
Entertainment Analysis Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"The main thing that I've talked about with this show is that it feels insane that it worked."
"Every part of Jojo is brilliant in its own way."
"The Chimera Ant arc is probably one of if not the best arc in the series."
"Entertainment with value was possible in modern America."
"His content isn't made to be taken too seriously because, as we know, they're just theories, a game theory, right?"
"So, what is the Snyder verse saying about a genre on a philosophical level?"
"The rise of the horror genre in entertainment."
"Sci-fi is the best genre of all the genres. It's got everything every other genre has in one neat package."
"This is beyond the scenes, damn it! This is where we dig into your favorite segments from The Daily Show and we don't stop until we solve them, no matter what the cost."
"Dragonball Evolution reads more like a parody of this stale formula than a sincere attempt to execute on it."
"He used really dramatic music... there's so much to see that your brain can't process all of it at the same time."
"Succession is maybe the best show I've ever seen, it's the writing directing and acting."
"My favorite part about Avatar was how much personality every single character had."
"Here we are like five suggestive ring touches later, the fandom in shambles and myself completely convinced that this theory has now all but been confirmed at this point."
"I can just see everyone watching this show going 'How could anyone fall for this?' and I'm just thinking 'We all fell for it, it's all us.'"
"This isn't really awesome Overwatch, yeah, I mean this has been just back and forth, really the hallmark of a close game."
"Again nearly every scene in this movie is doing at least two things at once, if not more."
"Into Darkness represents the very worst tendencies of nu-Trek."
"Pro wrestling's really like being a stand-up comedian sometimes."
"It's so funny cuz you look back as obviously let's let's preface we're tearing into this movie a lot cuz it's fun eternity but we would not have any choices in homecoming were it not for the mistakes."
"Movie sequels generally tend to never match their originals."
"It has absolutely captured the very essence of what makes reality TV shows successful."
"You don't get layers of meme analysis with other shows and that's really, that's right, bring your way."
"Cinemasins is like enjoyable if you see it as a condensed version of Mystery Science Theater."
"The first movie knew what it wanted to be, which is something the others did not."
"For the first time in a long time, I think Prime Video has Netflix beat."
"Looney Tunes Back in Action was Dante's Inferno."
"We need some surprises left in our lives. And I know I say that as an employee of New Rockstars where we come to let's go and clip to try to spoil everything possible. Boom, did I surprise you? You did."
"Black Mirror is a flavor... it’s like a box of chocolates in terms of variety, but they’re all dark chocolates."
"Beavis and Butthead was more than just a cartoon; it was a source of pop culture commentary."
"I think the best content right now is on HBO Max and Apple TV."
"It's the war story genre, and I'm not talking Call of Duty. That's just action movies gone game and pulp war tripe."
"It's debatable as to whether the entire restaurant burns down."
"Bad plans failing badly has always been a huge part of Star Wars."
"Oh snap, do you think like Indian actors like this are aware of how fun and perhaps goofy their pieces are?"
"What I loved about it you know no good villain should feel like they are evil you know sometimes when you watch the villain you're like okay how's that guy not know he's a dick."
"Wonderland... It might have the most personality of any of the ones we're gonna talk about here today."
"This is the number one show in the world for a reason."
"At its core, this game is basically 75% Breath of the Wild and 25% Assassin's Creed."
"There was a wholesomeness to the violence in our final match of the evening."
"Sometimes, Miz can carry people because he's so good on the mic, but sometimes he's so good, he exposes people."
"It didn't take long for 'It's Always Sunny' to start gathering the massive audience it deserved."
"It really just feels like a TV show relying on the same gags and punchlines."
"Resident Evil 3 remake is a disappointing misstep for the publisher."
"I would encourage you to think more critically about your opinions on a certain series, franchise, or game."
"So, if you’ve ever pondered the eternal question of whether you’d rather be stuck in a song that never ends or acid-induced muppet nightmare, then this is the video for you."
"The fights were good, but we're back in a position where they've run out of ideas."
"It's character dynamics, the political tensions, superpowers, drama, a little comedy, and some gorgeous color work."
"I would almost wager that if Fantastic Beasts does not do well, that would increase the chances of proper Harry Potter sequels coming."
"I watched all these movies and made a video about it because... watching bad movies is actually pretty good."
"Final question from us um is before we talk about lighter things uh is Star Wars having a bit of a honeymoon at the moment?"
