
Child Behavior Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"When adults shift their thinking from 'Kids do well if they want to' to 'Kids do well if they can,' amazing things happen."
"My two and a half year old son is a nut... He's the most charming, beautiful, wonderful kid, and he is totally crazy."
"It's just constantly feeling like you have to entertain this kid because if you don't, then he finds his own things he wants to do, and usually, it's destructive."
"When parents are tearing up because they're not liking their kids anymore... that is often cause for thinking about what can we do to help this child do better."
"Despite his struggles... he was still this sweet, energetic, loving little boy."
"Even the best, most thought-out relationship between a parent and a child will eventually lead to situations where the kid is [expletive] stupid."
"Children often build off stereotypes and patterns they pick up on from adults, mimicking behaviors and beliefs seemingly without understanding."
"Even if it were possible for a male child to in some sense be a girl... in no universe is this boy's behavior indicative of anything other than a normal boy."
"They gave me a rubber doll to talk to... instead of being normal children they would have answered differently."
"I'm actually gonna check on him. I know we're meant to be doing this prank thing but she's a mischievous and imaginative child."
"Look what can happen if your child goes to the dark side."
"Do you have anybody in your life that can tell you your child is bad? That's real friendship."
"Kids react appropriately to behavior that makes them feel uncomfortable."
"The school called police after a kindergartner with Down syndrome pointed a finger gun at her teacher."
"My son put some Trix in his ant farm instead of eating them. The ants dug up all of the dead ants in the farm and piled them on top of the Trix. Not sure what that means, but I'm not eating Trix anymore."
"If you get the goldfish crackers out of the house and put a bowl of apples in its place, if your kid opens the pantry and says there's nothing to eat they're not hungry."
"Parents must set limits... Without it, the child believes the world will conform to their demands." - Modern Guide to Successful Parenting
"As long as your baby's not crying you can stay in the movie."
"Children need discipline, and they love discipline. That's the truth."
"That was crazy! If Sonic's play continues like that, who's gonna beat him?"
"You can only be so mad at a kid when they're being a jerk because at the end of the day, it really is their parents that more or less teach them to be a jerk."
"Children imitate fiction. This is no nothing to hide."
"Autism experts have shared that children with autism gravitate toward water." - Caption from the video
"Some days kids just need to have a meltdown and that's understandable."
"I think it's as simple as that. She probably was annoying to them, but she's a child."
"Children, obey your parents in everything. Obedience to parents leads to blessings and long life."
"It's like a toddler having a tantrum over spilled milk."
"This movie proves my theory once and for all that unattended children are literally the worst."
"Not every kid in first grade has ADHD. Sometimes they just have energy."
"What do we do when our kids are protesting food? That's Scientology speak for 'I don't want to eat these damn peas'."
"He's actually running out of my car to get into the building every single morning."
"These children are not little motors moving and twisting... their behavior is guided and purposeful."
"Children up to 20 months old completed their meals when they watched SEO Jun's videos."
"Your kids go off of what you do more so than what you say."
"Kids are pure honesty, they know everything going on in your house."
"Our kids aren't trying to give you a hard time, they're having a hard time."
"The fastest land mammal is a toddler who's been asked what's in their mouth."
"It's not freedom to let your kid have a temper tantrum."
"Pro tip: kids are surprisingly fast when they're motivated."
"The horror of selfish and unthinking children being leaders."
"The answer is absolutely, you have to expect it with boys."
"All over the map, in terms of what the kid's disposition is."
"A road trip warrior was born that day because she is just so well behaved and so awesome."
"I think if a child doesn't listen to you now, what makes you think he's going to listen to you when he gets old?"
"The fundamental existential claim of a misbehaving two-year-old is: what I feel now goes."
"Childhood pickiness isn't an inherent trait but a product of modern abundance."
"I thought it was going to go for like I thought it might go for a snow while being awake that that's sort of the level that this kid was on right now I couldn't keep up with him."
"Autistic children who spin or roll around just want to get a sensation of calm that they can't get from a mother's embrace," Temple Grandin.
"If you have an issue with your child, it's not about your child - it's about an unhealed aspect within yourself. If you shift, your child will shift."
"When your children are acting the worst, it's when they actually need you the most."
"Every safety plan I've seen that would allow public schools to reopen requires that kids behave in ways that no child has ever behaved in the history of children"
"There are no bad children, only bad parents."
"Kids act out in different ways and for different reasons. It doesn't make them a bad child, they just need guidance."
"I'm afraid little Erik put a lock on the door to keep me out."
"I was shocked at how well-behaved children are in America."
"When I grow up I'm gonna let my children steal whatever they want."
"Kids don't do what you tell them to do, kids do what they see you do."
"Parents ruined both their lives. They ruin their spoiled kids' lives and they ruin their own lives 'cause the kids rule the roost."
"Children are what they see. If your child has a problem, it starts with the parent or the guardian."
"Within eight weeks, that child's behavior, the mood swings were completely gone, completely gone. The impulsivity was drastically reduced."
"Clean, decluttered, orderly spaces often led to more positivity and overall calmness in the kids."
"It's an incredibly selfish move. You're hurting the child who actually needs to have this behavior addressed and you're hurting the teacher who has to put up with this behavior every day."
"If it's maybe just playing a video on the thing and nothing, nothing else, that's okay. But a kid's likely to touch and press button and hope for colors and swirly patterns to happen, and I don't know man, I don't know what do kids do nowadays?"
"The way your child is acting is much more important than a reading on a thermometer."
"Aside from some sporadic almost silent gasps Blake had completely stopped crying."
"Once you set some clear boundaries for your child, once you say to them no, once you ignore a couple of tantrums, they become happier children."
"If you label your child negatively, you will have a child who behaves negatively."
"There's no set of circumstances concerning a child's behavior that would justify this sort of torturous behavior."
"I know that most parents and I was dreading him been on a 12-hour flight, but he was so good."
"Kids are professional block blockers."
"But Yun was a well-mannered child and the first thing she did was say hello."
"Fragile X kids are really sociable; they are funny, they're friendly, they love being around people, they're so loving."
"My children were spoiled rotten, and it came out in their attitudes."
"Over thirty percent of those children had an undiagnosed medical problem that was affecting their behavior."
"There is no lazy child, guilty child or delinquent child. There are delinquent and also guilty parents."
"The biological things our children are doing are 100% appropriate, and it's our cultural expectations that need to shift."
It was like she was saying, "No dad, I will lay here and eat my food for exactly one minute and 27 seconds. If you attempt to remove it before the time passes, you will be met with total non-cooperation."
"Children most of the time they obey more than they disobey, which I think is something that's not taken into account."
"It's crazy how much your mood can affect your child's mood."
"As a result, a lot of them are just at home being exposed to social media and TV which isn't always beneficial for how they behave."
"I believe she's behaving as a child who is under stimulated and doesn't have enough opportunities to express herself."
"Jenna is absolutely like the most well-behaved child I have ever known at her age."