
Societal Concerns Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one."
"The Simpsons' portrayal of Greece's economic troubles serves as a testament to its ability to capture societal concerns, even if in a satirical manner."
"This whole issue... it's also based on women feeling like their rights are being eroded."
"The impact of AI and these technologies is asymmetric, and everybody doesn't get the same benefit."
"As technology continues to advance, there is concern growing in the minds of those who have freed themselves from The Matrix long enough to realize that there is an issue."
"We don't want a society that is economic desperation, but you have to pay attention to the cries that people have."
"Americans are increasingly worried about what will happen as this year's tumultuous election comes to a conclusion."
"We recoil at the idea of growing human beings for spare body parts or creating life for our convenience."
"The big of all the divides, the one that worries me the most is the divide between people who are genuinely convinced that opportunity is dead and those who are not."
"He's playing the part of an adolescent girl. It raises red flags and concerns."
"I'm troubled by the lack of rule of law in this country."
"Are we sexualizing children too young? That's an absolutely legitimate fear of a society."
"Kids today are more depressed, more anxious, they suffer more from mental illness, they're more suicidal than any generation of children before them in history."
"The law is a little malleable right now so that's scary."
"People are just looking for someone to say, 'Who's going to hurt us and what can we do about it?'"
"But I think a lot of people on the left and the right believe we're headed towards some kind of very serious disaster."
"If Trump was not the biggest wake-up call that we can't keep ignoring what non-elites think and what they want and what they're worried about, whether you agree with them or not, whether you think it's good, clearly they were ignored."
"The deficit I worry about is not fiscal, it's intellectual."
"This isn't becoming a place where we can no longer speak our minds."
"The free press is dead, free speech is dying. It's almost dead. We can still speak up to certain degrees, but I would say at this point free speech has been completely crushed."
"What is at stake is the kind of world they are going to grow up in."
"People want to feel like their children can walk outside without being shot and killed."
"Why do people care so much about somebody's sexuality?"
"Why does nobody care? If estrogen levels were plummeting and half American women were growing mustaches I think we would acknowledge that as a problem."
"We're oversexualizing our children, and that's having an effect that we can't quantify."
"I'm not liking that idea if white people becoming a minority."
"There are legitimate reasons that people have to be concerned about SJWs taking over entertainment that they enjoy."
"Evil hasn't gone away from the world... it's back."
"But the doomsayer mentality hasn't just been a theoretical worry."
"Right now I think a lot of you can kind of read the tea lease and know that it's gonna be a tough four years maybe a tough eight years who knows what's gonna happen right now there's a lot of societal concerns."
"This might be the last hope for the middle class."
"It's a sad day for democracy, I think when genuine freedom of speech is being threatened."
"They're not for America they're wed to something else these guys are connected to Marxism and to those countries that represent Marxism it's serious."
"Why don't you trust your institutions? That's what's scary."
"The devastating losses suffered by the Russian army."
"My main worry is at the moment it feels like these big corporations don't lean in favor of truth."
"Our country is dying, our country is being destroyed."
"Here's this uh this thing called gender theory."
"We're facing a very strange future for Canada."
"Doesn't this terrify anyone else? I can't be alone in looking at these numbers and just panic for my society, for my country, my daughter."
"Why it is becoming a breeding ground for anti-nationals."
"He constantly warned about how we were going to lose our democracy."
"I sincerely hope that this is the last video I have to make about the threats we face in such a contentious political season."
"I think, right now, everyone's in fear of what's going to happen over the next three to six to 12 to 24 months. I mean, we don't know what direction it's going."
"One man having all that power and influence is never good."
"We don't want to see a kid starting with Nicholas Sturgeon who now talks about detesting the conservative. I think that language is really dangerous."
"Well, one would be that we're not facing imminent apocalypse and catastrophe."
"Concern about AI outweighs excitement across all major demographic groups."
"What worries me the most is we're moving towards darkness and ignorance."
"So many people are overreacting and it kind of makes me worry man, like some of these people are actually crazy as [ __ ] with what they're saying."
"There's a lot to be worried about... too many people... are putting too much faith."
"Childhood anxiety and mental health challenges are at all-time highs."
"Things aren't right and so that's what I want to talk to you about today."
"Imagine a world where many of your daily activities were constantly monitored and evaluated."
"Freedom, you know, but it's like who's coming to take our fucking freedom?"
"It does feel like we are staring down the barrel of a gun or that there is some kind of inevitability they will take away our right to speak."
"And the concern that I have is what if the breakage that we need to worry about is not a financial one, what if it's a societal one?"
"Scary stuff, these times are getting crazier."
"This is all part of the stuff that makes me really nervous about, you know, we've been talking about this for five or six years, just societal unrest, you know, that at some point, I just this type of system just can't continue."
"Why should the notion of child protection be a Minefield?"
