
Highs And Lows Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"The whole purpose of family is to support each other in the lows and the highs."
"You can't put a tab on a journey in the NBA. The highs and lows, that's going to be part of your career."
"The highs can be pretty high but the valleys in between these peaks are vast."
"Once it does that drop, once people have the opportunity to buy the top and sell the bottom, great! We get to go make new all-time highs again."
"The highs are high and the lows are low, so rather than assuming you can be so smart that you will never have low lows, instead plan ahead."
"The bigger the upside, the bigger the down, the more up you felt, the lower the low."
"Every high is followed by a sort of like crash down afterwards and it's extremely difficult to emotionally to handle this sort of like up and down."
"You're going to have lows you're going to have highs the people that succeed and continue on in the long run and the people that don't fucking give up in the lows"
"It's been crazy, it's been a crazy four years from the lowest of the lows to the highest of the highs."
"We endure the worst of Yu-Gi-Oh so that we can experience the best of Yu-Gi-Oh."
"Don't get too crazy high when things are high and also don't fall too hard when things are low."
"It's an interesting time... the highest of highs and the lowest of lows."
"Everything is drugs, baby... constantly riding the different highs and lows."
"That was quite the emotional roller coaster."
"You guys have already been to some of the lowest lows, and now it's gonna be your turn to get to the highest highs."
"Mike Tyson's life has been a series of monumental highs and devastating lows."
"Highs and lows of high school football, am I right?"
"It's been like a roller coaster with so many memorable highs and lows."
"I'm grateful that I get to feel the highs as well as the lows."
"Wrestling has its highs, it has the lows."
"Comedy's like your highest highs and your lowest lows."
"This is a roller coaster of a ride, right? The highs are here, the lows are here. Get back to the middle as quick as you can."
"You have your highs and your lows, you'll walk out where you've won the race and yeah, that's a great high."
"It's just the rough and smooth of angling, you know, you go from a low point to a high point and then you hook one and it's like ah, the greatest feeling ever."
"The lows and highs of travel, it can have really low lows but it can also have really high highs."
"Travolta's career has been characterized by highs and lows, from his early success as a teen Idol to his later resurgence as a versatile and acclaimed actor."
"It's funny that this happened when it did because it's gonna sound so depressing I promise you it's not but life sometimes decides to hit you with your highest highs and your lowest lows at the exact same time."
"Her story is a tale of soaring heights and devastating lows, of fame and wealth mixed with pain and tragedy."
"It takes you to the lowest of lows quick, and then the next hit could take you to the high to high."
"It was disappointing because it had some really awesome moments punctuated by the rest of the movie which just didn't really do anything."
"Everyone out there is just a cyclist, having a good time and having a bad time, but the highs always come back again."
"There is no franchise that has seen the highest highs and the lowest lows quite like Star Wars."
"...I have really high highs and really low lows I would honestly take that over being emotionless."
"There's more highs and lows than a rollercoaster at Disneyland."
"You have the highest highs and the lowest lows in the sport."
"It's probably been like the highest of highs and then some also really low."
"Life is a bunch of highs and a bunch of lows and they neither one of them lasts forever and that's kind of just the human experience."
"I love the feeling on stage. It's like a rush. Then late at night you get all depressed because jokes don't work, but I enjoy that also because then you write new jokes and you come back the next day and you do it all again."
"It's interesting because sometimes you feel on cloud nine, but then suddenly you feel like you hit a plateau."
"The lows are as essential as the highs. You don't have the lows without the highs."
"There's nothing better than that, you know? And his highs are higher than a lot of other kids."
"It's highest of highs and lowest of lows. I mean, you can never feel so high off a win and there's honestly never feel too low off a loss."
"What I've learned from this race is that there's going to be lots of highs and lots of lows, and that's the same for everyone."
"Maybe there's a personal part of it too, but without the lows, there can be no highs."
"It's been an amazing journey, packed with highs and lows."
"What's my low moment? When I had to... this morning, and I felt uncomfortable in the toilet. That's a low. What's my highest? Arya last night, lying on this bench seat, looking at the stars in the sky and saying to me, 'Mommy, I don't want to go back to the house.'"
"So there you go, we had some big highs and we had some low lows but that's why I haul it all for you guys so I can give you the real tea on fashion."
"It's a drug, yeah. Because you do a bunch of cool [ __ ] for like three or four weeks in a row and then you have like a week of just like normal life again and you're like, yeah, am I failing? No, for sure, getting up bad for sure."
"The Arc of his life is beyond um is hard to really fathom what the heights that he went to and then the lows obviously."
"Carson's career with its dizzying highs and occasional lows serves as a poignant reminder of the tightrope that comedians walk."
"Life is a journey there are Peaks and troughs."
"If you're thinking about doing what we've done I I definitely encourage it you just you need to understand that the highs do have their lows but the lows they get their highs everything is is worth it."
"I think a lot of people just really go through the [ __ ] but experiencing the lows is how you appreciate the highs in some ways."
"A lot of highs and a lot of lows, but if you watch Florida tournaments that's exactly what happens time after time."
