
Facebook Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"If you're not advertising on Facebook, then you are falling into the shadows of other businesses."
"Facebook is, for the lack of a better word, dying."
"Broad targeting is where you let Facebook decide basically everything besides the CBO's budget, the location of your ad sets, and the ads' creative."
"Facebook made it regular to be on the Internet. Pre-Facebook, the Internet was way different."
"Facebook was secretly paying for people to install a Facebook research VPN that lets the company suck in all of the user's phone and web activity."
"What Facebook was effectively doing was looking into the analytics other applications were gathering as a way to spy on their competition, which is not okay."
"A study of American adults showed that deactivating their Facebook accounts led to a significant increase in emotional well-being."
"Facebook and Instagram, about a month or two ago, basically killed all political content on their sites."
"There's going to be a point in time where there's more dead people on Facebook than alive people."
"This is why news sharing on Facebook blew up because there were so many people who went to Facebook specifically to avoid the mainstream media dominance of the space."
"One of the largest data privacy scandals in internet history was the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal of 2018."
"The entirety of Facebook has been written in StyleX and they've been able to make great improvements in reducing the size of their CSS while also making it easier to write and change in the future."
"Data is the core of Facebook. It's the one thing that led them to becoming a trillion-dollar company."
"Facebook addicts its users to the platforms. It's addicting society to their services."
"Maybe one day Facebook could bounce back and be more useful and fun again."
"Parents need to recognize that maybe Facebook is not all that it's cracked up to be." - Video narrator
"Delete Facebook. Nice. Heck yeah. It's useful in other ways basically the only reason why I have it is getting in contact with people that are sometimes very hard to get in contact with those phone books aren't like really a thing anymore."
"Nobody should have to go through what you're going through, and that's why Facebook is working really hard Crystal to solve these problems."
"There are a lot of real reasons to be very skeptical of Facebook."
"Maybe Facebook just needs to do a total revamp of their policies."
"Facebook's announcement comes just days after the company suffered the biggest loss in stock market history, losing about a hundred nineteen billion dollars in a single day."
"Facebook was instrumental in the election of Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines in 2016; it was instrumental in the Brexit referendum in 2016."
"Mark Zuckerberg shocked everyone when he went all in on the metaverse and changed Facebook to Meta. Starting today our company is now Meta."
"Facebook isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It is still going to be the top dog when it comes to social media."
"If you want to do any kind of Facebook advertising... then you want to install the Facebook Pixel."
"It was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension."
"Facebook is part of the downfall of society."
"Facebook is paying so much money right now and not enough people are talking about it."
"Facebook is still undervalued in our opinion."
"The scandals didn't stop - Facebook as a company lurching from scandal to scandal, dragging its founder in its wake."
"Set up your Facebook pixel to gather data from day one."
"The number one personality on Facebook is not a Kardashian or a politician, it is Jay Shetty."
"What happens with Facebook is going to be very, very fascinating."
"In 2016, if you guys remember, Donald Trump won the election, and they blamed Facebook for that almost exclusively."
"I really, really, really think we need to break up Facebook."
"It was opening up Facebook to the general public that was really the game changer."
"Facebook, this is a company that has been growing users still pretty strong."
"Currently a Facebook group is taking the internet by storm, 'Storm Area 51 They Can't Stop All of Us.'"
"Facebook has actually been a big one for me as well, just networking with people on Facebook that have deals."
"Myspace represents the road untaken, the path social media could have gone before Facebook crossed the competition."
"Facebook outage: A total and complete collapse."
"What makes Facebook so unique is that it's able to marry two of the most powerful human emotions: narcissism and insecurity."
"Welcome to the stream guys, welcome welcome welcome everybody watching on Facebook."
"Thank you for testing out the stars feature on Facebook."
"Facebook, I don't know whether you know that or not but you don't actually own me."
"Facebook categorizes you as a hate agent for associating with designated hate entities."
"Facebook has hit the 1 trillion mark with a market cap of 1.051 trillion dollars."
"Access a large customer base of over 1 billion visitors on Facebook Marketplace."
"The next free tool on the list is Facebook Ads Library."
