
Proximity Quotes

There are 2309 quotes

"For a brief beautiful few days, you and I are going to be within a few dozen miles of each other."
"Our salvation is closer than when we first believed."
"Your rainbow is right there; it's right around the corner."
"It's better to be closer to friends, for sure."
"The government that is closest to the people governs best."
"The nearest humans are on the International Space Station, 416 km up."
"Is your family meaningful to you because of proximity, or is there something more there?"
"Despite the fact that Iceland stands with its nose pressed up against the windows of the Arctic Circle"
"The closer you get to Jesus, the more you feel 'Daddy'; the further you get from Jesus, you're just left with 'God.'"
"Nowhere in Britain is more than 75 miles from the sea."
"Now, husband and wife, Nick and Aimee live just a minute's walk from the spot where the photo was taken."
"Osbo's nice and close all the way through to the finish line."
"Remember the breakthroughs we seek are often closer than we think."
"That thing that you've always wanted to do is closer than you think."
"Osbo is definitely closer to Rome than Rome was to Osbo." - Announcer
"They were more close to the source than we were."
"That thing you've always wanted to do is closer than you think."
"Alaska is part of the United States, but actually has a land border with Canada and is very close to Russia."
"Even finding oneself in their comparatively close proximity may prove to be fatal."
"Sometimes God takes you all the way around the block just to get you next door."
"You've never been closer than you are right now."
"Dude, I know what you mean now, he's singing from the darkness and it's really close."
"The decision will now go to the states, and the government that is closest to the people always makes the best decision."
"They think about you sexually, even if you're around them."
"Russia could be just 10 miles from Kyiv city center."
"If suddenly your customer relationship is much tighter, if the proximity between you and a customer is better, then you're gonna serve them a lot better across your platforms."
"We need to be next to the people that need us the most."
"First time I've ever had something so close before, that's insane."
"If you think that something's eluding you, if you just stretch, look, explore a little bit, it's going to be a lot closer than you think."
"There is no other way by being close to the factory and being close to the people."
"He's really, really close, he's probably on the two yard line or one yard line of a charging decision."
"A lot of good close proximity healing available to Seoul right now."
"Hope is like car keys, easy to lose if you dig around. It's usually close by."
"God doesn't scream, he whispers. You only hear whispers when you're close."
"Success which may have seemed elusive at times now stands tantalizingly close."
"He's literally right there so don't be a jerk, be nice."
"Rubbing shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow human beings close enough to smell what they had for breakfast."
"The closer you are to a target, the harder the shots."
"What He wants more than anything, is this just as you turn to Him and you draw near to Him, what He's gonna do is He's gonna draw near to you, like you've never experienced before."
"But it just means that you're now looking at more intense, closer range things."
"It's very upsetting because we're so close yet so far away."
"This is very dangerous, or is it too close? This is literally 18 yard, 18 and a half yards out from the line."
"You are so much closer to something really big than you actually were initially."
"Literally right next to him... did you feel that?"
"Where is God? He's near. Literally the Son of God was near to them."
"Eventually she's going to find her own place, okay? Preferably somewhere near me so I can see the dogs easier, mm-hmm."
"If you can read this, you're too close. Yeah, right."
"The only distance that can exist between you and God is your unawareness of His nearness."
"We just got our first order, seven dollars and fifty cents, and it's at the flame broiler which is literally like in that shopping center right there."
"Your miracle is imminent, it's within prayer reach."
"You were so close, Aaron. Close, you can't possibly know that. Like, you're unbelievably close, every time."
"Perceptual fluency: you fall in love with the people around you because it's the easiest thing to do."
"Sometimes contact breeds closeness; sometimes it breeds conflict."
"That thing you've always wanted to learn is closer than you think."
"Our Lord came to him. He'll come to you. He came to where he was."
"Getting as close as you can to the problem helps inform how to solve for it."
"Proximity helps a lot, you know, not being too far away for that."
"Trading with friends: you can trade with a friend only when you're near each other."
"Living in a third country while just minutes away from two others is kind of cool."
"A wide-angle lens forces you to get close to your subjects."
"You're closer to meeting 'the one' than you think. Stay optimistic."
"Allah is near to the one who has purity of heart."
"Often what we need is right in front of us or right beside us."
"Jelly's giggling so that means that you guys are definitely close to me."
