorry society, I have a brain that's like water going through a colander."
"What you imagine, what you picture in your mind, that's what's creating everything in your 3D reality."
"Radio is the theater of the mind."
"Your brain creates the art, the actual pictures in your mind from the words of the show."
"The imagination is the picture forming faculty of the mind where you can create novel images within the mind."
"All the elements living free in my mind."
"Once the words take hold in the mind, they germinate into an expanding array of icy tendrils, insinuating themselves deeply into the architecture of the reader's thoughts."
"Music is the wallpaper of our minds."