
Film Production Quotes

There are 978 quotes

"It's a collection of images. If you've ever heard of the expression frames per second-- like movies tend to be 24 frames per second or 30 frames per second-- that just means that a typical movie, every second is showing you 24 or 30 images per second."
"Cinematography, lighting, special effects, acting, choreography — these are deliberate tools that artists have at their disposal."
"Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio took over a thousand days to shoot, and it is the most stunning piece of stop-motion animation we've ever seen."
"Every single one of them have all just raved about their time working on this movie and that they really thought it was something special."
"For movie shooting, setting the AF drive speed to slow creates more natural transitions between focus points, enhancing viewer engagement."
"I used to be shot with helicopters. This feels like there should be the director's name on the front of it."
"On my set, there are no stars. However, everyone in front of my camera is royalty, and I treat everyone like royalty."
"Despite the film taking place in October, Bulgaria was experiencing a record-breaking heatwave with temperatures over 100 degrees, according to Allan Corduner, which, in his words 'added a physical discomfort to the emotional weight.'"
"Street-level stories shouldn't only be told because you don't have a huge budget. These stories are just as worthy of being told on the big screen."
"If Sony pictures were to greenlight a Spider-Man 4 and give Sam Remy full creative control... I would totally be on board for that."
"Having Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige involved in this movie could be the key to making sure Sam Raimy is given the creative control and ability to make a truly great movie."
"I wanted to make an old-school movie that has chiaroscuro, which is like, you know, really shows black and white and all the colors in between."
"This story can't be great unless each individual in the movie is great."
"The people who are there before us, setting up the sound, the cinematographers, the DP, bro, they put in so much work."
"The crews are excellent, the locations are excellent, the culture is a blast."
"The Rock, you know, Dwayne Johnson, has said that he wants to produce 'It Takes Two.'"
"The animation in this one is insane, the action and swinging scenes are so well choreographed and well realized."
"No one's gonna give you any fucking money except me, and the only way I'm gonna do that is if your movie's shit."
"Kurt Russell put a lot of work into the character of Wyatt and even more behind the camera."
"The protocol on set is that he hands you a firearm and that firearm is supposed to have been cleared by both the A.D. and the armorer."
"How are there any live rounds on set whatsoever when there are real guns on set?"
"Guns don't walk to the set themselves with bullets on them."
"There's a lot of really impressive stuff going on both technically and coordinating... every single actor is given something to do."
"This film was made by people who care, and it's apparent."
"We shot the film in 57 days, so the prep was so important. But when you have somebody like Christopher Nolan directing the movie, it's just a different level."
"Thank you to the film crew here in Porto, Portugal, um, thank you for making this so smooth and making it work."
"This is the end for us. This is the last time people will see this team of Guardians."
"This will be it. Thank you, James Gunn. Thank you, team."
"No matter the outside talent you bring in to change your broken movie down the line, there are some things a simple superficial band-aid just won't fix."
"This would allow us to have either Fassbender or McKellen."
"Now, all we gotta figure out is where we place the set."
"The 1st AD is generally not everybody’s friend, the job requires authoritative personality."
"With actors, cameras, sound and lights in place, now we just have to figure out what to put in front of the camera - and that is the job of the art department."
"Napolean said an army marches on its stomach and a film crew is no different."
"Marvel Studios just knows how to make a good prison."
"Jim Carrey actually spent 92 days in full Grinch costume while filming over the course of a year."
"It was just, you know, like a movie production."
"It is excellently written with passion found in every aspect of its production."
"Well over 200 hours went into the making of this movie."
"We wanted it to be as realistic as possible, as believable as possible."
"It was essentially like a summer camp, so that's why we're all so close." - Cast member
"It makes everyone excited to be working on that kind of project." - Cast member
"Making 'Mistress of the Dark' was a dream come true."
"There is no denying that there wasn't an incredible amount of passion put into Saw one."
"It is part of that producerial map. Does Kevin Costner get 80 million dollars to make 'Dances with Wolves' if he's also not in it?"
"It's important to know that I wasn't joking about the director Beau Welch being a production designer for Edward Scissorhands."
"They might consider working on a follow-up film."
"That magic they had for so many years of everything had that Kevin Feige pixie dust on something that it just... had that X Factor every single time that we absolutely loved it."
"Never has it been so easy to get high-quality music for your films affordably."
"Everyone cared, from the costume designers to the actors."
"It's not about the thing you're doing, it's about who you're becoming."
"What I love so much about our movie is that James, the writers, none of the producers, none of them want to see or create another damsel in distress."
