
Recklessness Quotes

There are 345 quotes

"The defense's strongest argument is not 'she's just a girl'; the defense's strongest argument is Hannah was not negligent in her job because everyone else was so reckless she couldn't even do her job."
"Why do we do the stupid [stuff] that we did as children? Okay, because we were high."
"A grown woman... zigzagging at what, 80 plus miles an hour in a residential area?"
"I couldn't think of a more insane, reckless policy for zero strategic advantage."
"He was absolutely convinced he wasn't going to die, which was one of the reasons maybe that he was so reckless."
"The recklessness of another person can change your life in an instant, and the impact of these decisions can last a lifetime."
"He's reckless not just with the country, not just with the levers of power, not just with our own credibility and our American identity across the world, he's reckless with his own health and is with his own family's health."
"President Trump's veto of the national defense authorization act is an act of staggering recklessness."
"He reasoned that it was no longer his concern but deep down he feared that their recklessness might soon lead to dire consequences."
"All of that nonsense that stupid [ __ ] that we do when we're young."
"I bet 300. Paul may have lost every marble in his collection."
"That entire story is a great example of somebody if assuming it's true it is extreme recklessness in its worst form."
"When you're literally mocking the police and confessing to a murder, thinking they're not going to do anything about it, after a while, you're poking the bear."
"F*** your mom, f*** the cops. You can handle it seven beers deep. You can handle driving to another bar. It's not a big deal, you understand?"
"You are a fool, Gavilar, a terrible fool of a man charging toward a high storm with a stick, thinking to fight it."
"It just had the vibe of like your mom leaves for the weekend and she has a very specific list and then you invite all your friends over and you ate all the food in the first hour."
"That's a red card every day of the week and Sunday. It's dangerous, it's reckless, whether it's intentional or not."
"This is the one that you get when you're young and reckless, you know."
"It's going into the mindset like it's known in the industry that these things can happen and so is it reckless gross to you know negligence or you know is that manslaughter is that whatever."
"Classic me... I've wiped out three cars, no one let me near a supercar on a racetrack."
"I've always wanted to do this. I know it's reckless and stupid and crazy, but I want to do this. This looks like so much fun."
"Just go to the bars, go with your buddies, get an eight ball of coke, just have a [ __ ] great night, smoke cigs, do some coke, [ __ ] some girls, and just go on with your life."
"The literal fate of the world relies on me not looking both ways before I cross the street right now."
"First of all, this was dumb and nobody should have done it."
"People coming in wrecking everything that was valuable in an institution that they never built themselves. It's very reckless and destructive."
"The best jackass movie was number two just because we were in our heyday. We were so reckless."
"It was very young and it was very sort of bordering on reckless and fun."
"To have look, the whereabouts to just go in and just start firing and not caring who you hit."
"It's extraordinarily reckless and extraordinarily dangerous."
"Just really wanted to have fun with Krista and was very reckless."
"Well, that didn't stop you then, did it? When you were freshmen, you were running around and getting into all kinds of scraps."
"I dream of a second chance with you and I dream of being reckless."
"I mean, you know, when you think about the number of lives that he has put in danger over the last 90 minutes."
"This was an extremely reckless act and something that not only put in endanger the life of people who were actually lighting this fire under a moving train but also could have been very dangerous for many other people."
"They're financially insecure, reckless with their money."
"People are no longer scared, the fear has dulled, so people are behaving in ways which are basically reckless in Brazil now."
"While Nigel is enthusiastic about his job, he is shown to be pretty stubborn and reckless."
"As fast as it came in, I spent it going out partying, bringing people out, staying out two, three nights, and just blowing everything, being a wild man. That's where I needed the guidance of a father that I didn't have."
"King Shark, a show of strength and reckless abandon."
"They want to see how far they can throw a guitar."
"Do you ever worry about the consequences of bluntly fooling around with things that nobody really understands?"
"It was Reckless and actually that in itself is worthy of accountability."
"It's sad for him, very very sad actually. So you have the attorneys here arguing that... it was just reckless."
"You could die, you could die. Oh yeah, better die. It better be a significant amount of like."
"As cool as it is to super glue somebody's mouth and nose shut it's also pretty stupid if you consider what it takes to actually make this happen."
"God will set you up like the goddess Divine being on your path so fast if you out here being Reckless."
"You shouldn't have trusted me, I warned you, you're so reckless."
"What level of intoxicated do you have to be in order to think that hitting a professional fighter is a good idea?"