"Facebook actually got a 100 free spy tool that anyone can use to spy on competitors."
"I like Facebook, can we get that earnings board?"
"Facebook's digital wallet finally launches without DM cryptocurrency."
"533 million Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data were leaked online."
"Facebook is basically a front for military intelligence at this point."
"Despite the fear, the crash in Facebook, the market all in all did pretty good this week."
"Facebook wants you to make sales. Facebook audience insights allows you to create an audience of people who will be most likely to buy your product."
"Shares of Facebook fell five percent Tuesday... knocking 36 billion dollars off the company's valuation."
"Facebook: changing the social landscape for years to come."
"Facebook's ordered queuing service: decoupling and scaling microservices."
"Facebook ads have gotten cheaper and more effective."
"I think at some point this thing becomes a buy because the Facebook Core Business is actually a very healthy business."
"Let's get building; Facebook leads ads are one of the most popular and important ad products that companies can lean on today."
"This is such a fascinating look at how the story played out and how Facebook was built."
"On Facebook, Dr. Francis Myles is my official public page."
"The most important thing to know about how Mark did this at Facebook is he was the growth team for the first 50 to 100 million users."
"We took the registration form on Facebook... and we saw a [significant increase in user engagement]."
"The main reason that people don't ramp up on Facebook is not leaving; it's not ramping up. So what we do is optimize on getting them to the magic moment."
"Anyone who builds something so universally desired and used has a kind of brilliance. And Facebook is objectively brilliant, in the same way that, say, heroin is brilliant. So that's a possible intro."
"Facebook has over 2.27 billion monthly active users, making it a crucial platform for marketers."
"Facebook is a commonality amongst people, bridging gaps between distance and connections."
"Facebook is the market. It's where the community is."
"It is without a doubt harder to succeed with Facebook ads when you have a new ad account, but it is still possible."
"Facebook and Instagram just paid advertising is the single best vehicle that has ever existed for marketing a product."
"Using the right ad objective is essential to Facebook ad success."
"Facebook engineering needs you representing our ethical standards in the highest levels of leadership."
"But Facebook, more than any other social channel, allows you to strategically do what TV promised to do 50 years ago."
"So what that means is every single time you gave the Facebook ATM a dollar, it spit back out 10 dollars in your pocket."
"There is no greater force multiplier to the amplification of a business model than Facebook ads."
"Now in order for this feature to work, you need to enable your Facebook Marketplace subscription on AutoDS."
"The bulk of people are at Facebook and Twitter."
"I never wanted anyone to feel the pain that I had felt and I had seen how high the stakes were in terms of making sure there was high quality information on Facebook."
"Facebook has given platforms to all kinds of evil. People are able to say and spew and do all kinds of things in the name of social interaction. That's right."
"I try not to have a very big Facebook presence. It distracts from my prayer life and my ministry."
"Facebook is the new cigarettes. It is bad for you. It is addictive. They should be regulated very aggressively."
"If you want to see what I'm doing when I'm not doing the videos, find me on Facebook tasty Classics on Facebook or Instagram tasty Classics on Instagram."
"Two-thirds of Facebook users visit a local business page at least once a week. Local businesses can use Facebook to create lasting connections with repeat customers within their own communities."
"Here's some quick analytics about Facebook videos versus images: they receive up to 30% more views with video than any other ad."
"For example, Facebook has come out and said in essence that they want Facebook to be a place where people can get information about their friends and face."
So, if you would like to join our Facebook group, just research "I'm Ready to Boss Up by BritxSui".
"Facebook is the root of all evil."
"There's nothing healthy or educational or constructive on Facebook."
"She said, 'But you said you were only talking to her on Facebook!'"
"Facebook's probably has a better chance of being you know the most important platform the next generation of social media."
"Tech interviews of Google and Facebook are very heavily focused on data structures and algorithms."
"Imagine only seeing two ads from Facebook per day."
"Facebook ads have been the bread and butter of my business."
"Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world reaching almost 60.6 percent of the internet."
"We have 99 likes on Facebook and so Travis and Bob in preparing the follow up show notes for this will have a challenge trying to just focus on some of the Alzheimer's stuff we talked about."
