
Job Interviews Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"It's never you versus the interviewer; you are working with your colleague and solving a problem together."
"These are the interview questions that get asked at companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon."
"At the end of every interview, regardless of how well it's gone, always say something along the lines of, 'Thank you very much for interviewing me today.'"
"Higher slow, do 3-hour interviews... the higher the position, the slower you should hire."
"Social anxiety in job interviews is probably... oh my gosh, if you can make it past the interview, you're home free."
"Networking of people you know can really come in handy when it comes time to go into an interview."
"Cracking interviews in FAANG companies is not a rocket science nowadays. So be very very confident, prepare with a discipline, make a study plan."
"You are interviewing the company just as much as the company is interviewing you."
"This isn't The Bachelor, this is the job interview."
"The good thing about tech interviews is that the school that you went to is not going to prevent you from getting a job at a big tech company"
"Failing lots of interviews is not a good indication of your future as a software developer."
"Probably the best job interview experience I've ever had."
"You want the interviewer to like you. You want the interviewer to remember you. You want the interviewer to understand that you are qualified for the job."
"It all just clicked in. I was like, 'I wish I could tell people this.' When you go in for an interview, the person on the other side of the table now wants you to be the one so bad."
"You're not trying to fake your way through the interview process. We're looking for people who are genuine and real."
"Your hard skills are what are going to get you into that interview."
"You should learn SQL because all of the interviews I got related to data science had a SQL question."
"The bonus reason that companies are making you do so many job interviews is because they know that even if they don't end up hiring many people, just the act of looking like a job creator can lend them significant political influence."
"Do what it takes to get to the interview, and to be honest, I think that's respectable."
"They're all interviewing for other positions."
"When you go to an interview and you're underdressed, people are gonna look at you a certain way."
"An interview is not just an audition. It is a negotiation between two parties who are trying to figure out if they can work well together."
"You have the ability to showcase... that you are the top candidate for the position."
"Their desire to hire you should grow every time you open your mouth."
"Show them how you can be a solution to their problems."
"Make the interview about them. Talk about the kinds of things that they are doing publicly and align with them."
"Share with them why you want the job. Be clear about what excites you about it."
"Before you walk into the room, think about not how am I looking, but what is it that they're looking for? You are helping them make a choice. It's not about judgment on you; it's about helping them think clearly."
"I think masked interviews should be the way then there's no discrimination."
"I feel like as part of our job interviews if we ever hire on more people like we should put them through this, right? Oh yeah, no, this is a really good testament if you can handle being in this office."
"Things are finally going to start moving in the right direction, and you could have a really, really good interview."
"Understanding a linked list overall, how it works, and how to create one is going to be crucial for pretty much any interview that you go into."
"I prove one thing in my interview, that was I am ready to learn."
"Indeed assessments help take the stress out of the interview process candidates get to show their skills before the interviews."
"More often than not, the interviewer wants to hear about you and how you can add value to their organization."
"Make the presentation more about their company than you."
"Practice your presentation at least twice before your interview."
"Don't interview at the place you want... now you know what you're doing."
"Interview at places you don't care... genuinely helps."
"Everyone has to spend some time clearing interviews; it's just a beginning, you have no idea what is coming for you in the future."
"Join our Ace My Interview Community for coaching and support in smashing your job interviews."
"The STAR method is recognized by all hiring managers and employers as the correct way to answer difficult situational interview questions."
"Let's move on to the best way to structure your answers to difficult situational interview questions."
"First impressions are the key to successful interviews."
"This video series will be specifically focused on different aspects of how to get a job and how to succeed in UX research job interviews."
"So much of what those job interviews are about, you look at the packet, you look for any glimmer of hope in the sketch packet, anything, anything that you haven't seen a hundred times."
"If you're using this in your interview, I would play up your ability to work in a team."
"Congratulations to you on landing multiple interviews so come back and let us know how it goes."
"It's not the end of the world... most people actually interview 2, 3, sometimes even like 4 times."
"Investing in buying a suit... something you can use for interviews and you can match with dress shoes."
"What they will actually try to discover in the interviews is your learning ability, your ability to actually find new information to solve a problem."
"So we can destroy the competition, so that we can be beast when it comes to the technical interview."
"What's up guys, it's Mike from Job Really English, helping you pass the interviews for world-famous companies."
"Understand the problems that are facing this company or the position... you're in a job interview to help them solve problems."
"Educate them on what you can do for them... show them how you can be a solution to their problems."
"If you don't know this command, I can guarantee you, if somebody asks you in the interview, you're 90% not getting the job."
"There is no more flawed methodology in American life than the job interview."
"Interviewers don't care as much that you are able to write a specific algorithm in code, but more about the fact that you can break a seemingly insurmountable problem into distinct components and identify the right tools to solve each distinct component."
"I can help you pass every job interview you ever attend and also progress throughout your career."
"As you continue to evolve in your career, you're going to find that the questions are geared more towards the soft skills than they are the technical skills of your job."
"Hopefully you guys get this in one of your big tech company interviews and you can pass it now because you know it."
"Everyone wants to do good in the interviews, so I can tell you what an interviewer is looking for."
"I've been on both sides of the interviewing table, both interviewing and being interviewed."
"If you want to get an interview down the road at these big companies, build something."
"Understand what an interviewer is evaluating; it's not about whether your code compiles or has a bug, but what does this tell me about your coding skills."