
Legal Defense Quotes

There are 558 quotes

"The defense's strongest argument is not 'she's just a girl'; the defense's strongest argument is Hannah was not negligent in her job because everyone else was so reckless she couldn't even do her job."
"Kyle couldn't run and continue to run from Mr. Rosenbaum, which he was under no legal duty to do whatsoever."
"The successful defense of a misguided and censorious infringement claim furthers the policies of the Copyright Act and warrants an award of fees."
"So much of the Trump legal defense is pure showmanship; it's pure theater."
"From that moment onwards, she has claimed that she did so in self-defense. She was in fear for her life."
"I am absolutely not guilty. I know the case better than you."
"You might recall that news story where a rich teenager drove drunk and killed four people before his lawyers said he had affluenza."
"If they had evidence, I wouldn't be here talking to you. I wouldn't have been released. No. Yet, well, I know I'm innocent. I have nothing to do with this killing. Did you kill her? No."
"There is no substance to the NGI plea. At the time of the alleged offenses, Mr. Dahmer was fully able to appreciate right from wrong and to conform his conduct to the dictates of the law."
"The case that's been put against me is completely fabricated."
"What is at stake in this trial is a man's good name, even more than that, what is at stake at this trial is a man's life." - Camille Vasquez
"Let's talk about the giant lie at the heart of this case: Ms. Heard's claim that Mr. Depp is an abusive monster." - Camille Vasquez
"It is about Mr. Depp's reputation and freeing him from the prison in which he has lived for the last six years."
"The overwhelming evidence... shows that those allegations are false."
"By definition, if there was no plagiarism, then there was no copyright infringement."
"The state's own witness today, a use of force expert who does trainings, straight up said he could have applied potentially lethal force to Chauvin as soon as he got there and he did not. Reasonable doubt, let me spell it out for you."
"Chauvin chose a lesser use of force, which should be reasonable doubt for all of the charges."
"If you are currently keeping ball pythons you are now keeping an invisible arc so you have to fight like hell with everything you've got to protect your rights to keep them because in the end aren't they worth it?"
"The racial disparity is associated with these practices are egregious, they're ugly, they're indefensible, they're inhumane."
"Every defendant is entitled to their best defense, and that's part of the legal system."
"Vince McMahon resigned from TKO and WWE, stating his intention to vigorously defend himself against the allegations."
"As much as Ms. Heard and her lawyers have tried to make this case about Mr. Depp's language, it is Ms. Heard that repeatedly admits to violence."
"Just dolls, just collectible figurines. My client would like to assert that they are collectible figurines, they are action figures."
"I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm investigating a potential crime, okay?"
"What I do, so I know the law and I'm telling you that you can't. A law can't violate your constitutional rights."
"What if the Four Seasons Total Landscaping was the beginning of crafting a legal defense?"
"Even if everything alleged is true, it's not a violation of the law."
"Truth should always win out, and truthful DV victims should have their day in court and should be justified in what they do and what they say, and they should be defended."
"Listen, it's about the facts and the evidence and the case. The prosecution of the state did not have the evidence to disprove self-defense."
"He sent his lawyer out for 45 minutes to attack each and every woman and even to attack the lawyers who investigated the case."
"He maintains his innocence so much that he's willing to give all of that up to hopefully get out one day."
"If a man brings charge against one's wife but she is not surprised with another man, she must take an oath."
"Did you even consider presidential immunity?"
"He was obviously a troubled person, whether he believed that he was possessed or otherwise, demonic possession being before unseen legal defense somewhat succeeded but also failed."
"Boy, it sure does sound, at the very least, like reasonable doubt across the board. I don't even think manslaughter can stick, I really don't."
"Truth or at least the possibility of Truth is a defense to any defamation claim in the first place."
"If your intent is to not possess an unregistered SBR, you're not committing a crime."
"He actually used a meme from Roadhouse saying that if you bring a gun to a fist fight, you don't have self-defense."
"We will defend and protect the sacred rights of all Americans."
"The Second Amendment being the right that defends every single other right."
"The beauty of the justice system is that you are allowed to believe whatever you want and fight for her however you want."
"No matter what the defendant has done, he is not legally guilty until a prosecutor offers enough evidence to persuade a jury or a judge to convict."
"As far as I can tell, there's just about no way that Kyle Rittenhouse is getting cuckerinoed with the first degree reckless homicide, uh, the murder charges, uh, it just ain't happening."
"Former President Trump has responded defiantly on social media insisting he did nothing wrong and attacking Willis as corrupt."
