
Smartphone Usage Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Freedom. What is that underpin? These two secrets: learning to value your time properly and ditching the smartphone."
"85% of Americans have a smartphone, and that percentage has grown every year since their inception."
"The smartphone was created by the smartest people in the world to hack our brain and grab our attention."
"They use their phones for their financial services."
"You can swipe on a contact to send a message or make a call."
"This is an absolutely fantastic way to customize your smartphone's interface."
"Now here's a really quick way to take a screenshot and annotate it using the S Pen on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra."
"Swipe down for notification panel for quick access."
"One of my personal favorites is the ability to change the grid size of your home screen."
"Quickly switch between your two most recently used applications."
"Putting your phone into airplane mode when you’re not using it can all go a long way to helping you fortify your digital life."
"Use your brand new iPhone 12 at its peak potential."
"Access this menu where you can completely power off your phone."
"The iPhone 11: ridiculously OP for what most of us are doing with our phones today."
"Web 3.0 has this amazing ability to connect people like we weren't able to connect physically or digitally before." - Aaron Lau
"The use of GPS devices combined with smartphone technology has given us the ability to find our way pretty much anywhere."
"Double tap to lock your phone from the home screen."
"Every Samsung Fold 3 owner must turn this on immediately."
"We can also tell this phone to read our color info and messages out loud."
"Your phone knows not only where you live but also where you work, where your favorite supermarket is, and other places you visit frequently."
"Everybody have an iPhone now, everybody has an iPhone now."
"You can expect about ten to twelve hours of screen on time with regular use."
"The feel of this phone is just incredible, that is the biggest reason why I've just gotten rid of a case."
"The everyday performance has been nice and slick and smooth, no little jutters or stumbles."
"Your phone on airplane mode, put it at the bottom of your bag, you're just more and more less likely to grab it because it's not dinging like are there."
"Your smartphone tracks you in so many ways, it knows what stores you're going into, who you're speaking to, what you buy—everything."
"You probably know that the most annoying problem with smartphones is the need for regular charging."
"I find myself reaching to my phone with no thoughts, no intention, just on autopilot, mindlessly scrolling."
"Quickly get to the top of the screen or feed by tapping on the top left or right."
"One of the best things about a Samsung phone is the ability to customize your home screen."
"Smartphones have become an integral part of our cultural identity."
"You have an option to mute incoming calls just by setting the phone facedown."
"This is one of the best smartphones I've ever used."
"Organize the app tray: hit the three dots, go to sort, change to alphabetical order."
"Remap the side button: double push for wallet, push and hold for power menu."
"Enable split screening: open app, open backgrounding, tap icon, open in split screen view."
"Enhance privacy: hide content on lock screen, customize lock screen notifications for privacy."
"Activate notification snooze: go to settings, notification, advanced settings, show snooze button for temporary silence."
"Optimize battery life: enable auto optimization in battery settings for periodic device reboot."
"Adjust performance profile: go to battery settings, performance profile, choose a profile based on usage for longer battery life."
"This is really important because you actually want to restart your phone once a week in order for it to run at best optimized levels so if you didn't know that turn this on right away because you're definitely going to help your phone run much faster than it did before."
"It is the phone I use on a daily basis, both for my personal life and also my professional work. It's certainly my favorite iPhone that I've ever owned."
"The big shift that I saw was in 2001-2002 with the advent of the smartphone. What the smartphone meant was that all of a sudden, there was 24/7 mobile access to these behavioral digital drugs."
"Smartphones are not good for our mental health and that people need more in-person connection and less connection mediated through devices."
"But that is pretty much a basic breakdown of exactly how to use your Google Pixel 7."
"We all rely on our phones nowadays, especially when we take trips."
"That's how we can run two apps at one time."
"The S21 Ultra comes with a 5,000 milliamp-hour battery which leaves plenty of juice in the tank after a heavy day of use."
"With my typical daily smartphone use, I end each day with between 35 to 50% charge left."
"I'm getting super excited with where smartphone filmmaking in general is going."
"The number one reason that anyone picks their phone nowadays is they want a camera."