
Election Integrity Quotes

There are 621 quotes

"Respect, respect, free and fair elections, restore trust in our institutions and make clear political violence has absolutely no place, no place in America."
"Bernie will be tough on China, ferocious on crime, great on Election Integrity."
"There is no credible evidence of any misconduct or wide-scale fraud."
"Our duty, our task, is a very simple one: to honor the voice of the people, to honor our Constitution, to count the votes, certify this election, and begin to heal this great country of ours."
"There was absolutely no evidence of election fraud in Arizona."
"The American people will ultimately decide the election, adding 'And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.'"
"The 2020 election in Georgia wasn't stolen, and the future of our country is at stake in 2024. That must be our focus."
"The reality is if a government can get in bed with a corporate entity to purposely thwart the likelihood of their opposing candidate winning the election, that's a very serious problem."
"This weekend bombshell: The Washington Post is reporting that Donald Trump had called former Arizona governor Doug Ducey in late 2020 to overturn the state's presidential election results."
"I have seen no evidence that there was a scale of ballot fraud that would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election."
"Those who say the election was affected by widespread voter fraud are lying. They were lying in 2020, they were lying in 2021, and indeed, they are lying today."
"Bill Barr says there's no evidence of fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election."
"We must stop this steal and then we must ensure outrageous election fraud never happens again."
"It's difficult to imagine a more shocking and fundamentally undemocratic act than to ask the court to overturn the expressed will of an entire state simply because the contestant's preferred candidate didn't win the election."
"The election was fair, the votes were counted correctly, and Joe Biden won."
"The vast majority of studies and analysis when it comes to things like voter impersonation fraud, non-citizen or non-resident voting, claims of fraud predicated on lists matching methods, and other alleged methods of voter fraud show that it is not an issue to be concerned with."
"The proper way to resolve an election issue is not to hide and suppress and censor information."
"The greatest risk of fraud is mail-in balloting, and we had more mail-in balloting than ever in presidential history."
"If there is sufficient evidence, if there is enough examples of dead people voting or other illegal, illicit votes being counted, or other irregularities, then my view is that the remedy should be a re-vote."
"Faith in our elections and the rule of law is paramount to our republic."
"An unconstitutional election of votes that aren't supposed to count is in most people's definition of fraud."
"The kind of voter fraud that occurs tends to be votes counted that shouldn't have been counted."
"We have to revitalize American democracy. We need Republicans to say Trump is not telling the truth; he did not win the election."
"Voter suppression is the real problem. Election tampering is the real problem. Voter fraud is not. It has never occurred."
"We have a postal voting system that frankly just leaves us wide open to fraud, abuse, intimidation in the big cities."
"We need to have elections rather than selections. This isn't a party thing, this is a people thing."
"This is the first time in 100 years that a candidate for the presidency announce the results of an election in which he was defeated, and announced the victory of his opponent. I do not think that we could have a more striking and eloquent example of the stability of our constitutional system."
"Despite intense party pressure, Nixon never contested the election."
"Questioning elections and using all the legal methods that you can in order to try to change the outcome of the election if you feel like the election wasn't done fairly, there's nothing wrong with that."
"This election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral."
"The federal government was colluding with media platforms to manufacture consent and subvert our elections."
"We know without any doubt that the turnout of the recent election for a national constituent assembly was manipulated."
"No president until 2020 refused to accept defeat and step away from that office and no lawyer until 2020 used frivolous claims of election fraud to impede the peaceful transition of Presidential Power and disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Voters."
"We will never have another fair election again if we don't address this now. We can kiss this Republic goodbye."
"Trump has the immunity to execute the laws; if the election is rigged, he's got the authority, in fact, the moral obligation, the sworn duty to go in and to investigate it, and that's all he's done."
"Safeguarding against fraud in voting by mail during the presidential election."
"Every election official should learn something from this and be very, very careful with the next election."
"This is about maintaining free and fair elections in this country."
"We cannot allow these crooks, because that's what they are, to steal an election from the American people." - Rudy Giuliani
"This is a fraud on the American public. We did win this election."
"There's no evidence of fraud, and yet from the very beginning, they started talking about fraud."
"Every single state has to ensure the integrity of their election."
"This has been a massive attack on the integrity of the voting system and the greatest democracy on earth."
"States and local governments have not only responsibility but they have incredible accountability to the people that they work for to be sure that elections are fair that they're free that there's no question about the outcome."
