
Inner Qualities Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Freedom, liberation comes when we connect with our innate quality inside."
"Outer beauty fades, but inner beauty will always stay there and always shine."
"Remember, beauty is only skin deep, and that means that true beauty comes from within."
"You have an attractive inner and outer beauty."
"If you have all the power in the world, that doesn't make you a man. What makes you a man is what's inside your heart."
"It's what's on the inside that counts, especially when it's a sweet surprise."
"It's not just the gear, it's also what's in here and what's in here."
"True beauty sprouts from within, what's a look with no character, no heart?"
"Focus on developing the qualities inside of your heart that are similar to that which you want to be."
"They admire your intelligence and kindness, caring more about your inner qualities."
"You're looking at her from a shallow place, so you see her as below average in looks but she has great quality to her."
"Within every person is The Unborn possibility of success and creative activity."
"Man looks at the outward appearance, but I look at the heart."
"Americans are far more interested in what's on the inside than we are the outside."
"Physical traits mean nothing when compared to who you are on the inside."
"The Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
"Honestly, it's not about the height, it's about like, inside, how they treat you good inside, I truly feel."
"You admire the greatness in others because it also exists within you."
"True beauty isn't just what's on the outside, it's the kindness within."
"Beauty has always been temporary, true beauty is on the inside."
"It's not k2 is the flag, it's a symbol of what's best within us."
"Looks isn't everything; you can absolutely beat looks with other things."
"Your heart is like a gemstone, multifaceted, beautiful. I see how it sparkles."
"We all have diamond within ourselves. We all have basic inner goodness, awareness, love, and compassion."
"Deepti is hands down like the most amazing person inside and out."
"Your outer beauty will capture the eye, but your inner beauty will capture the heart."
"A monster is not defined by appearance, but by the heart within."
"It's not what's on you, it's what's in you, and if what's in you is right and in alignment with your purpose, that's going to always shine brighter than any Rolex, than any label, than anything."
"You don't have to be skinny to be beautiful because beauty is on the inside, not on the outside."
"Being a hero isn't about what you look like, it's about what you got on the inside that counts."
"Beautiful is all about your heart."
"You're amazing, both inside and out."
"I don't care about how you look. I care about what's in here. Do you have a heart of stone or a heart of flesh?"
"Being cool isn't about what you have, it's about what's in here, who you are on the inside. That's all that matters."
"When a woman is charming and charismatic, people often say she is beautiful. Not that she looks beautiful but that she is beautiful because it's coming from something within."
"I think everybody's beautiful on the inside."
"The real thing we need to celebrate tonight is what's inside Gary Newton."
"Don't judge the package, judge what's inside the package. So what's inside of the person that counts."
"The qualities of the heart, the qualities of the mind, the purification within, that is what really matters."
"It's not all about what's on the outside, it's what's on the inside."
"They're going to see the most beautiful human being in you."
"Makeup can fix everything, but the real beauty lies within."
"Real beauty comes from within, you should look inside yourself and see how beautiful."
"The true beauty is hidden inside. Belle knew that and turned the Beast back into a prince."
"It really just matters what's inside."
"So what really matters is what's on the inside."
"...I don't think that like pretty is face value I think it's what you bring to the table and your spirit and your mind and your mental and and just everything that is an ingredient for you and your soul and your spirit, yeah."
"Goodness shines through no matter what you're wearing."
"Hijab is about focusing on inner qualities rather than external appearance."
"I have learned to judge a man not by what is on his face but by what is in his heart."
"The people around you who genuinely care about you and the things that will genuinely bring you joy don't have that much to do with your looks."
"You're seen as beautiful inside and out."
"You are a beautiful woman, Hazel, with a beautiful soul."
"You're beautiful inside and out, you got a personality a bit like shines as well."
"It is what's inside someone that counts."
"Bulletproof on the outside but in here, it is a heart of gold."
"What is most important is what is inside that engine."
