
Personal Strategy Quotes

There are 289 quotes

"The best way to own your life and future is to understand and embrace the system, no matter its flaws, and work within it to achieve your goals."
"I actually think it is the best strategy for me."
"How to be aggressively patient... you are so aggressive and assertive on your part, but psychologically you're patient to know everything's going to work out."
"Every day I woke up and walked into my office and asked myself, what move do you need to make today?"
"God's going to give us strategy for how to walk out of this place and into the expectation that He has on who we can become."
"There's got to be some measure of personalized approach; you got to be able to make it work for you."
"Strategizing about your self-actualization should be the prime focus of your life."
"You do what you need to do to get what you want."
"Don't let people know your business because the moment you let people know your business, the moment that they will say something to try to manifest against you."
"A story is a map of meaning, a strategy for emotional regulation and behavioral output."
"Sleep more, stress less, live better with Calm."
"I just be ice-cold man. You've got to be ice-cold pick a good strategy it doesn't mean that doesn't mean you should be irresponsible pick a good strategy pick what you think's best for you and just and just do it."
"Maybe I had just found a foolproof way of never returning to minimum wage jobs ever again."
"I decided to be on the winning team instead, so I became the landlord."
"Be in complete control of your game... not letting a specific legend control how you want to play."
"The system has set everyone up for failure, so she's going to have to re-evaluate her plans."
"That's the best way to do it... If you have to do something, do that shit by yourself."
"I'm not saying don't engage with Wall Street. I'm saying engage with it on your own terms in a way that you don't get your pockets picked."
"Do what you, whatever you have to do and find something that works."
"I focus my rage into non-violent resistance."
"I hope this video taught you, if nothing else, that you don't need to be stronger in a conflict to win, you just have to be more annoying."
"I normally just play for funsies, so I don't have any infinite combos in my decks."
"Some days you can accomplish more just by being another face in the crowd."
"Never get mad at anyone for making a business decision that best suits their business."
"If you're going to say you have a preference for X Y & Z, stand in that preference in all aspects of life."
"My risk tolerance is really high... I trust God's process."
"You cannot think like that. If I put all my eggs in this basket and this basket breaks, where do I end up?"
"There's no one way to do it... figure out what's gonna work best for you."
"Sit down and ask yourself what 10 things you could do to solve this problem."
"Make a plan that's right for you and then just stick to it."
"You've got to figure out your angle. That's like the most important thing because you can take a great thing and make it miserable if you don't figure out how it works for you."
"Live like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else."
"You need a wants management strategy or you're going to be running from thing to thing to thing."
"Decide how we're going to deal with that and navigate that as ourselves."
"You were very self-sacrificing in this situation, but they think they got you right where they want you here, Taurus. But that's simply not the case."
"Free markets would allow you the opportunity to position yourself."
"Refusing to be emotionally blackmailed by dishonest manipulative cry bullies has been a tremendously successful approach."
"Make the fool come to you, make everybody that's in your life come to you if they care."
"Life is about using your wits to figure out what you want to do and then learning the material you need to learn to get you where you want to go."
"Find out what your edge is and what works for you, and just keep doing it."
"I like taking chances. I like gambling on opportunities."
"I think alphas understand that there has to be a certain level of subtlety and craftiness in your mind."
"The judgment card says, 'How can I do this and how can I make it work with my situation?'"
"I always like to keep my cards pretty close to my chest when it comes to when it comes to sponsorships but or excuse me when it comes to secret shopper."
"Be yourself this week... it's the winning ticket for you."
"Honestly, I'm just waiting for the right moment."
"You've just given me a list of number ones that I'm gonna do one more."
"The best way to deal with a cheater, cheat back."
"I ignore all the [__] that lets that happen."
"Sometimes things just merge together in a way that works for you."
"That's part of what gives me my edge as a trader."
"Make him miss you... don't overexpose yourself."
"Intelligence... how you approach your goals... how you want to get to them."
"This looks just like a Lou Taylor playbook move."
"Framing it in this way really helps me at least manage my energy in a way that makes more sense."
"How did a guy like me, who was basically broke, beat out these guys who made more money? I had something that those guys didn't. I had game."
"If being in the spotlight gets you momentum, do that. If being in the background makes you better, do that."
"Deal or No Deal is basically what she said to Harry when she was threatening to leave him if he didn't come out publicly and name her as his girlfriend. Let's get down to it, dealer. That's something Kate Middleton should have tried years earlier."
"Do what works for your relationship and have the confidence in yourself and in your womanhood."
"Sometimes the best reaction is to keep it moving."
"I think it's smarter for me to maintain that symbiotic relationship of me providing the bare minimum 90% of the time and then the 10% giving underwear pics or something."
"When you protect your downside, you have no downside then and it's only upside."
"You simply focus on where you are winning rather than saying what needs to improve."
"Listen to your body... pick your battles, pick one."