"His thing was very stupid, but he's lucky that it wasn't worse."
"We're going to do some gangster [__]."
"Some people just want to go down in the epic battle dual wielding machine guns."
"I'm the rap game certified specialist, when I was reckless I was worried about the guest list."
"What makes you think you can get away with something like that? You think you're just gonna get all grimy on all these dudes?"
"You run your mouth kinda reckless, don't you?"
"She's insane but like can you imagine she's got nothing to lose and so much rage."
"I'm bad and reckless, that's a bad combo."
"She was just out there wildin' out."
"Fearless stands up to the name. Fearless is exactly what it says it's gonna be about."
"I think when you come from something, you become more Reckless and you act out more. But when you come from like nothing or humble beginnings like, you don't got it like that, you're more appreciative to everything and you respect for more."
"They feel like an idiot for doing this, they were reckless as hell."
"This is someone who is skating on thin ice and they know it, and this is why they always seem to fail every time."
"He's a chaotic charismatic character, known for his unorthodox style and complete disregard for his own safety in the octagon."
"If you don't have anything to lose, you can be super crazy."
"Are you dumb? Are you literally dumb? I don't understand. Going to a house party right now, like are you dumb? Are you literally dumb?"
"What a terrible way to die. Being an idiot, a drunk young kid."
"I just love the feeling of being a little reckless."
"Stark reprimanded Parker for his recklessness, emphasizing that his actions could have led to the death of innocent people."
"Apparently it's not illegal in this part of the country to cut across four lanes on the freeway with no blinker and exit in one fucking motion."
"So one week me being the big man that I was bearing in mind I was N9 and a half Stone I was like I was like this thin but I was tall but I was this thin I ran as hard as I could straight into him on purpose just ran straight into him."
"Hopefully, though, Mr. Gun will not think twice about getting his arse kicked with such reckless abandon."
"Imagine if you could, you didn't care about the consequences?"
"Oh, man, my heart was in my mouth, Ronnie. I'm not gonna lie to you, mate. That was one of the loosest things I've ever done."
"Adam don't give a. He says that. I watched his live the other day. He's like, 'I don't give. People think I'm antagonizing gang politics and just LA. He's like, I'll do that in any city. Any city can get.' He's crazy. He's nuts. He don't give a, bro."
"And there was nobody more blinder than me when I'm at The Craze."
"It's quite obvious then you'd be doing acid and gambling while that [ __ ] is eye-popping."
"For him to recklessly throw his weapon, how irritating."
"I could have died in a very, very stupid way."
"Praise be recklessness, for sometimes things turn out when our deep plots do fail."
"You had no regard. You were reckless, exactly."
"I'm a drunk driver without the alcohol."
"Jay ignored Jinu's warning about the monarchs, thinking that he could take them on solo."
"You're pretty stupid brave, maybe."
"The world is coming to an end, I need to unleash my experiments."
"Brutality, recklessness, unbridled conceit."
"A person with nothing to lose acts like a person with nothing to lose."
"So Mulan almost falls to her death AGAIN because she's an idiot that covered her wings for no reason."
"It's the case of wrecking the joint but bad."
"I got kicked out of everything for not having no sense."
"...when you see what happens in this roast... he is putting every single person he encounters at this point in danger."
"No, I'm not gonna stop into town and tell them what we're doing. Are you fucking out of your mind? I'm starting to think you want to die."
"People talk slick until bullets rip through them."
"This dumb motherfreaker almost burns down the house."
"I can't find what's going on in this part of town. Let's burn it all down."
"There was no one to hold that reckless side in check."
"You did a stupid, reckless thing, but you made it right."
"I remember thinking I was never going to get in trouble, like it's almost like I was going so hard to just like force myself to stop."
"I ain't like the regular [expletive]. I'm in the streets till 4 or 5 in the morning. I'm drinking, being reckless, that's what I was doing."
"Welcome back to yet another reckless discussion with my crazy ass family."
"Knight of swords energy can sometimes be that type of person who they say things and do things very impulsively, very recklessly, and they don't think about how those decisions are going to affect them later on down the line."
"The most dangerous person to deal with in the world is that person who has nothing to lose."
"Captain Underpants over here just walked right into that pitch dark barn without even considering for a second that there might be an ambush waiting for him inside."
"I feel like you're very wise P six and I'm getting someone here is very Reckless and so the universe brought you as a gift to this person to be their guide to help them to direct them in the right path."
