
Vibrations Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"We live in a mathematical Universe. The numbers are vibratory frequencies and those frequencies can be matched with multiple different traits and understanding."
"Water actually does change its vibration based on what you give to it."
"When we think, we send out vibrations of a fine ethereal substance, which are as real as the vibrations manifesting light, heat, electricity, magnetism."
"Words are vibrations; you have to realize that today."
"Every single thing in the universe has its own frequency, and we are constantly swimming in a sea of ever-changing vibrations."
"Light and heat are manifested by vibrations of a far lower intensity than those of thought, for the difference is solely in the rate of vibration."
"Tarot does not dictate your life; it just shows you what you are manifesting at that current moment with your vibrations."
"If you don't like the message, all you have to do is use the law of attraction and change your frequency."
"We see an increasing amount of awakening souls and higher vibrations, which is amazing."
"We live in a sea of energy and vibrations just like fish live in water."
"Prayer is a feeling, and feeling is a vibration."
"The atoms in this table, the electrons, the quarks, the protons – these are all vibrations in fields."
"A word is something that can be spoken. A series of vibrations are set up when you speak. When these vibrations are strong enough, they can travel great distances and affect many other people."
"Gratitude is one of the fastest ways to raise your vibrations."
"Feel the light vibration in your heart center."
"So, particles themselves are essentially vibrations of a field."
"Resonant vibrations underlie the structure of the universe as we know it."
"Everything is vibration, even movies calibrate at certain vibrations."
"The whole secret to life: it's all about raising your vibration."
"Soul tribes is all about frequency vibration... others that will accept you for who you are."
"Every vibration you put out there is bumping off of something else, like the notes we just played are still vibrating somewhere."
"The upward spiral leads to learning, attracting opportunities, and positive manifestations."
"This reality is a reflection of the vibration you are emitting."
"Our thoughts and actions have the power to shape the world around us, so let's choose wisely and encounter overwhelmingly good vibrations."
"And the more pure we get, the higher perhaps our Consciousness can reach or the finer vibrations it can bring in."
"All is vibration and all vibrations arise in sympathy."
"The thoughts that you think control the vibration you're in and that dictates what you attract."
"The numbers they open up portals, they open vibration."
"What you put out there, yeah, it's a revolutionary factor man, so don't worry about it, man. Everything is vibration."
"The world is full with low vibrational energies but also high vibrational energies."
"Everything has to do with frequencies... if two frequencies are together, that's called the law of resonance."
"Your personal energy is like a radio signal, just as a radio transmits waves into the environment, your thoughts and emotions send vibrations out into the world."
"You're going to have like low vibrational people honestly not even wanting to approach you anymore."
"When I returned to my body, it shook as though having a seizure. Incredible electric vibrations coursed through my limbs and out of my hands and feet."
"The universe speaks in vibrations. If I'm not okay and I put my attention on not okay, the universe isn't going to interfere with you."
"Positive vibrations, that's what I'm talking about."
"I would like to remind you here of that idea of mine that certain forms of so-called hauntings may have their cause in the attractive vibrations."
"The soul knows exactly who is your twin and the soul knows the vibrations of that person."
"One of the advantages of numerology is that within moments of meeting someone, you can learn their name, and instantly gain many powerful insights about who they are."
"It is time to ascend. You must claim your energetic independence, cut the cord to lower vibrations."
"Everything you put into the universe comes right back to you in vibrations."
"All sounds are made up of vibrations."
"The number of cycles or individual vibrations that occur in a single second are referred to as Hertz. In other words, if a note on a trumpet vibrates at a rate of, say, 440 times a second, we say that the note has a frequency of 440 Hertz."
"The universe doesn't work with a calendar, the universe responds to your own vibrations."
"Actions vibrate at certain frequencies."
"Every mental state is accompanied by vibration of its own plane. Every emotional state or feeling has its own particular rate of vibration."
"The Earth's vibration are the same as it was during the time of disco so we're going back to disco because the vibrations of Earth are more similar to the 70s and that's why disco sounds good and disco type music is getting a comeback."
"All music is just different notes vibrating at different frequencies."
"Send me your Good Vibrations please people."
"Vibrations had to do with at what level spirituality you're at, so for example if you're at a thousand vibrations you were more in a higher spiritual level."
"Plants vibrate and emit sound waves. While plants can't chat like people, they don't just sit in restful silence. Under certain conditions, plants vibrate and emit sound waves."
"Everything works on vibrations. It's all waves, bro. Everything. That's why everyone says, 'I can read your vibe.'"
"Just like atoms vibrating at specific frequencies, your thoughts and emotions emit their own unique vibrations."
"When we're in a state of coherence, our vibrations are strong, clear, and focused."
"He detects EMF movement, temperature, and vibrations, wow."
"Millions of tiny bubbles of light... everything in our universe operates in a frequency of vibrations and pulses."
"You attract better people, higher vibrations when you love yourself."
"Thanks for your acknowledgement and understanding that negative vibrations never win."
"It's almost as if a building picks up all these vibrations, the same as a record picks up the vibrations of the singers."
