
Team Coordination Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Match point, so clean from crashies and Demon one to open it up like this."
"The value of knowing where your allies are and what they’re doing should not be underestimated."
"Aatrox is not a good blind pick. He commits you to a theme, and if you don't commit to that theme along with him, you're harming the rest of the draft."
"It was all about their relationship, their rhythm, their timing, how well they worked together."
"A full 24-hour race, you can imagine how many people are required to get that thing together."
"That's a problem, they rarely make mistakes, they're positioning, their executional teamfights, and their engagement. It's just so, so very well thought-out and so precise that it is hard to get control back against the Titans."
"If you're out of power ammo, the problem is poor coordination."
"Crowdaunt was basically unwalled ball, and as such was worth the effort its teammates would make to get it in safely."
"Fantastic retake there from Sentinels, particularly the run it back from Sick just getting that kill, getting so much information."
"It's a decent domain not the best for most people and you can skip it and run alternative sets even on your Wanderer or on your dental reaction teams with Guild of Dreams being very Universal."
"The jungle evades were on point, the lane pickers were on point, everything was just Never Win just controlling the game exactly."
"RS 180s: If you want the best sounding headphones and the most comfortable headphones, go with the RS 180s."
"When the right hand knows what the left hand is doing, things move at the speed of trust."
"Can everyone just compliment me for a second for how great a job I did planning out this heist?"
"May needs to escort the robot further into enemy territory than Brigitta x' team did."
"You had to have every single person in the raid was tanking one."
"There's only one solution... raid time, let's go!"
"Playing with your jungler is just a really good habit to get into."
"It is easier than ever to just dive into combat, buff up your whole squad, and just dish out some incredible damage."
"Reinhardt, I think Reinhardt could work... if his team do follow him up, it can be really powerful."
"Look at how they set up the team fight. Utter dominance."
"If you can start winning these and coordinating, you could keep bringing them back."
"Fnatic could surprise Elements... Fnatic are gonna have very high expectations for the rest of their games because this is phenomenal coordination."
"The coordination on this JDG team in these team fights is just beautiful."
"He's only able to find one, free two trying to work the flight able to force two two versus two, they have time as well."
"Learn laning as a jungler. Understand what your laners need to do to win their lanes."
"The special move each team can use is the Team Blast."
"What if we have a freelance playlist so it's no longer about being a really fine well-oiled machine of a team that's coordinating?"
"Maxis returns to the Duress Facility, he orders Richtofen to do likewise so they may continue their work on the Mata Transference Device."
"It feels like Exet just have such a great sense of what's going on at all times"
"Once the to idolatry ads are down the blasphemy ad will begin to pulse a high damage raid wide blast six times before it too begins to cast explosion."
"The mechanics of G2 in these fights are flawless and they're always putting numbers to match SK's plays so they're keeping their lead and they're not dropping a single member."
"This is a good pair to bond, soldiers grant an additional action point to a bond mate."
"You can see that they're working together as a team they're doing everything right they're pushing together they're getting shots together they're their spacing is on point everything is working for Team Destin right now."
"Positioning is so key, ability timings, like which ones are on cooldown or which are off, and then also positioning is just so important with these Lucio rush comps, and Dallas understand this wonderfully."
"Last player, that's a full team wipe and a horizontal and a fist pump because why not?"
"To win a NASCAR, the drivers, teams, and engineers, they need to understand race car physics, especially aerodynamics."
"He's been a manager, managing this whole offense at a very high level."
"Just shot after shot, mouse can't coordinate these trades, even got this initial kill earlier and then the no scope as soon as you see."
"I always hope that you use the Nano boost on the monkey in order to charge his primal rage but even if he already has it he's still your best nano target because it makes him so durable."
"I think the best way to play League of Legends from level 6 onwards is playing mid to bot or playing both to mid and controlling bot river."
"These combos have been so good from og the cookies into fishers and champs and a starbreaker out of thompson they pressure the tower."
"Make sure they're all dead so they can be shattered then the next player who gets shattering leaps cast on them just needs to stand on where the ads are the moment this happens your achievement is done and you are congratulated."
"Keep in mind, I am probably gonna be a little bit slow on the clear, so you guys are gonna have to bear with me."
"The difference between Liverpool and many other sides is when the ball goes into wide areas, the forwards know the cross is going to come into the box."
"Once they get control in situations like this, they almost never let up. They play so well around their waves, so well around their jungler, and Canyon has gotten everything this game."