"I'm going to hide and get so irresponsibly drunk."
"Strange will not only blindly perform magic without properly thinking what the consequences might be, he will also use that magic knowing what the consequences could be if he believes the ends justify the means."
"Strange is characterized as a person that does things without thinking about them."
"Ezra Bridger arriving back into the Galaxy on a New Republic ship dressed as a stormtrooper with those creepy spell ribbons on his armor is just classic Ezra stupidity."
"I hate cowardice, Willie, and coming aboard with dynamite is just that."
"When you're young, you damn near get rewarded for dumb [__]."
"Understanding does not typically involve direct physical interaction with dangerous creatures, Captain. This was reckless."
"The story of Icarus... a cautionary tale warning against the dangers of overconfidence and recklessness."
"He never did [__] that was reckless or dangerous except maybe to himself."
"I bet him he couldn't light a fart on fire. Nah, this movie got them doing stupid stuff, they acting like jackass again."
"It was one of the scariest, stupid nights of my life."
"Out of all the main characters, Casey is the most reckless."
"Somebody's off the [ __ ] hinges. Somebody's just doing [ __ ] to any and everybody."
"This is an incredibly stupid idea, and I don't want you to do it because you're gonna die, but I'll help you."
"It wasn't a case of let me gamble to win, let me drink to enjoy. Nah, destroy it all."
"An entire planet destroyed all because you thought somebody wanted your autograph. H, they FR, are you an idiot?"
"I was expecting to be like just kidding, he rides it all the time. In fact, while he might not have broken one of his bones again, he routinely breaks his friend's bones by making them ride with him."
"Can you imagine being like that? You know, it's like those movies where the person finds out they can't die, and they show scenes of them throwing themselves off buildings and jumping in front of buses. It's like you would be like that."
"That's crazy, I didn't say it was the smart thing, but it is the right thing."
"You got way too much catalog I don't care what you say that's way too much catalog I ain't going after that you crazy."
"I mean, it just thinks you can get away with it."
"How does a guy have so much balls?"
"...a bunch of young men that blurred the lines between bravery and Insanity that ultimately were deemed so reckless that the government wouldn't give them a B17 to fly so they built their own and became the most decorated air crew in American history."
"I ignore red flags that are handed to me on a platter."
"Seems pretty stupid that he would run and crash on a motorcycle almost die just because he says he doesn't have a driver's license."
"I'd get multiple trays of food. Even Taco Bell, your run is over, you know what I say? I say, reach your hand into the hot sauce and grab as many as you can, just throw them in there too."
"It was like there was a collision in your life in the middle of an intersection but before that you ran through 20 red lights."
"We all ran back to the baseball field and decided to run into the woods, which may have seemed like a stupid idea, but we were familiar with the woods and had many hiding places there."
"The only difference is I'm no better than anybody else. The only thing that sets me apart, like that Indian said, is that I'm reckless and I'm a risk-taker."
"I looked up the intake paperwork for that day and found his name and address, and being the absolute idiot I was, decided to take a drive by his house and poke around the yard possibly to see if I could find anything."
"Captain America shows no regard for taxpayer money when he chooses to abandon his ship as a missile to attack the Skrull ship."
"Nobody was gonna remember the next day except for the fact that he almost killed the guy."
"You know I can go anywhere I want cuz I got I wear my 1911 so I'm going where I went well right off the bat you know that's not too bright that's looking for trouble."
"But we had a hell little afternoon, we just literally stuck by that drag strip all night."
"He brings hell with him and when he fights reckless like that, he gets guys out of it."
"We're playing Russian roulette with the atmosphere."
"The rest of the day we went on a few more rides and my friends found places to take hits from the pipe before going on them."
"He's obviously gone for a drive when he knows he shouldn't. He won't know where he's going either."
"It's just Indescribable the feeling that it gives me being on a public road you know doing something you really shouldn't be doing."
"Something's about to blow up in their faces, but that's what they get for playing games."
"Alcohol, no regrets, no looking back."
"He wanted that life, he wanted like, 'Hey, you know, it's awesome to throw bottles of booze around too, hit the hippy shake by the beaters.'"
"Be a real man go to Six Flags get in a fight you know [ __ ]."
"You're not gonna be reckless with me. I don't do that, and I don't play that."
"Well, I guess that's what stupidity and a heavy right foot will get you."
"When I leave here, I don't stop at no red lights, I run every red light."