"Crystals, when cut in certain ways, can give off different types of vibrations."
"Amazingly, desynchronization can be achieved without implants or electrodes, but simply with vibrations delivered to the fingers in a carefully designed manner."
"The universe tunes in to our vibes, our frequency patterns, and not the words that we're saying."
"Everything that exists in physical reality exists at a frequency; it's all vibrations."
"Gratitude is the highest form of vibrations."
"Good Vibes, good energy, Good Vibrations, High vibrations."
"Vibrations control our characters and our destinies."
"Everything that we know of in this world is made of vibrations."
"By mastering these vibrations, you can manifest anything you desire."
"Sound is nothing more than actual vibrations in the air that reach our ears."
"The sound is just ridiculous, all the vibrations, the whole nine yards, just gives you the perfect driving experience."
"Nice vibrations, man. It's all vibrations."
"This is all about self-love and really feeling into the vibration of things."
"There's absolute love and value in every single vibration and in every single emotion."
"The theory is basically that we're looking at transitions between quantized vibrations."
"The emperor scorpion detects prey through vibrations in the air and ground."
"Celebration coming together, reuniting... new people are entering your life, people that are equal, same vibration as you."
"The number seven opens up the realm of divine vibrations."
"Different string modes, vibrations of strings in different modes in these higher dimensions, lead to different energies and then different string properties."
"Music speaks the language of the universe, which is vibrations."
"Shaft whirling behavior really is fundamentally different from vibrations we've talked about before."
"Whether it's a compressor in a refrigerator or a spacecraft turbo pump... it's really nice to have fewer vibrations so the thing is more stable."
"Music carries a lot of different kinds of vibrations based on what kind of music you're listening to."
"Feel the good vibrations of love emanating outward from your body."
"I'm feeling some good vibrations."
"Everything in this universe has vibration."
"If we were to excite a structure at its natural frequency even if we're not putting that much force into the system we can see really large oscillations or vibrations."
"You have the power to consciously choose the vibrations you resonate with."
"Vibrations turn to thoughts and thoughts turn to things."
"To make music, you want to control those vibrations."
"The symmetry allows us to determine the movement and vibrations of bonds, including the number of vibrations."
"Vibrations can be of many sorts... they harmonize when they are multiples and fractals of one another."
"The vibrations of the strings are affected by the shape of the extra dimensions."
"The water can be crystallized into different formations through the vibrations."
"Our emotions are vibrations, and our vibrations create templates in the subconscious mind."
"All particles are different vibrations of strings."
"You and this person are on the same vibrations."
"...the pulse of the factory boomed through the massive brick wall and she could feel the vibrations of the machinery."
"The negative energy... is simply an indication of lack of positive vibrations."
"The whole damn universe is made out of the vibrations of love."
"You can describe any vibrations, any wave in that body, as a superposition of standing elastic vibrations."
"Vibrations and all this stuff has intelligence, you know, frequency, numbers, they all have intelligence."
"Vibration is just the energy that you give out based on your thoughts and feelings."
"They can also sense things from distances with their trunks, for example vibrations or rumbles in the ground."
"You're intimidating probably because your vibrations higher than theirs, lower vibrational people are always intimidated by higher vibrational people."
"I want to see if we can collectively raise our vibrations."
"The low vibrations seemed so soothing and peaceful, I can't explain it."
"It's all about your energy vibrations."
"Implant only positive vibrations into your subconscious mind."
"You control your reality at this time with your vibrations."
"The state of your mental health is actually intertwined with the frequency of your vibrations."
"Please take a moment and send vibrations of peace, love, inclusion."
"Music is really nothing more than vibrations."
"Keep your vibrations as high as you possibly can."
"Music is very important for raising your vibrations."
"You're in alignment with a higher frequency, a higher vibration."
"Words are vibration, and we're living in the world of vibrations."
"They're talking to each other through the subsonic vibrations in their feet."
"Keep high vibrations and good thoughts."
"Sound is healing, sound is vibrations, and it is impactful enough to raise the dead."
"Unconditional love right, sending this beautiful vibrations."
"Our thoughts create vibrations and send them out to the universe."
"Scientists create vibrations; frequencies create energy."
"Once you're in your element, you are vibrating at your higher vibrations."
"Focus on the positive energy and we will raise the vibrations."
"Keep your vibrations high so that you can attract more good things into your life."
"I feel the power of my soul radiating outward in beautiful resonant vibrations. Success is coming to me now."
"When we start to follow our own dreams, we attract the right vibrations."
"You are in control over how quickly the wheel spins, you are in control over what cycles you experience with the wheel based off your vibrations."
"Gratitude for the small things is one of the fastest ways to raise your vibrations."
"We control everything in our lives; the wheel is always spinning, but we control it with vibrations."
"When you start embracing life, you start having fun and create some really beautiful vibrations."
"When you raise vibrations, more awesome things come towards you."
"You're matching your vibrations to what it is that you want."
"Like attracts like; when we raise our vibrations, good things come towards us."