"Ram rider lumberjack push coming in here, that move rage up the RAM runner."
"I'm attacking! Kill Swarmlord, kill Swarmlord!"
"Barbara Gordon's defining character trait is her readiness."
"Barbara quarterbacks the team from their base in the Gotham clock tower."
"Splitting the map is really good here from TSM."
"Generally speaking, I do believe elegy for the end is the best for reaction teams and aqua Sim Locker is the best for your personal damage and just a good option overall."
"Path still gets those insta zip lines from looking at the care packages to help the team rotate great distances."
"You're going to see the top players actually give comms ping stuff they actually play very coordinated very smart and they play strategically."
"Real Madrid bodies up the pitch and just need to be careful not to leave it open at the back."
"Push out mid first, pin someone down, then rotate off to get a number advantage fight with your team."
"A perfect strategy call... made my job quite easy for me." - Charlie Fagg
"When you're pushing and make the enemy ad or support low, it's the perfect time for a jungle dive."
"Their movements were commendable; with a few days' practice, they could handle being surrounded by four to five Golems."
"I think you guys can start assembling the matches."
"We did it guys, we won that was clean, perfectly, we threw all those other ones on purpose."
"We have cracked the code, we actually know what we're doing now. Everything feels so seamless."
"I love the setup from T1, recognizing not only that they could actually lay this rap but waiting until it was post 14 minutes so faker could join not from the tower but from the lane ward."
"Even World of Warcraft requires voice chat for high-level raiding."
"So the most obvious star frame, yeah, this is a little bit of work, but dun dun dun, yeah, that's clinic in approaches."
"Pre-round clarity: your teammates should know exactly how you want to play the site hold."
"Save your hook for when D.Va uses matrix, Sig uses grasp, Baptiste uses lamp, Hog uses heal, or Wrecking Ball uses pile drive."
"The Seoul Dynasty just one giant brain cell right now all on the same page."
"This deck did so well today, I can't believe it! We got Giragumo clapping it up, triple Super Team, double Tri-Forces, Aqua Pal!"
"Just get some nice crit shots on them and we're good to go."
"It's the job of the animation supervisor and animation director to make it feel like it comes out of a single voice."
"As soon as we get Big Z back, I'll show you a way into that Volker base. Now come on, we have to find Zalbar before they sell him to slavers or worse."
"This is the crossmap play that you would expect Suning."
"It's a back door to your base with a handy force field that lets your team through and keeps the enemy team out."
"We seem to be pretty in sync back there, I sure did."
"He's ready to fly, they're ready to take flight."
"A huge team of answers like synchronized swimmers all coming together."
"We need to spread some extra things for you, for sending out the original email to everybody, contacting them saying hey let's do something epic."
"The goal that Martin Braithwaite scored was preceded by 33 passes."
"All Autobots should have arsenal ready to fight whenever Optimus calls them."
"It's what makes football such a beautiful game you need everyone uh doing the same you know on the same page doing the same thing uh on a play for you know magic to happen."
"The offense was a beautiful harmony really last Saturday."
"TSM are just playing this game better, they are playing it more coordinated."
"Crota has a bridge and like our other Bridge encounter in this list this one kind of sucks."
"All sides are engaged in the same tasks, and everyone had to be alert at all times for the crystal spawns, the deception spawns, who had the buff, and more."
"Beautiful third down conversion, nice simple call executed at a really high level."
"If you find yourself saying, 'My team never groups up,' maybe you should stop making plays when your team isn't grouped up."
"That tornado trap right there, like what he said, grabbing all those loons, tightening them up into a big group, but the free spell and the warden's ability made sure every loon was free to go on and finish cleaning this base out."
"T1, team fighting with this composition was almost flawless."
"Awesome job from itsu there on that attack, great work by those lava pups at the end, they were able to pick up several key buildings."
"Absolutely got to pull out a clutch three-star like we said at the beginning."
"You just roll into the teamfight, you silence them, you ult, then you put a rock and you just like, 'Holy shit, what to do?'"
"This attack has been as perfect as they can get it."
"In a proper team fight where my DPS doesn't get one shot, we should be completely fine."
"First is beacon rush, oh man, we have Tasha there ready all ready with his Strider."
"Three triples, what a match, what a beautiful job."
"This defensive hold from team Street is perfect."
"Enigma looking very solid with the whole drop down. They're just going goodbye."
