
Anti-violence Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"Respect, respect, free and fair elections, restore trust in our institutions and make clear political violence has absolutely no place, no place in America."
"I'll certainly never do a movie with a gun again."
"We don't need to celebrate genocide. We don't need to celebrate violence towards anybody."
"I'm about to start going to the juvenile jails, speaking to the kids. Anti-gun violence rallies."
"I'm so sick of violence. I think violence is so pointless."
"We are not a community of hate. We stand united with the good and decent people of this city. We reject this inexcusable violence."
"Peace is preferable to war; that violence is not an answer."
"Being a polished man means challenging violent behavior and language both locally and globally."
"Let's not kill each other, let's not bring political violence."
"Weapons of war belong on the battlefields, not in our schools or our churches."
"Stop the riots, stop the protest, let's stop this, let's stop police brutality."
"Responding to hate with love, division with unity, and violence with an unwavering resolve for justice."
"We will spare no resource in fighting so that every American child can grow up free from violence and fear."
"Nothing justifies violence, nothing." - Senator Martha McSally
"We deserve a better world, a better place to live without fear and war and violence and fucking unnecessary conflict."
"Violence against women is wrong. It's really, really wrong."
"There's no place for looting, arson, or vandalism."
"There's nothing glorious about the gang lifestyle."
"We condemn violence and hatred in all forms."
"I don't want nobody to lose their life, I don't want nobody to have to go through PTSD and all this. I don't want the environment to get destroyed over just some man's greed or some man's ideology."
"Let's stop hating on each other, I don't do no hating at all let's stop that all right stop hating and killing each other."
"We will never accept or tolerate hate or violence of any kind in our great city. It goes against every fiber of who we are."
"The devil is alive. We come against violence in the name of Jesus."
"Have his thoughts be piloted by the acknowledgment of the subtle beauties around them rather than the possibility of violence."
"Violence is wrong, you shouldn't be punching."
"Violence against people just because we disagree is wrong."
"You know, you fight evil with compassion and kindness. I actually did it."
"Take to the streets peacefully because we don't need violence to spread our message."
"It tells them that we don't want another Russian girl dead."
"Put down knives, violence, find your own happiness and just make your own little world."
"I want his legacy to live on and I want us to continue to fight against violence."
"Violence and abuse must be unequivocally condemned and totally rejected."
"We're gonna bring murder to an end, worldwide. No more killing, no more bombs, no more excuses."
"Don't let them murder anymore, don't let them kill because it's just really evil."
"But at the end of the day what we are seeing and what we are saying is that we don't want more death on our doorsteps."
"This is Time For Peace this is insane The Killing needs to end."
"I stand against all forms of domestic violence and any other type of behavior that creates fear or feelings of helplessness in others."
"Stop associating or having wars or burning synagogues because you're attacking people."
"I've seen too much violence... It solves absolutely nothing."
"Black lives matter means that black people and their full humanity should not be harmed or stolen by state-sanctioned violence."
"I think murder is bad, okay? It doesn't really matter who's doing it."
"We're pro human beings and very much anti-genocide."
"I'd rather no one murdered anyone. It's bad."
"Don't hurt women, women are just as equal as men."
"Nobody has the right to violate our rights, to consider our body as a trophy, nobody must humiliate us, denigrate us, consider us an object. Nobody."
"We strongly condemn any acts of violence or discrimination."
"Returning violence for violence multiplies violence."
"Hatred and violence should never come into football."
"His expression in that part and the message against violence is powerful."
"Stop racial profiling, police violence. Stop shooting people on the [__] streets and you won't get shot."
"I support the idea of opposition to the killing of black men and black women."
"Any kind of violence, leave it in the music."
"I am super against any violence against any one."
"Seeing people killed is just not a good thing, all countries should make utmost effort for negotiation and peace."
"I don't want people to die. Plain and simple."
"Stop killing people, leave them alive. They can come back."
"Peace and justice must prevail over violence and injustice."
"Peace and justice must win out over violence and injustice."
"Move us in the direction of love and peace away from hate and violence."
"I wholeheartedly stand against violence. I stand against the killing of any innocent civilian."
"There is no place for political violence in America, period."
"I just want to squish an end to all of the violence the random acts of violence that are happening and have every single person just be safe."
"There is no place in our country for threats, violence, or hatred."
"May God who did not make death bring an end to all forms of violence in our world."
"Why do we have to resort to violence for absolutely everything I do not understand."
"Violence is not a solution. I've seen it. I think it accelerates. Kind of no good thing comes out of that."
"All that stuff is nothing but toxicity... nobody should put their hands on nobody, period."
"We want the Earth to be safe, meaning the environment, we don't like pollution, we don't like violence, war crime hate."
"Violence needs to stop. There's too much of it."
"War is not the answer. Why? Because we live in a social structure that's all about violence."
"I don't like Nazis. I'm speaking out because I think this is a route to no violence and violence is lurking."
"Social issues are very important actually because it's about democracy and principle and about we have a principled stance against murder."
"You cannot pick the time and location where it's okay to be violent. If you have a problem with violence, you have a problem with violence across the board."
"If you're taking a knife anywhere, you're a coward. Leave it at home."
"There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind."
"Enough of killing, enough of misery and death."
"Let's stop this senseless violence."
"Enough of violence, enough of war. Can we see peace, please?"
"Being gangster is not something you're supposed to glorify."
"Respect life, put the guns down, and I love each and every one of you."
"I want people to remember... that we need to change this cycle of violence."
"Choose a life and not a knife. Love your mum."
"Tell me we will live in peace with equality, no more bloodshed."