"I'm not going to focus on any of them i'm also not going to use any previously established main villains from other live-action movies or any villains we expect to show up in future live-action movies."
"A good day on set is when you have trained, you get to the set, and you just do it. Two takes and you're done."
"The Narrows set was so vast, it's almost like a limitless set."
"I felt my body, I felt in better condition than I've ever been in, and less banged up during this shoot."
"The ship model is only a few feet away from the camera, so whatever rig is supporting and moving it, extends in front of the building."
"Far from home would mean a lot of different things." - Kevin Feige
"So many kudos to the Russo brothers and everyone involved."
"What made the Night Stalker so fantastic... was a Confluence of genre Legends coming together."
"I'm very excited to see what they do with Star Wars going forwards now that they can do all this stuff with the deep fake."
"Kevin really is the showrunner of WandaVision... he's the ultimate sort of person to say if there's a decision to be made which way to go."
"What I do think this confirms though is that they're aiming for a realistic look in their film without the traditional Warcraft art style."
"It's just got it can hold an incredible amount of information which is great for special effects because we get higher quality effects."
"The shoot was fantastic but required some stamina."
"A filmmaking miracle... despite zero interest from the studio."
"If you're getting a script for a movie such as Aquaman that's kept tightly close to the vest...they want you to be in the movie."
"If she got this script, they were going to use her in the movie, that was their plan."
"The VFX, the directing with Pennywise, and just working with Bill Skarsgård's specific physicality... incredible."
"Prior to beginning production on his 2006 fairytale Lady In The Water, Shyamalan was on one hell of a winning streak, with two instant classics to his credit and a couple of solid box office hits to boot."
"Even if Suicide Squad is a giant turd which I don't think it's going to be but even if that's the case we still have Wonder Woman and Justice League that are in production."
"When they made 'Terminator 3,' they essentially tried to do all the same stunt pieces."
"Thank you to her if I could speak for the snydes, I now feel the frustration of all those folks who wanted the snyder cut for so long, you're about to get what you wanted whoa."
"The film, which looks like a particularly well-made university project, has a budget of six million dollars."
"Can you imagine... spending hours on it, and then it's one twenty-fourth of a second?"
"Unbelievable animation quality... every single frame is redrawn."
"The sheer amount of frames... is just unbelievable."
"The premise is great, the execution is horrible. It feels like this film's script has been generated by an AI trying to make the highest money return possible of a current trend in the shallowest and most disconnected way possible."
"Her cinematographer and the staging for that was phenomenal, outstanding."
"Behind these female powerhouse movies are female powerhouse producers Margot Robbie, Taylor Swift, and Tina Fey."
"Hugh Jackman revealed that he was supposed to have a brief cameo as Wolverine in the first Spider-Man. Jackman actually went all the way to New York to film the scene but the plan was scrapped when the crew couldn't gain access to the costume."
"It was really sad, the last day on set was very sad."
"They just about started the film, it's not even a month old."
"Making a movie is a team sport and why it feels magical because so many beautiful brains worked on it for so many darn hours."
"Deadpool lived in development hell for years."
"For decades, there's been a ton of talk about how he was ordered to make them lighter and more kid-friendly and to tailor them more to the demands of the marketing departments and the need to sell toys."
"Overall extremely happy with the way this is turning out and uh this new 3c film set is very technologically advanced guys."
"Marvel maintains a strict color Bible which keeps track of the exact hues that are supposed to be used across the various films."
"Not just these major battle scenes that were difficult, they often had to also spend time figuring out how he moved in more mundane scenarios."
"The most inspired moments of making this movie came from doubt and panic."
"That final fight is a great, when we were shooting it and I was like, 'cause the first one is so good, you know."
"The firearm involved in the accident is a modern replica of a Colt .45 caliber. Rust had 13 such revolvers for the production."
"There's no reason to have real guns on set. There's no advantage. There's no reason. All it does is present an unnecessary risk."
"I feel Marvel's very usually responsive to like the audience reaction and you know even if they make money they're trying to like make something audiences like."
"I think if I'm the head of a studio first of all that studio would probably be bankrupt in six months but before I drove that studio into the ground I would roll the dice on Zelda I totally would I would love to see his Elda movies."
"What if we told you some of these moments and reactions were real? Today we will be discussing moments where actors are genuinely experiencing the moments and not just using their brilliant acting chops."
"The train doesn't stop rolling. It's left the station. The film's not gonna wait for you. You just gotta get back there."
"I just wanted to announce I'm very excited about. I'm proud to say that myself and seven bucks productions are gonna make a film about the life of one of your founding fathers the pioneering founding fathers the smashing machine Mark Kerr."
