
Superhero Identity Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Terry McGinnis, second Batman, also just called Batman. No moniker to distinguish him as something later or secondary or worse."
"Chaos magic, Wanda. But that makes you Scarlet Witch."
"Spider-Man isn't just a hero; he's a symbol."
"If you are going to be Spider-Man, if you're going to be a superhero, then you've got to be different. You can't just be Peter Parker. You've got to be your own character."
"Nolan's Batman is like a Frank Miller version, he's a Dark Knight Returns Batman."
"Anyone can wear the mask. It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like. You too could be Spider-Man."
"No matter who is carrying the shield now, Sam Wilson is coming into his own as the new Captain America."
"Visualize yourself as the powerful superhero that you are."
"Peter is his own hero... he isn't trying to be Iron Man, he's succeeding in being Spider-Man."
"Wonder Woman was always identified from the start as a superhero whose whole mission was fighting for women's rights, for equality for women."
"Allow me to reintroduce my cousin, Kara Zor-El, or as the world will come to know her, Supergirl."
"It's about time for a conclusion isn't it? How's this: Superman isn't Jesus."
"What makes you different is what makes you Spider-Man."
"The sanest thing to do here would be to call Happy and let him know you've discovered the identity of the vulture and he's got something going down tonight."
"I understand why people can't tell the difference between Clark Kent and Superman."
"Superior Spider-Man. I know a lot of people are really gonna love superior Spider-Man. This is not Peter Parker, really it's Otto Octavius."
"Spider-Man publicly revealed as Peter Parker."
"Kate Kane, while a bat person, is not really as tied to Batman as the others."
"It was a big reveal in the movie when this head scientist was revealed as Doctor Octavious."
"Steve Rogers handed over the mantle of Captain America to Sam Wilson."
"He's Batman. It doesn't get much cooler than that."
"If Superman's disguise was him putting on a pair of glasses and saying 'I'm Clark Kent,' that would still be an amazing disguise."
"The X-Men are superheroes, but they're defined by one statement: they protect the people that fear and hate them."
"Spider-Man is the everyman superhero, the hero that could be you."
"Wonder Woman inherently has always been this superhero that had to kind of arrive on the scene and carve a niche for herself."
"Peter slowly regains his life and rebuilds his image with the city, vowing that the best way to honor the people he loves is to never stop being Spider-Man."
"On day one I was the flash, the fastest man alive."
"There's a great connective tissue between Bruce Wayne and Batman."
"Batman is also a ninja, oh my god where do you go, where I go, I'm right here still."
"Batman is not Batman without Joker... that image is Batman coming to terms with that loss."
"Blue Beetle is not just another loner with a secret."
"Captain Universe isn't really a person it's much more of a cosmic being, a force that bonds with people granting them immense amounts of power beyond that of mere mortal men."
"Batman is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire that puts his body on the line to protect his city from crime so that they don't have to suffer from the same things that he did."
"Batman was never a virus, he was the fabric that held us all together."
"I'm kid danger. I know, I figured that out. Just promise me you'll never tell anyone."
"Stan was right, under the mask, he could be any one of us."
"Spider-Man into the spider-verse: anyone can wear the mask you could wear the mask if you didn't know that before."
"Peter Parker is perhaps the most emotionally and psychologically authentic protagonist in any superhero universe." - JMD Matthis, discussing Spider-Man's character depth.
"Superman is a freak, but a beautiful freak." - Embracing uniqueness.
"They gave it to John Walker along with the title of Captain America."
"I think the post-credit will be fun and it will like show that one of her closer friends is also a superhero."
"T'Challa is the son of a Condon King to Chaka and here's the thing about being king of Wakanda you also get to be the superhero Black Panther."
"I know why I'm Daredevil, and I know how important it is. And if I want to keep it all, I just have to fight smarter than I have been. Maybe even smarter than I am."
"Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off. What are you?"
"He is a unique captain america the way he fights the way he moves."
"It's definitely gonna be a now that he's outed, people are gonna be either he can't do this or other people, Flash Thompson going, 'No, Spider-Man's amazing.'"
"Mary Jane finally sees Peter for the hero that he is, and Peter finally confesses his love for her."
"The relationship between Batman and Bruce Wayne transcends comics, it transcends the Joker schemes, it goes into this realm of something eternal."
"I am Booster Gold, the greatest hero you've never heard of."
"It succeeded at making the player feel like Batman."
"Terry is now Batman, the Batman he knew is not the Batman he's fighting today."
"Maybe you shouldn't be Spider-Man, maybe that's what it's saying."
"This is no doubt the Captain America that we've all come to know and love."
"Why can't people tell that Clark Kent is just Superman without his glasses on?"
"The eternal question: Why can't people tell that Clark Kent is just Superman without his glasses on?"
"Spider-Man is the definition of a working-class superhero."
"We need a new Captain America, one that isn't Walker."
"Superman is what he can do, I don't like that interpretation. I prefer him being Clark Kent and that's whose actual personality."
"York's second hero to go by that name. It means everything. It means everything."
"Anyone can be Spider-Man. Race, gender, corporeal reality—we don’t judge."
"Superman pretends to be Clark Kent, Spiderman pretends to be Peter Parker."
"I think Peter Parker is going to be defining himself and defining what spider-man is... he's not somebody that she would go five should be fighting infinity Wars he'll he'll fill in what it's required"
"Screw secret identities, I'm Iron Man."
"For superheroes that don't supposed to be giving up their uh identity. Peter Parker and Batman, Bruce Wayne, that y'all do it, y'all do it, uh, easily."
"We've never seen a superhero movie where we just don't know the identity of the superhero beforehand."
"Being Spider-Man is Peter's salvation; it's what gives him confidence."
"Stranger's origin is identical to the comics."
"Terry McGinnis is no Bruce Wayne."
"Spoiler alert: I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but that's right, Peter Parker is Spider-Man."
"The conversation with him and Aunt May about him being Spider-Man."
"There's only one real Superman, there's only one true Man of Steel."
"I am darkness, I am the knight, I am Batman."
"I'm Spider-Man, guys. Maybe I shouldn't have told everyone that."
"If I had to pick, really like Dick Grayson, I think the Nightwing would be pretty cool."
"Captain America is a symbol more than he is a single man."
"Even today, it's more the mantle and look that Laura is known for with both her and Logan currently using the same name, Wolverine."
"Before I told Lita I was Supergirl, I was terrified how she would react."
"Stephen wearing a white hoodie that he props up, and Moon Knight of course wears a white hood."
"This season is where a lot of people really have to ask that question: Why am I here? Why am I a superhero? What am I doing? What is the point of it?"