
Legal Analysis Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Hey there, I'm Emily D Baker, the internet's go-to legal analyst, breaking down the legal side of the pop culture and entertainment stories we can't stop talking about."
"The things that I just pointed out to you... why is that a problem? Because one, he's lying; two, he's misrepresenting; or he wasn't prepared."
"It's not just that the theories are crap; even if the theories were accurate, it wouldn't be a motion to dismiss."
"Let's break down the stories you want to talk about from the legal side with facts, not fear."
"Every single law that has ever been passed in the United States affects some groups differently than others."
"She brings a lot of different things to the court."
"We can do very deep legal analysis, we can do complex economic analyses, but I think it is also important to point out that one of the weaknesses that wannabe authoritarians have is to point out their weaknesses and that is historically true."
"Listen, it's about the facts and the evidence and the case. The prosecution of the state did not have the evidence to disprove self-defense."
"Britney might be feeling this way, but legally, the conservatorship did what it was supposed to do. Not cool."
"The state has no case. The state has been trying to bring people on and they can't do anything to undermine Rittenhouse."
"What happened in the H3H3 case was that he thought he had made a video, it had critiqued or criticized really pretty heavily criticized what Matt Haas was doing in his videos."
"Thank you very much to all of the h3h3 fans who have been joining me for this analysis for the duration of this case."
"The report identifies no actions that constituted obstructive conduct with a nexus to a pending or contemplated proceeding and with corrupt intent."
"As a person I didn't know to me watching his trial drugs or not alcohol or not tough childhood or not depression or not he is absolutely without a doubt a very intelligent individual."
"Former president Donald Trump is getting harshly criticized by legal experts and even his own fellow Republicans."
"It is worth laying down what looks like chargeable conduct here and why."
"Is it commonly used by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes?"
"Marbury vs. Madison is a very untenable decision legally."
"Predicting trial outcomes based on initial juror opinions is 90% accurate."
"Interpreting whether a historical regulation is a proper analog for a modern firearm regulation requires determining whether the two regulations are relevantly similar."
"From Blackstone through the 19th century cases, commentators, and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right."
"One of the things that was obviously very telling was the fact that James Comey ineffectively exonerating her wrote intent into a law that does not have a component of intent."
"I think if there comes a day when we no longer are focused on the race question but on Justice Thomas as a jurist and his jurist Prudence, uh I think he will rise in stature as a result of pioneering work he's done."
"I just like to uh close here by saying that whatever one thinks about his opinion in Shelby or other cases the question of his competency and his Fitness to serve should have been laid to rest by the enormity of the contribution that he has made."
"Thank you all for watching this special crossover edition of the Midas touch meets legal AF a very successful one as well managed to integrate legal analysis with the events that transpired today in a fairly seamless manner."
"The state has nothing, and they know it, and the media knows it."
"The language of the Second Amendment was subject to intense discussion, debate, and analysis when it was drafted, just like the rest of the Constitution and the rest of the Bill of Rights."
"You and I are going to be on pins and needles to see what happens when Alan weisselberg takes the stand but don't no one should underestimate the prowess of this Manhattan D.A prosecution team." - Legal AF
"And I said I'm going to argue more broadly 'cause I haven't had an opportunity to complete my research on the status of Florida law."
"They wanted to make an example, but it was totally unfair."
"The Town Hall is one of the biggest structures that you can build."
"But to figure out how screwed they were, we have to go back to the start of this lawsuit."
"I think that the jury is going to focus on the facts of these outrageous lies about dominion."
"Don't even bother with the rest of it. She has no standing."
"He was defending himself against Rosenbaum, and those shots took place there, that self-defense is going to carry over throughout the entirety of the remaining, you know, the remainder of the ordeal."
"She's an excellent Attorney General. I believe what she has said is that there is more than enough evidence to bring criminal charges against Trump and the kids."
"Breaking down the most consequential legal news."
"Those are my thoughts on the Anders Bering Breivik case."
"That's the story, all the legalisms aside, it is a story as simple and clear and dark and sinister as the story told by Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo 50 years ago in their Oscar-winning screenplay The Godfather." - Lawrence O'Donnell
"You're here to determine if there even was a conspiracy. Cases again can be solved with evidence, they can be solved with lack of evidence."
"Quality of some of the legal commentary on YouTube is way better than mainstream."
"You can't lay a better foundation for a reasonable jury than he has to establish the fact that Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd and we all saw it on camera."
"The strength of the case really depends on how many inferences can be drawn from the evidence."
"Hey Legal Eagles, let's think like a lawyer."
"I think a court is not going to have too much trouble, um there yeah, it's piercing the veil."
"It allows prosecutors to delve into whether he might be publicly lying because he has a consciousness of guilt."
