
Heroes Quotes

There are 768 quotes

"Never meet your heroes, except I've had moments where my hero absolutely exceeded my expectations and became more of my hero."
"The biggest selling point of Overwatch 2 is the heroes."
"She hoped to one day meet one of these heroes, even if she was an old woman by that time."
"It's story-based, exciting, and heroes and all of those things."
"The knight is the precursor of many of the modern-day heroes that are around us, whether they are John Wayne or Batman."
"We have a moral obligation to provide support and compensation to these heroes and their families."
"I think back to these stories about Batman and Superman refusing to kill at all costs because it was about what was true to them, what was right, and what was honorable."
"It's embarrassing to say, you're one of my heroes."
"Classical mythology is full of epic heroes, quests, and monsters."
"One last battle for these heroes to go out on working together as a mother flippin team."
"Not all heroes worthy of historical recognition are men."
"I want kids to know what happened, the great heroes, the events, the battles."
"Our hometown heroes who are on the front line keeping our communities safe."
"The afternoon power hour brings two mega heroes to channel 60."
"Unless we highlight the heroes, we cannot tell the stories of the villains in our history."
"You don't want your old heroes to overshadow the new ones, but you also don't want the old heroes to seem pointless or unnecessary."
"Our heroes are so relatable... they have families like Peter's Aunt May."
"Who's your hero? My hero is a group of people, and those are the healthcare workers who are on the front line every day."
"Where is the logical place to begin this tale of Heroes? Well, the start of course."
"I'm just saying, look at all the heroes on the screen right now."
"Sometimes the heroes we admire on the screen can be all too human in reality."
"Heroes beware: dark clouds are gathering on the horizon. Not metaphorically, the bad guys literally."
"It is very possible to create compelling postgame stories around OP heroes."
"Some of those fighters truly changed the course of history."
"I love the premise. This idea that these guys who were so heralded heroes got caught up in their own apathy and procrastination."
"Heroes gotta be cool, not lame like the Great Saiyaman!"
"Our main heroes have been through a lot, they've gone on many adventures."
"These competitions make unique heroes and I just hope tonight can be another special moment for them."
"Lucky for us, we've got heroes from tons of other dimensions to help out if it does."
"History will remember and celebrate the heroes of 2020."
"There's no great hero story without a great villain."
"Without villains you have no need for heroes."
"Our heroes actually have free will after all."
"Heroes can be just like the villains if it suits their agenda."
"These brave heroes are working to keep us safe and healthy at every turn."
"It's nice to see sort of the intersection of these heroes and real-world history."
"Mutated from ooze and rays in the ways of ninjutsu by their rat sensei Splinter, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are ready to venture outside their sewer lair to fight evil everywhere."
"A structure built in honor and reverence of the heroes of history."
"Heroes must die by and large, otherwise they lose their heroic quality."
"Shoutouts to the postal workers who watch this, yeah, you guys are the real heroes."
"Some of your very heroes are taking advantage of people."
"You guys are the real heroes and I love you very much."
"Never meet your heroes? Try and meet them because every now and again you're gonna just be bowled over by them."
"Villains are, or at least can be, far more interesting than the heroes."
"For the most part, what DC did is they brought in a new era of superheroes by killing off the original superheroes."
"Remember your heroes and what they stood for."
"History is written by those who have hanged Heroes."
"This set introduced the hero monsters, which is one of the most fan-favorite archetypes."
"Kids who could aspire to be or relate to the kind of heroes the show was building, flawed Misfit outcasts who find family in each other." - Dan Larson
"It was like this weird Avengers war between the good guys and bad guys."
"If you don't have Spider-Man, you don't have Cap, you don't have Iron Man, you got nothing."
"I think those stories when we talk about our great black heroes that's when you gonna see women's roles rise."
"In history, there aren't heroes, just people with heroic actions."
"Winona remembers that there was a story about seven Heroes Who Came From Another World."
"We all need hero stories. We don't have enough hero stories right."
"The Fantastic Four were a group of heroes with superpowers, but they were also a family."
"On this world, the group of heroes normally referred to as the Avengers were known as the Ultimates."
"These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown."
"The dawn of the Marvel Age of Heroes."
"The heroes were too headstrong for them to handle, but they will not budge because they now have more important things to do than revenge."
"I like the heroes as if they were members of my family."
"These are heroes of mine that I get to kind of sit and eavesdrop on their conversations."
"For a moment, Earth's mightiest heroes were honored guests in high Olympus."
"Think about your favorite heroes... they just don't give up, they just stand their ground."
"You should never live outside of your means, and you should never meet your heroes."
"What really happens to heroes in stories? They usually get defeated and then train until they bounce back and win."
"Hello Heroes, and welcome to another uncanny episode of History of the Marvel Universe."
"Their mission fulfilled, today we remember and honor those local heroes."