"For me, beauty is about having a beautiful heart."
"It's easy to judge Toby based on his appearance which doesn't reflect the heart of gold on the inside."
"The spiritual path means basically, in a simple way, to take care to develop our inner qualities and to take care to eliminate the inner aspects that generate suffering."
"What's on the inside is what's going to set you apart."
"It's easy to find a pretty face, but it's hard to find a beautiful spirit."
"You're going to be shocked about how beautiful a person is on the inside."
"Lexi is beautiful inside and out, people."
"Beauty is both outwardly beautiful and inwardly beautiful."
"You're hot on the outside, but you're actually a soft squishy nice person on the inside."
"Beauty is not something that comes in a jar; beauty is something that comes from within."
"The real beauty of a woman is not defined by outer appearance but by an inner relationship with Christ."
"You might be something else, there may be something extra special that was put inside of you before you got to this planet."
"Do not look at the outward appearance, I've already rejected him; my analysis is done from the perspective of the heart."
"It's not just on the outside, it's the inside as well, and that's what makes a person beautiful."
"She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful inside and out."
"It's all about what's on the inside, right? It's all about the guts."
"Beauty comes from inside; it's not outside."
"If the morphing grid chose you to be the Red Ranger, it's reacting to something within you."
"It's all about what's on the inside."
"Really beautiful, beautiful from the outside, beautiful on the inside."
"It's easy to find someone built the way you like, what's hard is to find anything worthwhile that's on the inside."
"They see you as beautiful, not just physically but your inner beauty as well."
"It doesn't matter how you look, what's important is what you have inside."
"Introducing yourself to your own inner mind and its true good qualities, natural inherent basic good qualities."
"I've still never met anyone as beautiful as Lily, at least not on the inside."
"All of these things, anger against God, showing off in your actions, long expectations, arrogance, all of these things are considered Haram in the Quran, but they're all inner."
"Life will be tumultuous, episodic; it'll be like a soap opera changing on you constantly, but you are born with beauty, intelligence, refinement to master you through these tempestuous storms that we call the experience of life."
"You're absolutely gorgeous inside and out."
"God sees the heart, man sees the outward appearance."
"The true beauty is an inner beauty, not an outward beauty."
"I'm beautiful on the outside, but I'm really beautiful on the inside too."
"Honestly, she is not just exquisitely beautiful, I think if it's even possible, I feel like she's even more beautiful inside."
"He was proof that what cannot be seen is more important than appearance."
"The god-image in us reveals itself through prudence, justice, moderation, virtue, wisdom, and discipline."
"I want that love and respect; looks are not going to give that to me."
"The second syllable 'da' implies the development to perfection, literally, of all the other stuff inside us: love, intelligence, compassion, kindness, generosity."
"The outer look attracts you, but the inner look keeps you."
"It's the contents of a pony that count."
"We have 24 pilot lights within us, 24 capacities to bring forth good positive qualities."
"It's not something like, 'Oh my God.' No, it's more than just beautiful, it's being beautiful on the inside and it's also intelligence."
"Kindness is composed of all of these values that are the inherent, intrinsic qualities of the inner being."
"You are not your hair, you are your personality and you are your heart and your soul."
"Looks aren't the only thing that makes someone pretty."
"There's greatness, generosity, and empathy and compassion within you."
"...being nice is about what's inside you."
"Men are like refrigerators. It's not about what they look like on the outside, it's about what they got to offer on the inside."
"The more I looked at this girl, the more I realized she was absolutely gorgeous, not only outside but more importantly inside."
"Not everything is about appearance."
"Beauty is not about what's on the outside; it's about what's on the inside and the confidence that you come with."
"It ain't all about looks, remember that."
"God really does pay attention to the hearts and minds of people."
"Acknowledge these qualities within yourself."
"You are not only beautiful on the outside but equally on the inside as a human being."
"What's really attracting you to each other is who you are on the inside."