
Strategic Play Quotes

There are 454 quotes

"He knows the 100% win play, which is just sit in the back there and just stay alive for as long as he can, wait for the rotates."
"Magic Archer is a wonderful supporter or defender against the graveyard."
"So the Lions lead by one at nine play 78 yard drive by the Vikings."
"A deck's an investment, and you want to invest in something that when you play it, everyone's going to enjoy."
"Doom Weaver... if you're sacrificing big creatures... you can draw four cards, five cards, six cards at a time."
"Uncaged Fury... gives Target creature plus one plus one and double strike."
"This fight in the mid lane was just the nuts, this could have gone down as one of the greatest plays in the League of Legends history."
"Green Hill Zone is teeming with stuff like this high up areas hidden passageways extra life boxes you're encouraged to explore for as many lives as you can to avoid a game over and for as many rings as possible to keep yourself alive."
"Deliverance: It allows you to make some crazy plays you'd never try otherwise."
"Klaus with the triple, plenty of time to clean up."
"Once again, Zen is just too quick. He gets another aggressive position-heavy shot to the top corner."
"Lich Scepter now improves Chain Frost slow from 30 to 50."
"I just like value, why play the card otherwise?"
"Victor is the ultimate scaling utility control Mage."
"Ultimates have proper telegraphs and counters."
"Yogg'n'Load, this might be the card to push it over the top."
"Derek Henry is your best chance to get that first down."
"That's incredibly impactful. That's a game-winning play."
"Ying is the most underrated operator in the entire game."
"Using a teleport to bait your teammates can also be pretty effective if you play it right."
"You can take that fight if anyone's approaching you from behind then uh you can hear them and you have your paranoid to work with so you can blind them and maybe go for a tpo play after that."
"Pogba's playing with freedom, playing relaxed, playing for the summer."
"The design incentivizes experimentation and creating the perfect character build for how you want to play."
"Playing smart and patient can lead to victory even against tough matchups."
"Boom! Now that, my friends, is how you grab an easy 52 passing yards."
"It's worth points. Games often reward us for abusing bad tactics that miraculously work."
"Are you gonna do it? I think the smart play is to just probably ship it."
"Jensen absorbing the engage, looking for the turnaround."
"Armor loadout: upper hull is absolutely fantastic."
"The invasion on red buff to shut down Yangko early..."
"One card in your deck that kills a player... that's a card worth playing."
"It sets up a whole new style of tactics, new style of play."
"When you can both do that, it's a different game."
"You have an asset, you have a gift, perhaps you have a keen mind for rules and the system."
"This is third and goal from the 19-yard line."
"Karma always making the right play, the right ICR."
"Solid awareness, great coverage, awesome angles, and the pressure there from Evo's."
"Hitting weak points gets you more mounting damage."
"This card protects you and yourself for one mana and can trips a lot of the time. That's pretty cool."
"It's seven mana total, reveal the top three cards, play them this turn without paying their mana costs."
"Wheel of Fortune is so good I think people don't correctly evaluate it as a card draw card."
"A Johnny Strength of the Pride combined with a ton of life gain stuff can make its presence felt on a budget in Modern."
"Opponents got to spend their until your turn paying for this pack so we're not gonna kill this turn and they lose a land which is even better."
"Breach was one of the most currency giving leagues of all time where one breech portal would give like as much currency as a whole map."
"Just play politically to avoid becoming the biggest threat on the board until it's too late."
"Control players have a great advantage: they can just concede and move on."
"It's very good. Yeah, you really need bodies in this deck."
"Ben Simmons in the fourth quarter of that Pelicans game made sure CJ didn't take over."
"I mean, the impact that a monarch has when it hits the field is just so incredibly powerful."
"Phenomenal off-stage game, able to just have complete dominance."
"Master of Dark Law: Master of Dark Law's floodgate and hand disruption tool make it a real game-changer."
"Mask Change: it's simultaneously an easier fusion summon card that provides protection and allows you to play more offensively."
"Beautiful play by the space station leadoff hitter."
