
Economic Critique Quotes

There are 491 quotes

"We're not invited towards contentment; that would stop the economy in its tracks. We're not invited to relax and say, 'This moment's enough.'"
"We need to recognize the war in Afghanistan for what it was: a massive transfer of wealth from the American people to the military-industrial complex, at tremendous cost of human life."
"The collaborative mirage of the sharing economy faded away and left in its place the back-breaking realities of the gig economy."
"Realize that we have an economic system which alienates human beings from each other; you have to find a way to change it, even in small ways."
"Neoliberalism... that's got to end. It's just got to. When the GDP is just not that important, there are other things that also matter."
"The reason that the economy was so sick, it's not the coronavirus, it's because of everything the government did before the coronavirus."
"Human communities can do better than this economic system."
"The necessity for a form of socialism is based on the observation that the world's present economic arrangements doom most of the world to misery." - James Baldwin
"They're not gambling with their money; they're gambling with yours."
"The government is rewarding the incompetent people and keeping them in business, and they're punishing all the competent people."
"The average person really does get sort of scammed and conned by this."
"The problem is that since the Industrial Revolution the world's dominant economic system has been built on the core principles of extraction, accumulation, profit maximization, and endless growth."
"We have this phantom GDP measurement that corresponds to very little in our day-to-day lives."
"Our livelihoods, our quality of life, and our dignity have all been stripped away."
"Companies and the government have taken advantage of those rules to be a predatory, or a better word, a parasitic economy on the United States and other democracies."
"Decrim is kind of the worst of all worlds because it does nothing for the economic problems that people are facing."
"Do we need to be constantly shoveling green paper into the gaping maw of capitalism, or is worker happiness and wellbeing a better measure of success?"
"The stock market is not the economy... we have a scheme that takes printed money and transfers it ultimately to the wealthiest people in America."
"Me first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution."
"As long as there is no economic challenger strong enough to end this system, capitalism will continue to rob the poor for the benefit of the wealthy."
"Many have highlighted the fact that though the US is the richest country in the world with the largest economy, largest military, and largest cultural impact, they for some reason haven't figured out a way to give their people free medical care."
"It's been the easiest money printing for influencers."
"It is not normal that so few have so many and so many have so little."
"Health care still is not a right, that you still have to pay for it like it's a cell phone, it's completely absurd."
"I despise hedge funds. They literally add nothing of value to the economy."
"If all these rules basically lock people, you know, lock the world into a stasis where the rich stay rich and other people can't climb the ladder, then there's no challenge to that economic power structure."
"Let's talk about the inefficiencies of the capitalist model."
"Mystification of the role of central banks... the dragon of inflation... attack on labor."
"The financial sector produces debt... it's product is... what yields interest."
"The hyper-modernization of our economy has made it so labor owners have an easier time depriving their workers of decent wages."
"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell."
"Money as debt is a form of slavery. It's just it's changed everything. Congress, in essence, has ceded total control of the value of our money to a secretive central bank."
"Landlords sustain a system that requires housing, a basic human necessity, to be withheld from poor and working-class people in order to turn a profit."
"The global financial crisis... the symptom of a much deeper problem."
"But the economic damage he inflicted by botching the pandemic response means he'll be the only president since Herbert Hoover to actually lose jobs."
"Depriving 8 billion people of thermodynamically sound money and a digital monetary network is just as cruel and non-progressive as turning off their running water or their electricity or depriving them of antibiotics or any other modern technology."
"A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having."
"The sad truth about this system that we live in is that a dollar made educating you and a dollar made manipulating you... They're worth exactly the same."
"The impact of bailouts: subsidizing failure with taxpayer dollars."
"Wall Street [ __ ] all those people oh poor pee pee you can't buy your second yacht you know i
i love it i [ __ ] love it because that's why they rail on about free markets all the time but now here is the breaking news"
"The government is addicted to spending. That reckless spending is driving up costs on everything. That inflation rate is extraordinary these days, the highest of my lifetime." - Ben Shapiro
"The misnomer sickness the sickness business is the only growing segment of the economy in the US and it's funded by borrowing money from China."
"Behind the consumption of hundreds of billions is the shrinkage of trillions. It's like a lipstick economy."
"The government comes in and spends money into the economy like a drunken sailor, the Fed monetizes the debt..."
"By 2013, it was becoming clear that there were growing issues within China... its entire success economically came from its slave-like labor."
"The worst place to be right now is the U.S. dollar."