"Did you cause the death of Professor Dan Markel? Absolutely not."
"It's a far stretch to argue that Mr. Doson was impaired."
"The real issue here is free speech. We have to defend our right to free speech."
"Honestly, this is a W for the defense cuz it does show that they took some tweets out of context."
"They're taking each piece of strong evidence and trying to dismantle it."
"The first amendment, it's on our side. We are defending the bill of rights, we are defending the constitutional structure, we are defending the separation of powers."
"We're here defending your rights as well as our own rights, that's all it is."
"The case was about self-defense and in the end self-defense is what won." - Reporter
"Your reaction, whether supporting my family, paying for legal costs, or even just sharing videos or tweets, you have all given me hope."
"There is no evidence in this record, none, that Mr. Waldman acted with actual malice."
"Mr. Depp does not deserve to be known as the representative of perpetrators of abuse. That is what this case is about."
"Ms. Heard cannot run away from her own allegations."
"If the allegedly infringing work is not properly considered a market substitute for the infringing work, the fourth factor weighs in favor of the defendant."
"Nobody who witnessed any of the events is supporting this claim that Kyle pointed his gun to provoke the entire attack."
"Duggar is neither a danger to the community nor a flight risk."
"Trump's legal team battling similar claims in several states has argued the challenges are an anti-democratic attempt to prevent voters from deciding the next occupant of the White House."
"Brian is eager to be exonerated of these charges and looks forward to resolving these matters as promptly as possible."
"Shaw's defense will lean into these other dudes did it, it wasn't me."
"Good defense attorneys are exactly like cops. Everybody hates them until they need them."
"You have to acquit. You all looked at the door. That meant you had a reasonable doubt."
"It's a defense attorney rightfully fighting for their client."
"There has never been a more overwhelming case of innocence on my part."
"The perfect self-defense beats all the charges that would be laid against somebody."
"Justice will be served in the end. There is 0% chance of me being found guilty of something I have not done. I maintain my absolute innocence."
"He was shot because he was chasing my client and going to kill him."
"Kyle shot Joseph Rosenbaum to stop a threat to his person."
"The government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds that idea itself offensive or disagreeable."
"It's not big brother that's surveying us all the time, it's actual other content creators. But those vloggers that night did in fact save Kyle Rittenhouse's life."
"Mr. Vollmer gets an A-plus for understanding and defending his constitutional rights, trying to educate the officers on the First Amendment, and maintaining a respectful demeanor throughout the encounter."
"Merely someone chasing you without any kind of weapon surely can't be a lethal threat, can it?"
"The defense now raised its own theory: some of the evidence had been planted."
"He's holding up very strong, he's committed to clearing his name."
"There's enough doubt that we can wonder whether he was there at all during the time the killing took place."
"The ability to use lethal force in defense of property derives directly from that property's effect on your life."
"10 15 20 of them may really suck but you haven't been arrested for anything before you didn't even pull the trigger you don't have a violent history and you know what you have a skill set with the state of Texas would love to use."
"There's no indication that he was a danger to flee... He didn't try to leave, he didn't try to run."
"It's basically a response, it's a motion filed by the defendant saying this complaint sucks."
"I didn't do it. It's infuriating, stressful, difficult. It's like an enormous circus."
"Sony has the final say in the ways I can defend myself before going to court."
"Plausible deniability is being able to say, 'Well hey, you can get this, you can open up the wallet and there's nothing in there.'"
"Gorilla glue is not in the wrong in this situation and they've done nothing wrong because of all of this bad press that she has caused them being an agent of chaos they're going to settle with her."
"Do you buy it? The 'just oopsie, we forgot' defense? People should be going to jail. This is not a mistake."
"You don't just get to say I was in bed sleeping, you have to provide Witnesses."
"A lot of people on youtube who have to deal with copyright issues will oftentimes will point to the klein case as something you know that highlights that fair use is still upheld."
"If you legitimately didn't do anything wrong then none of those other factors actually apply."
"I knew that a lot of people are like, 'Oh, Kyle had time to meet with his attorneys to come up with this amazing defensive self-defense.' No, that's not the case. It's been 100 percent self-defense from the beginning."
"That was the defense they took at trial that a hacker had planted all this evidence on his laptop or the government planted all this evidence on his laptop."
"Every single step of the way, Kyle Rittenhouse was defending himself."
"Truth is an absolute defense to a claim of defamation of character."
"This is about whether self-defense is a real defense, and it's still allowed in America."
