
Bigotry Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"You don't get rid of bigotry by accommodating it; you get rid of bigotry by getting rid of it."
"Anti-Semitism is one of the oldest forms of bigotry. It is the OG bigotry."
"The world is filled with... bigotry, but anti-Semitism has always been unique because it's not just that people dislike the Jews; they want them dead."
"Bigotry hurts; being bigoted causes you to see the world in a spiteful, vindictive, and antagonistic way."
"We live in a society rife with bigotry and anti-Semitism, and the conspiratorial thinking that is central to anti-Semitism quite frequently relies on emotional reasoning and associative blending."
"Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication."
"Yes, black people can be racist, provided you're using a colloquial definition of racism that means, can they be bigoted towards people."
"Bigotry doesn't know color; bigotry is bigotry."
"Class reductionism is wrong; it's possible for bigotry to exist outside the context of class antagonism."
"In my experience, bigots will use ironic misogyny all the time as a way of getting away with expressing that bigotry, but they don't care about making it funny."
"It's very difficult to sit here and listen to arguments in the long history of this country of using scripture to justify bigotry."
"The most dangerous bigots are highly sophisticated and powerful people."
"Bigotry stated in an intellectual voice is still bigotry."
"It's almost like there is a level of bigotry that is kind of acceptable and normalized in society."
"If you use words like cultural Marxism and you send cartoons like Ron Paul did with deeply offensive caricatures of other races and religions yes you are racist and bigoted and anti-semitic."
"Calling someone a bigot because they have differing opinions than your own is bigoted."
"Queer identities being publicly acknowledged and celebrated has become the mainstream attitude, while bigotry is considered the embarrassing unfortunate reality best swept under the rug."
"Transphobia is probably the only form of bigotry I haven't been accused of yet."
"Why do we give bigotry a pass in the narrative of the easily offended?"
"It's absurd it's racist it's bigoted it's frankly stupid it's it is."
"Lockdowns were devastating for a huge number of poor people around the world."
"If you hate a gay person, you are a hateful bigot."
"Conservatism is usually just a political excuse for thinly veiled bigotry."
"Jen thinks the harassment, hatred, and bigotry thrown at the Covington Catholic kids... is totally an assault."
"If you are attempting to crush private religious practice that has no impact on public policy because you don't like that religious practice, you are a bigot and you're a tyrant."
"Stereotypical people do exist but if such a minority of any group receives exclusive media exposure, that is bigotry, hmm."
"I will not allow my upset about bigots... to overpower my ethic of instinctively believing victims."
"He began an unprovoked and bigoted rant attacking Jewish people."
"There is a great amount of... racism and bigotry that they have to deal with."
"It's a convenient mechanism for insulating bigotry from criticism."
"Blaming someone's perceived religious or cultural background for bad behavior for no other reason except that they aren't white and Christians she said is the definition of bigotry."
"Conservatism easily drifts off into things that are easier to understand, like the sort of populist bigotry that Donald Trump represents."
"Hating people is not as overt as you seem to think, but planting seeds of bigotry is."
"Planting seeds of bigotry is exactly what happens. That's how it starts."
"It's worse, it's the bigotry of low expectation."
"We have to tolerate bigotry in the marketplace of ideas because of the First Amendment, but when that bigotry turns into conspiratorial violence, there is redress."
"Anti-Semitism proved what intolerance and bigotry can do."
"If you're not hurting people, you're setting there being a bigot in your shitty little town."
"Small kernels of Truth get twisted into big Lies by bigots."
"You shouldn't be bigoted against people even if you disagree with their beliefs."
"It's a series about the dangers of bigotry and prejudice."
"A conversation on free speech held in good faith would require acknowledgment and explanation of previous work uplifting bigoted views."
"That's bigotry, going to the well and pulling out a bucket of collective guilt."
"There is no excuse ever for hatred. There is no excuse ever for bigotry and intolerance and prejudice."
"I will not create a soft place for you or anybody that I love to fall comfortably into the bigotry of low expectations."