"...if you also need an up-to-date Facebook testing and scaling strategy, be sure to check my latest upload as well as I cover everything that's working in 2024."
"That's what you did, Facebook look like."
"The first rule of running ads on a native platform like Facebook is to make your ads look like the content that people are already consuming on that platform."
"I have an acquaintance monitor him on Facebook."
"All the love out there on Facebook, thank you guys so much!"
"If you've seen a drop off in your Facebook ad results, it might also be time to try a new way of advertising on Facebook."
"Copy and paste these proven Facebook ads to properly generate low-cost leads and sales from Facebook. Boom."
"Understanding the differences between business manager and business Suite is essential for effective Facebook asset management."
"So guys, that is it for this video. You now know what is Facebook advanced matching and why you should use it."
"The beauty of this custom tag template is that it automatically makes sure that the Facebook base pixel is initiated before each of these events."
"Zuckerberg created Facebook so we could talk to chicks."
"Business manager is basically like a house for your business on Facebook."
"If you want stability I think you should go join Facebook maybe maybe not today but next next next week next week all right."
"My big competitive Advantage early on... Facebook rolled out their Newsfeed in 2011."
"The mission of Facebook is to connect the world and bring people closer together."
"I think there's an opportunity to maybe create a movie together through Facebook."
"Our Facebook page is different to a Facebook personal profile as it allows you to run Facebook ads and also access customer insights such as reach and engagement."
"I have a Facebook group for those of you that love quilting, needlework, books, wine, and wellness."
"Everyone was on Facebook, now everyone's on Twitter."
"...Facebook will favor you and they will list your products more higher in the ranking search."
"So this is a really fantastic way for you to leverage Facebook live to engage with your audience on your page."
"Facebook builds Shadow profiles of people so even if you don't have a Facebook you do."
"Look at how mightily YouTube is growing, Facebook is killing it."
"...Facebook has multiple data centers which they call regions."
"Facebook's of the devil, but you have a right to your opinion."
"It was me, like, I did it a couple years ago, but I'm definitely at that point where I think it's time to cut that cord of Facebook."
"Facebook is still the most popular social media platform on the planet and a powerful way to connect with your customers."
"Facebook is the Wilderness, yes yes, YouTube is the place."
"That's my number one CBO strategy for Facebook ad campaigns."
"Facebook has over 2.8 billion monthly users and an advertising campaign specifically optimized for lead generation."
"Facebook's lead ads allow you to collect contact information such as name, email address, phone number, and more."
"Analyzing Facebook ads performance: understanding key performance indicators."
"Facebook believes it has to get 3 things right for Reels to beat TikTok - tools that help content creators produce quality short-form videos, algorithms that recommend engaging Reels to viewers, and programs that help content creators monetize their Reels."
"As ridiculous as the metaverse sounds and as unlikable Zuckerberg is as a public figure, the VR vision for Facebook is a true business play."
"Facebook in a single month has gone through a complete rebranding and is now pounding the drum for a flashy new vision about metaverses, digital frontiers, and innovation - things that companies only do when they feel they have no other choice."
"Facebook: if you read something about a radio, believe the opposite."
"Facebook is not supposed to be initially very profitable, but overall, it should be more like a business amplifier."
"Facebook advertising gives you access to a massive audience, close to 3 billion active monthly users."
"Facebook had the most instances of misinformation but Amplified such claims to a lesser degree."
"Add testers for Facebook OAuth 2 and accept requests for testing."
"So we connected the Facebook Conversion API to WordPress, and things are working quite well."
"Because we connected on Facebook."
"PyTorch was started in 2016 at Facebook by an undergrad intern, which I think is pretty cool."
"Facebook is the single largest entity in terms of users in the world."
"When Mark Zuckerberg made the offer, Jan asked Brian for his opinion. Brian replied, 'I like Mark. We can work together. Let's make this deal.'"
"Did you know that Facebook actually has two different ways that you can manage or set up a Facebook business page?"
"There are 1.79 billion users that visit Facebook every single day."
"Facebook today is at 2.7 billion active users."
"Augmented reality will take a big seat at Facebook Connect."