"President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it."
"That guy who won because the vote was glitched, did you hear about that?"
"Serious questions must be asked about election transparency. American institutions failing."
"The best way to protect equality and fairness is transparency in the election process."
"There is no proof of massive, organized voter fraud."
"We don't need to pull the voter records of every election in American history to say that that is sufficient to say that the contest might not be valid."
"That's not our argument. Our argument is simply this: you have a bunch of actors, Trump included, you guys included, who are building into this idea this conspiracy that the election is being stolen."
"Trump was right about election cheating, exposing a faction of smart yet radical left lunatics destroying the nation."
"This is a very unique election. This is not Democrat V Republican in a traditional sense. This is pro-democracy and normaly versus... I hope your reaction is viscerally like what the heck is this. This is dangerous, this is weird."
"The indictment repeatedly charges that the Democratic party's electors were valid, while Republicans' were false."
"I thought it was a rigged election. I thought it had a lot of problems. I had every, I guess he's Secretary of State, I called."
"A bombshell voter fraud revelation in Wisconsin."
"Major news this morning: Kerry Lake has a massive victory in her election lawsuit."
"This is a choice between right and wrong, justice and injustice."
"The next time someone tells you that there were no voter irregularities anywhere in this election, tell them to read this lawsuit."
"It's election rigging and it's being led by folks that have been breaking elections for a long time."
"I think that on something like the Affordable Care Act, you have people who are benefiting right now from Obamacare who either don't know it's Obamacare or consider that as a given and then end up voting on Second Amendment rights."
"There is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action."
"Democrats are saying Republicans are planning on stealing and cheating in 2024."
"We've got fake news media in this country, they want to create an alternate reality."
"This is not being a sore loser; this is an awareness of how the process is supposed to happen."
"You gotta question, like, 'What did we get ourselves into?' I mean, come on, man, we don't elect presidents."
"We decree that this election will not be stolen and that God's will and kingdom purpose will be accomplished."
"Cryptography can bring fairness to elections."
"Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson: 'We're going to keep doing everything we can to ensure everyone can vote and that we can trust the results of the election.'"
"Voter fraud of this kind is very rare, but when we find it, it's almost always Republicans."
"President Trump decided even before the election that regardless of the facts and the truth, if he lost the election, he would claim it was rigged."
"You don't need to launch a major disinformation campaign if you think an honest evaluation of the vote, an honest audit of the vote, produces. It shows your candidate definitely won't win."
"Georgia, like every state, has long allowed those who believe election results are wrong, whether because of intentional wrongdoing or unintentional error, to challenge those results in state courts."
"Well, first of all, the results are the results based on legal votes."
"Mr. Trump lost, but he refused to accept the results of the democratic process."
"Let's count every legally cast vote and obey the will of the American people."
"There's significant circumstantial evidence of fraud with these machines."
"They were not rigging the election, they were fortifying it."
"If it favors the Republicans, they're going to call it election integrity."
"Why is the rush to certify the election so quickly?"
"Trump's lies and conspiracy theories made disinformation a broader, deeper threat to the 2020 vote."
"We have evidence of widespread irregularity."
"If you deny the 2020 election or question it in any way, you're a traitor to the country. No [expletive], it's actually the opposite."
"For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support for their party's national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft."
"No one's saying that Hugo Chávez came from beyond the grave to switch ballots in Wayne County, but what they're saying is follow the trail of where these systems are and the questions that are raised."
"I err on the side of the elections are probably fine, but I don't think there's like Chinese ballots being flooded into the system."
"Imagine if your mayor lost a re-election bid, but instead of conceding the race, they picked up the phone and said, 'I want you to say this election was stolen.'"
"This was the most corrupt election in the history of our country."
"If someone's going to steal an election, they're going to give themselves a decent margin."
"Protect Democracy's election task force issued reports and held media briefings with high-profile experts across the political spectrum, resulting in widespread coverage of potential election issues and fact-checking of Trump's false claims."
"Fraud in Detroit, proof of mail-in ballots being used for people born in 1900."
"Every vote gets counted, every polling station gets investigated, then we can make that call. And that's the way it is."
"The left keeps saying... 'no evidence of widespread voter fraud.' Okay, well, whatever. There's evidence of voter fraud."
"It's not about just the election machines. The election machines are the last leg of them just enslaving all of Americans."
"We want a legitimate authentic hand recount."