"If red states are so amazing, why are they the brokest?"
"Government intervention really right now looks to be the best way as corporations won't voluntarily out of the kindness of their heart stop implementing scummy schemes if it makes them money for them money is the king of all their endeavors."
"The economy is objectively bad interest rates, I'm sorry, uh, inflation rates at 8.5 percent objectively bad."
"The ascent of billionaires is a symptom and an outcome of an immoral system that tells people affordable insulin is impossible but exploitation is fine." - Alex
"Quantitative easing is precisely counterfeiting."
"Conservatives that make less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year are simps."
"Neoliberalism has accomplished absolutely nothing but the redistribution of income from the majority of people to the richest people."
"The Fed hasn't done a thing right since Paul Volcker."
"How did global capitalism come to this point?"
"Occupy Wall Street popularized the term 'the 1%' – the notion of a nebulous ruling elite that holds a wildly disproportionate concentration of wealth and power."
"It's not about 30 pesos; it's about 30 years."
"Surveillance capitalism is that because it's so new and so different from what came before, it can be hard to fully grasp the enormity of the situation at hand."
"So, it's just the amazing thing of like these uh, these hedge funds sitting there doing all this manipulation is like, 'May their billions become your billions,' like they're just taking their billions..."
"COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy."
"Trickle-down economics never worked and has been a total failure."
"It's not social spending that's causing the federal deficit to soar; it's Republican tax cuts, especially on corporations and the wealthy." - Robert Reich
"What if I told you you've already paid twice for nearly every single private service and commodity? It's true."
"Low investment, low productivity, and the model is broken. Inequality is baked in, and that is morally wrong and it's economically stupid."
"That is not an economy that's working for the American people, that's the economy working for the 1%."
"The stock market is completely disconnected from any kind of reality."
"Let them play their game, bet against the debt."
"Here's a little something to chew on: a new report from Oxfam says that over the course of the pandemic the world's billionaires increased their wealth by 3.9 trillion dollars."
"We are currently experiencing a housing crisis because the banks, which got bailed out, now own all of those properties."
"95% of us are getting screwed at least five different ways."
"Inflation, it's just pumping a whole bunch of hot air into the economic system."
"NFTs were exciting for artists... but it's another example of a thing's potential already ruined by the ultra rich."
"Holding gold is not a hedge against inflation; it has done nothing but make you lose money."
"Look at capitalism, has empty shelves. I thought it was only socialism that did that."
"Other countries are shocked at the amount of money we spend on this system."
"We are living in a world where very large corporations are being treated generously."
"Every penny of a billionaire's fortune is a penny of unpaid work that someone else did."
"It's always the honest working taxpayers who get totally screwed."
"Until they eventually break it because remember the system is broken."
"The crisis within the economic relations of capitalism was bound to precipitate a crisis in the democratic political system."
"A lot of our economic problems are the result of decades of bad decisions."
"It's just a tragedy to see this money going to the banks and larger companies when it could be going into the hands of individuals in this country."
"The prevailing economic model under which we are operating is not working for the mass of the people."
"China has taken advantage of the United States for 30 years okay."
"The problem with socialism is that they run out of other people's money."
"What's the fundamental problem with the world? Those who control the currency."
"Inflation is a regressive tax, it affects the working class much worse."
"This is what's happening there is on a scale approaching May 68 or other momentous moments when the survivability of capitalism was actually in question."
"Healthcare shouldn't be about making millionaires out of pharmaceutical companies."
"All the promises of the free market, globalization, trickle-down economics have been exposed as a lie."
"People are living off of credit...people who are just collecting money from the government...so all this government spending is being financed by debt."
"Just because capitalism seems like it's failing doesn't necessarily mean there has to be a rise in fascism."
"Our economic system is entering a very strange point where people who follow traditional financial planning methods like saving money for retirement saving money to become wealthy are turning out to become the financial losers."
"Thank you capitalism for such an illustration of stupefying inefficiency."
"The era of greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street and in Washington has led us to a financial crisis."
"The biggest Ponzi scheme in the world is the economic system."
"If this is capitalism, give me some communism, give me some socialism."
"The existing fiat currency system was unstable and nearing its end."
"Bitcoin is a pure hyperbolic speculation against government deficits and confidence in government."
"In spite of this, the current economic situation needs fixing."
"I think it's not the end of days but I think you're conflating a bunch of things together so look mmt yes I am yes was in hindsight idiotic in the moment it never quite made sense but in hindsight it's clearly idiotic."
