
Visual Learning Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"You can take any maths area and make it visual... Turn it into a visual, interesting, creative problem."
"My goal with making these is to help you become a better photographer by seeing images that other people are taking."
"Seeing is learning to see, developing our eye a little better as time goes on."
"Visual learning makes abstract concepts much easier to understand and digest."
"We retain information better when it is visual."
"Visual learners learn best from images, demonstrations, and pictures."
"Nothing's better than seeing a video on it so I got you."
"Pictures hold tremendous power for children."
"Images are the most important tool we have for understanding the world around us."
"You know what you've done? You've done today, help so many people who are going to watch this video visualize John 3 when they're reading this."
"Anytime lessons are visually appealing, students are gonna be more likely to be engaged."
"Gesture drawings of compositions can help you understand how your eye moves through them." - Marshall
"I'm a numbers guy not this visual new artistic Flair, it's only for your benefit because most of you need it conceptually shown to you on a chart."
"Seeing something is far more powerful than reading something."
"Robocompass can help demonstrate constructions easily."
"It's one thing to read something, but for me, a picture tells a thousand words."
"I watch movies and ever since I was a kid, I've just been really fascinated by Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan and it likes. I'm a pretty good visual learner so I watch and I pick up things pretty quickly."
"I just think that being able to see the effect of your actions visually like this is critical to understanding topics that can seem very daunting without them."
"Here's all the code that we just wrote using these visual tiles."
"Memory techniques are based on visual thinking."
"Visually represent information to uncover different relationships, making learning so much easier."
"The value of a visual book in front of me is easier than printouts."
"And then went outside the next day and tried to emulate that so I'm very visual so how I learned how to shoot was by watching pros you know never had instruction at that level until I got with Coach Patino."
"As someone who is like a visual learner, this spoke volumes to me."
"Skillshare is such a life saver because I am a visual learner and every time I want to scrub up my skills, there's always a new course to discover."
"Visual aids like videos, presentations, and infographics can enhance comprehension and retention, especially for visual learners."
"I've since had serious educators tell me the human brain just understands things better by seeing pictures and graphically than reading thousands of words put together."
"I feel like I'm one of those people that requires a visual representation of what it is that I need to get done."
"Abstract principles aren't always just listed out in very careful ways and outlines and kind of logically they're often we're just given things to do or visuals to ponder."
"I prefer Ikea instructions, I'm a visual person."
"Let's do this visually, can we at least go do it visually?"
"Use animations to help your learners see what you're trying to say."
"It works for me and it's a way for somebody to maybe get their questions answered visually instead of just explained on verbal."
"YouTube is great, you get like a video format where you can not only hear what someone else is paying but see it as well and the visual element is a great tool for learning."
"If you're interested in chemistry, 'The Elements' by Theodore Gray is a very visual guide to the elements."
"Kids are very visual Learners and so when they see your mother and father interacting with each other in a loving nurturing way they internalize that."
"It's learning to see better, that's really the talent thing."
"Those explanations are god-tier; they have great written explanations, they have great figures."
"Graphic novels can be brilliant because they support your understanding with the images."
"If you had to teach somebody how to tie your shoe, would you write how to tie your shoe, or would you just show them? Video allows you to show."
"Kids really do well with visual stuff and where they can see it."
"I'm a very visual person that learns from watching YouTube videos and not through reading instructions."
"Interactive Learning binders really help children with visual discrimination and learning preschool basics."
"Humans are highly visual creatures; like our visual cortex is one of the biggest parts of our brain."
"This course is split between theory and practice, covering the concepts you need to know with helpful visuals and diagrams."
"If you're a visual person, this is a must."
"Most people are visual learners, so if you share with them a graphic depiction of strategy, they'll get it."
"Exposure to positive activities... doesn't have to be you take them to the McNay, it can mean that you show them pictures from art that's in the McNay."
"Learn how your lens sees, and your lens will learn how your eye sees."
"For beginners to be able to see what classes are applied inside of a visual editor and then have links to take them directly to the code is actually a pretty cool feature of Codex."
"Learning becomes easy with the visual, hands-on approach."
"Being able to see that in a graphical way was incredibly helpful."