"Now, let's get to the main event: the Metacritic page for reviews of The Last of Us Part 2. The user reviews tell quite a different story."
"We'll all kind of decide where this movie belongs in the ranking for the MCU."
"The story treats itself almost like a tongue-in-cheek parody of the Metal Gear series."
"Hello internet, welcome to Film Theory, the show that may not have the droids you're looking for but does have the content you'll subscribe for."
"The Fallout TV show definitely has some interesting implications on Fallout lore."
"In the end, that's how I view Uncharted now. It's like Pacific Rim or the Avengers: a great dumb visually exciting action movie that you can enjoy."
"Spongebob remains one show I'm always excited to review. For the laughs, for the nostalgia, and even sometimes for the feels."
"I think I thought that Jurassic world took advantage of that at all and just did like the laziest most cliched non exciting things that it could possibly do."
"I loved it. I thought it was great. Completely understand why some people did not."
"Even though I bet that Toyota and Toriyama didn't really think things true the inadvertent consequences of what they actually did with Mai going I can actually feel again emotions have been reignited within me."
"This Pakistani wizard from Harry Potter has got the most evil laugh I've ever heard in history."
"I figured out who slinky dog should get with. The rubber shark that is in that one scene where he's wearing the hat."
"It's not necessarily about who's the strongest, it's about playing around with the tropes and ridiculousness of the Shonen anime genre."
"It's such an odd series to pin down a core identity for whether it be story or gameplay."
"Seoul was a better movie in nearly every aspect than Wonder Woman 1984."
"Human beings like watching human beings act like the actual human beings that they see in real life."
"Listen, it's just a theory, it's just a game theory."
"Just try and go into your theories of what casting and what plot outline you think could be happening for the Arkham series with realistic expectations."
"There are more laughs in Airplane per capita than any other movie I've ever seen in my life."
"Remember DX for what it was across its various incarnations."
"That's an intense theory... the citizens of Whoville doomed to live in constant fear of obliteration..."
"At the rate that Spider-Man No Way Home is falling at the current numbers it's posting, I think it's unlikely it'll hit the top spot."
"Despite its messaging, Tales from the Hood remains a horror movie first and foremost."
"Redemption stories, overcoming all odds, and an incredible love that conquers all, friendship like no other are just some themes that Korean dramas do so very well."
"Avatar never beats you over the head with a black and white philosophy... they do a fantastic job of showing you the grey scale."
"The brilliance of the show is the way it executes so many different kinds of jokes."
"Of all these movies that I've seen, the comedy Jumanji movie with the fake croc from the alternate universe of Jumanji is probably the most realistic in behavior so far."
"From a storyline perspective they do make sense and they do play along with the storylines however nothing you see in this show has any bearing on what happens in the drawers and smackdowns after this."
"It's like you're invested in it right? It's like you gotta just see the end, it's like a movie that you just don't know how it's all going to end."
"Kids movies are probably the best at doing this high concept things it's almost a defining feature of that target demographic."
"Whether you listen to it in the dub or the sub they're both fantastic one of the best no if not the best bounty hunter uh series ever and it's in [ __ ] space."
"He went from playing the villain to becoming the villain, you know what I mean?"
"They have just the right amount of comic book wonderness."
"If you're really big into something that nobody else is doing, maybe that's something you want to introduce to your market."
"All the circusy stuff could have been weird, but somehow it worked."
"I actually like Dragon Ball more now than I did when I was a kid because I understand it better."
"X strikes an excellent balance of seriousness, tragedy, and goofy humor in its narrative."
"They have gone to such stratospheric heights of power levels and enemies, and yeah, it's pretty hard to top each other, but it does. And it does that here."
"I was worried I wasn't going to because the story made sense. Yeah, the bad guys made sense."
"And I like the way they kind of gave Broly little human characteristics."
"A show that's this bonkers and has socio-political commentary, yes, that's actually brilliance wrapped up in this veneer of bonkersness."
"But I like to think that the value of these games hold is self-evident."
"That Zoro moment is great, Zoro's just standing there and he's just like, okay, slash. That's it, the end, moving on."
"When they do something that kind of sort of is like well how the [ __ ] did he do that that's the cool part."
"It's believable when you could have a 7-foot guy like the Undertaker Kane where in these [ __ ] outfits conducting themselves as they do hitting each other hard and being cool."
