
Educational Methods Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Humor increases comprehension and learning. It's precisely why I put a bunch of humorous media clips that are related to the topic in my videos."
"I hope you learned some lessons about engaged learning and active teaching from that little exercise."
"But now all of a sudden, if you give that student a chance to internalize the information, we're seeing over and over again that a student that a few weeks ago you thought was remedial or a slow student becomes the second-best student in the class or the best student in the class."
"Hands-on interactive learning is almost always vastly better than trying to learn things by rote memorization of dull facts or assertions."
"Immersion is one of those things you have to experience."
"You have to make it fit there, we can't take a derivative right now."
"It's very hard to explain, much easier to show because it's intertwined with classical roots."
"Better to train up than to try to train backwards."
"The best way to practice listening is to just start listening expose yourself to native speakers as much as possible."
"I'm a big believer in practice repetition; you don't just read one article or watch one video on a topic and then know it."
"Group learning is very important, having a partner will create accountability."
"So, we're gonna be building out one of the case studies."
"If a child can't learn the way you teach, then you need to teach the way they learn."
"Just read stories... once you know them, then all of a sudden they start to create a little map in your mind."
"In order to get better at listening, you need to understand how spoken English works."
"Humans learn most efficiently by building stuff and experiencing it for themselves."
"Remember, we teach by demonstration better than any other way."
"Active recall it's effective I find it efficient so it really is a good study technique."
"The best way to really learn new vocabulary is one in context... in a story."
"He didn't do a lot of handholding, a lot of his work while trying to teach me how to teach myself."
"It's not about giving them answers... it's about asking questions."
"When the only way you know how to learn things is by brute force memorization, you're going to have a much harder time understanding problems that haven't already been solved and written down in the textbook."
"Make the process of learning more conscious."
"You understand what I'm saying, you break it down, you're making it easy and fun at the same time."
"I was taught in graduate school that learning occurs under conditions where you have lots and lots of feedback tied closely in time to decisions and actions."
"There are two ways of learning: the traditional way and the real-life way."
"I'm gonna try small groups I'm gonna have students independently doing like task cards around the room and then I'm gonna have it to like small groups working with the teacher."
"At the heart of my message today is this: it does not take a $10,000 board game and it doesn't take cutting kids off financially to make a difference."
"We should honor the neuroscience... how students actually learn."
"However you write it down, the notation is secondary in importance to the visual you might hold in your head for the process."
"We all get taught languages, but we don't get taught how to learn languages."
"Why don't you just teach us these lessons in the classroom?"
"That's why I keep coming back over here to the demonstrative chart, the cognitive stuff. I think everybody is doing the cognitive stuff. Get the hands-on. Focus on the hands-on. I can't stress this part enough. Focus on the hands-on."
"I trick people into learning science by getting them excited to see a thing and then when they least expect it then I sneak some science in on them."
"I'm a huge fan of using music in the classroom for almost everything."
"The basis of the technique is that you try to explain a complicated topic simply."
"The best way to learn something will stick much much better if you can figure it out for yourself."
"The role of the teacher is to engage and help."
"I wish my school had taught this way, I learned more watching the videos."
"A lot of people learn with their hands more easily than studying a book."
"I teach all of this stuff from the rooter to the tooter."
"For memorization as a whole, getting the wrong answer and learning the correct one afterwards seemed to help the information stick more."
"Make it memorable: find ways to engage with the material."
"There are only two real components to good learning or good knowledge: understanding plus memorization."
"The point of the exercise was to refute racism."
"You have to speak without losing meaning, without losing content, you have to explain it in a language that they understood."
"By breaking down each lesson into smaller bite-sized experiences that quiz information repeatedly yet practically, it's so much easier to learn, process, and remember."
"If you're laughing, you're probably learning."
"One of the best ways to learn a language is with a native speaker."
"Don't look at whether or not the students actually learn math, look at if I was the correct kind of teacher."