"If you keep it to yourself, that makes more less [__] for you to deal with, does that make sense? Unless you just enjoy having fun with it."
"I've used arrogance as a weapon to cut through the [ __ ]."
"Emphasize that work on that act on that don't fall into the trap don't fall into the game."
"My mind is always trained to plan for the next moment."
"I just learn in life like it's best not to share your plans so people don't [__] with you."
"Our movements pretty incredible and and you know they're they're just beautiful people and if you tell them you're pissed off they'll they'll have your back."
"You gotta play the game, you gotta be an actress."
"Make yourself seen extremely valuable, because you are. You have to make yourself seem extremely unbothered."
"Treat yourself, don't cheat yourself. Make your next move your best move."
"We should learn to fine-tune our own mental processes to work for us to help us reach our goals and define the path we came here to walk."
"You can do what you want if you're smart about the way you work."
"I'm betting that things go dramatically different, and here's how I'm going to handle this."
"Just be like me, stay as far away from the human population as possible and nothing will go wrong."
"Your strongest weapon, okay, in the dating marketplace, dealing with women in general, is imagination, okay? Imagination."
"Why do you play the cards that you play and where do you draw your lines?"
"Just gotta keep posting the stuff I post, keep going, keep doing what I do."
"When opportunities came, I always put myself in a position to win."
"I think his whole thing is like, just mentally push through it and eventually it'll all go away."
"Get an idea in your head of the message you want to convey and just work towards that."
"Life is so messy that I can't give that to you and the best I can offer you is that you've got to craft your own strategy."
"The free agent lifestyle is the cheat code to me."
"I use Google reviews to find great restaurants, it's been pretty foolproof for me."
"Excellence, this is turning out much better than the activate the retreat protocols and cower in my room idea I had earlier."
"Taking the high road is going to pay off by the end of the year. I love that for you, Capricorns."
"What would I expect and how can I sort of tweak that or delay it?"
"I would be more likely to hold onto that knowledge."
"Women love what they can't have. Guard your time, she'll want more of it. Guard your wallet, she'll want more of it."
"You have to figure out a unique way to succeed."
"Dude, they have no idea, I'm gonna... doesn't matter what they do."
"It's better to be selective and decide what you're gonna do."
"Fire has always been key to survival for me."
"I think there definitely is a lot of pressure being able to play at that high of a level. I try to put all that out of the way and just play my game."
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket socially, business-wise, or in your dating life."
"I'm not going to tell you how to play the game, I'm going to tell you my ideology on how I play the game."
"He did it the right way, staying under the radar. His name is more of a name than it is a face."
"Play your own game, don't think about what anyone else is doing."
"There's not one path to wealth, you gotta find the right strategies for you."
"The final stage is for you to take private action... you just order your life in a way that gets around these things."
"One of the greatest things we can add to our strategy plan is to pursue greatness not just success."
"Money is relative. The point of this video is for you to see how I think about taking jobs and how you can apply it to your own jobs."
"Following this habit will make you indispensable... it will place you in a position to write your own ticket."
"I want to farm first. It's more important for me right now."
"If anyone tries to complain, I'm just going to say I'm speedrunning."
"Find the way that is going to work for you while there's still time to find it."
"Take a legitimate objective look at your circumstances and then decide what the best move is."
"Femininity is power, use it to your advantage."
"By getting this layer of energy out of him, it's going to make my job a lot easier."
"You better think about what's going to happen in the next 10 years, is it even going to exist? Will you get half of it? Will you get 25 percent of it? Don't rely on the system, ladies and gentlemen, you better have a plan."
"This car looks almost like the one from the movie."
"This is someone who consults their intuition and their emotions when they make decisions."
"Some people hate getting older. You know, for me, I just avoid 'em."
"Everybody's been flying out here... I'm just going to play my game."
"Take over the world, define your own strategy."
"Treat corporations like the girl at the club: get what you need, but don't commit anything."
"What if I acquire a lot of stuff? And funny enough, so far, it's worked out."
"You gotta go gray rock... and let's weather through this until we realize how bad things are gonna be."
"Follow your instincts. Sometimes in life to be successful, oftentimes most of the time, you have to follow your instincts."
"I was just gonna hit my goals however the heck I could."
"Stick to your guns, especially if you've got something that works and people like."
"Attention is the new oil, and she definitely knows how to get it."
"Every little single thing they try to do to me, I'm just going to turn it into something and use against them."
"Put on a few pounds a year and just creep up on everybody."
"Franco persisted... I've decided to adopt a tactic of saying the opposite of what I think."
"At least think about it when it comes to your draft and use this thought process a little bit and then determine what is going to be the best for you."
"The name of the game or the lack of the name of the game for me is innovation."
"I gotta just keep my energy for work only now."
"Your strategy is fine, but the energy behind the actions is what's giving you the opposite effect."
"Drama as a content creator: if it's about you, you always avoid it."
"Grant Cardone has consistently... owned single-family houses because they've enabled him to buy multifamily real estate."