"I love the crazy destructive life in my past, so whatever I've done enough damage to my lungs, you know."
"This looks like drunk driving to me. It does. It looks like you're drunk and you're like, 'I shouldn't be doing this.'"
"Clearly being reckless on the internet, on social media and on songs will give you a certain boost."
"How many people have you killed, Elena? Probably heaps, I reckon."
"That thing had nine lives, she just sped them all."
"She apologizes for her previous behavior and acknowledges her mistake of acting recklessly."
"The public is right to question how this is allowed to go on. It's absolutely reckless."
"It wasn't so far-fetched that a reckless, thrill-seeking adventurer like Kuruk would turn his eye toward spirits."
"Flying a car to Hogwarts! Well of course, I knew at once why you'd done it."
"Their body count is high, their dignity is low, and they don't give a [ __ ]."
"You're one of like a couple thousand people left I'm like come on dude let's rob a plane go skydiving no parachute style like let's go out with a bang."
"I got caught with a firearm over Farrell, so... literally like, we're out in it, so I thought, 'Oh, let me take off my gloves in it.'"
"Recklessness occurs in circumstances where the defendant didn't mean to cause the harmful elements of the actus reus, but where that harm was probable, and sometimes even just possible, as an outcome of their actions."
"She's out of her mind and leaves her to handle her wound herself."
"Don't go in without me." So naturally, he goes in without him and gets murdered by the predator.
"This is lunacy, they're gonna go out on their own, this is lunacy."
"They say that drug addicts have an anthem and it's, 'Fuck it.'"
"You don't just fly full bore into the stands only to come up empty-handed."
"Janeway does not give a [ __ ] about the timeline."
"He fought recklessly, and he lived recklessly."
"They're playing marbles with diamonds, you know, like they don't understand the duel that they're holding."
"The lady assures him that as Arnold's only little brother he's more important than he realizes the younger Prince doesn't see his value and intentionally falls from a great height."
"I told myself I don't want to go too hard on my boy, but you know what screw that. I have rug's credit card, I could do whatever I want."
"No matter the timeline or Universe, there are always fools ready to rush to their deaths."
"I doubt you're going to feel like the way that we feel when we just go off the deep end."
"The gods love an idiot and recklessness is a quality much beloved of the moon."
"...when people go on down, it's a Ponzi scheme. Of course I know. I don't care. I just want to play."
"Alone and unaided, this absolute madman of a Freecss attempted to circle the entire known world."
"Loss and guilt can make a man reckless."
"Oh that's smart oh and throw it out the window that's even smarter honestly that's careless."
"The hubris, honestly, that is y'alls freaking reckoning coming. Your dumbass hubris thinking you can control a T-Rex. Oh, y'all get what's coming to you. All of y'all getting what's coming to you."
"Our crew has always been strong but they've also always been reckless."
"I'm going to give the worst award to that guy who did all the cocaine and tried to smooth talk the bad guys and wound up getting himself killed. He's the worst."
"The worst person to have to deal with is somebody that has nothing to lose and they're your enemy."
"Culpable negligence is a course of conduct showing a regular disregard of human life or of the safety of persons exposed to its dangerous effects."
"You threw a $13,000 ring in a bush. You are dumb."
"Darling, it's our only chance. If you're that crazy, I'll be crazy too."
"I've never seen a principal talk so reckless with such good intentions."
"She made me promise to never do anything so reckless again."
"You never find out how much you love somebody until you're ready to push them out of the car moving at 75 miles per hour."
"We got all f*cked up and we found a deer, and I was trying to ride the deer. I was all f*cked up, and then I blacked out."
"If a guy is driving crazy and reckless with you in that car, girl, he doesn't care about you."
"I'm the one who's reckless, you have to keep me in line."
"Mess with the bull you get the horns."
"You're putting your mom in the car and driving 150 miles an hour, and she's smiling, bro. You know what I mean? I... I, that is so eff... Oh my God, that's so dangerous."
"he wanted to live life to the fullest even if it was a little bit reckless."
"He's going to drive it like he stole it."
"Imagine if he was hauling booty around, he's like I'm just gonna pass this vehicle to screw this."
"He's a wild boy in public too, he don't give a [ __ ] anymore."
"I ran a fair bit on motorways and it's dangerous as [ __ ]."
"I was doing a lot of drugs and alcohol, just kind of living it up."
"I'm going to tell you the truth but this is my theme song called I'm going to live fast love hard and die fair and young and you can lay your odds on that."