"Another fantastic game-ender is Grey Merchant of Asphodel, better known as Gary."
"Tactical carrying this game on his back. Give him the revive and he'll do the work."
"This build is really subjective in the right hands it's gonna be able to wipe out entire servers or win entire last and game modes on by itself."
"Leonard Fournette is the RB5 on the year... should continue to see a lot of dumps from Mr. Thomas Brady."
"He's young, he's got the best clubs wanting him around the world, and it's because he's so good in that back three system."
"Great play by karma that's exactly who you want in that 1 versus 1."
"It's a statement game. Sneaky moving into 2019."
"Massive damage coming from cutie, still has you, still have your ultimate."
"How does Vice actually get the kill before the rocket comes off? That's game sense right there."
"Doom's primal and fierce combat loop is conveyed as something that needs to be treated like a game of chess in which you need to use the right pawn for a job in an uncertain landscape."
"You literally save your cleric from taking 30 damage. Dude, it feels so good!"
"Gotrick is an emergency legendary lord, immune from supply lines, making him very useful on legendary difficulty."
"People behind the scenes were playing a bit of a deeper game."
"Activate my Millennium revelation... I still can't Target Obelisk."
"European success is slowly brewing around, as Chervy Simmons wriggles his way around the defense."
"The ability to create pressure in the opposite lane: the spell cycle capabilities, late in the game, when you get into double and triple elixir, so so powerful."
"Toxic Deluge is still the best board wipe in the game, I think."
"The sign of a good player is a player who makes the others look that fat slobs composition constantly makes his opponents look bad or silly for their choices."
"Realize you can just keep yourself hidden as this often results in the enemy jungler revealing themselves first, making a mistake, and then letting you punish them."
"Sometimes you just gotta boost into the air out of cover, hover, and start raining down death on those weak point heads."
"Subtitles aid map awareness, linking audio cues with visual prompts."
"Playing around Ashe's dynamite cooldown, set yourself up to use it right as it comes off cooldown for maximum impact."
"Freezing the lane close to your tower is very oppressive. You do not need to just shit on your laner through kills, as long as you know how to manage them."
"Efficiency right there, real efficiency. I like to see it." - Appreciating strategic play or decision-making.
"Jauan Jennings goes up to get it. It's a first down and a 21-yard gain."
"He picked off a pass that started at the 2-yard line, weaved his way through people."
"One card follow-up big play still on the field insanity."
"Zephrys the Great: a ridiculously strong card judging the current board state."
"We won the game because we used the Ronaldo substitution to lure Arsenal into the Trap."
"If you want to make strides at this level, look to improve positional understanding and endgame play."
"His game might not be MVP Derrick Rose exciting but it's basketball genius at its finest."
"You're now able to command your Spectre to attack as a bonus action when you cast a spell using your action."
"It's never going to be the grounded and gritty take on the era that I want it to be."
"This is an interesting card just to give you extra copies of stuff too. Unfortunately, it's not land, so you can't ramp yourself, but six mana's a lot."
"I show the Kings be friendly and let him know that he made a good lay down."
"Deathrite Shaman: tap it to exile a land from a graveyard and add one mana of any color to your mana pool."
"Understanding spacing and combo strings will help you to understand what is going on."
"He had three clean outs while still needing to fade a club but he got one of the best runouts that he could have gotten."
"You just need one solid push with tanks or high DPS Brawlers."
"This is the star card right here and this is what to talk to greedy King and it's not to be and have the negative connotation that sounds like this is just money."
"Turn on the Jets, I mean, a huge comeback right there. The 2 PK fires into a PK flash. I haven't seen that move hit since like 2005, in a long time."
"He's battered with a lot of control, composure, he left the ball well."
"Using Kylo properly does not include mindlessly slashing your lightsaber until your stamina is drained and instead requires strategy and ability cooldown."
"Bleed stood up and decent rank five option if you're gonna use him for a fair bear."
"Frost blink ahead to dodge unnecessary damage; no reason to face tank everything."
"They want to punish you, they want to play the scramble, they know what they're doing."