"Deep down we all know that human life is more valuable than the 188 billion dollars worth of profits or getting a parcel quickly."
"To call what someone is doing in these situations a side hustle is just sugar-coating a shitty situation."
"He's an investment, it's literally... they fuckin are."
"Capitalism for the working class, socialism for the elites."
"This entire nexus of market failure is designed for each of the players to extract as much money as they can, and the public gets screwed."
"The only oppression is psychological. The only oppression is the oppression that we've accepted by working and giving all of our spoils and all of the things that we earned with our work over to economic Elite that mean to use us politically."
"The whole house of cards is being held up by these artificially low interest rates."
"Efficiency, even though we're being sold this as the way to become efficient is to go through a very narrow distribution chain."
"If you get that polarity backwards you end up with communism where everybody has a job but they're not producing anything anybody wants."
"Every time they talk about the economy doing great, it's this economy is what they're talking about. Doing great has nothing to do with your wages, has nothing to do with how much you take home."
"Crypto is the life raft to the titanic of fiat."
"It's incredibly inefficient, and frankly, we'd be better off just handing big sacks of cash with dollar signs on them to developers rather than this complex tax credit system."
"No country in the world has ever ripped off the United States like China."
"Capitalism is a fundamentally unstable system..."
"Every game needs a demo y'all out here making record profits with these microtransactions and subscription models so I don't want to hear nothing about y'all lack of resources because y'all gotten very good at extracting ours."
"If a government tells you I'm going to continue printing out money... there's a way for you to eat for you to feed your family..."
"When it comes to education, what a lot of billionaires have figured out is that it's far cheaper to make a one-time donation to a charter school than to pay your fair share in taxes every year."
"Socialism removes freedoms; it stifles economic growth."
"Inflationist because it is. It's one of the largest taxes levied against the people."
"Wages across the economy in the lower third of the economy have been artificially suppressed for way too long."
"If you don't have a viable economy, if you actually just function on financialization speculation, that doesn't actually produce any economic growth."
"This is becoming a monopoly... Welcome to American capitalism."
"Unless your game is designed by the Michigan Lottery Association, the house always wins at a large scale and the players always lose."
"We currently have a Wily coyote economy predicated on making nothing that actually exists."
"How do we get out of this trap, this 30-year scam?"
"The problem is the distribution of resources and power under a capitalist organization of the economy."
"Socialism may sound great on the surface, but in practice, it really doesn't provide the type of economic prosperity that we in the states have become accustomed to."
"Is there going to be a place for other digital assets in this world? In my opinion, yes, but none of them solve the fiat Ponzi."
"Should we have an entire economic order of the world that relies on somebody pressing a button to destroy our labor essentially?"
"The trickle-up economy would actually work, unlike the trickle-down economy which was total garbage and nonsense."
"The problem is not that they're lazy, the problem is that if you're making more money on unemployment than you're making on the job, it's a problem with the damn job."
"Inflation is a tax. It's a form of taxation."
"Unfettered, unregulated capitalism, especially on a global scale, is a revolutionary force."
"Success is not measured by gross domestic product but by happiness."
"This industry was built on the back of the 2008 financial crisis. Look at me in the face and tell me that the world financial system is healthier today in 2024 than it was in 2008."
"Inflation is taxation without representation or legislation."
"Success is not in the paper that they print in the federal reserve."
"The monetary system is broken. We live in this MMT environment where there's infinite money printing."
"Gotta admit, it's really something to see Wall Streeters with a long history of treating our economy as a casino complain about a message board of posters also treating the market as a casino. Anyways, tax the rich."
"Buy Bitcoin. The US is rotted to the core and it's falling apart."
"We're running our economy on inflation right now and it is going to bite us in the butt. Bitcoin's a savior, period."
"We deserve more than a dollar store economy and a GoFundMe healthcare system."
"Anything that can be printed to infinity has no value it's just that for the past generations we've been told that the dollar and these fiat currencies have value."
"Chip remarking, 'They think they can squeeze a dollar out of essentially nothing.'"
"We have confused economic value and human value."
"So look, to recap, our utility system largely consists of for-profit companies with monopolies over an essential service, building as much as they possibly can so they can pass the cost along to you on your electric bill."
"The only thing that this kind of printing is good for is for a very tiny Elite to run a system and rig it in their favor."
"Inflation bad. What's worse? When the cost is entirely put on the workers."