"SpongeBob is an interesting character, and specifically season one SpongeBob has such an interesting logic process that can be hilarious to follow if you pay close enough attention to it."
"No More and the Eternals: A missed connection in the MCU?"
"Anybody that has watched a cartoon in the past 50 years knows that annoying animals always equals hilarity."
"That's why I'm here today to talk about just how bad I think the Rise of Skywalker is and to talk about why it's easily one of my most hated films of all time."
"Blade: A horror film, a superhero film, a vampire action thriller. Well, yes, yes, and oh yeah."
"Boba Fett was the John Wick of the Star Wars Universe in Mandalorian."
"Sugo is perhaps the worst villain I've ever seen in a fictional work."
"This was one of the ballsiest moves in Dragon Ball Super."
"As always my friends, remember, it's just a theory. A GAME THEORY."
"I'm really enjoying the character development and strategic battles; they're amazing."
"Andor may not have lightsabers Jedi or a tiny green alien but it does wield the force that matters passion."
"He's kind of like the Andy Kaufman of YouTube where it's like you just don't know."
"All of that stuff is great, but the real reason Luigi u is so dang good is because these are flat out some of the best level designs we've seen in years."
"The lesson I hope you take away in good spirit from this video is: try not to worry about scaling in Dragon Ball."
"Blue's Clues walked so Film Theory could run."
"Rugrats is one of those franchises that's often been underestimated."
"I love that the film is willing to go so dark."
"Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: A perfect blend of old and new."
"It's like a really interesting mix of like you feel like you're watching a thriller and yet it is funny."
"All we know about this canceled series is that it would have been lighter in tone."
"It's just crazy that a show about a talking horse ended up showing us the most about ourselves."
"Castlevania isn't a comedy, not even remotely. It's action-oriented, it's bloody, it's philosophical, and most of all, it's honest."
"AW vs. NXT ratings: The Wednesday night war continues."
"The irony is that they're going to depend more on reality."
"Starcraft Universe has insane potential." - Lyric
"We need messy [people] because you got Karen Huger, she's playing part being on the fence, giving it up, everybody got a part to play."
"I love biggest flexes in anime and I've devised some really awesome flexes to talk about today. Feels good to be back."
"AEW is still good, but where's the long-term storytelling? Everything seemed important with repercussions, now it feels slapdash."
"Are the Backrooms secretly connected to Ancient Egypt? Ladies and gentlemen, strap in! It’s MORTY time!"
"No one wins, which is a very long way of saying yes, they should have gone to all elite wrestling." - Luke Owen
"I did see a stray reddit comment that basically pointed something out that I totally forgotten so we saw Odin makes no sense."
"Just as soon as you think you know what's going on in 'WandaVision,' the show expands and throws you a few more curve balls."
"Let's push humanity mostly to the sidelines today and pit two fictional dangers head-to-head in today's video."
"Most games start out very popular at the start and they slowly trickle down as far as popularity."
"Castlevania is a series that was made for an anime adaptation."
"What used to be a Surefire bet at the box office now typically ends with a whimper more often than it does with a bang."
"I felt WWE left so much on the table that they did not explore."
"It's like one cohesive experience rather than two disparate ones."
"The Mission Impossible series is great for the same reasons the alien series is great."
"When it's at its worst, it's at such a unique worst to anything else that's on TV."
"That's the weird thing about magicians, and I feel like especially this guy, they're like so eager."
"Whether needlessly gritty or shamelessly goofy..."
"Marble is full of characters that over the past 10 years we've seen grow quite a bit on the big screen and of course the comics are fast-paced as well."
"He's mixing like the card game with the video game with the anime and it's very funny like combo."
"Because it's obvious that franchise fatigue has started to set in."
"I think everyone knew this movie would open big, the question will be what are the legs."
"Welcome back to New Rockstars! I'm Eric Voss, and The Falcon, The Winter Soldier released a first full official trailer at Disney's Investor Day, proving you don't need Cap for a great looking Cap story."
"It’s Always Sunny is great, in part, because of what it’s not: a traditional sitcom."
"Destruction was also heavily focused on in the livestream and behind-the-scenes trailer."
"The morbius minute is going to change pop culture, you know people are going to realize Jared Leto's career is going to become way bigger now."
"I wanted you to see the bizarre nature of the role play."
