
Societal Fears Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we desire will ruin us."
"It taps into one of modern society's greatest fears: the endangerment of children."
"There are fears that I have in the United States that I do not have in Germany... I do not have the fear of being shot, being homeless, or receiving large bills and being in huge sums of debt."
"Great horror films tap into the fears of their time, highlighting them and letting audiences indulge in something they're either consciously or subconsciously terrified of in real life."
"Horror is largely a reflection of the fears percolating in any given time."
"These people aren't crazy. They are scared for good reason."
"Worries should not paralyze technological progress."
"The world scares me where it is... there became a void of leadership around the world."
"The possibility that things may be happening in the world around us over which we have no control is disturbing, conspiracy theories are comforting."
"We shouldn’t assume a constant anxiety about all things nuclear is inherent to humans."
"That's a conspiracy theory because remember during COVID, there were non-stop fireworks, like they're prepping for the civil war."
"Democratic dominance was inevitable. That analysis should have caused us to feel a certain looming dread."
"As a society, we're so freaked out over ridiculous stuff."
"Fashion is often a visual manifestation of the cultural norms and values and/or societal fears."
"Next time on Turning Point: 'Disconnection - the fear of being alone.'"
"Dracula represents fears and anxieties of his contemporary world."
"When you hear people worry that we're headed to a point where we're normalizing pedophilia okay you should know that that's crazy talk."
"The most terrifying thing was not the virus."
"Every age seems to need a bogeyman... When I entered college in the mid 1970s, the term welfare queen was being popularized by Ronald Reagan."
"The Y2K Panic: Many believed the year 2000 was going to initiate the collapse of society."
"This will likely end in fulfilling biblical prophecy, I think. Yeah, mark of the beast is like upon us."
"Rich people are building bunkers; that's not a good sign."
"Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us."
"Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us."
"It will be interesting to see what enemy develops in the years ahead. It appears that UFOs and aliens are being primed to fulfill that role for the future." - Fletcher Prouty
"I'm not scared of flags, I'm scared of bad people."
"Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information, Huxley feared those who would give us so much information that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism."
"Presidents in American fiction do not merely represent what ifs and might bes but the current fears of the public and the culture's anxieties."
"When a family member kills another, it is an especially chilling scenario that strikes at the core of our fears."
"Screw all of the fear in relation to the V and Rona and all this that is just a projection of the things that we're scared of."
"Women are terrified of life-altering events, while men are scared of a little joke."
"Their greatest fear is internal Uprising so what we're uh what they're facing now is their greatest fear."
"The satanic Panic of the 1980s is a big big example of that."
"I think focusing on things like dungeon dragons I mean that right I mean this was kind of the the deflection."
"It's everyone's worst nightmare. It's a parent's worst nightmare. It's a teacher, it's a staff's worst nightmare."
"The line between urban legend and chilling reality can blur in an instant."
"If you're like me, you're just a Fight Night fan and you want something like that, you know, maybe look it up."
"What Batman Begins is really about to me is analyzing our own fears as a society and how we cope with them."
"We keep returning to stories where zombies are threatening our very existence."
"The Invisible Man... proves the real world is scarier than anything fictional."
"People are scared of violence and chaos, but we already have the worst version of that thing we're scared of."
"Now we're finally where every prepper and every warmonger and fear monger were talking about for five years."
"Deep fakes start with amazement and then incredible fear. What else would I believe? What's real?"
"Fear, hate, paranoia are being used to push the idea that people like us, like you and me, are a threat."
"Movies and media are a fascinating distillation of the collective fears and fixations of a society."
"Humans are addicted to Doomsday narratives. I've noticed that sometimes people want things to be worse than they are so their neuroticism and paranoia will be Vindicated."
"It's every parent's worst nightmare, it's every adult's worst nightmare that the, you know, you could be minding your own business something like this happened to you."
"It's going to be confusing for those that don't know how to operate the tech on their phones... downright scary as scary as this is for Halloween."
"There's a long and terrifying tradition of people trying to find hidden messages in media."
"The greatest fear that you should have isn't from white supremacy, it's from black excellence."
"Black Mirror is becoming reality and I'm scared." - Cosmic Art
"A great monster always serves to explain something about our fears in society."
"He represented the fears that we have as a society at any given time."
"The nanotechnology is in the bodies, the brains of all 318 million Americans. Everyone's infected."
"I think it's damaging men actually because I met men now that are so terrified of being seen as you know a rapist like I know guys literally they've been single for years."
"What if the government comes and tries to take our women? Like, what are you gonna do then?"
"There's a subset of the population... There's a percentage where they almost want, I don't know if they want to, but they always have some... There's this boogie, there has to be a boogie man out there for them to be very fearful of."
"I call it the universal theory of scare stories."
"Magic is waging a comeback because we are afraid and uncertain."
"The fact that the Bible's Prophecy of the end of the world is becoming a reality right before their eyes is what scares people the most."
"All our son did it was ask the questions that everybody is asking themselves uh but all were too scared to speak out loud." - Stu Scheller Sr.
"Can you imagine the sheer terror of... talking [critically] on Twitter and then all of a sudden your grocery delivery order account gets cancelled?"
"There really are professional hitmen... it's terrifying."
"Regular people are getting scared they're getting scared people are dying and and regular people aren't protesting it is a fringe minority that is out rioting and protesting."
"There's a lot of things that we fear as a society, especially like death or anger, that if looked at in the right lens and utilized in the right way, it can be really healing."
"We are living in a scary time where deep fake and AI advancements make us question what's real and what is fake."
"Men are scared just as much as women are scared."
"It’s the fear that everything we take for granted - work, family, homelife, the structures of society and government, is fragile and almost meaningless."
"Witches represent the fear of an empowered woman."
"Good horror takes what people are worried about anxious about as a society and finds ways to mask to disguise that discomfort."
"People are very still very afraid of women who speak their mind and are loud."
"You do not need to be scared of thug life; be scared of scientists."
"People are still afraid to come to terms with the fact that human beings have sex."