
Anomaly Quotes

There are 647 quotes

"Scientists have declared that these discoveries are technically not supposed to exist, defying established laws of science."
"With InSight, we hope to learn if Earth is an anomaly in the Solar system."
"The fact that elected office is the only office that we do not require fitness for is a real anomaly."
"Lactase persistence is the weird thing; that's the aberration."
"If something strange happens, or the game crashes, please have faith and think outside the box."
"Are we looking at a glitch in The Matrix, or is there a more logical explanation for the whole thing?"
"It doesn't just resonate like that in the sky, that's crazy."
"An anomaly that has been aptly nicknamed… Time’s Up."
"There's something extremely bizarre going on."
"If you see something anomalous, something strange, actually it's a great thing."
"It's a win-win proposition if you see something anomalous, something strange actually it's a great thing."
"It's so unusual maybe we should look for something out of the box to explain it."
"All of the photos showed the crew working diligently away at excavating skewed and off-center grid squares."
"Maria's incident marks the first known death by the liminal land anomaly."
"The anomaly is capable of hosting a microcosm of floral and faunal life, sustained indefinitely through unknown means."
"God's Blind Spot: An anomalous area where nobody can die, believed to have originated from the literal blessing of the Abrahamic god."
"What happened at the Capitol was incredibly weird."
"Omumua exhibited peculiarities suggesting it might be artificial."
"The year of no summer: In 1816, there was no summer due to severe climate abnormalities."
"The Overton Bridge in Milton, Scotland... it's so bad that dogs walking beneath the bridge will climb to the top just to jump off."
"SCP-1382 is a 'red sea mark' water buoy, floating on the surface of Lake Michigan."
"SCP-411 is an anomalous man that ages backwards and has memory functioning in reverse, providing answers to questions before they're asked."
"SCP-1981 was a Betamax tape featuring Ronald Reagan, but now consists of recordings of a skinless humanoid giving a speech at the World Economic Forum in 2013."
"He described an electromagnetic yellow, grayish fog surrounding the plane and messing with his instruments."
"Christopher Columbus was on board the Santa Maria with his crew on his first voyage to the New World. He sailed through the area we now know as the Bermuda Triangle and reported seeing fire on the horizon despite there being no discernible land."
"It happened in a church and that is unprecedented."
"Avengers United they stand is a strange little anomaly in the lineage of beloved superhero cartoons from the 90s."
"We've got a strange story from the International Space Station."
"The Michigan Triangle, a mysterious triangle located over Lake Michigan."
"The Wyoming incident is an anomaly I haven't seen anything as odd twisted up and cloaked in lies and mystery as this thing."
"That's really compelling evidence that at least something was observed, right? It was not a glitch or anything."
"Those things aren't supposed to happen here in this community."
"So what? It's kind of unusual, but twelve birds have it."
"The TYC signal was 300 sigmas above background. So what was that thing? One popular suggestion is that it was a Benford beacon..."
"SCP-4036 is not about a single person, but rather an entire nation of the anomalous."
"Jared is truly an anomaly, something they've never seen before."
"What struck them was not just the fact that there's this craft here but how bizarre it was to see this thing defying gravity."
"Hang on, one of those things is not like the other."
"What happens when a reality anchor encounters a deeply strange anomaly that the Foundation doesn't fully understand? What does it seek to maintain when it's lost its grip on reality?"
"Halo is the most weird anomaly-esque esport that's ever lived. Because there has never been any esport in any [__] world or dimension where it's plagued and filled with brothers and twin brothers."
"2020 was an abnormal year that was an incredible account flip."
"It's cheap but when you look at what it can do, it's an outlier."
"YouTube channel with no videos has the most subscribers."
"Two things within a few days: eerie hotel room incidents and electricity blackout."
"Even though there's not an intentional mushroom fields village in the game, that didn't stop this one from generating."
"This was not flares. This thing sat up there absolutely still."
"I realized that something was unorthodox about the wildlife."
"Do you think that the wiki is anomalous in itself?" - The endless fascination with the SCP universe.
"That's not normal. That KFC is in another universe, I swear."
"I believe we have a genuine, anomalous, aerial event that occurred over Tinley Park in 2004."
"Black folks tired of struggling, tired of sitting in conditions and communities that are not working."