"These glasses are as Mark Zuckerberg says part of Facebook's journey towards full augmented reality glasses in the future."
"Meta is the parent company of Facebook and Instagram."
"Facebook made a change recently that has made shops a lot more powerful."
"Some companies have been able to grow organically just because they have really great content and their content is perfect for Facebook."
"The Facebook Business Manager is essentially a place for you to control all your different assets, your different ad accounts, your different pages."
"You need a Facebook Business Page in order to run ads on Facebook."
"Whenever a new lead or purchase happens inside of ActiveCampaign, it's going to get pushed across to Facebook via the Conversions API."
"Facebook is not that complicated, and you need to tell Facebook exactly what you're trying to achieve."
"The truth is that Facebook works way better in consolidation, especially after iOS 14."
"The most impressive number about Facebook is the fact that they have three billion users."
"One of the biggest mistakes that I see Facebook advertisers make is they underestimate how long it takes to succeed with Facebook ads."
"It takes longer to succeed with Facebook advertising than most people think."
"Facebook groups are one of the only places on Facebook we still get a lot of organic reach."
"Facebook going full crypto unveiling its new digital currency Libre today."
"Facebook is already too big and too powerful."
"This may be the way Moe moment for Facebook."
"Facebook has these two great assets that people in the U.S. underappreciate."
"It's a reminder of how powerful the Facebook platform is."
"The single most important thing with a Facebook ad is that you offer something that people actually want."
"Facebook Prophet is a forecasting algorithm implemented by Facebook that is pretty fast and also pretty good."
"Facebook does not want to see itself as a media company even though it is one."
"We are now going live on Facebook with a scheduled stream."
"And that is how you go live with a scheduled Facebook stream."
"Facebook's staggering user base has over 3 billion users."
"According to Facebook it's not six degrees separation, it's like 4.7 degrees of separation between people."
"Facebook has just made a massive commitment to building the metaverse."
"Every year, Facebook, now Meta, holds a conference called F8."
"The conversion campaign is no longer as effective... lead generation works better because the leads stay inside Facebook."
"Facebook ads are generally going to be your most bang for your buck in terms of engagement."
"With over 2.3 billion active users, Facebook is still the number one social media platform to this day."
"If you allow checkout on Facebook, your customers have a seamless, quick checkout."
"The cool part about lead generation ads is that it captures their information and auto-populates it for them based on what information they have in Facebook."
"Lookalike Audiences... can get amazing return on ad spend."
"I'm going to be showing you and teaching you our brand new Facebook ad strategy that enabled us to go from zero dollars all the way up to 1.2 million dollars in just 90 days."
"GraphQL was originally built by Facebook to solve their problem with data fetching."
"Facebook stores over 260 billion images, that's around 20 petabytes worth of data."
"Make a Facebook business page for your blog now. It's not just a good step for creating a community and sharing your latest posts, it'll also help you monetize your blog and connect with other bloggers later on."
"Facebook has built the internet for the global south."
"Facebook is probably the largest social media platform out there and is without a doubt one of the most influential."
"It's kind of neat that Facebook allows for developers like you and I to use something that they've used themselves for their products."
"Advertising on Facebook is a good way to start."
"Hive was originally developed by Facebook around 2007 and is currently an open-source Apache project."
"There's no space for competition with Facebook because they either buy you or copy you and put you out of business."
"Facebook is an amazing tool that print on demand sellers are using and generating thousands of dollars of profit from driving audience traffic to their listings."
"Facebook Instant Experiences, previously known as Canvas Ads, are kind of an intermediate step between your Facebook or Instagram ad unit on a mobile device and your landing page."
"This is a completely immersive experience where it operates just like a landing page but it's supported by Facebook."
"Facebook actually pays really, really well, far more than Instagram and Tik Tok."
"The potential for it to go viral on Facebook is still very present."
"If you want to advertise on Facebook, you absolutely want to get the Facebook Pixel installed."
"The more they trust you, the more that Facebook enables you."
"It is so important to understand the benefits and the purposes of promoting your business on Facebook through a business page and a business group."
"Facebook is no place for bullying."
"We work hard with local teachers organizations and student organizations to make sure that people are getting the support they need on Facebook."