
Rule Of Law Quotes

There are 460 quotes

"The greatest gift that's ever been given to humanity is the US Constitution, Western world rule of law."
"Society has to have rules of law to continue and to prosper and protect its citizens."
"The key to democracy is that it empowers the majority but also, through the rule of law, constrains the majority."
"The protection of the rule of law is a very strong, in my opinion, argument against identity politics."
"They're going to do this by the book on this one."
"No society can ever achieve its potential if there is not rule of law."
"We're a nation built on basic ideas like the rule of law, like free speech and open debate, that we embrace meritocracy over grievance."
"The American people who believe in the rule of law were very big winners today."
"This is the essence of what American democracy is tonight."
"The rule of law: we were united, we were stable, we were ethical, we were just."
"The opinion read almost like a love letter to the rule of law, to the idea that nobody is technically above the law."
"I think it's very, very important in a free and liberal society that adheres to the rule of law to have these uncomfortable conversations."
"The idea that we're doing so much through the executive branch is horrific for democracy and for the rule of law."
"The rule of law that is fundamental to ensuring both freedom and security, and it is our more than 900,000 men and women on the beat every day who uphold the rule of law."
"Adhering to the rule of law is a bedrock principle of the Department of Justice and our nation's commitment to the rule of law sets an example for the world."
"Our nation is founded on the rule of law and the premise that the law applies equally to everyone."
"It is confidence in the men and women who administer the judicial system that is the true backbone of the rule of law."
"Nothing screams more democratic and celebrates democracy than following the rule of law and having at your disposal the courts to find legal challenges with a thoughtful presentation that's unemotional and non-political."
"I am a strong believer in the principles of natural justice, due process, and the rule of law, and that these principles apply to all equally."
"The essence of rule of law is to ask what will be the impact on society over the long run if the action we are taking, or the principle we are applying in a given circumstance, was universalized."
"Maga Republicans are a threat to the rule of law in America."
"We're governed by the rule of laws, not rule of men."
"What we all want to see is just mind the store, rule of law, constitutional competence."
"The idea of the rule of law is central... it's not because you're rich and powerful and the king that you can just do what you like; everyone gets a fair shot in court."
"What you get in Magna Carta is the idea of the rule of law. It says every individual, even the king, is under the same law."
"The jury heard the evidence and returned a verdict. It demonstrates that everybody is accountable to the rule of law."
"If we don't have rule of law, we literally have nothing."
"Every vote in America has to count, but there are rules to elections."
"Big government, big tech, and big media are pretty much throwing out rule of law."
"We are a nation of rules, not a nation of rulers." - Jenna Ellis
"I'm pretty sure that we all agree on some level that society functions best when we all cooperate with some basic rule of law"
"The essence of the rule of law is that whatever rule you apply in one case must be the same rule you would apply in a similar case."
"The rule of law held, democracy prevailed. We overcame."
"If you care about the constitutional system of the United States, if you care about the rule of law, if you want to have children who have some notion of what the word freedom means, this is all for me a complete no-brainer."
"The idea of the rule of law I think is extraordinarily important."
"Violence employed by police and security agencies exposes the fiction of the rule of law."
"I'm troubled by the lack of rule of law in this country."
"I'm proud to do it because I really believe we have a case where somebody majorcus has committed trees and has broken the rule of law and deserves not to be there anymore."
"Unless court orders are respected by the executive branch, we don't live in a democracy."
"The presumed powerful are not untouchable. Donald J. Trump is not above the law."
"Democracy only works when there is a rule of law."
"I want the rule of law to work here. It's frustrating because even when you try to engage in good faith and honestly, the temperature gets turned up so high it's impossible to have an adult conversation."
"No one is above the law. We have a constitutional responsibility and we need to meet it." - Elizabeth Warren
"The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head."
"It's important for our rule of law to ensure that people are held accountable."
"We call this or we should call it a liberal democracy, by which we mean that along with the elections we have the rule of law so you can't do whatever you like and that includes very much politicians everybody is subject to the law."
"A Monumental day... at the core of it is a question will the American democratic system the rule of law persist."