"It's true, the cases between the 1987 miniseries, and various twists and turns this case has taken, it's an irregular one to be sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was mishandled."
"I smell a charge coming, I feel like it's not long off. There's a lot of probable cause here. There's a lot of evidence already."
"A mental illness, but nonetheless, this is what wanting to defend a predator looks like."
"One of the most stunning parts of the indictment is the timeline."
"Hey, Legal Eagles it's time to think like a corporate lawyer because Parler is suing Amazon."
"This shot by itself is enough to prove premeditated murder."
"The legal questions are more clear than the politics."
"How could you be surprised that a jury came to this conclusion and certainly how could you criticize the verdict."
"The 11th Circuit's ruling reads like a complete repudiation, both the legal reasoning behind Judge Cannon's order and some of Trump's more specious factual claims."
"Harris's sexting history seems damning but may not indicate guilt."
"Nearly every legal expert... seems like there is... definitely a criminal case to be investigated here."
"The brother makes more sense of the case than the suspects they got."
"What if Kyle Rittenhouse did not break the law but got himself in trouble trying to uphold it?"
"Every single time that Thomas Binger asked Kyle Rittenhouse about this, he sort of makes it appear that that was totally unreasonable."
"Is it more prejudicial to the defendant than probative?"
"Easiest way to solve a puzzle is to have chat do it for you."
"You have to take that into consideration when you're determining whether someone had a corrupt intent."
"We barely scratch the surface. If you have time, read through the rule and the ATF's reasoning behind some of these worksheet items."
"Why would Fox, if you suspect they have such an airtight case here and a First Amendment case too airtight strong yes but you know a very good case here um why would they be in talks to settle?"
"She's a judge's judge. She looks at the facts, looks at the law, and applies it."
"I thought it was dazzling. I thought the way he wove through both the facts of the case and the historical context was really remarkable."
"This shows intent, premeditation, and knowledge."
"This is conspiracy all of them conspiracy with intent."
"If you just read through the first eight pages of the Department of Justice report you would know that the wound on Michael Brown's hand could have only come from him reaching for Officer Darren Wilson's gun while he was in the police vehicle."
"This was a straight body dump, an attempt to get rid of the most incriminating evidence against him."
"Even the mainstream media admits Trump's legal defense was excellent."
"We get 30 40,000 people watching us... find out why if you haven't already joined us tune in to Legal AF."
"Every serious legal scholar believes as of this exact moment Donald Trump's disqualified from running."
"But when viewed in a different light, what appears to be overwhelming circumstantial evidence actually makes John Cardona an unlikely suspect."
"If they were not conducting a lawful citizen's arrest, you do not have to consider self-defense because if it's not a lawful citizen's arrest, then they were the first unjustified aggressors."
"As a pure matter of law, this is in fact a merely procedural decision, yet it is going to be one of the most substantive decisions in a long time."
"Legal reasoning gets completely thrown into question around the idea that there's no reasonable person."
"The SEC is claiming because Ripple was instrumental in creating a secondary market for XRP, all XRP are therefore securities. If successful, the same thing could be argued versus Vitalik Buterin, Joseph Lubin, Consensus, etc." - John Deaton
"This is both a swing for the fences in terms of Justice Alito's rhetoric and language."
"It's gonna be really interesting to see how the courts rule."
"This ruling is untethered to law." - Andrew Weissman, former lead prosecutor in the Mueller investigation
"Plenty of reasonable doubt and it's concerning to me when you have a dog pile that happens on anybody."
"It's a coherent portrait of a crime on the constitution."
"Cannot justify them at any standard of review."
"Did the actions of officer Chauvin cause the death, either intentionally caused the death or through negligence caused the death of George Floyd?"
"The fact that Lamb was slowly reversing his truck into a garage suggests that he posed no immediate threat."
"It's gonna be the most definitive and comprehensive breakdown of this trial on the internet."
"For a case that has no murder weapon no DNA fingerprints at the scene clean phone location data and a few reasons to somewhat doubt witness credibility my opinion weighs heavily on the side of the fence that he did."
"Kavanaugh is very much like Justice Roberts in the sense that when you read his decisions they're always very carefully tailored to the law that's in front of him."
"You kick butt Robert, best legal analysis on the u-books."
"And that decision may take us to whether XRP, in fact, is a non-security note up against the Reeves test, not the Howie test."
"You have the ability to take a case that everyone thinks we know everything about and then you'd take it one step further and dig deeper and find new insights."
"Let me tell you about what's going on. We've got excellent breakdown here from Andrew Branca. I genuinely believe so far it looks like Rittenhouse is absolutely winning."
"It's not just unconstitutional, it's anti-constitutional."
