
Cycle Breaking Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Acceptance is laying back at the very beginning, stopping the cycle."
"Greatness to me is found in everyday people, the people that alchemize from the ashes and become cycle breakers."
"We have to break the cycle, self-awareness, get in touch with ourselves."
"This is such an incredible opportunity for you, young man. You have an opportunity to break a cycle for this baby."
"The only way to break a cycle is to start a new cycle, to start a new behavior to replace the old behavior."
"I'm worried that like the cycle will repeat itself but I feel like you know, yeah, can feels like it's about breaking cycles."
"You're on the brink of achieving something really big."
"All it takes is a third party who has not been indoctrinated into these cycles to break the cycle."
"Entrepreneurs learn to break the cycle by innovating."
"We have got to stop perpetuating this cycle of emotional abuse."
"Essentially we have generation after generation repeating the same cycle because no one says, 'Hey, this is what you should do with your money.'"
"You are the light, you're bringing light to the cycle."
"The cycle ends here, we must be better than this, come back to the beginning."
"The only way to end the endless cycle of sins of the father is forgiveness."
"It is such a powerful exercise. I cannot recommend it enough to help you break some of the cycles that you've been."
"Every single day presents us with an opportunity to break a cycle all you have to do is take it."
"Take control back over your health and get out of the degenerative cycle."
"It will relieve you, it will break the cycle."
"This family cycle of betrayal, also known as The Cycle of Patricide, is a family curse that passes down from father to son."
"The hustle hard has been chef's kiss... but I'm like, that's for the birds a little bit because then that keeps you in a cycle."
"The whole story of Naruto is revolved around breaking the constant cycle of the world we live in."
"We may have failed in breaking the cycle for ourselves but not for the others."
"Abusers are repeating a pattern, and the pattern can be broken with intervention."
"How do you break the cycle? By forgiving."
"I don't get the feeling that you're going to try to get revenge and put yourself into a cycle."
"I'm willing to break the chain, break the cycle."
"It's important that we try to break the cycle."
"Isn't this all about breaking the cycle, that whatever pain and suffering has happened to you, that you don't pass on?"
"I'm gonna be the person to break the cycle."
"To break this cycle, you need to age your money."
"This is my chance to break the cycle."
"Forgiveness is the voice of reason that breaks the cycle of guilt and blame."
"She was determined to break this cycle."
"You have to find a way to break the cycle."
"If it's about breaking a cycle, we got to start telling the truth."
"If we're going to break this negative cycle, it's all got to start with us changing our attitude towards them."
"I'm relieved to have broken this cycle with my sterilization."
"Once you start doing the right things, you can really start to break the negative cycle and perpetuate a much more positive one."
"We're hunting Yokai; there's this tragic cycle we're breaking."
"What if I told you it's possible to fix cycles?"
"I'm a good person, and I know I'm a [expletive] awesome mum, and I broke the cycle."
"The terrible 20 bucks, the broken women make broken homes that make broken children that make broken single moms again. How do we break the cycle? Current households is what breaks that cycle."
"I'm going to break this cycle; I'm going to make it stop right here."
"It goes to build tiny homes for young men who've aged out of the foster care system, it goes to end the cycle, that vicious cycle of foster care abuse."
"I don't want to continue that cycle of hate."
"You deserve to be out of that cycle."
"Suffering or dissatisfaction, because we are trapped here, is the reason to break the cycle."
"Through education, we can break the cycle of exploitative child labor and improve these people's lives."
"At the end of the day, the cycle will be broken by education."
"He's like the real physical manifestation of someone breaking the cycle of fatherly abuse."
"Change your life, man, to chop and just stop this vicious cycle of poverty and kids growing up without fathers."
"Pulmonary rehab breaks that vicious cycle."
"Forget your pride, 'cause I'm just trying to break this cycle."
"We have to break cycles, and it starts with awareness."
"We have to break the cycle, we have to stand together as members of the working class."
"Makes sense to switch something up, start something new that is going to break the cycle."
"I think it's a blessing to your kids and for everybody that's hearing your story. It's a blessing because you did something different, man. You broke a cycle."
"Continue to support everyone around you and stop putting out the negativity because it just perpetuates a hideous cycle and there's nothing good that comes from that."
"There's got to be somebody that stops this toxic cycle and pattern."
"The only way to get rid of this endless cycle of hatred is to stop killing."
"You need to end the cycle on not believing in yourself or having low self-worth or confidence."