"Not everyone learned through listening, some people are very visual learners."
"These are seven hot diagrams, fire diagrams, power diagrams, give them extra weight in your revision."
"You can learn so much about harmony; it's a very visual instrument, it's a very useful instrument for teaching."
"If you're able to translate that information into your own language, and in my case a visual language, you could better understand it."
"The ultimate goal is really to open our eyes, to learn to control color, to learn to see how color is behaving around us."
"The Rosetta Stone system is great for people that learn visually."
"We are all human beings; we like to see things and understand things in a visual way."
"Many people with Down syndrome are better at storing and processing information when visual support is provided."
"Children with Down syndrome are better at storing and processing visual information than auditory information."
"Use diagrams... I actually understood them. Drawing the diagram really helped me understand what part is where."
"When you're giving a kid a visual target like that, you really are helping them maintain attention."
"If you don't like reading a Word document, you would rather see a PowerPoint with animations."
"The more visual cues you have, the better."
"I understand things best when I draw pictures."
"With visual learning, we simplify complex concepts using illustrations and animations."
"Seeing things visually... is definitely what I'm about. I'm definitely a visual person."
"Most people are visual in the way that they like to look at information."
"Elements of fundamental theory can be shown to beginner in clear and simple visual and aural terms."
"This app is just amazing because you don't need to have anybody to talk, you just need to keep track of certain things, but if you can visually see the representation of what you're doing, then the person on the spectrum will feel way better."
"I'm way more visual, and it's nice to have it at home where you can watch it as many times as you need."
"The way the reason we're studying conic sections like this is because we want to be able to look at ideas and formulas and such and be able to draw them really quickly."
"It's a great time to just explore graphics and forms, and you can start to build your visual library with these little sketches."
"I'm a very visual person, so colors really help me to lock into that."
"Visual learning and visual thinking is the way to go with autism."
"Giving the best to those that are coming to class fosters understanding and makes the class visually engaging."
"We're all visual people, you know; most of us are, and sometimes seeing something visual can really help us remember what we're doing."
"I want to know what all this is about in visual form, otherwise I'll have to read the books."
"I'm a visual person and it is nicer to see the work as I do it. I like that instant gratification."
"People on the autism spectrum learn through visual stimuli."
"You can learn a lot through pictures."
"I can't stress enough how important graphic organizers are."
"We use icons to reinforce the learning that we're trying to put across."
"Seeing is believing, and I'm therefore going to make you see."
"One shot visual imitation learning."
"Pictures almost always make some important contribution to cognition and they are usually indispensable to reaching the full truth."
"Dual coding is the need for visuals to represent ideas."
"The best way to teach Collin is with visual stuff, which is why we have so many things that he can see and touch and feel and manipulate."
"For my visual learners out there."
"Use images and videos to connect main ideas for greater visual comprehension."
"I love crochet diagrams versus the written words because you can actually see what it looks like here and follow the instructions."
"Seeing how things work visually is my favorite way to learn."
"I'm a visual person; I'm a visual learner. If you show me right, I'mma believe what I see until you show me otherwise."
"Drag and drop is really visual, really engaging, really popular with teachers and learners."
"This wall art was like a museum guidebook with pictures to teach students about the artworks."
"One of the most important and salient methods of providing feedback to a child is to have the child watch your face."
"I'm quite a visual person; I'm a visual learner."
"For the first time, we are suddenly visually understanding why globalization is taking place."
"I'm a very visual person and a visual learner, so I really enjoy seeing other people do things."
"I am my own instructor and listening and absorbing and teaching myself concepts visually learning is huge for me."
"I create a visual calendar because sometimes in a syllabus, that line by line calendar is not helpful for visual learners."
"Visual learners like to see; they learn best by watching, seeing, and observing."
"Always use reference when you're starting out, build that visual library with that confidence, and then once you're ready, dive into something that's a lot more imaginary."
"Learning biology is sort of like learning a foreign language, and you learn much better when you see it."
"As humans, we're very visual animals; we're able to digest a huge amount of information from a picture."
"We communicate visually every single day from the minute you're born."
"As a visual learner, you're someone who wants to see what's going on, not just sort of know what's going on."