"When you uphold the rule of law, you are protecting the most vulnerable in our society."
"If we live in a nation where a president can break the law, we will live in a nation where presidents break the law."
"The rule of law must be impartial, it can't be based on what U.S. politician you support or oppose."
"It's the police without any accountability or rule of law."
"You cannot let the president be above the law."
"Justice is depicted as blindfolded for this very reason. It doesn't matter who comes before her—all are treated equally. You destroy this foundation, and the rule of law becomes a sick mockery."
"An historic week for Judicial Watch accountability in the rule of law."
"Impeachment suggests lawfulness, constitutionality, respect for the rule of law. This is an exercise in raw political power."
"Supporting the rule of law, that's what ultimately our work is about."
"The only thing that separates us from other countries is the rule of law."
"The foundation of American liberty and prosperity has always been the rule of law."
"America without the rule of law is no longer America."
"Princes and kings often don't think that the rules of the realm apply to them."
"We don't want a mob running the country... we want the United States government to run the country honestly, legally, upright, with integrity for the benefit of all of its citizens."
"We're a nation of laws not of men. That is who we are."
"We have one standard of the rule of law that applies to everybody."
"No man is above the law and no man is below the law."
"The chemistry is undeniable between Bruce and Selena, despite their differing respect for the rule of law."
"Our commitment to justice is fundamental, the rule of law is a critical component of our democracy."
"They did not succeed. The justice department will not tolerate attempts by any foreign power to undermine the rule of law upon which our democracy is based."
"Nobody should be rushing this process. We have the rule of law, we have the opportunity to petition courts, present our case, and let's see what happens."
"Those dualities can't exist. If you're telling me we're a nation of rule of law but then you blunt that law to get under the, or turn the other way when it doesn't work out like it's supposed to, then we don't have a rule of law."
"Member states will now have to respect the rule of law and the fundamental values of the European project."
"We can elect people who believe in rule of law."
"Sadly, most people don't realize that the rule of law just simply doesn't exist in our modern courts."
"They're trying to steal an election. They're trying to get rid of the rule of law... It's not about if you even like Donald Trump or not, it's not about if you're a Democrat or Republican, it's: do you want to have basic freedoms?" - Rob Richardson
"You do not build institutions in the absence of citizenship because citizenship cannot be found in the absence of the rule of law."
"Protecting private business owners should not merely be verbal but should be genuinely reflected through the rule of law and judicial practice."
"The rules don't count unless they're enforceable, and if they're not enforceable, then what the [__] are we doing this for?"
"I think we still have even though it is rapidly losing respect and even though its opinions are opinions that we are certainly free to challenge and try to argue against we still have the rule of law in this country."
"I admire what you're doing and I hope people will take the whole Constitution seriously because both it and the rule of law and therefore are kind of democracy are up for grabs right now."
"Democracy, the fundamental rule of law, those are the things that are the most important."
"The president is subject to the law like everyone else."
"Walk by faith. Faith in the Constitution, faith in our democracy, faith in the rule of law."
"The office of the presidency does not place its former occupants above the law."
"The first is what you just said which is precedent i mean for the rule of law to mean anything it means that after 48 years a constitutional decision that has been reaffirmed again and again and again for very good reasons needs to stand."
"We are a nation of rules, not a nation of rulers. There is not someone that just gets to pick who the next president is outside the will of the American people."
"I'm a believer in the rule of law, I'm a believer in the constitution."
"This was a great day for the rule of law and the principles that matter to us that convictions have to be based on evidence and not based on speculation or emotion."
"Democrats are going to say that no one is above the law."
"When you have federal law enforcement being used in this way... that way lies the death of the republic."
"The Biden administration's unprecedented and abusive raid on Trump's home has created a rule of law crisis."
"For one party-controlled administration to target the head of another party using such protective and abusive tactics is destabilizing."
"This doesn't demonstrate how important Judicial Watch is and how useful it is to protecting the rule of law, I don't know what is."
"The rule of law has broken down in too much of our country."
"Your country is founded on the rule of law, and if you want to continue having your country as it was founded then you have to continue with the rule of law."