"Denying elections is not a fascist move but manipulating and stealing elections overriding the will of the people trampling on their rights, yeah these are actually Paul marks or Fascism."
"Voting by mail is wrought with fraud and abuse. In fact, fraud via mail-in ballots is quite rare." - Narrator
"American history is after stolen elections, you bounce back and you recover stronger."
"We are going to defend the honesty of the vote by ensuring that every legal ballot is counted and that no illegal ballot is counted."
"We do want a very friendly transition but we don't want to be cheated."
"All over the country, people are together in holding up signs 'Stop the Steal' to understand how we will challenge this fraud."
"The only ballots that should count... are those cast by eligible voters... in a lawful manner."
"It's not just about honoring the votes of 74 million Americans who voted for me, it's about ensuring that Americans can have faith in this election and in all future elections."
"We have affidavits that suggest that there was mail-in voter fraud."
"The idea that it's okay to counterfeit an entire election is just irrational." - Jamie Raskin's criticism
"Evidence of election fraud mounts as the mainstream media and Democrats loudly insist Joe Biden is still the 2020 winner."
"This election was rigged, and we can't let it happen again." - Donald J. Trump
"Trump's legal team battling similar claims in several states has argued the challenges are an anti-democratic attempt to prevent voters from deciding the next occupant of the White House."
"The Secretary of every state certifies their election results. That's when a state is done counting, not due to the whims of a politician, but by the law."
"This was a president who was willing to do anything to overthrow the presidential election of 2020 and clearly had violence within his sights on that day."
"Fake electors were also meeting elsewhere in the same state capital at the same time on the same day."
"Donald Trump lost an election and tried to keep himself in power despite having lost, which is just about the most dangerous thing that can happen in a democracy."
"This election was rigged, and we can't let it happen again."
"It's happening in public, in plain view. Trump is plotting an open coup to steal the election and hold on to power."
"The left is freaking out by the very idea of the audit because they know if it shows substantial fraud, it will vindicate what Republicans have been saying."
"We do not need a strong republican party. A strong republican party just tried to overturn the results of the election."
"If the only way you're going to win an election is to deny people the right to vote, it tells me that you got nothing real to say."
"The whistleblower complaint has accused the president of soliciting foreign interference in America's election."
"That's how you steal an election in plain sight."
"The election was not stolen." - Murdoch admits, "duh," Trump lost.
"Let's talk about who actually rigged the 2020 presidential election, and the answer is your media. Your beloved establishment journalistic bettors."
"I will accept it and he will, too. Because once the winner is declared, after all the ballots are counted, all the votes are counted. That'll be the end of it."
"It's batshit crazy to think that the election was stolen."
"The American people are going instead to turn to underlying facts when it comes to the 2020 election."
"The integrity of our elections is a critical part of our nation and it must be upheld."
"We cannot have a secure democracy if we do not protect the security of the people who administer our elections... the status quo is unsustainable and unacceptable."
"Regardless of who wins in 2024, many voters, and maybe even most, could once again doubt the results, raising the question of how our Republic can withstand such a crisis."
"That's our strategy. He's going to declare himself winner." - Steve Bannon
"Court after court after court... showing there was no fraud in the 2020 presidential election."
"Trump lost the election. Yes, and they need to tell the people of this country the truth."
"North Korea has elections and, surprise surprise, Kim Jong-un got 100% of the votes."
"The left will say Trump cheated, the right will say Democrats stole the election. There's no middle ground."
"The election was not stolen. That would help in terms of healing."
"This election was not stolen. America will bend but it will not break, and our democracy will not be undermined."
"They're trying to steal an election. They're trying to get rid of the rule of law... It's not about if you even like Donald Trump or not, it's not about if you're a Democrat or Republican, it's: do you want to have basic freedoms?" - Rob Richardson
"They're trying to commit voter fraud by voter suppression. They're trying to rig the election."
"Is there any way to accurately say that Donald Trump won the 2020 election?"
"If we fall for this, our election is so dirty and if we fall for it I think it's the last free election." - Patrick Byrne
"Hillary Clinton has been doing that ever since she lost. I was told that if Donald Trump lost in 2016 he was not going to respect the results of the election."
"Republicans are incredibly good at reading the system in their favor. Republicans are rigging elections."
"Let's all work together to make sure the election is fair."
"We want to have get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very trans we'll have a very peaceful there won't be a transfer frankly there'll be a continuation." - President Trump
"Trump did not do a good job in the run-up to the election. In fact, he did an appalling job seeding the idea that the election was going to be stolen."