"It usually gives you nice answers like geometric answers."
"Let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial."
"Children need to see a demonstration more than one time before the light bulb goes off."
"You learn something by experiencing it, you internalize it in a way that you just can't sitting in a classroom with a book."
"The best way to learn a language is through immersion... but that's not possible for everybody so what's the second best way? Well that would be Babel."
"The animation of the professor and the way they sometimes joke about certain things on the video... that really helped me remember and retain information."
"Teaching something helps you learn it twice."
"We live in a world of autonomous electric cars and spaceships... but we're choosing like a horse and buggy when it comes to learning."
"Audacity is a tool every language teacher should know."
"Our assessment is never a written exam, it's always a portfolio."
"You don't gotta treat bad kids like bad kids in order to correct the behavior."
"You can make some very, very intriguing demonstrations."
"There's a huge difference between math let me draw this a little better by over the power of negative 3 there's a huge difference between math."
"I hesitate to use the word proven in any area of science, but the evidence suggests strongly that direct expository teachings don't seem to be the most effective for novices specifically."
"Teach is probably the wrong word, I'm more informing."
"Act like a teacher... a fun way to keep yourself engaged and improve your attention."
"Cosine of 30 degrees: the long side of that, from everything we talked through in the last lecture, is square root of 3 over 2, square root of 3 over 2."
"There's a way for them to teach players without outright spelling it out."
"University lectures are an obsolete practice inherited from the middle ages when books were scarce."
"Most people understand what fascism is, yeah go for it. Flyers can be useful, I don't have any data on how effective flyers are at actually changing people's minds but it certainly doesn't hurt to give it a try."
"Learning is not just a matter of constant repetition without stopping. In fact, starting and stopping can be a great way of continuing your learning and getting better and better."
"There will never be a right or wrong answer."
"It's just you not doing what everyone else is doing."
"It's not just the infographic, it's the art of reaching people using plain language."
"Let's stay focused on the goal... ending predatory behavior and that usually starts with education."
"If a theory cannot be explained to a child, then the theory is probably worthless." - Albert Einstein
"The purpose of observing it and having others observe us before we do it on our own is to build the sense of mastery."
"We're gonna do a thing here never done before. I'm gonna teach you as much music theory as I can from scratch in one hour."
"So what I wanted to do by asking the question was to open up the discourse a little bit so that students may see me as an example and maybe model for them that it's okay to question ideas."
"Knowledge is constructed more organically and more efficiently when people are engaged in active learning."
"Conviction is good because this is not about information transfer, this is about transformation."
"The best way to learn one's own language is to learn foreign languages."
"Any method of learning that you can leverage to create more value for yourself is appropriate."
"It's awesome Hands-On is always the best way to learn."
"Embrace science. Let's take a scientific view of how you train athletes and maybe even how you teach them skills."
"If you really want to take your teaching to the next level, you might try… letting the students teach themselves."
"Isn't this really the way that people learn?"
"I'm teaching people how to stop magical thinking."
"Learning based on context will help it stick in your mind; the key is learning phrasal verbs in context."
"Their interactive approach to learning...has been shown to be six times more effective than passive learning."
"How can you help a normal adult learn a new language quickly, easily and effectively?"
"Interactive learning has been proven to be the best way to learn."
"The focus is on the gamified approach that's fun and effective, and this approach is actually pretty decent for an AI assistant."
"In education, we want to motivate our students. We want them to be motivated intrinsically to learn and teaching in story maybe a more profound way to connect with them."
"I commend the teacher for thinking outside the box."
"If there is a magic bullet, the magnetic memory method cure that you just learned is that bullet."
"For me, I spent my first year using my iPad to write notes but I honestly like physical paper better."
"He decides to try Plan B on the following day, forcing Ana to study for several hours without interruption."
"Kids can understand reality very, very simply. We have to understand that kids have the capacity to understand these things if we explain them."