"Whatever this was it was not supposed to be in that area."
"When confronted with images of his doppelganger in news and media reports living out his life and assuming his identity, SCP-1447-2 was unable to explain the anomaly and asserted that he was the true original version of himself."
"She said, 'It's pretty expected that every now and then you'll see something weird.'"
"After being born with two heads, two snouts, and three eyes, this piglet has perplexed locals."
"Here are 15 places where gravity doesn't seem to work."
"I'm drunk I'm seeing double which is weird because I don't drink."
"Real glitch in The Matrix: Unexplainable supernatural experiences."
"The idea of having GeForce AI just snapping your neck to take over your body is terrifying and I love it!"
"SCP-056 is one of the most deceptive, and one of the most dangerous anomalies known to the SCP Foundation."
"To me, this object doesn't seem to have gotten here through natural processes. Its shape and the way it seemed to settle into the landscape is completely different than any other object we've seen on The Martian surface."
"A watch with an interesting story and passionate following as a result of being a complete anomaly."
"The definition of an out of place artifact is an object that ought not to exist in the time or place in which it was found."
"A father and son encountered a partially alive anomaly while hunting."
"Moon is not like a moon in astronomy; it's a planetoid."
"Moon is an oddity, a phenomenon; it shouldn't be doing all the things that it does."
"A piglet in the Philippines left villagers astounded after she was born with two heads, two snouts, and three eyes."
"Because this amphis Bina wasn't irregular though it ignored its Natural Instincts to keep itself alive."
"This kind of device is strange because the electric field has an infinite wavelength inside the material, so it cloaks the object embedded in it."
"Green golden retriever: When one of her dog's nine puppies was born with a green tint in its fur, a dog owner from northern Germany was taken aback."
"Zooming in, it looks like a freaking femur bone from a human thigh."
"A typical situation of a glitch in the matrix."
"Why is the entire political world treating George Santos and his lies as such an anomaly?"
"An SCP-3994 instance wearing its shell might appear as someone with a limb that twists and bends in an unnatural way."
"One in a million five-legged lamb born at Northumberland farm."
"The site is known for high strangeness, maybe even a place where different time overlaps the same space."
"Rare piglet baffles villagers... born with two heads, two snouts, and three eyes."
"Nothing happened right I mean there there are actually some people who who for whatever reason are just neurologically impervious to certain psychedelics."
"Plot of this week revolves around the revelation that the DMA is in fact a construct as opposed to a natural phenomenon."
"It's not over; this wormhole here is different."
"It's been theorized that such occurrences have been caused by a whirlwind which transported these creatures elsewhere and deposited them like rain-like matter."
"He is one of, if not the most interesting anomalies in the music industry and honestly pop culture in general."
"A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix."
"All those months he'd been coughing and wheezing, he'd been walking around with a pea plant growing in his left lung."
"The anomaly is shrinking, we have a limited window in which to explore what lies beyond."
"There was a feeling of wrongness about the whole thing that's hard to describe."
"It rained chunks of meat in Olympia Springs, Kentucky for a little less than 5 minutes."
"This is the first time she's acted like this."
"That is not normal, that's abnormal, that shouldn't happen, that's unnatural."
"It almost looked like it was a hole cut from the fabric of reality itself."
"It was something unknown, something out of place in the world as I knew it."
"It's in a cluster zone of missing people and boulders all over that creek, never found, not normal."
"This animal is not supposed to be here, we're capturing evidence of it"
"The pot though is somewhat incongruous with the rest of the discoveries."
"SCP-294, affectionately referred to by guards and personnel as the coffee machine, accepts any liquid and some things that aren't liquids."
"SCP-294 somehow managed to literally liquefy 12 ounces from the agent's body before producing them into a cup."
"SCP-294 could not only read people's minds, it can read memories they don't even know they still have."
"Boundless in its fascinating complexities."
"It's plausible, even possible, that there were pieces of media out there in the world that had never seen the light of day."
"It's that kind of subtle but constant creeping dread you experience."
"...the foundation nonetheless extended honorary Foundation stats of Mira to those who decided to take the plunge for the collective psychodental health of their fellow man."
"I can't believe David could do this, to unleash this nightmare upon us," Russell thought.