"The top concern for the next 2 years is not conflict or climate, it is disinformation and misinformation."
"40% think that there is likely to be a civil war."
"It's a recipe for echo chambers; it's very, very disturbing."
"This is gonna be far and away worse than anything the Supreme Court has done in recent times."
"They really do see themselves as better which is disturbing to think that people like that could be in power"
"Anything that makes the least among us feel like they're not a human being is a concern for me."
"Teens are drama. Do they need guns mixed in with that drama?"
"These dudes are confessing to murders in songs and y'all are worried about my delivery."
"The last thing that children should have to worry about is Santa packing heat."
"Maybe I'm just a Doomer, but this [ __ ] seems like it's spiraling out of control definitively spiraling out of control."
"It sure feels like we're a little bit under socialism when you can't go places."
"The lack of free exchange of ideas worries me."
"The negative impact of games may lead to widespread regulations."
"We've just had a feeling that the world is about to break."
"I just hope we're not heading into an anti-scientific or controlled scientific Dark Age dystopian era."
"I think a lot of people have weapons now but I think if things go sideways a lot of people are going to panic in the chaos."
"This sort of stuff is what Americans are afraid of and they should be afraid of it because it has infused all of our society."
"What they really want is to take Christ from us."
"Terrifying where our world is headed right now."
"This [ __ ] breaks my [ __ ] heart when I hear stuff like this."
"We're losing our freedom. That's not like a hyperbole."
"The media is broadly out of touch with the core concerns of working class Americans."
"It's a scary world, man. People signing away their rights without realizing."
"But it's very sad that we have to even live in a world or with a mindset that every little thing that occurs to us is somebody trying to take advantage or cause harm to us."
"With every new revelation... confirming all the insidious and unpleasant suspicions we've always had."
"George Orwell thought the problem in the future was going to be that a few people would possess all the information."
"Mass immigration is bad for both Canadians and immigrants, worsening the housing crisis, inflation, and unemployment."
"Is this the country you want to live in? Where you can't trust the government, where we're seeing theft, we can't get answers to past corruption, there's taxes and taxes in their future?"
"Keep a close eye on your kids because this world is sick. It's way sicker than it was when I grew up, and it's only getting sicker."
"It worries me that we are over cushioning people."
"How does that happen? How do we get to this place? I worry about society, honestly."
"November 6th ain't nothing to sneeze at or November 7th if your guy loses bad things might happen but the country is not over."
"Who harms a baby who can't even lift an arm?"
"It's every parent's worst nightmare, it's every adult's worst nightmare that the, you know, you could be minding your own business something like this happened to you."
"Evil exists and I don't really trust the government."
"We live in dangerous times when superstition is gaining ground and rational science is under attack."
"What world are we leaving to our children and what world is being formed, what opinions does everybody have in the greater world around us?"
"The malignancy of covert narcissism is far more accentuated and a lot more dangerous to society than the malignancy of the overt narcissist."
"We can keep that going. Fear, you know, the corporate rule is back."
"We are sacrificing the next generation for the demonic purposes of pagan worshipers and idol worshipers." - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
"They're destroying this country. It doesn't just affect people on the border either."
"This is the kind of monopolized unfathomable power I'm talking about."
"There is a Rasmussen poll that came out recently that showed 64% of Americans are concerned about the growing criticism of America's police."
"You want to catch people with drugs, but at the end of the day, you don't want to catch innocent people."
"I fear we're living in very dangerous times here in Australia. There is clearly a reduction in civil liberties, whistleblowers are being pursued in the courts, journalists are being raided."
"I'm very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing encroachments on personal liberty."
"Prepping isn't always about well world war iii is not going to happen."
"Okay, so freaking what? What are we really concerned about, people?"
"We want to work on the issues that people talk about around their kitchen tables."
"This is a red fire alarm. We're seeing more energy about trivial matters than the dismantling of our institutions." - REI
"We are watching free speech be annihilated in America."
"This is not some mad rambling, this is a legitimate concern about ideology run amok."
"This is a movement of perverts who want to initiate your children."
"Nobody really has a lot of faith in the elections anymore, which is really, really problematic."
"It's terrifying and it's impossible to separate this from the other issues." - Ben
"I fear right now, right now I'm not the only one, there are a lot of folks who have very serious concerns about, you know, these coming times."
"Fact that this is is sacred under god and letting the state take take its place that worries me greatly." - John
"Why should a black man in America care about what's going on in these other places? We're still fighting for a lot of civil liberties here."
"Crime is becoming more and more of an issue as Society circles the drain."
"This race to the bottom is becoming very horrifying and sad, and we're on a very dangerous path as a country."
"We gotta protect the innocence of these children man, 'cause I think this... what's going on right now, I think this is very freaking dark."