"We are so lucky to have cool people studying cool things really nearby where we create SciShow."
"Victory seemed like it was within arm's reach."
"My body was screaming at me to leave... Luckily, we live two blocks away."
"God's not far away because God left you...you can come to him right now."
"Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein so realize that Allah is near Allah is not just there he's near but we're gonna be chic and sometimes"
"Relevant things should be next to each other."
"How many millions of people live inside of a 45-minute drive of DC?"
"You are very close to achieving your goals... your manifestations are coming through."
"It was like flowing electricity, it was not even 75 feet up. I could have hit this thing with a rock."
"In this world, not only are all the overworld wood types close by, but they're all within just 20 blocks of (0,0)."
"Jesus wanted that girl to know that he was close to her."
"We're not far from the city center, what a view!"
"Full-blown abduction instead of experiencing something from a distance."
"There's a prodigal that's a religious prodigal, staying in the vicinity of the father, hanging out in the father's field, but disconnected from the father."
"All your abundance is near, physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological."
"Emma's body was discovered just under 500 meters from a roadway."
"When the enemy is all up in your space you've got something close at hand."
"The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm."
"When you go within six feet of Tan Blackmon..."
"The best investment Kim ever did is less than two blocks from our house today."
"We're close, actually. We're closer than we've ever been."
"Help and a better future for you are closer than you think."
"Those closest to the money benefit the most."
"Annapolis is the capital city of Maryland, the closest state capital to the U.S. Capitol."
"Rare opportunity right now to see villagers up close."
"I think it's going to be close by to the victims."
"Why haven't we done this before? It's so much warmer when we're closer to each other."
"This is amazing and you need to be so close."
"After all this time, I'm so close. We're close."
"What a fantastic location this is in so close to the city, providing an amazing view of the skyline."
"I think you'll be pleasantly surprised and something's closer than you think it is."
"The supernatural is as close as the air between your fingertips."
"You can't ignore it. Yeah, if you get close, and that's why people don't want to get close to God, right?"
"If everything looks good and it's all checked out, it's hitting terrain, it's hitting something, and it's close enough to you, that's good."
"I think we're very, very close to the truth."
"I can't believe I get to stand near you, breathing the same air. I've got to have every molecule."
"The closest I got to meeting Bill Gates was when he was making the rounds of our team."
"I'm glad that I was at least in close proximity to those releases."
"We're in your area so wherever you are we are we're there."
"It's like a dream come true, but it's just over the hill."
"Both stadiums are like 10 15 minutes away from Stamford Bridge so both are still within the geographical region that's needed to make fans lives easier."
"The closest we ever came to having technologies."
"I felt better knowing that for some reason she said that she lived in the city that was about 25 to 30 miles north of mine."
"If Bigfoot exists and I believe he does, it's got to be within a quarter mile from us as we stand now."
"We are weeks away now it's so close so close literally."
"It feels like it's wanting to put me a bit close to those guys as well."
"Well, it was just under between 500 meters in a kilometer in different directions from the Ukrainian positions themselves."
"We lost all control of bodily function. We were only about 20 yards away from this thing."
"The best government is closest to the people."
"Often the biggest problem people have mastering astronomy and astrophysics is the terminology itself."
"Efficiency is done when everything is arm's reach."
"There is madness and method working in close proximity with one another."
"It's literally one step away guys, and it's one step away."
"Mars will be closer to Earth this week than any other time for the next 15 years."
"This is divine counterparts who are getting closer and closer. This direction that you're going in, this journey that you're going on, it's bringing you ever closer to one another."
"It's a nice place close enough to the big city and far enough away to where you're not gonna be stuck in traffic."
"Threat detector: increased reload, stability, and handling when enemies are in close proximity."
"Win the ball high up the pitch and you're not too far away from the opposition's goal."
"The life that we want is closer than we think it is."
"You're just one door away from the lunchroom."
"So actually a mile from my house right here is a stack of money sitting right there staring at us."
"That was so close, I know you're here somewhere."
"It's a cool area, it's like what 30 minutes from Boston."
"Australia has its own Grand Canyon just two hours away from Sydney."
"I'm like right in front of you, just come with me."
"The Bible's coming alive for somebody that's close to it."
"Oh wow it is a ravine guys look at this we found a ravine it's really close to our house."
"It's just right here, you know? It's right there."
"We're very close, this is just remarkable. It really is."