"The test was catastrophic. It caused a containment breach with SCP-5683 loose and scuttling about the facility on its multiple legs."
"The doctor shoved Silva towards the spider and prepared to run. Then, all of a sudden, SCP-5683 vanished."
"It's an anomaly trapped in an endless cycle of pain and violence."
"SCP-953 is considered armed and dangerous at all times."
"SCP 054 displayed surprisingly congenial and curious behavior."
"It was clear to the foundation who the greater anomaly in the situation really was: the person wielding it."
"SCP-610 is a Keter-class entity, meaning it’s an anomaly that’s exceedingly difficult to contain consistently or reliably."
"There are anomalies littered everywhere throughout the extensive history of baseball, but in recent times not many compared to the intense ebb and flow of Josh Johnson's career."
"It's been weird, this has been an unusual one."
"None of the less, how weird was that though, man?"
"Smith not neo is the anomaly in the system."
"Agent Smith... you truly are the one."
"Could this strange anomaly in the sky be proof of a glitch in a future civilization simulation?"
"A healthy miracle mindset is an anomaly in modern culture."
"But then how do you explain this rod with an odd number of wings? Hold on, wait, wait, wait, wait. I just saw something. Look at this, three sets of wings! Yeah, that's different."
"The leathery, undeteriorative, and almost indestructible quality was an inherent attribute of the thing’s form of organisation."
"Had it been some trace of that bizarre musical piping… Instead, it was a thing so mockingly normal…"
"This strangely uncaring attitude was also noted by witnesses of both the Nimitz and Roosevelt encounters... these are very bizarre reactions to potential airspace incursions."
"Dr. Bright is uniquely qualified for the job on the grounds that he himself is an anomaly."
"I had come across this business anomaly I couldn't explain."
"Some may call these glitches in the matrix."
"But the bottom line is that they use a sample from the top left corner of the Shroud which we know to be anomalous."
"...the car while in first gear and the gas was depressed began to be pulled backwards against all Logic the car was fighting to go forward against something that wasn't visible."
"That's a glitch in the matrix, my friends."
"People react very strangely to you; you're an anomaly, like God broke the mold with you."
"Until lockdown life was happy for Tony... brought him face to face with a real glitch in the matrix."
"The interesting things for theorists are where there is some disjunction."
"Every agent, doctor, and researcher sent to capture them steadfastly refused to complete their mission due to a reaction to their zone of influence."
"It's evident that SCP-514 interprets any attempts to capture it as a hostile act, triggering the nullification effects of its zone of influence in response."
"I averaged these and I've excluded this holiday week. We can kind of ignore that anomaly."
"The truth behind a mysterious event known as the Vela Incident—it's a fascinating anomaly, it's a mystery that reads like a techno thriller."
"But what we are saying is we know for a fact that we can document anomalous behavior."
"Every time there's a transfer of property or a dispute over property hereabouts, the amount involved never exceeds 499 dollars. That is a strange factor, isn't it?"
"This was such a bizarre and frankly such a rare malfunction to witness."
"You become a giver and it's really beautiful. Not I'm giving, you don't even know you're giving, you're just not taking. And if you're not taking, you're an anomaly in this world."
"SCP 323 is definitely not a fresh skull either. It shows signs of weathering and a few scars across the surface, looking as if the bone has been bleached and eroded through exposure to the elements."
"SCP 323 is an anomalous object with ties to the various wendigo Legends as the object's moniker suggests."
"The skull has an inherent ability to influence the minds of those around it. Anyone spending an hour within a 15 M radius of SCP 323 is likely to experience the effects of this influential power."
"SCP-6080, when emotionally distressed, could bend reality to alter their surroundings, which were transformed into reflections of its psyche."
"Emerson's Game of Death came back and bit him, snapping the threads of reality and turning the entire site into a dimensionally displaced super anomaly."
"The foundation had done the unthinkable; they had vanquished the very concept that takes us from being alive to being deceased."
"SCP 3078 is a self-replicating image that can appear without warning on message boards and social media platforms."
"The frightening thing about SCP 3078 isn't so much its deadly consequences but the fact that it can spread so quickly if unattended."
"Oh, him? He comes with the anomaly."
"SCP-1007 undergoes a change unlike anything the SCP Foundation has seen before."