"I can guarantee you the last thing a guilty person would do was to do that."
"The defense needs to show they did a more comprehensive analysis than the state – that's a reasonable doubt right there."
"All I know is I have a status hearing coming up and if the government wants to take this lie this complete sham to trial I'm just gonna have to let the facts speak for themselves."
"They cannot play a role in their own defense. They have no regular access to tablets to communicate with their lawyers or family members."
"The armed citizen not expected to face any charges... obviously acting in self-defense."
"Donald Trump relied on John Eastman and Giuliani and other lawyers who told him that this was not a crime."
"If Georgia has any self-respect they will get rid of these charges and they'll get rid of her."
"The author of the letter says that Steve is innocent and that he knows who actually killed Jessica."
"Steve's sad, desperate attempt to shift suspicion has failed."
"I did not have anything to do with the abduction of my children."
"It's a great way of going, 'Look, highest authority says I didn't do this.'"
"His job is to poke holes in the circumstances of the case to create doubt."
"People shouldn't be looked at as being guilty until proven, and there's nothing that's been proven about Carol Baskin."
"Maybe his defense is going to be Joe because there's no other reason to call them up there they told me to leak the information to the press."
"The Second Amendment guarantees all the rest."
"I believe that this is an attack on the First Amendment and the press in general by people who politically disagree with us and we will be victorious."
"The defense is better off being able to show the defendant in a positive light."
"You couldn't have a cleaner neater case of self-defense."
"This attack... really designed to bankrupt the firearms industry and prevent you from exercising your right to acquire arms that you can keep and bear."
"He shot at people that shot at him first and attacked him."
"We're not going to stand down, we're going to stand up for the rule of law."
"If she wasn't culpable why would she fight so hard while her defense attorney fight so hard to get her use immunity bro?"
"We believe that he surprised Moses and Moses reacted with that surprise and shot the victim, killing him."
"If somebody is running away from you and they have the means to kill you readily available, it's absolutely absurd to argue anything to the contrary."
"There's absolutely no case here. It's an open and shut textbook example of self-defense."
"You can't run away from being a defense lawyer; you can only fight."
"You are a defense lawyer you can't run away from that you can only fight."
"The guy is getting railroaded the defense filed motions about the prosecutorial misconduct"
"He's on death row right now for a crime he did not commit."
"The defense attorney told jurors that the case against his client will 'evaporate upon your close scrutiny arguing that the numerous allegations were in fact consensual sex or fabricated'"
"I'm ready to go to jail if I need to because I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong."
"I was ready to take this arrest because it's absurd to be charged with obstruction of justice for engaging in a constitutionally protected activity."
"It's not dead and over. I'm not letting it go. I will not be bullied. I am not an attorney, I leave that to Clark Brewster, he's a brilliant man at what he does."
"He was defending himself against Rosenbaum, and those shots took place there, that self-defense is going to carry over throughout the entirety of the remaining, you know, the remainder of the ordeal."
"You can't impeach a lawyer based on their opening statements."
"You cannot be guilty of a crime that you have acted in a manner that is by mistake or without intent."
"Isn't he one up on them with in terms of the the First Amendment and Power to speak freely."
"Lawyers representing former president Donald Trump claim new cell phone evidence can prove otherwise."
"The original judge would not allow that affirmative defense."
"The defendants have raised an affirmative defense. What does that mean? An affirmative defense means, 'Hey, even if.'"
"Fair use is a right, not just an affirmative defense."
"If you're innocent, you welcome our investigation... or at least you're not afraid of it." - Paul Butler on Trump's reaction to being investigated.
"Everybody's got to speak out and denounce that. He's entitled to defend himself, he's in - he has First Amendment rights, but he does not have a right to cause havoc in the courts."
"But Charles has always maintained his innocence."
"Our Republic is tottering and I'd like to think that Judicial Watch is standing there at the firmament, right at the wall, trying to hold the Republic up through our litigation and through our educational efforts."
"When you've lost so much, there's... I think Johnny's doing the right thing by taking her to court and sharing his side of the story."
"The defense only has to make it that believable that they didn't do it to where they'll go against it."
"Mr. Combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name."
"Lincoln Bandlow is currently my favorite copyright attorney because he did such a great job on the motion to dismiss here."
"If what the state has alleged here cannot be proven Beyond a reasonable doubt you said you would find her not guilty."
"His defense is just going to be a major factor."
"A copyright holder is not liable for misrepresentation under the DMCA if they subjectively believe that the identified material infringes on their copyright."