"Spaced repetition, interleaving, and active recall - three ways to get something into your long-term memory."
"Avoid making mistakes by understanding the linguistic developments of runic alphabets."
"Implementation should be learning outcome based, interactive, and assessment should be embedded with it."
"Analyzing sources: the critical questions for both primary and secondary materials."
"Subject terminology: clarity over complexity."
"Knowledgeability is a practice, it's not a list of things that you can just tell somebody."
"Real-life examples help illustrate concepts."
"My name is Brian Rose and my job is to listen, the oldest method of learning known to man."
"Miss Trunchbull's model is very structured and very importantly there are no exceptions to the rule."
"There's a way of communicating and learning, a way of organizing your information and presenting it to people."
"What schools are doing is exactly what the CIA does with Pixar films and Disney films. They make Bambi's mom die in the beginning, right? And off that pain comes."
"The arts were taught to people like monks in monasteries because they were trying to protect the religious conventions."
"Observation is huge in both Montessori and RIE for a very good reason."
"Group lessons engage the whole family in learning together."
"Reading slowly and digesting the content deeply helps get all the nutrients out of the book."
"If you have a structure like the one that I prefer and the one that I recommend to my students you can get incredibly competent at reading the language very quickly you'll really be astonished how quickly that you acquire a new language."
"That's what I'm always thinking about. How can I teach it a little bit differently so that you guys can understand hair a little bit better?"
"Everybody learns differently, so I don't mind explaining things again and again until it makes sense."
"Children learn language through pictures, listening to native speakers, and through interactive activities. That's really cool."
"The power of Google and the power of hands-on learning."
"People do need a level of entertainment I feel like it's easier to learn things when they're entertaining."
"You're applying very basic concepts that everybody understands."
"Kids like to be organized and they like it when people give them a little bit of help structuring what they're going to do."
"Task-based language teaching brings together the idea of communication and learning."
"Visually represent information to uncover different relationships, making learning so much easier."
"Supervised learning is when someone who knows the right answers, called a supervisor, points out mistakes during the learning process."
"The best possible way to learn anything is by failure."
"We try to unpack them, get them down to the nuts and bolts."
"Teaching actually helps you to understand stuff in a completely different way."
"That's part of the way that I learn."
"It's the most effective way to learn."
"If we want to be effective in our study period or our ability to retain information or learn something new, this pyramid here is something that we should all study and live by."
"Rereading is one of the best ways for kids to improve their fluency."
"If I can boil it down to one simple sentence, it would be that the Montessori method is very pragmatic and prescriptive, while the Waldorf method is much more esoteric, whimsical, and even maybe like dreamy."
"Part of the reason schools do that is to see how you interact with other people."
"Babble basically presents the same content in a variety of different ways and really forces you to interact with the material."
"Satisfactory, very fruitful, excellent way of discussing through case studies."
"Learners should just experience the story the first time they read or listen to it."
"That's what keeps it engaging and interactive."
"In stage one, we're learning methods for all the sections and we're building that base of understanding for the basic concepts."
"I just love that it's not like they're not using just one way to teach and tell or spread their word or spread their message; they are using many tools within this video to kind of paint a picture, right? And I'm just loving it. I am here for it."
"The approach to teaching grammar should be learning-centered, meaningful, and interesting."
"This method is something that I've created to really help me in providing authentic instruction that really connects between reading and writing."
"They do such an amazing job of explaining through showing."
"Project-based learning is so important and essential as a driver for learning because our students have to take ownership."
"If you can learn that soft idea, you're going to be learning more."
"Asking students to identify similarities and differences through comparative analysis leads to significant gains in academic achievement."
"The more sophisticated your understanding of the content, the more likely you have of alternative ways of representing it."
"I'm always interested in how teachers teach and how they set themselves up for success in an organizational way."
"Blended learning for me is a hybrid between the stage on the stage and the guide on the side."
"All of this is really just a way of making something really intuitive formally viable."