"Poker's different. Poker is a game of skill. The best players win in the long run."
"The play-making from G2, just their ability to get on the map and make things happen is unparalleled."
"Steel's high game knowledge allows him to accurately predict enemy plays and positions, making him our pick for Killjoy."
"He probably could have reached his opponent by just jumping at them, but he found a way to sneak a little more magic into his play style."
"Merlin very good mid leader not a top pick not something you need to pick like number one number two anymore because he went through some nerfs but still really good."
"Cilla probably the most underrated mid laner."
"Drag the creeps away from the trees to avoid getting speared."
"Basically it's just be more focused on creeps don't care about the team just hit them and push your contribution to the team is by clearing creeps aggressively that is your contribution and it actually is a very important contribution."
"Schemata is really flexible, it lets you dump any of your shadow cards into the graveyard and they proc different effects."
"Overwatch places a heavier emphasis on teamwork than anything else. They don't want kill-death ratios because they don't want players valuing kills over other team behavior."
"A good old Baron smite steal can literally turn a loss into a win."
"The game plan for Alar to Little Mac, you can genuinely be playing against a weakness of the character."
"It is gonna go all in. He's warping in units, he's gonna put it all on the line. He's gonna go for a tree Gate shield better."
"The firecracker gives you ultimate utility, she jukes and she jives."
"Sombra players: typically pretty smart. They make up for it with smart plays."
"That was the first bluff he's pulled out tonight, and it was just a perfect time for it."
"That's exactly why you want Charlie Webster on the ball. Magnificent ball over the top."
"Fader now has a decision, does he think his 8 is good enough or does he want to turn it into a bluff."
"Daniel flopped the world, open-ended flush draw and a fortunate river for Polk there, very interesting hand."
"This is United now, we're playing the way we should be playing."
"Being able to move monsters around the board and positioning them strategically could make for some absolute comedy moments in a duel."
"Minion waves will never push on the sidelines anymore. It takes a really long time."
"This round shows how a world-class team like Optics squeeze out the maximum value."
"Garchomp especially was able to win me the league."
"I think Chelsea have played fantastically well with 10 men."
"Kled: low-key high key very good to one trick."
"Reaper is one of the rarest ones we only need one spins for that."
"Okay, blue bed has been destroyed. Okay, that's good news."
"The strong and agile move mechanic was really cool and made battles a little more strategic."
"He just knows exactly when to make plays on the ball and when not to and he's managing to keep the aggression high while doing so."
"EG just have everything, they can play slow, they can play fast."
"This could be a high-value round, and Jing is making no subtleties of the perfect idea right now."
"It's your turn to play the odds and break the curse of random."
"What an absolutely beautiful hold from the Shanghai dragons."
"What a play from Proper! That might just be game-winning."
"Combining all the different types of movement into one can result in a nasty team wipe."
"Proof that playing out of a bad hand can pay off in the end."
"Declare one card name, both players show all cards they own, and remove all cards with the declared name from the game, the place where you put your tokens for the rest of the match."
"Future Sight lets you play the top for one mana."
"Orianna has one of the best setup abilities in the game."
"I think this move was very aggressive, very sneaky, very cheeky, you know, very just a smart move."
"You're going to see the top players actually give comms ping stuff they actually play very coordinated very smart and they play strategically."
"Let's just storm the front building together, approach from different angles. Support characters can be very, very useful, especially as it's much easier than the base game."
"If you play the game right, it is an incredibly satisfying experience."
"And the other is one I'm playing tomorrow terraforming mars."
"But man I do like this game I love the combos."
"Down three pawns, shocking and almost effortless victory for Wesley."
"As many of you know, I was a massive threat from the beginning."
"You get to see the top card of your deck... that's game-breaking, right?"
"That's a pro play there, James. That's big brain."
"Dualcaster Mage is a great card in this deck because you get to do it at instant speed."
"Magda, because the dwarves and stuff will create treasures, it can attack, untap, and tap again."
"If you are a newer player or a returning player, Octane will definitely allow you to focus more on gun skill and positioning."