"That is another way to present reasonable doubt in front of the court to get that ticket dismissed."
"I killed him in self-defense. Even your precious court of law would say that's legitimate."
"Every defendant is entitled to zealous representation as a matter of integrity." - Chris Wiseman
"Everybody deserves a defense, and the people who've done the most egregious things absolutely need that defense." - Rob
"We look forward to clearing his good name both in the public eye and in the eyes of the law."
"Acknowledging a weakness in a case doesn't make me fake or uneducated, it's just the reality of the situation."
"Everyone deserves a reasonable defense, regardless of whether they're guilty or not."
"It has to be done, I've been in jail the whole time, everybody back, yeah, no it's not, it's definitely not, I've been in jail the whole time."
"The role of the criminal defense attorney is really the ability to be objective about a case."
"You do not have to prove your innocence rather the state must prove your guilt Beyond a reasonable doubt."
"What was the reasoning behind Stephen's actions that night?"
"Fair use is not a proactive defense against a lawsuit, pro fair use is a defense in a court of law."
"You could make the argument that you were defrauded, right?"
"Ackroyd's defense hinged on the idea that he was simple-minded and had become confused by police during his various interactions with them."
"Anyone who had actually looked at the videos and understood what was going on knew that this was self-defense from the start."
"Free speech is for everyone. Our opponents included. ADF exists to defend everyone's right to live and speak the truth."
"It proves that Derek Chauvin should not have been charged at all."
"It's a persecution of a political opponent. This was never supposed to happen in America." - Spokesperson for Trump's legal team
"Twitter is asking a federal court in Florida to dismiss a lawsuit."
"Presenting this much evidence with no defense is going to make people convict him even more in the court of public opinion."
"This case didn't come down to litigating whether we need more or less police in our society."
"This case came down to, did Rittenhouse have the right to defend himself by taking the lives of two others?"
"Reasonable Doubt is all over this case. He had no reason to harm his family."
"He has maintained his innocence this whole time since 2003."
"He is innocent. He would require a verdict of not guilty from you. That's the law, that's your oath." - Anjanette Levy
"The judge repeatedly warned Akilah Hughes that the use that Sargon of Akkad was quintessential fair use."
"The defense pleads not guilty, Your Excellency."
"He's terrifying enough to hold back the murder claim but not the disgusting sexual abuse claims."
"You must believe in a strong criminal defense."
"The defense attorney argues, 'The government's case really does hinge on the testimony of liars, extortionists, people who engaged in the business of trafficking pornography.'"
"If Bannon can't present that defense, he really doesn't seem to have any other defense."
"The defense attorney's job is not to find their client innocent, it's to create Reasonable Doubt."
"His defense comes down to willful blindness... everyone around him knew he had lost."
"All the charges against him are absolutely bogus, spurious, fabricated, and trumped up."
"Even if you went forward a trial, what defense do you have with all this evidence going against you?"
"There's no way that this gun that was recovered out of that car could have shot this bullet."
"If they're trying to build a case against Roger, I'm not gonna be part of it."
"She killed her because she wanted to feign an assault to avoid going to jail."
"Absolutely not I was never trying to get her silence I was hoping she'd tell the truth."
"We weren't a part of this you walled yourself off you're not going to have evidence to show I did something I didn't do so we're not running to the airport and you're untouchable right no we didn't do a murder I wasn't part of a murder."
"Larry Race: What happened that night was an accident. I didn't kill Debbie."
"Lyanna Harris's testimony was in support of Harris's innocence."
"Maybe this is all the FBI’s fault, not Flynn’s. Maybe the man who pled guilty to a felony isn’t guilty of a felony."
"She's innocent of any wrongdoing and actually wants to help find out what happened."
"No open-mindedness to his claim of self-defense nor the videotapes that clearly backed that up."
"Sarah Boone said, 'This happened, it was awful, but one thing I know, it was not intentional.'"
"Trump and his lawyers have never ever called for violence against her, never condoned it, never encouraged it."
"You can't be proven guilty on something you never should have been charged with in the first place."
"It's certainly difficult to have a defense when you can't even speak."
"I organized a fundraiser for Adnan here in New York it was one of the first in-person fundraisers to raise money for his legal defense fund."
"Just because a certain segment of this population hates Derek Chauvin or hates Ghislaine Maxwell or hates the Capitol Hill rioters, they still deserve a defense."
"I never did anything wrong and that's all to it. I never did anything."
"Either their defense is totally made up BS or they are corrupt."
"I also think it is relevant to the fair notice defense that Ripple is raising."