"I loved Mando season two but I think it relied on big cameos a bit too much."
"There's a very big difference between intelligently written political commentary like Watchmen and unintelligent political garbage like the Arrowverse."
"Samy Zayn and Gunther might just be the best heel and face in wrestling."
"In Crazy Characters: Wrestling's Wackiest Gimmicks, we take a deep dive into some of the wildest of them all."
"The Barbie movie is the first and only movie that's had a genuine culture shift and influence since probably The Hunger Games."
"Is Galactus going to be key to the Multiverse Saga? Let us know your thoughts."
"Almost every result will be something about ridiculous or dumb characters in WCW... it'll be interesting to hear what others have to say in regards to gimmicks they enjoyed during the company's active years."
"Things that are funny are funny because they're true, at least partially."
"Mr. Peanut Butter is such a fun character. His arc might be one that could have used a tad more development on the back end, but he still represents so many interesting aspects of life, Hollywood, and relationships."
"But with that in mind what do you think they can do wherever the story go is Kaos gonna continue are they gonna bring a brand new storyline now which is separate from ether and chaos only time will tell."
"Series 8 of Red Dwarf saw another huge status quo shift."
"In my personal opinion the fights are literally what has brought fast and furious fans back to like a grounded reality."
"It's fun just to be able to sit down and talk about wrestling in a context that's outside the week-to-week monotonous weekly programming."
"We always try to go through 'em and figure out what's at least the most interesting."
"Telesto is like a Saturday morning cartoon villain: you can defeat him, but you know he'll be back next week."
"And this tedious backstory comes at you with all the energy of a 1950s after school public service announcement."
"Hello internet! Welcome to Film Theory, the show that dives headfirst into a honeypot of theories only to pass out in a sugar coma."
"The next movie we're going to be talking about is the first Purge."
"I thought it was unfairly criticized. I mean, it gets clanked but it's clinging to fresh. There's a lot of strong responses to this movie."
"Godzilla would stop King Kong, like it's not even a competition."
"It's amazing how you can predict what's going to happen just based on thinking about what the opposite of the dialogue would be."
"N I think Danny Phantom season 2 is fantastic a major step up from an already good first and I think that mostly comes from not the villains or Danny's relationships like last time but instead because it's just so much fun."
"Beerus over here, well, he's frankly the strongest Universe 7 and the most powerful God of destruction of all."
"The best thing about this article from the BBC is that it doesn't actually say one complimentary thing about the series."
"The WWE is embracing who they are, they are a juggernaut right now in the pro wrestling landscape."
"I laughed out loud. Jam forever. They do there is a heavy emphasis on two things weirdly in this movie: one is awkwardness, yes, and two is dancing, sure."
"Armageddon is one of those kinds of movies where the story surrounding it is way more interesting than the story of the movie itself."
"One of the main reasons we find so much enjoyment in horror movies is the element of fiction that makes us feel okay since we know that what we are witnessing isn't real."
"Home Movies perfectly encapsulated what Adult Swim was all about."
"Sabaody Archipelago... the ultimate roller coaster of plot twists."
"This is when wrestling is at its best: the blend between kayfabe and reality."
"It felt like there were some big things happening. That first hour was... it felt like an event."
"Stop playing hard to get before I kick you in the butt."
"One of the greatest soundtracks in the history of cinema."
"Nightcrawler can still have some value... absolutely clowns by a special free."
"Now back to evil Morty. Do you see I've got a this theory coming up?"
"Netflix has been killing it, man. So judging by their track record, I have no reason to believe that Cuphead won't be as great."
"She's the only one that can stop it, so if that's the case and Beckner is the Mind Flayer's foot soldier, it only makes sense that they want her. They don't give a [ __ ] about these random kills."
"It says more for AEW to maintain that than it does WWE pulling out a higher rating because Roman Reigns was there."
"There's no shame, but we did get to see Black Noir become the Black Noir we know, which I find very interesting."
"We pick a theme, pick some movie franchises that fit said theme, and rank all 31 movies on the 31st of the month."
"We watch shows for the purpose of talking about them in a hopefully educational way."
"I am strictly reviewing the show."
"Why should Hasbeen Hotel become the next big thing? I mean, it has dazzling visuals, expressive animations, stellar voice work, catchy songs, decent comedy, and a fun premise."
"We have so, so much to talk about, and I've been thinking about it over the last couple of days."