"...a since deceased level 4 scientist named Dr. Yuat was experimenting with the newly discovered egg samples to see how they would affect existing SCPs."
"Finally, an honest to god, terrifying paranormal anomaly!"
"Welcome to SCP 1733. To the untrained eye, SCP 1733 seems to be a completely harmless item stored in a digital video recorder. It is kept securely in the dusty depths of the SCP Foundation's video archives."
"Even by the Foundation’s already-high standards, the requirements and regulations for personnel who are assigned to SCP-2317 seem oddly specific."
"SCP – 682, the unkillable anomaly, floated dead in its tank. Death truly made no exceptions within SCP – 2935."
"It was starting to become clear to the mobile task force that this was no random containment breach."
"SCP-3008-1 may not only be a nexus point of multiple Ikea stores in our dimension."
"But amidst all the weirdness of the 2020 season, Bundy became one of the only pitchers to actually get better in Anaheim."
"So, normally when you come up with an anomaly like this, the physicist's first move is to be conservative... But eventually, if you try very hard, you're led to something completely dramatic and paradigm-changing."
"Mormont's raven is a little weird. Ravens typically don't yell words with meaning."
"Over the next several minutes, I observed this thing change shapes into a rabbit, a squirrel, a weasel, a marmot, and a badger."
"It's strange that all the pistons are almost at the same height."
"But the possibility remains that the more we learn about the anomaly, the more questions may arise."
"The dancing plague of 1518 in Strasbourg is a bizarre instance of mass hysteria where people uncontrollably danced for weeks."
"You are unique, a strange anomaly in this world."
"It was the single most unusual occurrence of my life."
"Ladybug, you are a glitch in the broadcast."
"Intermittent spikes in radiation levels."
"SCP 294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine... only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English qwerty keyboard."
"Residents first realized that something was wrong when they were awakened by an overpowering eerie silence."
"Strange things occur on a daily basis that defy logic and explanation."
"Perhaps glitches in our reality itself."
"The only noticeable difference is that there were two prints and that the thumbs were again in the same place as the human thumbs however once again only four digits and odd claws pointed towards where I had slept."
"It looks Flawless like you would never know that a door was not supposed to be here."
"That's the only one that's off, that's so weird. I wonder how that happened."
"...over a minute and it did not pause nor did it happen again."
"A factory belonging to the company known as Northwell Industry was operating like any other day."
"That was like a four-thousand-dollar thing, it's just odd that the rest of the line still looks okay."
"The lights were flickering violently, more than I had ever seen them do before, as if someone was repeatedly flipping the light switch as fast as they possibly could to set a world record."
"Suddenly, a glitch occurs, and a wave of energy spreads across the Earth."
"We have uh what we in science call an anomaly."
"I heard from someone that the water here is beginning to freeze from the taps, no matter how warm it is out."
"SCP-3060's object class has subsequently been updated to Keter."
"It feels like an anomaly, a show this mature and confident, visually breathtaking and orally nourishing."
"Common sense didn't seem to apply to such a monster."
"SCP 37002 appears at random locations within the 800 km area."
"scp-2099 is the brain of Jeremy Valdez and all Associated machinery and equipment contained in place at the recovery location."
"SCP-2935 might be the most dangerous SCP of all."
"Anomalous presence no longer detected. You did it kid."
"When the weird things happened, they stood out a mile."
"This apartment building fell over and remained intact."
"SCP-173, or as most of the staff in the SCP Foundation call it, the sculpture."
"All the readings in all of the chambers were the same except for the living quarters."
"SCP-6698 is to all appearances a perfectly ordinary bathroom until it started the Manifest anomalous Behavior."
"there's a serious breach in the time space continuum"
"You're a total anomaly in this world."
"That could be anything, a brake light on a foggy night. But there's no fog, the rest of the sky is clear."
"Over 100 cases of human tails have been reported in medical journals since the 1800s."
"We haven't had one single strange thing happen until now."
"SCP-2183, the most intense roller coaster in this crazy world of ours."
"The knife itself was not the anomaly but rather the knife's effect on anyone who observed it."
"If any of this account is to be believed, the very Discovery and capture of scp-001 was the impetus for the entire SCP foundation's approach to researching and containing anomalies."
"Few people enjoy a good story more than SCP-343 himself."