"It's about the destruction of the rule of law."
"The basic principle of our system: without the rule of law, nothing else is possible, including freedom."
"You know, rules are rules and the law is the law."
"We're the only guarantor of freedom, democracy, rule of law."
"Election deniers those who refuse to accept lawful election results purposely attack the rule of law and the foundation of our country."
"Laws have to matter, the black and white letter of the law."
"I'm not celebrating it like 'oh my God I think it's a political win.' I'm interested in rule of law."
"Can we please have rule of law? Can we please have a democracy where everyone is treated equally?"
"The past four years, we've had a president who's made his contempt for our democracy, our Constitution, the rule of law clear in everything he has done."
"When people begin to doubt that the rule of law actually applies equally... we reach somewhat of a tipping point."
"No Society can ever achieve its potential if there is no rule of law because Merit is also associated with rule of law."
"The last vestiges of the rule of law are evaporating. The kleptocrats are pillaging and looting like barbarian hordes."
"This is the normal thing that's supposed to happen in a country where we have actual rules."
"This is a unpleasant time for America... but the good news is the rule of law still matters."
"We're not going to stand down, we're going to stand up for the rule of law."
"No president now or in the future can lead an insurrection against the US government."
"Kindness is what prevails and the rule of law truly prevails."
"There is probably no other group quite like Judicial Watch out there trying to uphold the rule of law."
"We stand with Ukraine in standing for the rule of law."
"Judicial Watch will continue to do the heavy lifting for the rule of law on elections."
"The rule of law is exactly the truth and what we shall be living with."
"The end of the rule of law... far more important."
"It doesn't matter if you don't think it's fair. That is how it is. A functioning civilized society has rules. You don't get to pick and choose which ones you want to follow."
"The assassination of a judge... that is the kind of thing that happens in a society where the rule of law is under threat."
"People expected to care about due process and rule of law were just throwing it out the window."
"It would violate that oath, the basic principles of Republican government, and the rule of law if we attempted to nullify the people's vote based on unsupported theories of fraud."
"The greatest achievement of Western civilization is the rule of law."
"We're a nation of laws, that's all I ask for. It shouldn't be like this. We should be able to enforce laws."
"Trump's argument would undermine accountability for other law-breaking officials."
"We must protect the right to vote, honor the results of our elections, and uphold the rule of law."
"Joe and Kamala believe that no one, especially the President, is above the law."
"We're supposed to be a government of laws, not a government of men."
"That is what is at stake here. That is what is at stake when the government has been shut down for politics, when we have a president who doesn't believe in the rule of law."
"We can't normalize this, guys. If you want to have a rule of law..."
"Rule of law is what I started my politics 27 years ago and by the way I was inspired by England where I went as a teenager... because a human society's only human if it has rule of law where the weak are protected from the powerful."
"Countries are poor not because of lack of resources, but because they don't have rule of law."
"Every society with a better justice system prospers."
"Only free societies can ascend, can go to great heights. And freedom comes with the rule of law."
"The challenge of our time is a struggle between those who follow the rules and those who recognize no rules at all."
"No one is above the law and the rule of law in a democracy."
"Our bond with Europe is permanent and our respect for the law and the rule of law."
"This has nothing to do with politics, it's about having a rule of law that applies to everyone equally."
"If you respect the rule of law, you respect our institutions, you respect the Judiciary, the guy's now a convicted felon."
"The president isn't above the law but he's not beneath the law."
"You can trust Judicial Watch to uphold the rule of law."
"Nobody can pick and choose when the law applies to them."
"He’s daring us all to let him be totally lawless."
"The number one tool for corroding authoritarian regimes is the shining example of excellent functioning of a liberal rule of law constitutional order."
"Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and foundational to the rule of law."
"Nevertheless, if a person did something wrong as rule of the law, they've gotta pay."
"No one, not even the President, is above the law."
"You have to follow the rules. We're a nation of laws."
"No one is above the law, not even government agencies like the SEC."
"We can tell the American people whether this president is acting outside of the rule of law and assure the American people we would make sure he'd be held accountable."