"That's how you get killed, and I really don't want to see an entire generation of women walking off the cliff."
"There's a war on the horizon and the war's aimed towards the children. That's the bottom line."
"People need to call CPS because to me, that was just disgusting, that was just some incestuous [ __ ] and if you can do all that in this small raggedy studio apartment, you can't tell me she's not apartment [ __ ] in front of her mom and her kids."
"I don't want to lose all culture because of this lockdown."
"One-third of tween clothes are sexy, study finds."
"Why the Joker won't incite violence? Probably because opening weekend came and went and nothing happened."
"AI is not going to be a benefit to the bottom 80% of Americans."
"It feels just like that right now, like at any given moment one thing could happen and send everything spiraling out."
"Most of us, I think we're awake... this is an intentional plan to take down and destroy the West."
"They police according to a law that they hope to be rather than policing according to the law as it is. That is very, very worrying."
"The decline of masculine role models is concerning."
"We are the only campaign that is looking at this assault on our children."
"The worst thing you could think of as far as free speech, liberty, thoughts, information flow, anything dissenting or criticizing, this is the worst thing you could think of. It's actually happening."
"The decay of our constitutional rights. Yeah man, I didn't think we would 1984 that fast."
"Why are they going after the kids? I don't get it."
"It's uh disheartening and concerning and scary that so many people have fallen for that."
"I want to go bigger picture and try to use our guest today, Christian Ray Flores, to get a broader understanding of why many of us are scared about the direction this country is going in."
"We're outside the boundaries of biblical law, we're outside the boundaries of constitution, we are in an area where, frankly, it's scary."
"We know things are bad, worse than bad, they're crazy."
"There's concerns but... what are you gonna do about it?"
"What matters more to me is the effects on the wider community and Country and world."
"And it is coming for our basic human rights. We see we are losing our freedom of association, our freedom of belief, our freedom of speech."
"Mass immigration... a disaster." - Immigration policy affects cultural fabric.
"Privacy concerns have grown exponentially since the advent of the internet."
"What could be worse than an indefinite continuation of current trends?"
"The Catholic church was very concerned about people Rocking the Boat."
"People continue to be nervous about global events and the economy."
"It is important and critical that we all understand that the elites want to destroy us."
"Discrimination is pretty bad, especially when it involves targeting certain groups for DNA sampling."
"Lawlessness, anarchy, and destruction threaten peace in our streets."
"I see far I'm far more worried about self-censorship at the moment than the government telling you not to say something."
"There are far more important things than the length of someone's hair to worry about right now."
"The toxicity in our public discourse is a thing that I think we should all be concerned about."
"Our democracy is on weaker ground now than it was a year ago."
"Should we be concerned about this? Absolutely we should."
"Temporarily, things will get worse if the left wins this election cycle."
"We're living in a society where... democracy is being disintegrated and that's terrifying for me."
"It's alarming when we see this kind of censorship."
"The fear of the browning of America is real, and they want us to stay asleep."
"When a population arrives in this stage, it has new worries about an aging population and all the issues that come with it."
"I think it's the right thing to do because I think we've as a society we've gone down a very dangerous path."
"Our society will fall apart, no one works anymore."
"People are scared, yeah, and they're like, f*** man, I need to get a firearm and learn how to use it because the cops ain't coming, you know?"
"The future is bleak unless somehow men find their way back to God."
"Is AI good for the world or are people using it for bad?"
"I thought we were upset because kids and teens are behaving too maturely for their age nowadays."
"There's like a lot of really bad people that we're just allowing to be out in the world and be fine."
"The world has gone crazy, it feels like the end of the world."
"The amount of people who care what another man wears is worrying."
"People are less likely to have kids if they don't hope for the future."
"Healthcare, student debt, the economy... these are the issues driving young voters."
"The weight of the past lies heavy, old ways, old habits, and older people feeling abandoned, anxious about the future."
"For a foreseeable future, we will need to worry far more about natural stupidity than about artificial intelligence."
"I think we as black people spend way too much time worrying about what white people think of us."
"There's a growing and profound disquiet, a feeling that the Western way of life itself is no longer supportable morally or practically."
"I worry very much that the rhetoric and the hatred can bring about things that neither you nor I ever want to see in this country."
"I don't care about geography and I don't care about north and south and all that, homes. What I care about now is everybody prospering, no matter where you're from."
"This is problematic if we think about what this means long-term."
"I'm also afraid of a society where you can't have discourse with people you disagree with."
"What we have now is a completely neurotic population obsessed with security and safety and crime and drugs and cleanliness and hygiene and germs."
"Sometimes I stop to think how fragile society is, and it scares me."
"I think that a society that does not have these moral absolutes is in deep trouble."
"What's the big cultural anxiety now when you close the comic book and it stays with you?"
"We are really going down the wrong road if we can't say what we think."