"Our entire system is geared to deliver wealth to those at the top while insulating them from responsibility for their actions."
"Bitcoin is basically a measure of government irresponsibility."
"The doctrine of unlimited growth is a failed doctrine. It cannot work and it's creating absolute disaster."
"Inflation is absolutely the result of two things: crazy government spending and crazy national debt."
"Neoliberalism was an attack on the working class and an attack on the working people everywhere."
"There is no such thing as a bank deposit. All there is is a loan we've given to the bank."
"What we have now in this country is not free market capitalism, it's corporate crony capitalism."
"The rich don't get richer through innovation, some do, but when we're talking about the billionaires who made a killing during the pandemic, that is not what we're talking about."
"Profit is placed before the health and well-being of our children."
"The worst cliff that we're heading towards is due to market systems. There's a fundamental flaw in markets."
"All the Western assets overall are highly inflated backed by nothing."
"Even socialists run out of other people's money."
"Neoliberalism has failed us in terms of distribution of resources."
"It’s about raging against the financial machine."
"You're not mad at capitalism... you're mad at capitalism."
"Bitcoin is gold 2.0, it's digital gold, it's a way of storing value and protecting yourself from central bank money printing inflation devaluation of fiat currencies etc."
"We declare that all of this suppression of the votes and suppression of living wages... is constitutionally inconsistent, morally indefensible, politically insidious, and economically insane." - Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II
"There's no more clear example of crony capitalism."
"Everybody's ignoring the deeper structural reason for price increases: the concentration of the American economy into the hands of a very few corporate giants."
"Corporations are raising prices even as they rake in record profits."
"Why does our system allow for massive profits for people who aren't doing any actual work?"
"If you take away the punch bowl that America is it's in a very leveraged situation that's important."
"Debt has long been both a source of profit and a tool of social control and racial domination."
"No, you guys don't need to change anything. You're doing everything right now. The Republicans, they presided over the pandemic, the huge economic problems we've got, so many issues."
"All of this capital, all that money is being given to these big companies who are going out and increasing in value. Like that's not capitalism that's central planning."
"On balance every Mexico harder than the rest of Latin America... Mexico made no progress whatsoever."
"It's an absolute fantasy to think that even a five percent fed funds rate is going to beat eight to nine percent persistent inflation."
"It's corporate socialism. It's a bailout for those who are connected and it has nothing to do with merit."
"Money printing actually causes real tangible pain for people." - Philip Haslam
"Capitalism is now in a new, strange, weird, degenerate phase. I call it socialism for the very, very few, courtesy of the central banks and governments, catering to a tiny oligarchy."
"The real problem is the dollar because it has no fundamental value. It's only backed by faith."
"Inflation just robs you of your buying power."
"Let's fix the economy by giving more money to the people who broke it in the first place."
"Trickle-down economics doesn't work and I think that that's really important because it's really important to not buy into this idea that Liz Trust is promoting which is that you know this is a difficult decision but it's going to work."
"We need to end the wars in the perverse monetary incentive structure that makes politicians flippant about sending young men and women to die."
"Billionaires aren't Our Saviors, they're our mistakes."
"Capitalism rewards these things but I don't think anyone would say these are good things."
"The arrogance will be washed out of the stock market once again in the most brutal and violent fashion."
"The hard way when the market was being pumped artificially by the Fed higher."
"As long as we're playing within the rules of capital, even if we achieve those things, they will never be stable or safe."
"The bailout as an enormous theft and consolidation of Monopoly capital."
"Capitalism lies at the core of the failure of this economic system."
"There's something fundamentally wrong with that and that is cronyism not capitalism."
"Trickle-down economics doesn't solve the actual people's problems."
"Some people have said that this inflation move by the fed is the worst call in the history of the federal reserve bank."
"I'm not sitting here complaining about taxes you know the Trump tax cut that he put in place in 2017 added one and a half trillion dollars to the federal deficit so tax cuts in general are not great when you're spending a lot."
"The whole concept of the free market has kind of been shown up to be basically a narrative device."
"People don't feel like everything is great... but what happened to our wealth? They took it."
"It becomes very urgent to focus the mass of people's upset about what's happening to them on something other than the economic system."
"So even if you are a fiscal conservative, the argument that lowering the standards will somehow save everyone money holds absolutely no water. It's being Pennywise pound-foolish, actually it's just being pound foolish."
"The real economy, not the financialized economy."