"Set goals for yourself, if it doesn't work, try a new tactic."
"Anything goes, I can either live, try to win or go push it."
"If it's not risky, I'm going to put my foot on the gas."
"Faking until you make it, that's how we're here now."
"Prioritize muscular endurance over cardiovascular endurance for optimal results."
"Louise hid her cleverness and strong will behind her childlike beauty."
"If you found a recipe that works for you, stick with it."
"You know you gotta pick and choose your battles."
"View it like a lily pad that you can bounce off of but don't necessarily have to plant roots with."
"It's not that we want to win with a narcissist, but we want to win by making it work."
"This is kind of what I need to do every time I day trade."
"Your most powerful tool is the ability to walk away."
"The key to weight loss? Doing what works for you."
"I love this one, I'm loaded up on this one in my personal portfolios." - Stock Mo
"I'd rather my team be angry at me and me winning than playing what they wanted and losing."
"If you're a high-volume guy, be a high-volume guy."
"Be a contrarian or you're going to be a victim."
"People can be in multiple houses. You got this kind of friend, you got this kind of person, you got this kind of person, you want to do business with, you got this kind of person, you want to do that with. [Expletive] I'm saying, learn your chart!"
"This is what I would do if I had twenty thousand dollars first of all I would probably and I I I'm gonna just go on a limb here."
"Jake is perfect at just getting known, getting what you want."
"Good preparation is the best thing that you can do."
"Just don't sell so here's an alternative this is what I do it works out pretty well for me is um I just don't sell anything because I don't really care too much about the market."
"My next move is the moment. The next moment. The here the now."
"He's just going to do what he's done before that everything, every step of his career he's made up at this point he's done in his own way and he knows what works for him."
"That's what I'm going to be doing from now on."
"That sounds really cathartic and a good way to handle it."
"I'm used to playing as Spain in my little practice games here."
"The biggest time waster of all is... pursuing a course of action... that is the wrong one for you."
"I did pulled my credit report realized I had $36,000 in student loans across about 11 loans and the way I did it is the way I'm going to recommend to you."
"Reward the activity you like and penalize the activity you don't like."
"A lot of people who are in these stocks are waiting to lose a bunch of money they just don't realize it. I'm waiting to make a lot of money."
"I'm always how do I flip this... how do I make it positive?"
"I am mind-centered... if you deal through your heart, you'll just be in a permanent hurt."
"It's all about founding your niche wherever you went, you found your niche, wherever you are, if it's coming up in Louisiana, if it's in the club with bottles, find your niche one way."
"I can't help the hand that I was dealt, the issue is how I'm going to play the hand that I'm built."
"The best thing you can do to the narcissist is no contact, cold turkey."
"I've learned to do the things that get my brain spinning on what I want it to be focused on."
"My entire focus is longevity, how can I stay in this game for as long as possible until I decide I want it to retire."
"It would have been better if Marlo would have introduced her to one of those boosters."
"If you follow up bad news with margaritas, my personal situation, I feel like that goes a long way towards fixing whatever slide."
"You know, that's why I keep three on rotation."
"I like to use big palettes as a way to stop myself from buying smaller ones."
"Life hands you one hand, and you got to make the best of that hand, you got to play it to the best of your ability."
"That's what saved me, you know? When the funk fit to pop off, you just remove yourself from it."
"Their take on the vulture was one of the best villains."
"I definitely be out here using my free book, and that is how I am able to get books off my TBR."
"So now I need to figure out what to do, so I'm thinking I should do another raffle."
"The path is clear when you let it happen naturally and have faith in the right direction."
"Destiny on any life trajectory first choose your targets then chart the course."
"I couldn't sleep. I needed to plan and plan I did."
"The most important thing you can do... is be a moving target, strategic ambiguity."
"Quit early, quit often. It takes you a long way."
"You're not sacrificing losing anything by going forward with a plan of... this is what I have, this is what I'm going in all in with."
"Figure out what strategy works best for you and stick with it."
"It's much more powerful when you have a singular focus."
"I wonder if being more on the aggressive side might work out for me. I don't know, I'm going to try to be aggressive."
"Fighters doing what's in their self-interest is just something that's always going to be that way." - Michael Chiesa
"Keep doing what works for you and there won't be enough dough in the world for all the bread that you'll make."
"Control what you can so that you can handle the chaos."
"Don't hate them, don't date them, just trade them."
"I don't like to be reactive, I like to be proactive."
"Do things that are in alignment with that I do much better."
"Sometimes we take a step back from something and that's just what we need to sort of bring back that enthusiasm."
"I think narrowing down what you're good at and finding where your areas of genius can help you in business or life, that's probably the way to go."
"Patience and longevity have allowed me to make massive profits."
"Keep your goals to yourself, keep yourself low-key, and everything's always gonna keep it poppin."
"Set your course, know where you wish to go, have a plan, the right direction."