"One of the highlights of the trip for sure. It's just so nice to see them like this. There were definitely some lows. What is no no no no no no no we got screwed over by our hotel basically."
"For whatever light you've got, for whatever the highest high is, there's an equally low low."
"A very weird season with some high highs and some really low lows."
"Kind of crazy to see how this theme just went up into really high highs then also had very low lows."
"We had some really beautiful and special moments and some more draining moments, but that's travel for you."
"Personal life: Loretta Divine's journey through love and family has seen its share of highs and lows."
"Your journey isn't a black and white one, it's full of high highs and low lows."
"Unequivocally, I think this year has been a very interesting year because we've seen the highest of highest and lowest of lows."
"It's a duo of extreme highs and extreme lows."
"Our highest highs and our lowest lows."
"We get the lowest lows and when things are good, things are great."
"I want to help you trust God through both the highs and the lows of life."
"Having these highs and lows is going to have a huge effect on how you manage your mental health."
"It's been a magical journey, major ups and downs."
"Everybody gets high, everybody gets low."
"Three years there's been highs, lows, but way more highs than lows, so that's pretty good."
"One day you can be on top of the world, and then the next day you could be as low as a gutter rat."
"It's so good when it's good, when it's bad it's so terrible, but it makes the highs so much sweeter."
"Being a successful live streamer comes with its highs and lows."
"I've had some lows and some amazing highs."
"You know you've been high when you're feeling low."
"I hope you've enjoyed a look back at my year; I certainly have. There were definitely some highs and definitely some lows."
"We've had some highs, we had some lows, but more so highs."
"We've grown the most amazing community of people; it's been a series of some major highs and also some really testing times."
"You can't have your highest highs without your lowest lows; it's a balance."
"Football will have you riding the highest of highs, the lowest of lows."
"You're like on top of the world one second and then everything comes crashing down the next."
"It's like anything else in life, as you do things as a team, the highs are just that much higher and the lows are easier to manage."
"They have worked so hard, had the greatest highs and greatest lows, and persevered."
"I went from being as excited as I've ever been about pretty much anything in my life to that low, like butterflies, like just gut-wrenching loss."
"For every positive, there's a negative; for every high, there is a low."
"If you ride the highs, then you naturally have to experience the lows."
"The most decorated men's physique champion in history, the four-time Olympia Champion, has seen the highest of highs and the lowest of lows."
"The valleys are probably lower, but the mountains are higher."
"We've seen the best of times and the worst of times."
"We've had really high some lows some in between, you know, and that's just life."
"The highs and lows of Boomcoaster A Dogs, what an adventure we're on."
"There are going to be some things that are just awesome, and there are going to be some things that are not just awesome."
"You never get too high, you never get too low."
"It's been a massive challenge, but there's been lots of highs and lots of lows."
"It's been a year full of ups and downs, but I think the highs have been really, really high."
"We had some highs, we had some lows, but it was definitely an awesome event."
"That's why sport is great, because you have that high for somebody and that low for somebody."
"It's been an exceptional journey, with some amazing highs and some sort of life-changing lows."
"We start with our highs and lows of the week where we tell you guys the high points and our low points of our weeks."
"Life is full of great moments and really really crappy moments."
"Just thought I should let you know, got so high and now low."
"It's a movie of highs and lows that ultimately averages out into something that I enjoyed."
"No day is the same; there are some amazing highs."
"The highs are super hot amazing, and the lows can stick with you seemingly forever."
"This is the highs and lows and the reality of life, isn't it? You can be bouncing around, flouncing around fun fun fun, and then the next minute you can be poleaxed."
"It's been a hell of a run, man. A lot of [__], but also a lot of great, great times."
"I've been on top and I've been all the way on the bottom, man, it's peaks and valleys."
"It's tough at times for sure, but the highs are just incredible."
"I just have to ride the highs and be ready for the lows because I know it's coming."
"We had some real fun times, we had some high highs, some low lows."
"Everybody feels low, everybody feels high, everybody's feet are on the ground and heads in the sky."
"The life of high ups and low lows is infinitely better than the life of eternal monotony."
"Being a mom is highs and lows. It is amazing, the most wonderful thing I've ever done, the most worthy thing I've ever done. It is what life is about, and it is also the hardest thing I've ever done."
"You only know you've been high when you're feeling low."
"Life's about balance anyways, right? You got these waves, you know, for every high there must be a low."
"Higher heights are balance out the lows."
"You got your peaks, you got your high points and your low points, which is essentially life, right? You got ups and downs."
"We just have such a wonderful open flow of emotion; it's triumphant sometimes, it's deeply tragic at other times."
"We've had such great highs and we've also had such great lows."
"So high and a low, that's when I love you the most, I thought I should let you know."
"They don't have to invalidate each other; the highs aren't automatically erased or invalidated by the lows."
"It's all about bringing up highs and bringing you down lows, and that's why we love it so much."
"When it's good, it's great; when it's bad, it's tough."
"I'm big on the highs... I feel just silly in the lows."
"It's an emotional time, the best of times, the worst of times, a lot of tears, a lot of excitement."
"Life in itself is a journey, and just like any other trip, there are the highs and the lows that make up the experience of your trip."