"We're always here for you cancer, we're just a thought away."
"Do not give up now, you're closer than you think."
"Closer than close, closer than you ever can imagine. It's close."
"Love is so much closer than you think it is. It's around the corner when you go to the store."
"There is a gift waiting for you on the other side of this and it is a lot closer to you than you think."
"You are very close to achieving your goal."
"Things with similar meanings wind up nearby in this meaning space."
"I learned the truth of the Zen saying that if you are willing to travel around the world to meet a teacher, one will appear next door."
"Ronaldo is playing literally right in front of me."
"Ronaldo is literally right there bro."
"It's ideal working conditions and it's five minutes from my home."
"Success is just a minute away once we change."
"God is not distant from you, not in some heaven, God is here, also now."
"Brahman identity is closer than the closest; if I don't get it, then it is further than the furthest."
"It's not far away, it's so close, it's right here."
"The story in its entirety drives home the fact that you truly never know who's beside you, who's across from you, who is on the other side of the wall by which you sleep."
"The word is near you, in your heart."
"This person wants to embrace your energy, they want to be in close proximity to you."
"If your pictures aren't good enough, you aren't close enough."
"Your dreams are closer than you think."
"Proximity to family is a big reason why I like to stay in California."
"You meet your partner in your local neighborhood, they could be a next-door neighbor of yours."
"We're not a far drive from Hollywood, but apparently the scriptwriters have headed to the game tonight."
"Mesa Verde is about four and a half hours away. It's so close to the cabin that we've never done it."
"Only six shots in it now, all of a sudden it's got a lot closer."
"It's all right. We all are. But if you want the stars, they are not that far."
"Hopefully, people can find us by us rolling up to a town relatively near them and just going to a show."
"They're inching their way towards you, watching you."
"Proximity is hugely important. It's all proximity; it's all people. Everything's people and business."
"We live in a tiny house minutes away from one of the best beaches in the country."
"If troops happen to advance to anything less than 100 yards, it was usually because they were going to push in with bayonets."
"It's just the proximity, just like got into my blood."
"The kingdom of God is at hand, it's within your reach, it's here, we're already positioned."
"I think it's really nice when you can get right up in somebody's face and still see who they are."
"The closer you are to something beautiful, the more pressure you will feel."
"I think it's down to growing up in close proximity to someone."
"British people take for granted how close things are."
"You are closer than you've ever been in your life."
"It's just a really nice spot. Not far from civilization but far enough."
"Maybe you're moving closer together or they're going to be in the same area as you."
"Living so close to the water was a dream come true. I could take a short stroll down my sandy pathway and dive right into the ocean whenever I wanted."
"Our record is not something of which we can be proud...the Holocaust is something that we not only have to understand but that we can understand because some elements of it just aren't that far away."
"You're a lot closer to your dreams than you think."
"It's right across the street from campus."
"The closer it is to midnight, the closer we are to that actually happening."
"Lights up everything in close proximity."
"It's too risky to stay so damn close to them."
"The kingdom of heaven is as close to you as my hand is to my face."
"Thou art not far from the kingdom of God."
"I really want to go check out the sage Jero but it's like so close to like it's like literally behind the cash register."
"He's that close! He's that accessible."
"It just feels like that could be 100 feet away and I still feel directly connected."
"What you're asking for is closer than you think, be prepared for it."
"Even the closest to the Sun has dark Corners."
"She was so close and then vanished."
"Beware, for this chilling tale reminds us that sometimes real-life horrors can be closer than we think."
"He grabbed another chair and sat right next to me."
"I've been one hundred yards from the explosion. I was ninety-eight yards closer to the woman on the bench."
"God will always put you in the proximity of the position that you will one day possess."
"It was like when there's a bonfire, and you keep edging closer and closer to the flames, trying to capture their warmth until you're so close to the embers and sparks are almost catching your clothes but somehow, you're still unburned."
"Literally just one question behind them."
"She has somebody to talk to, her best friend is right across the street."
"The people closest to you sometimes spur you the most."
"Tantalizingly close, that's the idea."
"The system gave out information that 100 proximity points had been awarded."
"It's less than 10 minutes to downtown Tampa. You can be over to Amalie Arena where the Lightning play in like 8 minutes, it's unbelievable."
"How close were you growing up to the Indy 500? Literally 1 hour, a 1-hour drive to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway."