
Data-driven Quotes

There are 428 quotes

"Sora is a data-driven physics engine. It is a simulation of many worlds, real or fantastical."
"Skepticism is not cynicism. It is simply being intellectually honest and saying I am not convinced until the data compels me to be convinced."
"Maybe after all this, we will have a movement back to being data-driven, evidence-based, and not allow for the misinformation to propagate."
"Follow the data, follow the science. People ask me what do you think, what do you think? I don't think about this, what do I know? I'm not an expert. I'm not opening. I talk to experts and I follow people who know."
"We need data, we need facts, we need results."
"If you get data on your body and make a few changes, you can add seven years to your health span."
"I synthesize my opinions from data, not from feelings."
"Shaun of the Dead is the kind of movie that rewards you for pausing and paying close attention on rewatches."
"Every goal and success that my team and I have achieved couldn't have been done without data."
"The more data we have, the more our decisions can be completely data informed."
"Once I finally started to look at the data and understand how getting less sleep was affecting my body... everything changed for the better."
"Our decisions will be led by data not dates and subjected to four tests."
"I hold all conclusions as permanently tentative because they are subject to change as new data and context become available."
"All the claims that I have made to you are backed by data. Every single one of them."
"Cautious but irreversible...decisions based on data, not date."
"It is essential that healthcare practitioners review all data... people have been agenda driven and not data driven. We have to go by the data."
"In macro investing, there is no space for being attached to a certain narrative. You have to have a data-driven framework and approach."
"The CEO had been tired of hearing the same excuses and wanted hard data."
"We stick to the data, not to my opinion. This is what the data suggests."
"Data is data, facts are facts, and facts don't care about Morgan Stanley's opinions."
"It's a very fun, exciting system. Very accurate system. Very data-driven system. And what more can you ask for when you're trying to unbiasedly test these tactics against the mean?"
"Now is the time to congratulate every single Victorian for staying the course, now is the time to thank every single Victorian family for being guided by the data, the science, and the doctors."
"We now have the data. We now can make informed decisions."
"My stance on all of these issues is we should always keep an open mind and continue to just follow the data."
"I still think it's not... I still think you should get vaccinated despite all of that because of the actual data."
"It's those data that are going to inform the decisions that are ultimately made."
"This reopening is the most data-driven, fact-specific, science-driven reopening that's been done, period."
"Let's get real here. If you look at scientific information as it accumulates, what is going on in January and February, what you know as a fact as data guides what you tell people and your policies."
"All the decisions we make are driven by data."
"One of the few analysts out there that also sticks to the data sticks to the data leaves all the all the all the other stuff to the side and I think does a good job a great job managing emotions."
"It's safety first it's been steady as she goes it's been making the best possible decision informed by all the data and information that we have and that's what's being done today."
"I come out typically with three data-driven videos per week and I will be doing a series now of housing market deep dives in 2022."
"This is the data I've been dreaming of for 20 years Patty, and it's changing everything in law enforcement."
"We're data-driven. So we're data-driven and we work hard..."
"What's great about this is as we grow our pool and we get more heads we get more skin tones so our skin tones aren't based on you know B whatever it should be what should it be what does it look like these are real data."
"Every step you take is data moving you forward."
"Stop worrying about a credit score. Start chasing the data."
"If someone presents me with some good data and good arguments, I'll change my mind. I've changed my mind many times."
"They're really basing their points of view on the phenomenon on data."
"Good medicine comes when people look at data and make their conclusions based on data, as opposed to deciding what they want their conclusion to be and finding the data that fits."
"Follow the numbers and you follow the math you will watch that infection rate."
"When they try to implement any more mandates, you have the data to challenge them."
"Live decisions would be based on incoming data and the evolving outlook."
"The goal is to create this ability to predict based on data, based on facts."
"The government should be driven by the data not the dates."
"When the data changes, we change our opinion."
"It's much easier to base decisions off the hard data."
"We use data... and then we adjust our assumptions based on what's happening in real life on the ground."
"Follow the data, follow the science, follow the facts, follow the metrics."
"It's really important to use data like this to inform your investment decision-making process."
"The path to rebuild in this moment is going to be rooted in data."
"I try not to call people out... I just stay focused on what I believe to be true based on the data that I've seen."
"Choose a product based on numbers, not gut feelings. It's the quickest way to success."
"We need to listen to what the data tells us. We need to take action. We must take these warnings seriously." - Ontario Premier Doug Ford
"It's important to understand the why behind what you're doing and to have the data behind it."
"When you have good data about your applications, then you'll know if something doesn't work right, you can look to other causes for that problem and not a misapplication."
"Bring an open mind, bring your curiosity, bring the data, and be ready to change your mind if necessary."
"Gun safety saves lives I don't think it I know it and the data bears that out in the state of California."
"It's them saying look we actually do have data to back up what we're talking about."
"There is no way that this is not going to be devastating to an entire generation of girls. That's the data talking."
"We are focusing on the science, the facts, and the data."
"Our approach to testing is based on facts, data, and very hard evidence, not partisan agendas."
"Willing to be shown data and go, 'Okay, I was wrong about that.'"
"You can be very intelligent and data-driven and also embrace life."
"It's not our imaginations we're not making it up the data is quantifiable."
"Your loyalty is founded on empirical data. I can appreciate that."
"The more we can rely on scientists to take the knowledge and data we have model it and give us guidance based on what they know there's nothing more important than this than facts and guidance for the public."
"The cancellation of live-action Cowboy Bebop reflects a company following the data."
"Your answers are the data that you're going to use to find success."
"We have a three parameter model... each of them are fit to data... it's no longer a guesswork."
"I respect that anybody could respect a change in opinion or perspective given a changing data set."
"Data-rich AI drives applications across multiple networks."
"Science isn't an ideology. Once the data is presented, they're going to go off of what they have."
"My highest form of integrity in the work that I do is when I find new data I'll change who I am."
"Use the information and the data in front of you and first care about yourself first."
"Keep promoting science and teaching others to use science and data to guide our decisions."
"The one thing I can assure you is that the President's decision in that regard is going to be informed by what the data shows and about decisions about when we can responsibly reopen America and put America back to work."
"We're products, where it's a data-driven industry."
"They looked at the data: the real numbers, the real information on what veterans need."
"I'm not going to say that he did this on purpose, although some of his numbers are just flat out wrong, I'm going to prove it with the data."
"Good decisions are made with the right data."
"Make smart data-driven decisions about your health."
"I have more data, my side has data, your side doesn't. Your side just has feelings, your side has assumptions, your side has suspicions."
"God knew Trust all others bring data so I'm here to bring data."
"Follow the plan. The plan is not emotional, it's just empirical data. You can't argue with math."
"We're giving them the tools with the data, with the automation, and obviously with the action."
"Legislation drafted on the basis of empirical data, not misinformation, is what Canadians are entitled to."
"There is so much good news lately that there are really legitimate data-driven reasons to be really really optimistic."
"This is my data talking, not my anxiety or lack of sleep."
"Do your due diligence, follow the data, follow the numbers."
"I'm a scientist. I have my own opinions and feelings about things, but when I talk about this stuff, I mean believe me, I would like to be optimistic if the data allowed me to be optimistic."
"Use a data approach; don't use an emotional approach. If the data is misvalidating your thesis, remember to look at the reality of what's happening."
"Make it a position based on actual data and actual conversation."
"People are gauging more on data now than they are just on fear because the market's matured."
"We should let the data tell the story."
"Organizations across all industries rely on data to gain a competitive edge, improve operations, and enhance decision-making."
"If I didn't have the data and it kind of worked sometimes, I wouldn't be doing it, but it works all the time."
"I think we're going to have to let the data lead us on that."
"We're not on that road; we're on the road where we're serving all the American people and making our decisions based on the data."
"Uses data and focuses on the customer or end user to solve problems in a way that builds on previous learning."
"I'm a skeptic of my own work...I don't want to get ahead of what my data says."
"If you are a new company, it will be naturally a data-driven culture because you're just hungry for information and facts, and you're making business decisions based off of that."
"You cannot find solutions to problems like this without a data-driven approach."
"If it was me, based on the data, I would go all in on the Department of Defense."
"New cars are just so much longer lasting if you look at the data regardless of what people say in the comment section online."
"How do you combat that without yourself generalizing in a certain way speaking without data?"
"We like to use data and try to understand exactly how you're going to solve the problem before you actually build anything."
"This data-driven decision continues to create an exceptional company culture."
"Data-driven decision-making can be so powerful it can make entire business methods obsolete."
"Analyzing analytics and improving based on data is crucial for channel growth."
"This shouldn't be about ideology, it should be about what the data shows us."
"Be quick to observe, set in stone what you will and will not do, and understand when you're willing to do it, the best decision, which is the data-driven decision, because data doesn't lie."
"I believe we are kind of approaching the other side of that and I believe if we look at the numbers in the next few years, you'll see a drastic decrease which I believe has happened as the trend is I believe coming to its life cycle end."
"I'm just trying to share the uses of this very powerful concept which is not just a concept it's backed up by real data."
"Ground News is a website and app that gives readers an easy and data-driven objective way to read the news."
"We can make decisions based on emotion and headlines or we can make our decisions based on the data and what the facts are saying."
"So this was a brief glimpse at what can be done with data-driven bioinformatics approach."
"Here's a guy who's not just to prove something but wants to follow the data, see where it points."
"Define the problem with data. I love that."
"The reality is our recent performance has been poor. The numbers don’t lie."
"Make your choice based on data, on your knowledge, and on your needs."
"I like to take the opinion out of it when I can, but we try to share data as much as possible."
"Every business utilizes AI to increase productivity, automate labor-intensive operations, and make data-driven choices."
"Following the data in what kind of products I should make and what kind of blog posts are converting well, those things have helped me to make sure I'm focusing on the right."
"Ultimately, anything that we can do that's really data-driven... is the best way to acquire links."
"I never go off of what my heart is telling me... I go off of what data tells me."
"It's all in the power of the data."
"You're now doing scientific data-driven marketing. That's where the business gets really sexy."
"I think this is the next generation of Human Rights campaigning, it's really rather than have better pictures than the other side and get pictures but get really good data."
"We do our best to go out of our way to substantiate everything that we say every claim that we make with research and data to back it up."
"...the big enchilada out there so to speak that we're going for is to really drive the use of numbers to be a fundamental part of civil debate in this country..."
"Supply chain management is data-driven."
"If you don't have a culture that's focused on making decisions based on data, think about how you can make that change."
"Data is everything. Every decision is backed by data."
"I think it's identifying who your customer is, but then using the data to make decisions."
"The science should lead the way. Whenever you're analyzing any property, you have to look at the numbers, and that is non-negotiable."
"There's an art and there's a science to all of this, but really the science should lead. The data is number one, first."
"...you cannot fight racism with more racism and you have to have data."
"With our converged database approach building a data-driven app can be as simple as adding a SQL statement or a rest call."
"And then I judged a little bit by popularity. Just what posts did people actually like? What did they retweet a ton, you know, what had the highest engagement and reshare? Pretty data driven."
"We are going to talk about becoming a more data-driven, a more mathematical, and most importantly, a more profitable sports bettor."
"I'm tough-minded, and then I like facts, I like data, I like doing stuff."
"We want to be good practitioners, we want to be good teachers, we want to be good collaborators. Everything we do is based on data, we want to continually evaluate, and then we want to adjust the environment to the point it's going to best work for us."
"Science is not about what feels true; it is about what the data shows to be true. No data, no science."
"Lean Six Sigma is a disciplined process, you know, it's not about using intuition or best guesses, it's about using information or sometimes what we can say data to make better decisions."
"Follow the data. So, and you're exactly right about what you said about climate models. We could bash them forever, but they're useful for research, alright?"
"Let the market research guide your activities."
"We need to translate our data into decisions."
"By the end of the day, what really it comes down to is this: rather than relying on gut feel or intuition or best guesses, we're going to capture and analyze data to make better decisions, more informed decisions."
"You want to be able to try things out and see what works and see what doesn't work and essentially use a data-driven approach to making those decisions."
"The hard data that is utilized definitely gives an authoritative tone to the discussion."
"Plan your loading based on past training data."
"Playing politics and saying that you've done something because you said it a few months ago is more important than using data and doing the right thing analytically."
"We're just gonna talk about the things that the data suggests that we would like the best."
"Of course, no review can never be 100% objective, but I'll do my very best to back up all my assertions with hard data."
"Computer vision is, these days, dominated by data driven approaches by machine learning."
"...let the Data Drive the Diagnostics."
"It's really important for us professionals to always be really loyal and chased to the data."
"His trading decisions are driven purely by data."
"It's all based on data, this is reality, you'll see it pan out."
"Seek feedback from people, employ strict risk management techniques, and ensure all decisions are backed by data."
"Some people are data driven and want to know numbers."
"This is scientific prediction. So prediction has to be based on the data, not from the mind."
"Businesses everywhere know the power of using data to solve problems and achieve goals."
"I let the technology and the science of the numbers dictate what I do."
"Now you know how these five essential analytical skills work towards making better data-driven decisions."
"Dynamics 365 for Human Resources is helping organizations and HR administrators get data-driven insights out of their HR processes."
"It takes all of that information and it creates a relationship score."
"With their focus on facts and data to drive business decisions, they help businesses work more effectively and efficiently."
"Data should be behind every single decision and enterprise plan."
"Measure, measure, measure. Don't make decisions based upon what you think is happening."
"The best systems are dynamic in their nature, responding primarily to the session data as it occurs."
"Research can really be used to answer questions and make data-driven solutions that can help people."
"Your data is always going to drive your app design."
"We can't be a data-driven company moving from reactionary to predictive and grab insights unless we have the data to make those decisions."
"The world is only becoming more and more driven by all these time series that are being generated."
"Do what the data says. We live in an unparalleled time where there is finally data on what does and does not work in selling."
"Data is at the core of every company's strategy."
"It's about setting the strategy towards how the organization should operate, relying purely on the entire data for driving their businesses."
"Learn heavy truths backed by empirical data, come to terms with your shortcomings and look for solutions to overcome said shortcomings."
"The data is what drives our business today."
"Operations are becoming more connected, more dynamic, more data informed than they ever have before."
"The idea of moving from intuition to data is important and we should help people get there."
"The reason we have the red column machine learning is because we had the data."
"Standing for due process, standing for free speech, standing for human rights, standing for all these values that the Enlightenment era gave us, we have the data to back up the reason why these work."
"The team at Skyscanner have been very good in their data-driven approach in mentality."
"Let the data speak, don't even let the preference speak."
"Instead of being biased and using my personal opinion, we're going to use data and online resources."
"I'm glad that I actually have the data to go by now and I'm not guessing like I was before."
"Just keep testing and use your data to make the right decisions."
"If the FDA knocks on our door a few years from now and says, 'You got a hundred thousand people that have had this treatment,' we'll ask for approval at that point, but we'll have data for a hundred thousand people, so we should easily get the approval."
"Let data not dogma dictate decisions."
"We're going to be guided by the data."
"Public policy is always best formed when it's guided by facts and research and data."
"Follow the data if you want to do jewelry; follow the stores that are selling, follow the types of keywords that are doing well."
"...Rogers used to yell at me follow the data, Adler used to say follow the data and do an experiment."
"I follow the data, I have an ability to tell things in a really clear way."
"This is my recommendation, this is the NIH recommendation, this is the recommendation from the ID Society of America, these are the professional recommendations that are data-driven."
"The right personal health plan starts with the right data."
"It's more actually about creating that data-driven culture."