"Speaking of the upcoming Ghostbusters film, according to reports actor Bill Murray is currently in Boston to shoot a spot for the upcoming film."
"Overall Nimona was the movie that refused to die and I respect the production company on the print of pictures for giving it a second life."
"The pressure that we were under from the weinsteins to make those movies as quickly as possible was brutal and we couldn't do them as well as we wanted to do them."
"If you get a good editor that's also a musician that also knows how to direct a music video This Is What You Get."
"You only waste somebody if you give them something lousy... The actor is there to serve the character and the character is there to serve the story."
"Disney execs began working with Favreau more and more. Kennedy would help develop some minor Star Wars properties going forward."
"The Simpsons movie released in 2007 is one that went through a lot of changes and revisions in production."
"It works surprisingly well for a movie starring 40 characters."
"We are about to learn soon how everything is going to tie together and which direction the MCU is going." - Kevin Feige
"Marvel Studios is doing three to four movies a year and they're doing about four to five Disney Plus shows a year right now as well."
"The John Wick series' signature of long, close-up action takes is only possible because Keanu Reeves is a performer who is willing to dedicate countless hours to mastering any skill that the script demands."
"Alec Baldwin fired prop gun that killed cinematographer injured director on Santa Fe set."
"I love when a special effect is so flawless that you can't actually even consider how it was done."
"Millions upon millions of dollars go into the making of a movie so it's a shame when the movie stinks that said a film's failure shouldn't always reflect on the artists working tirelessly behind the scenes."
"Glenn was actually the one throwing Leo around, apparently the production team considered using an actual bear but most trained Grizzlies are a bit too fat and docile to be convincing."
"Guerrilla finally agreed to do the sequel because he knew Demonaco would be writing and directing..."
"Even the smoothest movie production is a creative tug of war between the director and the studios, typically resulting in a series of compromises in order to keep both sides at least somewhat happy."
"Both The Purge: Anarchy and The Purge: Election Year were finished within a year from script to screen..."
"If I don't say so myself, but he really thinks they've accomplished everything that they want to in making this film even better than Thor Ragnarok."
"Explorers was in Joe Dante's words an unfinished film when it hit theaters and it shows."
"Tragedy struck while rehearsing it with the cinematographer Helena Hutchins who was standing at the camera's monitor to set up the shot."
"She did an incredible job. I was really looking for her to bring something fresh to my process in terms of all aspects of the film, and in particular, the action. She just brought a very fresh approach to it."
"Do you want movies to be produced based on stories worth telling?"
"It's almost like you should let those actors just do their own thing, they're really [ __ ] good at the job."
"What's unique about the Zack Snyder situation is that he was pulled off of his own movie."
"I think reshoots are part of the game for these big-budget movies."
"Filmmakers screw themselves when they ignore marketing."
"I love weather, I love the time, I love all those things that happen on the set."
"What do you think of the news that Justice League has a production start date?"
"Pixar is arguably one of the greatest production companies to ever exist."
"Could it be studio interference that kind of murdered his original vision for the movie?"
"Mysterio is one of the major players in this movie and by some stroke of luck and raw talent Marvel and Sony were able to make a comic-book accurate villain costume."
"It's really about the production of the movie."
"The magic number? A total of over 2,400 unique sound effects."
"Hollywood often works on trends something proves to be popular and numerous studios jump on the bandwagon trying to make their own version that's."
"Hans Zimmer is already on board. That's a good sign. He's great."
"Doing something kind of new or a little bit fresh affords you an opportunity to make a film that challenges you to do more."
"They made a movie that looks like it cost way more than it did."
"The munchkins used to get ripped on set. What else are you gonna do?"
"Sonic movie comeback: Directors listened to fans, redesigned Sonic, and saved the movie."
"I was so thankful, you know, like I felt cursed for all those 12 years trying to get the film made but when I finally was able to make the film I realized I was blessed."
"Felt great for the obvious reasons getting to work with all these people."
"The set was so expensive and bizarre and impossible to build."
"The dedication to mystery is something I don't even know if I've seen from Pixar."
"This dude is one of the highest level executives on this film, he's the director and he is in contact with Toriyama sensei himself."
"Ewan McGregor is wearing a wig and fake beard in some scenes."
"Rian Johnson made sure these two actors were acting against each other on an actual set."
"That's a real explosion, y'all, and again, we can tell."
"The amazing production design is a powerfully spectacular and entrancingly elaborate explosion of design."
"I want to apologize to everybody, I've been on set doing reshoots."
"The producers wanted to cast Jean-Claude Van Damme."