"In the cost C we can snipe him out of it. Oh oh what a kill, let's go."
"That's a really good draw by the way, that's fine because I'm just going to drop a Tundra Tracker Keeper and take no damage."
"Carr looking for Drake and he got it Drake inside the five and he's in for a touchdown."
"Man, that was a five head play by khalid though. I feel like he just baited that so hard, nicely done with low boost as well."
"Now, we have a beautiful move, we have rook to f3 check, deflecting the king, taking the rook, and forking the remaining knight."
"I love the commitment by Fudge to go in and then bait with Zhonya's afterwards."
"His whole team play aspect helping other lanes out."
"You're using your wits, you're using your speed, and your brains to bat your friends up and keep fighting."
"I'm starting off as the killer. My goal? I want to be the detective."
"There's something special about a good old game of Mario Party... building and crushing alliances basically at the toss of a dice. It is such a good formula that has worked so well for generations."
"We do better when we play to win and not play to not lose..."
"Bloodhound's perks make their ultimate so powerful."
"There is so much potential for like crazy outplay scenarios."
"You got the bishop, you got the knight, you got the rook, you got the queen, you got a check here, trying to pick up the rook and you have mate on e1. Don't forget, who cares about the rook?"
"The synergy of figuring out your group dynamic and how you like to play is ultimately rewarding."
"High IQ players might truly be the elite Among Us."
"Caps just continuing to dominate on this ahri the amount of space that he is creating for g2 is just ridiculous."
"Barnes has excellent composure driving to the basket, drawing bigs to open his screener rolling inside."
"Tribe Infecting Virus is a really, really nutty good card."
"Congratulations, you just destroyed their TC."
"Nozdormu the Timeless: Set each player to ten mana crystals."
"There's really nothing quite as satisfying in the game as having a whole flight of dragons."
"Killmonger let's both counter those Zoo decks while buffing our own."
"With these five cards you can create chaos against your opponents."
"You surprise them with the golem and they don't know what to do."
"Around the wall, queen's gonna move up, be able to get a ton more value, all the heroes are dead."
"Soraka: Hitting Soraka's Q isn't just an option, it is a crucial part of her kit."
"Untap, combat, attack, and Niv is officially insane! It is so good! Alright, uh, yeah, impressive, impressive Niv-ing!"
"Being able to have the stock cloak which does refill on stab and having the speed boost actually does provide for a really fun slippery play style."
"That's the bad news, the good news plenty of time in this fourth that run works let me just say that run work."
"I'm expecting really big things from them and they're also a team that I know will make it through opens because they know how to play aggressive and key."
"I'm pretty sure you just sussed yourself out."
"What really separates him from the majority of the pack is his end zone work and his deep ball threat."
"In Dead Rising 1, new moves were just as beneficial as more health."
"This is the ultimate strategy as Aztec, ladies and gentlemen."
"In an ideal theoretical world, you want to proactively use your non-cooldown abilities in ways that force the opponent to react to you with cooldowns, which you can counter with cooldowns of your own."
"Provoking f6 and then dropping the bishop back to f4 justifies the placement of the bishop on b3."
"The numbers are fairly close in terms of ball speed but what's she so good at and what she's been so good at throughout the duration of her career is keeping the ball online and playing to her strengths."
"There's a wild card role in this game called the third imposter."
"I think saving Gashadon the way I used National was pretty smart."
"Simple with the 4k on the deagle that's why he buys the deagle this guy is something special."
"What a shot from Tarik, and he knows the bombs been dropped so simple's gonna believe this."
"Trick plus lagging tail can still be valuable."
"If I stuck to the road on prediction, we maybe could have KO'd the Delibird."
"This is where it always feels like they're pretty much bulletproof they rarely ever lose these games from ahead when they are in control in these positions."
"It never feels like they're five thousand eight thousand gold behind despite there being highlight movements for the enemy team."
"It really offered a creative sandbox for children clamoring to run an army."
"Eye of the storm kicking in to tighten up your accuracy cone."