"An outright and categorical ban on that conduct also fails constitutional muster."
"This seems like from the outside a pretty solid case." - Jesse Laws
"We look at the evidence and see overwhelming indicia of criminal behavior."
"Legal pundits now have taken a second look at this decision and what they're saying is they've actually done the prosecution quite a favor."
"Regarding Scarlett Johansson, the legal doctrine of impossibility came down firmly on her side."
"The history that's relevant for understanding the original public meaning of the second amendment and the fourteenth amendment."
"The only test you can use on Second Amendment cases is the text history and the tradition of the meaning of the words in the Second Amendment at the founding."
"I watched the Legal Eagle video on the charges being brought against Trump in the Mar-a-Lago raid."
"Welcome to the midweek edition of legal AF where you go to hear the most consequential stories at the intersection of Law and politics."
"Look at Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz also debunking these charges."
"Legal Eagle makes great content breaking down legal issues for common folks." - "Legal Eagle: breaking down complex issues."
"Judge David Carter did a very rigorous analysis."
"They say the prosecutor says as a matter of law executive privilege provided no basis for what is alleged in the indictment total non-compliance right."
"Evidence comes first and conviction comes second, and so we're now going through the slow, painful process of putting the evidence together." - Joyce Vance
"This was a case built against Jason Carter instead of a case trying to solve a crime."
"It sort of pulled at various really tiny exceptions to Chevron deference and sort of pieced them together into something that was a little more coherent or at least internally coherent."
"With those three key points, I think you should have a much easier time at analyzing the law, understanding the context in which it was written."
"Branco is not inconsistent; rules every case is a nuanced case."
"It's always amazing to see you on the panel. The diversity of lawyers on the stream brings a rich in-depth analysis to this polarizing case."
"If you are one of those people who has an alternative universe fic that you really love... looking at cases like this are important because courts are looking at what's the proportion of the original Source material to what was added..."
"Methodology, circumstances, and physical damage would have outweighed Reasonable Doubt for me."
"Comey completely laid out the case for the Espionage Act."
"That's just a big pile of reasonable thought there judge keep going."
"It's a good thing whenever a judge gives a ruling that's based on logic, the facts of the case, and the law, not a ruling based off of ideological motivation."
"The court finds the FTC unlikely to win in even its own proceeding, that does say something indeed."
"Fortunately, we don't need to get into difficulties of that nature here because we've got a statute that on its face discriminates against foreign commerce."
"The undisputed facts are vital to lawyers and to judges because they assist you in resolving the disputed facts."
"That's the big picture idea of kind of how the supreme court is determining what level of scrutiny or what standard of review to apply to determine the constitutionality of a law."
"Your legal experts said that there was no evidence to even suggest that there was support for articles of impeachment against the president."
"This is important work to inject psychological realism into the economic analysis of law."
"If they want to say that because Rh's DNA is not on anything he wasn't involved in this the same would hold true for jakori Taylor and enan Carter their DNA is not on it either."
"Dealing with an application of this sort inevitably requires an analytical approach to the evidence and arguments. However, none should forget the consequences of these murders and attempted murders."
"... we'll think about constitutional amendments... and I'm also struck when I'm reading cases from other countries..."
"The focus is on whether there's a significant interference with a power that Congress explicitly granted."
"The court has developed over the years a three tiered system of analysis for evaluating equal protection claims."
"Experts told us Pelosi's move was not illegal because her copy of Trump's speech wasn't the official government record that would need to be preserved."
"We want patent claims to be our locus of analysis."
"You can formulate those legal principles into a sensible legal analysis."
"Justice Brennan in his dissent ridiculed the court's analysis as 'a fear of too much justice.'"
"A child's custody determination is much more difficult and subtle than an arithmetic computation of factors."
"Question 51a was clearly phrased in the present tense, we cannot fault Moore's decision to respond to the question as it was phrased."
"I thank God for another year that I could spend with you guys bringing you this good legal analysis over here."
"We use IRAC, this is how we analyze cases."
"I'm Emily D. Baker, the internet's go-to legal analyst down the legal side of the pop culture and entertainment stories we can't stop talking about."
"We are going to recap this entire trial for you."
"My prediction is that within 5 years, an AI beats the smartest lawyers at analyzing legal data."
"There are reasonable grounds to conclude that XRP does not satisfy all the elements of the Howey analysis."
"The contracts questions here are actually quite interesting."
"The law says these three things when you first do your analysis: clear unambiguous, no explanations, and what was the exact deal that they agreed to on the four corners of that contract."
"We're going to jump into the legal weight of it today."
"So as more information comes out, we will always break it down for you, connect it to the legal case, give you the legal angles, try to explain stuff in a way that you can understand it."