"Being a person of faith has nothing to do with being a bigot."
"If your preference excludes an entire marginalized group including fat people it's not a preference it's bigotry."
"Unfortunately, JK Rowling has cemented herself as somebody who will go down in history... being one of the most bigoted and hated famous people in history."
"Sadly, there will always be racists, misogynists, anti-Semites, and child abusers. But I think we could all agree that we should not be giving bigots and pedoph"
"We're good at addressing the grand displays of bigotry, but the nuance... that's the messy instances that we need to do better with."
"Bigotry is not restricted to any one political side."
"Racism is not a feeling, racism is not people not liking you, that's bigotry. Racism is a system of advantage and privilege."
"The irrational hatred of any group is an exercise in closing the mind."
"Like, I honestly think being on the right could be a lot more popular if it weren't for this weird bigotry that still is super pervasive."
"I'm not surprised...your ideology simply produces bigots."
"The response to bigotry and hatred isn't is is not silencing it is not treating that's a response a weakness that's a response of fear the response to it is is speaking the truth to it."
"What really bothers me is when people use that type of bigotry and that type of hate to go after already vulnerable people."
"It's revolutionary because there's still so much hatred and bigotry in the world."
"Why don't you just say anti-Muslim bigotry then we know we're talking people not ideas."
"Bigots don't think they're bigots. People who were wrong don't think they're wrong."
"The bigotry still exists just in different words."
"I don't generally believe a bigoted person is beyond reform or redemption, depending on their actions."
"The bigotry, intolerance, prejudice, and unbridled hatred for Jews and the nation of Israel exploding on American college campuses today is absolutely disgraceful."
"Michelle Shocked went on an anti-gay tirade at a Christian event"
"I do agree that some forms of bigotry are so bad that we definitely need protection."
"Terrorism by white vigilantes against religious and ethnic minorities is ingrained into the DNA of American society."
"Bigotry is wrong...and bad. Thank you."
"If it sounds like racism, sexism, bigotry, it's bigotry and [ __ ]. I don't care which side you claim you're on."
"Michael Jackson never put nothing, knowing that denigrated any people. He never quit nothing, knowing that integrated black people, that degraded homosexuals, nothing. That hat, you know what it stands for. Yes, all the bigots."
"...it wasn't god's punishment as so many evil bigots had said."
"Don't you dare say it because if you say it, it's anti-semitic bigotry."
"I think Ben Shapiro is an actual bigot."
"These systems are racist, bigoted, sexist, misogynist. All of those words. This is exactly what those things are."
"...you don't know anything about the people that you're putting down with your bigotry and hatred."
"This racist propaganda, this Mein Kampf psychobabble he learned this nonsense, and he can unlearn it too."
"Who's all about killing Jews? What is that, like, out?"
"I used to support bigotry, but not anymore. I've got black friends, man. I'm talking to you."
"I feel more than ever that they're, I keep repeating bigotry, but it's such an all-encompassing word and it applies to just such a broad range of things that frustrate me."
"We are now awash with xenophobia and nativism. We are now awash with islamophobia and anti-Semitism."
"Our struggle against AIDS was aborted by bigotry, by stupidity, and by greed."
"This [__] becomes some gang [__], some homo [__]."
"Agreed. Opie isn't the a-hole here and shouldn't have apologized. But she would definitely be the a-hole if she keeps on tolerating the bigotry and hate."
"It literally preys on people's bigotry, in people's hatred, in people's fears."
"Bigotry isn’t something you can just imply and infer your way out of, especially when it’s something so deeply ingrained that it’s hard to even see."
"If it was a gay black man who had stabbed those people, they'd be fine. And they'd have monkeypox too."
"Widespread bigotry is worse than widespread poverty."
"There is a huge amount of anti-shia bigotry that this propaganda has contributed to whether it's goal-funded whether it's U.S funded whether it's European funded so this is a really good example of this kind of anti-shia bigotry."
"It's wild to blame non-binary people for the bigotry that the trans community faces instead of the bigots."