"The stories of Greek mythology are full of great heroes, but none faced such difficult challenges as Hercules."
"The people who get the glory only do so thanks to a team of unsung heroes behind them."
"UA is the most famous and prestigious Hero School in Japan."
"You make your heroes look good when you make your villains look good."
"The difference between our heroes and our villains is not right and wrong; it is absolute power."
"Both those guys are absolute heroes and both those guys are in federal prison."
"Some of the best heroes come from the farms."
"The key is not to stay stuck, but to use inspiration from your heroes to push yourself forward"
"Audiences love stories of Misfits, people who defy expectations and become heroes or just conquer their own inner demons."
"Heroes meeting Heroes, Jurassic World."
"Heroes don't just sit around and study."
"In these many realities, there exists a limitless number of variants of the iconic heroes and villains."
"What separates Our Heroes from our villains is their conclusions to solve an issue."
"...a small group of 616 Heroes were able to actually survive this final incursion."
"What would happen if the heroes didn't win?"
"Not all of the heroes have fallen."
"The A-Team gave us a group of Heroes unlike any we'd ever seen before or since."
"The unexpected heroes are often the ones who change the course of history."
"you could make an extremely compelling argument that any one of these heroes could be number one on this list"
"My heroes wear badges they wear flak jackets they were flight suits they carry guns and they go into harm's way every single day."
"The real heroes of the country are the teachers."
"They are heroes. They are everything to me."
"There are a few things more uncomfortable than seeing your heroes brought down to rubble."
"I think the villains turned out better than the heroes once again."
"My heroes are in fact the ordinary soldiers."
"Heroes Legends whatever you want to call them come from these games."
"The fine folks who, every day, protect our butts from nuclear disaster, are heroes."
"He informs the two Heroes that they each lack what the other has: Midoriya's conviction to save others and Bakugo's desire to win."
"Our heroes are villains and our villains are heroes."
"I choose to run toward my problems and not away from them. That's what heroes do."
"With Achilles, Patroclus, as well as Ajax the Greater and Ajax the Lesser all answering the call."
"Heroes aren't born, they're made. Heroes can be made."
"Heroes should be full of passion."
"The heroes easily beat the villains and all is well once again."
"There are no heroes in this. This is exactly what Watchmen is about, you know? Watchmen is about a bunch of crazy morons who put on costumes who want to be superheroes and bad [__] happens to them, essentially, right?"
"They were hailed as Heroes the saviors of the alliance and the champions of a new era of peace and unity."
"Heroes like Black Panther and Gilgamesh serve as role models. We're meant to look to them for inspiration. They represent the best in us and provide examples of how we might overcome difficulties in our own lives."
"They aren't heroes who must seek justice. They are jujutsu sorcerers."
"Heroes have issues too, not just villains."
"Human Society works best if people have faith in Heroes"
"Great American heroes are people like Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass and Booker T Washington and Martin Luther King Jr."
"Ninjago began in 2011 where four awesome ninja heroes battle Undead skeletons."
"Tonight their heroes will discover that the war is already lost for them before they even knew it began."
"Everyday heroes. The best therapist has fur and four legs."
"The Jedi aren't superheroes or superhuman; they're just like us, but they've learned special skills."
"If you cannot trust a hero, who can you trust?"
"But others say that the scientific leaps of the 1960s were not made by one hero, and not with the help of aliens."
"The greatest heroes are the unlikely ones."
"We've been given so much that we just take it for granted and we should be grateful and we should be making our teachers Heroes."
"We're looking at the other side of crime, the heroes who are on the front lines making a difference."
"Your heroes will let you down. The one person you can switch and change is yourself."
"Recognize the value of our cultural icons and heroes."
"Heroes we don't need, these guys become legends."
"There is a clear advantage towards the heroes that can fly."
"Naruto would end up growing up being raised by heroes."
"The heroes are the ones that have information that come forward."
"This is a 5v5 hero-based shooter currently with six different Heroes you can choose from to play on your team."
"Star Wars obviously, but the show really wants to delve into the background, the people we don't see, the unsung heroes."
"It's easy for one to wonder what would happen if the combined might of Marvel's good and evil all went head-to-head."
"...Heroes matter to these children and how that connects to Mando and Gru's relationship."
"Heroes aboard a ship that would help win two great wars."
"Heroes during something that's inspiring."
"The greatest heroes always do. He'll be remembered for that."
"They become our heroes and they are champions."
"Let's frame a world large enough for them to be heroes."
"Let it be known that the heroes of the Justice League sacrifice themselves over and over again for us to have the world that we live on today."
"The very Heroes who saved the Earth from many a number of foes back in the day, now turned into loyal Servants of dark side."
"Heroes come and go, but legends live forever."
"The Heroes. Each and every one of them."
"Heroes have been with us for as long as there has been an us heroic characters allow for us to see an example of Bravery compassion and generally just good behavior that helps to inspire new generations to idolize them and try to become like their favorite moral exemplars."