"The lengths they went to make sure that the scale of the hobbits versus the long shanks were believable."
"Everyone on the film crew understands their job and where their priorities intersect with others and how those lead to getting the job done by the end of the day."
"Jim reached out to friend and collaborator George Lucas, asking him to join the project as an executive producer."
"This is the kind of movie that's been dying to be made."
"Robocop was a production mired in problems... Their misery resulted in a masterpiece."
"It did feel, I imagine it wasn't shot like this because things were never shot like this usually."
"Luck is when opportunity meets preparation and you prepared this movie from 2016."
"None of us want to move too quickly to meet a release date when we know this special movie needs more time to come together." - Universal Pictures statement
"It's no minor miracle that the end result turned out as spectacular as it did."
"I'm just tired of that. So I wrote a script and I'm gonna make it."
"If you scale it way down and you actually make it kind of a smaller scale alien movie similar to the first one but with some new twists to the mythology, I think it would be a really fun effective movie."
"It was fun, it was exciting, it was fun to be shooting that kind of New York movie."
"Set pieces are hard to find but very important."
"I can't thank the studio and the crew enough obviously it's been a huge journey."
"There's parts that look feature film level and I'm I'm always blown away by like what has managed to be achieved by the by the crew."
"I think probably it's up to Sony. Sony has both those characters and has venom in their world. I don't know what their plans are for another venom or if they're going to do that but it seems likely at some point." - Kevin Feige
"This film is filled with logistical issues because of all the complicated work that goes into it."
"The people that are making these movies know what we want to see."
"These little movies are made with a team of mostly volunteers and it's all made possible by contributions from Dr. Greer supporters and yet these little movies they punch above their weight and they have a huge impact."
"I'm actually of the mindset that I hope that they go with a slightly lower budget and really concentrate on story elements because the story elements can be done on a low budget."
"All of this, the lighting, the reflections, the compositing, this I would say is really solid."
"Every single one of these elements came together to greater effect for all three movies than anything that had ever seen visually before for a fantasy adaptation."
"We were done with the shoot two hours before the scheduled time."
"When we compare just the look you get out of each camera, we all thought the Blackmagic looked the most cinematic."
"Overall, I think the actors play a big part in kind of selling you on it too because especially Ewan McGregor and Eccleston are really solid."
"I've got so much faith in James Gunn, his grasp on these characters, I think the Christmas special honestly was a lovely little reminder."
"There's some behind the scenes, there's some director commentaries on the shooting of Survivor Man Amazon jungle and I hope you enjoyed it."
"Eden Lake is expertly casted with each of the roles feeling like they've been filled and played by real people."
"This is the stupidest [ __ ] script I've ever read in my life... But it really holds together."
"It was amazing because we have all the same cast and crew. It felt like I stepped in a time machine."
"It feels like a first draft rushed into production."
"Okay, we're gonna leave the scene in and I want you to remember that it was Miramax who left it alone."
"This was back in the day when you would just build a model of the White House and blow it up."
"Kudos to WB, they gave it the time to breathe."
"Initial budget 100 million dollars and they issued a statement uh mentioning that it costs 200 million dollars per year to produce new content."
"Heath Ledger kept a Joker journal in preparation for his role in The Dark Knight, scribbling down the darkest, most perverse things he could think of."
"When you step back and look at everything that went wrong with this whole project plan universe...well, it really starts to feel like it was jinxed or hexed or maybe even cursed."
"No leftovers, but it is they did hire Patrick Dempsey."
"The main relationship for me was between the camera and Fleabag."
"It's smart to hand it over to people who may know it very very well to let them take a look at it write a great script..."
"My ultimate goal now is with the money that I've attained with this 200 million line of credit is to produce films, TV soundtracks, music."
"You have to write a script, and finish it, and hand it off, so that the process of it changing 1,000 times can begin early enough."
"Under extreme pressure from the studio, Fincher really got some great performances out of the cast."
"If the movie happens, it will be because Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise, and myself are passionate about making it."
"It was something that while we were working on the movie I realized how engaged with the fans and forthcoming Lucasfilm had always been."
"If anyone is not doing their job well the whole thing is gonna fail."
"I got taught really young that no one is the most important person on a set."
"Despite all the praise and the power of the mouse house behind it, some animation mistakes inevitably made their way into the final cut."
"The extra camera adds a layer of depth and even more data for animators to perfect the final shots."
"We're not going to release a movie until it's ready we're not going to rush VFX we're not going to release a product that we think is bad."
"It meant that we had a second movie, the middle movie, the Desolation of Smaug, where we could actually have a little bit more fun with it too."