"We're talking about a game where you are tasked alongside your core partners with slowly, surely, and methodically taking on a mission with multiple objectives, with enemies that are very, very capable of absolutely destroying you."
"It may be that potentially other media, certainly with my guys, you know, we'll maybe someone from the desk can do it."
"He sets it up, you me on plus wukong el yoyo keep your eyes top of the screen."
"I gave one ranger team the T-Rex and the other ranger team the herbivores."
"It's a signal from both sides that they'd like to calm things down, they'd like just to reestablish channels."
"We did in fact complete everything in the 100 days and we had beaten the challenge Achievement Hunters in Hardcore to End the World."
"This imp floor now, rage is not going to be quite enough to get us the kill."
"They seem to feel comfortable with communicating on this issue."
"AP BR dominates the map with perfect rotations and teamwork."
"AP BR's coordinated plays and macro strategy overwhelm RQ Hosi."
"We actually managed to pull it off consistently enough where we felt like we could implement it into our run."
"That's how you win: push mid, clear up Baron, force them to facecheck."
"Once the Player Characters all regroup, it saves us all the time of the PCs catching each other up on what all it was that they did."
"We're down now to five, alright? Bring them in, bring them in."
"Run, run, run, run, didn't you just pass it though?"
"Well I think that was another successful heist don't you?"
"Be an objective-focused player, convert kills into turrets and neutral objectives."
"Despite the unexpected challenges, Le Shan remained confident in the Guild's strategy."
"And your squad leaders can call in bonus artillery barrages there's honestly Limitless possibilities here."
"You can arrange your team to have a really specific loadout be really effective in certain contexts."
"What a round from Joystick and what a round for verus Pro."
"Communicating with pings is absolutely essential."
"Remember, you are the CEO of your business. You are in charge. You have to put your team together and you have to make sure that everybody on your team, lenders, realtors, attorneys, whoever it is, everybody has your best interests in mind."
"The turning point for the match was undoubtedly that partnership."
"Bunch of moments where you know the players had the information they needed but just took them awhile to put two and two together."
"Fear not, boys, we can just upgrade to a few more towers."
"We've got to get to the eastern outpost to start this one off." - Mitch
"We're ending the elbows, and that means collecting everybody up."
"Something has to change fundamentally that needs to be coordinated between the encounter team and the combat balance team to make things more accessible for our players not less."
"Beautiful execution from Rogue in these fights"
"He knows his comp he knows that bronya kafta can access that ultimate like nobody's business and he is planning around that accordingly very nice to see."
"It's my picture and flamie who's holding close on the side behind the boxes and just waiting."
"They stopped double committing for everything positioning is on point and just like we talked about in the very start of the match the boost management is on the par."
"That's me, your sauce. Okay, so we've got two more in electrical."
"Okay, good, all right, signal changed to channel two."
"I found it in the cafeteria. It was not there. Ava, do you have the green key card?"
"Heroics from blase and Dante as well, just dominating on those dive heroes."
"We still got healers up, we still got our queen up, we still got our king up, we might be able to triple this base."
"No Lorenzo to harder, no Z cross, and for the time being, no Diana."
"If you're the first one at the horn and your team takes a little while to get there I have gotten in as much as fifteen hits on the horn."
"You need the halt to fly past the Bastion far enough so that it actually pulls him off the cart."
"You can drive out of bounds for as long as you want so long as two players alternate to pause the game on every frame."
"I feel good about it. We're all matching though, so I feel good about it."
"This is such an exciting moment, so here the Fendi team is being briefed about all of the pieces."
"This is truly how we structured our offense."
"Excellent pickup of the blitz by the Cowboy offensive line."
"Rehearsals are so beneficial, not just as an additive, but in actually bringing together and consolidating the plan inside of people's heads."
"Well, boys, I think we handled that like real true professionals."
"They're swarming around like honey around the beehive."
"When your team is on defense, all of your players are going to switch to their base positions."
"It's tidy, Manchester United playing around Spurs, finding the gaps."
"So for example, you might have some volunteers that are running your show."
"We're using Discord to communicate with each other."
"Once defensemen have a good understanding of exactly how they need to react to the ball as it's being moved around the perimeter, we can move on to integrate slides, recoveries, dodges, rotations, all of those things that we would see in a live defensive set."
"Little kiss, little roll, nice touch from Skipper."
"The managing director calls a meeting to plan for a possible return to the office."