"When you erode justice and the rule of law, the entire system starts to fall apart."
"Violence against these groups would signify a grave assault on the rule of law and will be met with a significant response."
"It's our highest court, their mission is to protect the rule of law."
"We can't have a system where there's one rule of law for the wealthy and Powerful and a different one for the vulnerable and the marginalized."
"Crime will contribute to weakening... the rule of law is an absolute necessity."
"This case transcends political lines; it's about the sanctity of our elections and the rule of law."
"Rule of law is a must because business years may be cowardly."
"As long as you are within the law we admire versatile people but someone who destroys the system, who makes accountability zero, you know, we can't have a high opinion of such people."
"One of the most powerful pieces of art in the United States Capitol is the Trumbull painting... submitting to the rule of law... we must begin impeachment now."
"Laws are only as strong as those willing to enforce them."
"Making America great again has always been about defending the rule of law."
"It's a total suspension of our democracy, of the rule of law, of liberalism in Canada, and the legacy media just sort of shrug it off."
"Hong Kong's semi-autonomy is for the birds ultimately the rule of law in Hong Kong is going to be hollowed out and gradually Hong Kong is going to be subordinated to Beijing where it matters the most which is its law."
"So if you get out of this report lawful investigation with a few irregularities the rule of law in this country is dead."
"The law should matter. The difference between legal and illegal is everything."
"When the rule of law can't protect society, society has to protect the rule of law."
"It was a dark day for America, a dark day for the rule of law."
"We are fighters for democracy, the real rule of law."
"This is very serious... What we do know is it rose to the level of a search warrant which a federal judge approved."
"I think the independent judiciary has been very important to upholding the rule of law."
"No person is above the law including Donald Trump." - Congressman Andy Levin
"I think they have to act both morally and for the sake of our Constitution."
"They have to defend the rule of law in the face of this incredible defiance."
"In a republic, the power lies with the people through our elected representatives and the rule of law."
"Transparency, real Law and Order, compassion, empathy, and intelligence."
"Law and Order must mean something it's not a slogan it's not a mantra"
"What matters is saving rule of law, saving democracy."
"Good rule of law is in essence team defense against parasitism."
"The law is the rulebook that keeps ordered society from descending into chaos."
"No person is above the law, not even the president of the United States."
"You want to live in a country where there's rule of law, peace, and a police force."
"The military would not carry out such an unlawful order as it would be a crime."
"It is a fundamental aspect of the rule of law that proceedings take place in public. It is difficult to imagine any justification for these proceedings taking place in secret."
"The subject for Dr. Mahathir is rule of law and multilateralism, a topic dear to his heart and of utter importance in the region."
"Establishing rule of law is the beginning of prosperity."
"If you have rule of law, you have prosperity because it unleashes the potential of a society."
"Open Society: where the rule of law prevails as opposed to rule by a single individual."
"If Trump fires Mueller... it will be a real test case for US democracy."
"The rules are civilization, that's how everything holds together."
"Rule of law: facts over feelings. It's so important."
"You can't have these selective enforcement regimes which make it clear that the rules are not rules."
"Judicial Watch has become America's number one civil rights organization in terms of vindicating and protecting the rule of law that prohibits racial discrimination."
"The fundamental difference between law and rules is that law is something which is clearly binding on its creators and which has universal and equal application."
"That kind of appointment here, the eyes and ears of the President as he was known under Jeff Sessions, threatens not only the Special Counsel investigation, but it threatens the rule of law."
"The American people want to see the rule of law established."
"To have the rule of law as opposed to the rule of individual men and women who serve within a government, you really have to have some kind of structural protection in place."
"We're known throughout the entire world as a country where the rule of law is a thing."
"A brazen attack on responsible government, a brazen attack on the rule of law."
"No one should be above the law... especially a president."
"What you're promoting is some form of rule of law and treating people as individuals shockingly enough."
"When you say you're a nation of laws and not of men, what you're saying is you're defined by the rules."
"One thing about the last couple of weeks and about these images is that it suggests there's something more important than one single man: the rule of law."