"Heroes come and heroes go but legends live forever."
"Is that you in Disguise? I know your childhood hero is also your childhood nightmare."
"The fire turned heroes into victims."
"Our Darkness was deep and seemed to swallow all hope, but these Heroes were here the whole time."
"Time, time the light shone on the heroes coming out of the shadows to tell us we won't be alone again."
"My kids are the heroes. It's not me."
"They are true heroes, you know? They were warriors, weren't they?"
"They were true heroes, you know? They were warriors, weren't they?"
"With fiction we create our own heroes and villains."
"What are the British heroes of Rorke's Drift? Well, I'd like to say they lived happily ever after, but unfortunately that wasn't always the case."
"The Walkers are the heroes, always."
"They are diamonds that will shine brightly as heroes one day."
"Let's get right into the video to help organize the heroes."
"Let a new era of Heroes begin with you."
"Heroes would kill their love for the world but villains would kill the world for their love."
"We're heroes, we're schemers, we're the drunks, we're the dreamers, we're lovers, and sometimes we're fighters. We're the songwriters."
"But the heroes of World War II included some surprising names."
"New heroes answering the call, new champions ready to risk everything to keep this planet safe."
"With the Avatar away, new heroes must rise."
"On the half shell, they're the heroes four. In this day and age, who could ask for more?"
"The legacies of the war heroes continued to resonate throughout the Galaxy."
"They always make the bad guys a million times cooler in movies than the heroes, always. And then they're always, like, hotter too."
"The crew of the USS Blackstar hailed as heroes across the galaxy, continued their mission of exploration and diplomacy."
"I always searched for them ever since I can remember, thinking they must have been immortal to have done what they've done."
"The heroes are out here saving people, like, damn this old lady runs fast."
"And we can all live better lives knowing and understanding that true heroes exist."
"You guys are goddamn heroes. Let me shake your hand."
"...the heroes in that building are the court officers. They are running just an amazing process to get people in, to get them out, to control the setting in a way that it's never had to be controlled before."
"Are they setting them up? People don't believe in Heroes anymore."
"Heroes are only as good as their villains, and the Cobras from 1982 to 1984 gave the Joes a run for their money in terms of characterization and design."
"Some people say you should never meet your heroes because the expectations might be too high, but my hero was even better than my expectations."
"Heroes and villains, fighting for good in their own eyes."
"Our world is in dire need of saving. So we beg you, o brave heroes, please lend us your aid."
"They say never meet your Heroes because inevitably they won't stand up to who you think they are."
"People identified with the gritty heroes in precarious situations, staying cool and collected saving the day and riding off into the sunset."
"A nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure."
"Heroes when they're invincible are boring. They're way more interesting when they are human."
"You got a deal with those guys. Get you some, heroes. Roast 'em."
"Now, with this in place, everything is flowing and you can see our heroes animating."
"Fluffy men can be heroes too, exhaling."
"Everybody always wonders like no we like Rick it Robin I like fix-it Felix better but then again I also prefer Gaston abuse sometimes the hero they want is about the hero they need."
"What we need is a new class of Heroes, real heroes."
"The heroes of that they were American heroes."
"This is the story of the final year of World War II in Europe, As Told by the last war heroes."
"We live in a cold world where the heroes seldom win."
"We need to find more heroes. You think you can find others like her?"
"Whatever happens, whatever form that it may take, I believe that we will always need those stories, and I believe that we will always have our heroes."
"Heroes new ones emerge with each passing decade some rising to the moment others simply rising out of nowhere"
"The Shahnameh is the Persian version of the Iliad and Odyssey. It has heroes like Rustam, the Persian Hercules, and many powerful women characters."
"From the ruins of these battles, a new world would rise up and along with it new heroes and new villains."
"Never meet your heroes, man, because they're gonna remix your whole feel with them."
"Stranger Things' heroes have changed a lot over the years, but that doesn't change the fact that they started off as a bunch of basement dwelling dungeons and dragons fans."
"We never had no heroes, nobody ever came from where we came from. Buffalo, New York, this shit just ran down as fuck."
"Our world needs heroes today more than ever before. A vicious culture needs virtuous heroes. We need you to be a hero today."
"Heroes are not just punching out guys in liquor stores or crashing at people's homes. They're fighting cosmic battles."
"My biggest hero is my dad and my mom for sure."
"Heroes don't always wear capes, sometimes they just put a jacket on the shoulders of a boy and let him know that the world is not ending."
"Villains are cooler than the heroes. They just have the crazier, more extreme-looking, grosser characters that are just always so much fun."
"Maybe this did all happen for a reason, but this time we get our own heroes."
"Just incredible stories of absolute heroes."
"How did Van Morrison and Eric Clapton become the real muscular Heroes of the rock world?"
"Trench Railways were perhaps one of the more unsung heroes of the first world war."