
Absolutes Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Don't form hard-set beliefs on these things that most people would label as bad because we live in a world of relativity, and there are no absolutes except for the absolute."
"Good and evil rarely exist as absolutes; a world of absolutes can't really exist."
"Always, not sometimes, always. It can never fail, always."
"Can something be objectively good yes absolutely."
"I'm reluctant to say any absolutes... because that is completely wrong if I say that immediately I have shut off anybody's attempt at developing a new style."
"The truth is only the truth, nothing can be added or taken away."
"Love is black and white, it is or it isn't. There is no gray area in love."
"There are no absolutes... are you absolutely certain?"
"The only way there can be a moral objective truth, a moral absolute, is if there is some mind prior to the human mind who defines what is right and what is wrong."
"Violence is always bad, every single circumstance, always."
"The more you speak in absolutes, the worse it gets."
"Loyalty isn't gray, it's black and white. You're either loyal completely or not loyal at all."
"The world is not black and white, a lot of times we speak and operate in absolutes."
"Starbuck, you may be the best warrior in the fleet but you see everything in absolute."
"You either have the inspired word of God or we don't."
"I love democracy. Only a Sith deals in absolutes."
"We can never traffic in absolutes or certainties, only probabilities."
"Only Sith deal in absolutes, right? But Yoda was, 'Do or do not, there is no try,' so he's a Sith."
"Virtue is not a relative concept."
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes, so I don't want to say the chance is zero, but..."
"Only a Sith deals with absolutes."
"There has to be a standard. There are absolutes. Certain things are unchangeable."
"God does have some absolute truths."
"There are absolute values, there is right and wrong, good and bad, just and unjust."
"We need moral absolutes, we need the law of God, we need God, we need people to understand that God's word does not change."
"Absolute value equal to a negative value: no solution. Equal to zero: one solution. Equal to a positive value: two solutions."
"Black is the color of absolutes... intimidating... also connected to evil... but also elegance and fashion."
"...there's no such thing as 100..."
"There's no absolutes in morality until the Creator establishes them."
"You can't use the words 'always' and 'never' in an argument."
"No computer system can be absolutely secure."
"Every time you hear yourself speak in absolutes, question it."
"Speaking in absolutes can really set you up to fail."
"Try to avoid picking an option that has absolutes such as always, never."
"You hear how people speak in definites... things are never set in stone ever."
"I stopped using the words never and always."
"The only absolutes are death and the speed of light."
"When you come into a crisis situation, you need to draw back to the absolutes that you know about God."
"The Ten Commandments are not obsolete; they are absolutes."
"...morality there might not be many absolutes, but there are a few."
"Whenever you hear yourself speaking in absolutes, they love this, they hate this, always pause and say, 'What would it look like if it was the opposite?'"
"The laws of logic and reason are absolute."
"I think there are some moral absolutes. I think cruelty is universally wrong."
"Even without God, you have the three logical absolutes: the law of identity, non-contradiction, and excluded middle."
"All your life you lived by a set of absolute truths, hard and fast rules that can never be broken. Well, with this card, the rules they are broken."
"Goodness, truth, and beauty are objective realities."
"Never say always, never and always, right? That's the stuff you should eliminate from your vocabulary."
"Some of them are absolutes and others are kind of on the fringe."
"Absolutes are things that don't change."
"I advocate for moral absolutes within a situation because within any given situation there's a finite set of actions."
"There are no absolutes; turn to some different people, remember that whatever they think is right, is right, even if it isn't."
"The only way that can be a moral absolute is if there is some type of God to create and define it."
"You don't speak in absolutes when you shouldn't speak in absolutes."
"Probability equal to 0 means it cannot happen; probability equal to 1 means the event is definitely going to happen."
"The logical absolutes are self-evident."
"I don't tend to think of things in absolutes like that because I'm not a Sith Lord."
"This has become a conflict of absolutes, a seeking of absolute victory over the enemy."
"I advocate for moral absolutes within a situation."
"There are no absolutes in this world."
"A society that refuses to say that there are certain absolutes that cannot be crossed under any circumstances, that are universally applicable, reduces things that we all take for granted like equal justice before the law."
"I'm absolutely sure there are no absolutes."
"Right is right and wrong is wrong, that's just the way it is."
"Black and white... they're two absolutes, they're extremes."