"It's only the bigoted people that have introduced this homophobia to religion, and that's my beliefs."
"Funny how the story goes, still a bigot dreams, they try to bring us up, his own singing louder than the crowd."
"I was left isolated and it was much easier to smear my name, cast me as a bigot."
"Some of the propagators of bigotry are people who have been the target of a lot of bigotry."
"Nobody is born a bigot. Nobody is born a racist. You have to be taught to be a bigot and you have to be taught to be a racist."
"We must recognize bigotry and prejudice and defeat it wherever it appears."
"This is not an invitation to go and kill every Jew."
"That's some good old-fashioned racism."
"...and it's still there aren't people who are as outwardly sort of homophobic and something was that an intentional choice in writing the show?"
"You don't have to be a bigot to enable bigotry, you don't have to be a racist to allow racism to flourish, that was my point."
"This could be the day that intolerance and bigotry began to die the inglorious death that these foes deserve."
"Hating someone's existence is not an opinion, it's bigotry."
"People spew ignorant and bigoted comments at you publicly and then act like they're getting bullied when they get a response. Typical victim mentality."
"No one's a bigger fan of hating the Jews than me."
"There's no law that's going to turn a bigot, a racist into a lover."
"At the end of the day, there will always be some form of bigotry that is chic to subscribe to."
"How dare you, you Islamophobia, quoting from the Quran and quoting from the Hadith, in fact, I've defended, you know, like anti-Muslim bigotries is a thing, yeah, like I had, like, nobody, when I go out, you know, somebody sees my name, they assume that."
"Bigotry and hatred is something that is taught, and it is something that is learned, and it is something that can be unlearned as well."
"Though minorities have more opportunities than ever today, we still see evidence of bigotry."
"The spirit of sect and bigotry has planted its hoof amid the stars."
"Ain't y'all... why y'all want to be out here grabbing brown sugar, while y'all out here... why can't you stick to the mayonnaise and the crackers that you all are used to? Stick to the mayonnaise crackers that y'all, like, used to, girl."
"She was physically disgusted. She was like, 'Huh, [ __ ] colored? Yeah, no, I know, no.'"
"They're the devil the Bible speaks of. So-called Jewish people, they're counterfeits, fakes."
"Bigotry... literally just being scared and having an aversion to something that you don't understand and don't want to understand."
"There's a difference in being a racist versus being a bigot."
"My eyes woke up, and I realized I was a bigot."
"Nobody's born a bigot; they're told stories in their home about whatever, fill in the blank, and then they begin to dislike them."
"The soft bigotry of low expectations is one of the more dangerous things that is happening in the United States right now."
"Bigotry is not the result of ignorance; bigotry is the result of fear."
"Bigotry is one of the many stains upon the human echelon that must be eradicated before we can truthfully call ourselves civilized."
"...we've been mimicking the habits of people who are not bigoted but we actually haven't learned to be not bigoted."
"Christianity should actually cause us to get rid of bigotry."
"The cost of bigotry is steep and the consequences of ignorance can be deadly."
"When black and brown transmasculine people transition, they're encountering new bigotries of being presumed as a threat."
"We're not going to let it be a referendum on the acceptability of bigotry and hatred."
"Whenever one person speaks out in ignorance and bigotry, ten voices will answer."
"Exposure to marginalized groups eliminates bigotry to a certain degree."
"I don't understand bigotry. It must take a lot of mental effort to remember who you're supposed to hate."
"I don't think the root cause is religion itself... it's bigotry and an unwillingness to challenge our own biases."
"Bigotry has not helped Archie Bunker's life; it has spoiled it in many ways, small and large."
"There's a tone of bigotry that might today find a target among Muslims but 10 years ago, 100 years ago, and 10 years from now, precisely the same bigotry being practiced by precisely the same bigots will once again find its target among Jews."
"Fascism is not these isolated pillars of bigotry but how they all tie together."
"It's bigotry, buff, when you don't understand something and you don't like something that isn't what you're used to, and you're vilifying that."