"No election is perfect but there is not evidence of intentional malfeasance."
"There's this terrifying poll out in February that a really shocking percentage of Republicans believe it's okay to use violence to overturn an election if they don't get the results that they want."
"Election deniers pose a huge threat to our democracy."
"Voter fraud is a thing, okay? It is to pretend that it does not exist and the possibility does not exist counters a significant number of cases."
"Absentee balloting is perfectly acceptable. You have to apply for an absentee ballot, signatures are checked, it's confirmed, it has a long tradition."
"America saved itself in an election that was the most scrutinized we've ever had."
"Normal process of transparent elections was violated plain and simple."
"They were removed and we had people that were executing the elections and collecting ballots that were not under the Constitution."
"Every legal ballot to count, no illegal ballot to count. Because every illegal ballot that counts dilutes the value of every legal ballot that was cast."
"An honest election elects him; it may not yet be eternal truth."
"Georgia senators aren't just sore losers, they're enemies of democracy trying to subvert the will of the voters."
"We need secure elections and the confidence of the American people."
"There is absolutely evidence of voting irregularities and I will say it now. I don't care if I get banned."
"The entire election frankly in all the swing states should be overturned, and the legislature should make sure that the electors are selected for Trump." - Sydney Powell
"If you can do impeachments like this and you can have mail-in ballots, we don't have democracy."
"The president is trying to discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won't be counted."
"We remain extremely vulnerable to either a foreign country or a bad actor or whoever coming in and actually hacking into our systems and changing the votes that we cast."
"If there's fraud, they shouldn't account for any vote."
"We cannot trust a result that didn't go through a process."
"Fraud is wrong, and it's eroding the last vestiges of trust in our election systems."
"Is there any factual basis to support the allegation that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election?"
"We want fair, true, honest elections in this country."
"It seems to me that they are suggesting possibly felony voter fraud."
"We need to blow the lid off of this now before they steal the 2020 elections."
"Stay on your course and insist on counting all the legal ballots."
"Free and fair elections are one thing, but if you torture your way to a majority after that, that doesn't quite live up to the values that you were stating."
"We need to make sure this election is done right and thorough because people are ready to explode."
"We should make sure this election is done right and thorough because people are ready to explode."
"I think the most important thing that we learned from this midterm is I think all of the election deniers who were running for offices where that would give them power over our elections, just I think all of them have lost so far."
"The elections in America are broken, they are fundamentally broken."
"This action is less about election integrity than it is about attempting to overturn the will of the electorate."
"This was an open assault on a free and fair election."
"Original theory that Donald Trump was somehow in cahoots with Putin in 2016, that was a bunch of nonsense."
"Those who cannot accept the result of a free and fair election do not deserve the joy of Victory."
"There is significant evidence that there was meaningful voter fraud."
"Nearly half the country believes the election was rigged."
"The erosion of confidence in our elections is an existential crisis for the United States of America."
"If we let this slide, we may never see a free and fair election in this country again."
"American democracy under attack because the defeated former president of the United States refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election."
"Threatening election officials is a deplorable thing to do. The most important thing for our country is the orderly transfer of power."
"Clearly, why do people think the election was stolen?"
"All the legal ballots need to be counted and all the illegal ones invalidated."
"Trump shouldn't concede... obviously. Obviously Trump shouldn't concede."
"Ensuring federal election integrity is literally within his official duty."
"The president can communicate with federal election officials about election integrity concerns."
"The only thing any reasonable person is asking for is we count all the votes, that's literally the only thing."
"Every single validly cast ballot is going to be counted."
"We're trying to eliminate from happening signature verification, stop having poll watchers, Republican poll watchers being bullied and not allowed to go in and do what they're supposed to do, watching the ballot county process."
"Scary as hell. Frank Luntz sounds alarm on nearly half of Americans saying losing candidates should not accept election results."
"It is never a good idea to publicize your efforts to steal an election."
"One of the things that legitimizes elections is the ability of an adversarial third party to review what the process is."
"It's a rigged election, let's see how it turns out."
"American democracy persevered in the 2022 election."
"The question of whether the 2020 presidential election was stolen must be decided in the marketplace of ideas."
"We have inside data. This election is compromised. Our president won this election."
"We now have new evidence that there was a multi-part conspiracy to overturn the election."
"Nothing that you do will derail the efforts of my staff and I bring the election interference prosecution to trial."