"I just want to show people that you don't have to do drugs or kill people or you know export weapons across the border to be cool"
"Just quit killing each other. Forever is a long time to be locked up and that's what's going to happen to you."
"Gender neutrality most of all is an anti-violence imperative."
"Choose a life not a knife has prevented me from picking up firearms and retaliating."
"Choose a life not a knife has helped me remain free."
"The loss of a life is not worth it, right? No way, no how, right? We have to find something better to do than kill ourselves."
"If you carry a knife and like you're tough, you're a coward if you can't fight someone without one."
"Leave these drugs alone. Leave the gangs alone. Leave the violence alone."
"One day, man could come up on TV and come on fam. I met this guy, you know? You, man, let's stop the violence, man."
"I hate murder. I hate death. I love my family. I want my family back."
"Never regret not killing somebody. Killing someone is a terrible thing, and you can never take it back. Don't ever feel bad about not killing someone."
"Violence was not meant to be celebrated in this show."
"Guitars not guns, guys. #GuitarsNotGuns."
"Our message is clear and it is simple: there is no future in violence."
"There's never ever ever a time for violence, that's my take on it."
"If we can provide economic stability, economic opportunity, financial inclusion... then they won't have to resort to crime and violence."
"Peace was more valuable than any gains made on the basis of turf or the sale of drugs."
"No more excuses, everybody take an active role and get intentional in doing whatever you can do to fight gun violence in our city."
"If you are tempted or involved in knife crime, take heed of what Robert said. It's just not worth the risk."
"Do you want to kill Nazis? I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies, I don't care where they're from."
"I'm gonna go on record say I'm anti-murder."
"Live in peace, love because it's hate, yeah hate make crime."
"Gloves up, guns down is a great initiative."
"Innocent civilians never ever deserve to be killed."
"I fought for freedom, but not for the freedom of people to kill each other with reckless abandon."
"I did not fight for the right of black people to murder other black people with reckless abandon."
"Stop the fight. Stop the violence."
"He believed that violence was unnecessary and bad for business."
"There is nothing cool about violence."
"This is the most significant piece of anti-gun violence legislation the Congress has passed in 30 years."
"There's a lot more out there that you can be, that you can make a name out of yourself, but without gang banging."
"We cannot stay silent as the black community continually deals with violence."
"Positivity trumps negativity and violence."
"I would rather save more lives than use violence."
"Stop rape as a tool of war or any sexual violence of women, men, children now and furthermore, and have the Sophia Century flourish."
"We must defend our security and values in the face of such terrorist outrages and refuse to be drawn into a cycle of violence and hatred."
"Peace for all, violence is bad, I take no sides, just peace for everybody innocent."
"There's no place for anti-Semitism or threats of violence."
"Pick up the gloves, put down the guns."
"I'm pro innocent civilians not being killed."
"Choose your life not a knife at all costs, in every way."
"If we can find ways to stop people's hatred, then we can find a way out of this cycle of violence that doesn't involve continuing the cycle of violence."
"No more guns, no more knives, come on and enjoy your life."
"I don't think it's great to kill people."
"This represents the ultimate tactic against hate and war."
"There's been too much fighting, ain't no reason to fight over anything, man, that's the truth."
"I'm totally opposed to violence and always will be."
"The project is being invested in the best weapon against violence. The education!"
"The watch truce originated from the desire of some gang leaders to end the death and violence that plagued their community."
"Judge Stevens retains one of those golden values for family, the family unit, and he has no tolerance for domestic violence."
"Since the death of her daughter, Marcia visits schools to teach young children that they can choose to walk away from gangs."
"There's no cause so great that is worth killing people for."
"Let's all stop killing each other and affecting our families."
"We don't want to duck from guns, we don't want to call our women hoes, we don't want to call our brothers [__]."}
"Let's stop the killing, let's stop the violence, all at once."
"Your husband's wrong. God tells men to love their wives like Christ loved the church. There's no place in that for violence."
"Violence and censorship, right? I'm against violence and I'm against censorship."
"Increase the peace, stop the violence."
"Your life is much more precious than these little gang fights, these little cars, these clothes."
"Love each other, stop the crying, stop hitting on one another, stop hating."
"We are acutely focused on the threats to the Jewish community which very much needs our help."
"I'm really not into violence; the silence is prizes, and I'm really more into vibing."
"We need to show more human kindness, more love, so this violence will stop."
"I don't ever want to promote gangs or violence or drugs."
"I hate gang banging because it deprived me of having so many friends."
"She does not stand for violence against women and that men just trying to exert themselves over women is just not going to fly, not in her courtroom."
"There's so much better things about life than there is to bang a street gang."
"If you are a survivor of sexual abuse and need to talk to someone about it, call Rain, the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization."
"I hate violence. I really hate violence."
"We will both continue to stand against violence."
"We want to stop child abuse, we want to stop violence, that's what we want."
"Racism and violence towards women are never okay."
"We don't condone domestic violence."
"I hope that one day the violence in Memphis can end and people on both sides can put down their guns before more people lose their lives."
"We gotta stop this senseless gun violence."
"It is time for us to stop the bloodshed."
"We got to stop the violence, man. Like somewhere down the line, we have to do something untraditional to stop the violence in Philadelphia."
"The world would be a better place without guns."
"It's wrong to kill innocent people."
"There wouldn't be any bullying, there wouldn't be any domestic violence, if we were just kind to each other."
"Take a stand, gang life doesn't have to be your life."
"We're all in this, Christian, Jews, no religion, all religions, we're all in it. We all stand against violence against women."
"Stand up against knife crime, making a statement."