
Labor Unions Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Wall Street didn't build America. The middle class built the country and unions built the middle class."
"Social movements only go so far, and honestly, the only way to effect real change is through labor, through labor unions."
"I think that any path to a more progressive country is going to go through a broad-based and resurgent labor movement."
"Labor unions have been the most effective institution at protecting the rights of workers."
"I want to be the party where labor unions think the Republican Party stands for them too."
"Gallup polls are showing a significant increase in public support for labor unions."
"The entire point of the Teamsters is to negotiate better pay and benefits for tons of different workers."
"The middle class built this country, and unions built the middle class."
"Unions are good for democracy, worker power is good for democracy."
"Unions are going to play a critical role in that future. America's always counting on union workers giving us half a chance. You have never ever ever ever let the country down."
"The popularity of unions among young people is historically high."
"We need to stand up for unions, strengthen unions." - Ro Khanna
"Black union leaders play a vital role in addressing systemic issues within organized labor and advocating for black communities."
"You'll never have a better friend or a stronger ally in the White House because if I'm in the Oval Office, guess who's going to be there with me? Unions. Labor. You and Rich."
"Notice how he didn't congratulate police unions."
"Let's not forget unions are people right you knows are not this thing right so these people are coming together everyday citizens are questioning again their value right and so they're organizing on their own."
"The Democratic Party needs to embrace unions and workers."
"Even with all the unions throwing all their might against Tesla... it didn't really have much of an effect." - Tesla Time News
"Unions wanted the United States and its citizens to imagine freedom more broadly, arguing that without a more equal economic system, America was becoming less, not more, free."
"Labor unions really built the Civil Rights Movement."
"The rise of labor unions, like the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor, crusaded for better wages, shortened workdays, and safer working conditions."
"We need to build power from the grassroots by our communities, via our labor unions."
"Filing bankruptcy would put the pensions of countless number of labor unions on the table, and that is just unconscionable."
"If unionization wasn't effective, they wouldn't push so hard against it."
"The idea that having unions makes a company weaker is just not true. It's not true. It is not true."
"Unions are key to reversing stagnant wages and economic inequality."
"Biden is now the most pro-union president in a century."
"The unions in this country have been in decline for the last 50 years."
"Americans' approval of unions is at a 60-year high... with more than two-thirds voicing support."
"Even some of the solutions I've proposed are not necessarily right-wing Solutions forming a union is super not rightwing right."
"Unions played a massive role in understanding one another and reducing racial antagonism."
"It's going to create more jobs, good paying jobs, union jobs that can't be outsourced."
"Wall Street did not build America, middle-class did and unions built the middle class."
"Labor unions aren't always good for everybody, and corporates aren't always bad for everybody."
"This vote that's happening the ballots dropped last week on Tuesday and it's basically this like warning shot to the national union leadership that like if you don't negotiate better contracts we're going to vote you guys out."
"...labor unions are quite strong and in in South Korea. But on the other hand, South Korean industries are also very automated. So there is a sort of different balance in there."
"And a free market system without labor unions is a total disaster."
"I think clearly labor unions serve the best interests of workers- who happen to be members of labor unions- at the expense of workers who are excluded from being members of labor unions."
"Labor unions protect their members, often at the expense of disadvantaged people."
"Union workers earn 20 percent more on average than non-union workers."
"Unions are voters now... We're at the dawn of the greatest period of organized labor in American history."
"...of course they are they're going to do a number on him just like they did every other labor leader that they weren't convinced who was were going to win and had already done some some sort of deal with."
"For the unions, it showed them that they had some power over the big bosses at the commercial broadcaster."
"The trade unions were moving away from the idea that they were somehow in opposition to the state."
"The support system that makes unions work is also a person who has a journey of self-development and improvement."
"The most important legacy from the New Deal was the creation of countervailing centers of power like labor unions."
"Labor unions can be economically destructive but also incredibly important social institutions that play a positive role in communities."
"These unions are trying to save these jobs because in the act of doing that, they're literally trying to save these people's lives."
"Middle class was built by the middle class, and the unions built the middle class."
"Unions, they're good for you, whatever job you do."
"That's why I always say unions are not about like liberalism, conservatism, it's about what's fair."
"Labor unions were permitted to exclude non-whites from membership."
"Labor unions... are going to confront corporate power."