
Scientific Mystery Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Consciousness is indeed the greatest mystery of science; we don't know what's going on here."
"Consciousness is the gateway of all value, meaning, and significance in the universe, and yet no scientific consensus has ever been reached about how and why we have it."
"Quantum mechanics is a place where we haven't yet figured out what the science is trying to teach us about the real universe."
"These supermassive black holes are curious things because we really don't understand how they got so big."
"I'm really interested in the nature of consciousness. It's really one of the last big great mysteries in science."
"Stars vanishing forever without a trace. Unbelievable, huh? Well, not really. So far, several hundreds of cases have been identified."
"But where in the world did blue eyes even come from? This itself is an ancient mystery that scientists have been trying to unravel with moderate success."
"The origin of life and the origin of major groups of animals remains unknown."
"The megalodon is one of science's most popular mysteries."
"The universe is a vast and complex place that in many ways we still don't understand."
"I won't include myself, because actually I'm on this other side. I think it's important to recognize that there are many things that are still even mysterious in physics."
"Something like extraterrestrial life, UFOs, and aliens on Earth is largely beyond the bounds of our knowledge."
"There's something deeply true about the physics behind that, and that the universe is expanding for reasons that we still don't understand..."
"Greenland sharks remain a great mystery to scientists to this day."
"From where do ordinary volunteers acquire such profound and all-encompassing knowledge that eludes contemporary scientific realms?"
"The South Atlantic anomaly (SAA) is one of the most intriguing and perplexing mysteries."
"How does your body create consciousness? We have absolutely no idea."
"What is happening here is scientifically inexplicable."
"A strange repeating radio signal near the center of the Milky Way has scientists stumped."
"Scientists can't always explain the seemingly sophisticated technologies of our ancestors."
"These colorful bursts of light lasted just a cosmic second and marks the beginning of a mystery in deep space."
"Valyrian steel, some technologies of the ancient world were so Advanced that even today scientists have never been able to replicate them."
"The biggest hole in our understanding of reality right now is quantum mechanics."
"Consciousness travels instantaneously over any distance, at least it appears that way over the known Earth to Sun maximum distances measured thus far."
"Those who've worked in the region are sure that they encountered something mysterious and state that because Antarctica is such a hard place to study, there could be various species unknown to science living throughout the region."
"One of the big things that we still don't understand yet is the human brain."
"Humans are still evolving and scientists don't know why... but it's happening faster than ever before."
"Neither I nor other experts... have any idea what these creatures might be."
"The more we try to learn about gravity and uncover its secrets, the weirder it gets."
"We could be dealing with something unknown to science that prefers this particular region of the planet."
"The ocean, with its vastness and depth, still holds mysteries that can both enchant and baffle us."
"It seems that the answer to this mystery will be satisfyingly weird."
"It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics."
"Magnetic field reversals: a mystery spanning millions of years."
"Outer space mystery: a strange object emitting a beam of radio waves every three hours."
"One of the things that seems to be outside our comprehension is the existence of extra dimensions."
"The problem is we don't know why. There's nothing we can see."
"Will we ever get to the bottom of what this mystery gene is?"
"The fact that we do not understand gravity in the space age should cause alarm. Our cosmology, our view of our situation in the universe is based on a mystery."
"The universe is far from having revealed all its secrets."
"What's known as the fermi paradox... experts have come up with a few possible explanations."
"We still cannot understand a single atom in its entirety."
"We're left with a mystery that's not much fun for scientists but it's fun for us because it means we can make videos like this one."
"Why do we sleep? It's one of the last great remaining scientific mysteries."
"They're big, they're faint, they only give off radio waves, and they're an astrophysics unsolved mystery."
"...the underlying physical mechanism could be generally the same but unlike the filament in the Milky Way galaxy are only visible because first of all they're much larger but they also seem to be much much older."
"...what exactly makes these filaments so long and allows them to accelerate for such a long distance is still not entirely clear."
"Dark matter may have been at work."
"It isn’t likely we will crack the mysteries of dark matter for some years."
"The hard problem of consciousness is one of the big unsolved problems in science today."
"Faraday did not manage to uncover the secret of Damascus steel."
"The angel shark... they're so rare that almost all of their behavior and nature is a complete mystery to scientists."
"The Earth's core has been leaking for the past 2.5 billion years and no one knows why."
"Despite rigorous scientific investigations, the lights continue to elude understanding."
"What exactly happens to mitochondria in microgravity and why these changes occur, none of this is currently known."
"The pigeon homing really is a mystery. It really is unexplained and we really do need further research on this."
"Dark matter... it's dark because we don't know what it is, it's out of our vision so to speak, but it's definitely showing its influence."