
Character Abilities Quotes

There are 636 quotes

"Ash is the quintessential entry fragger, she has an awesome gun, R4-C, high rate of fire not a lot of recoil."
"Leaving aside his insane power, strength, durability, speed, and his godly hacks, Jin Wu's arsenal of abilities would have been useless without his insane big brain and intelligence."
"I actually really love this because little Steven has God homing; this man never misses."
"Dragon Talon combined with cyborg is so OP, I just melt through everything."
"It seems like if you jump and use this move... it has like a different version."
"Strength 5 AP2 and damage two that ignores Lookouts and Mortal wounds on sixes, so it's actually pretty credible at killing characters."
"The monks' ability to stunning strike, paired with their maneuverability and some really awesome features like their abilities to move up walls or catch arrows, altogether make this really unique package."
"In theory, Zed is capable of avoiding literally any attack in the game."
"Her reverse bear traps are easily the best built-in game slow down in any killer's kit."
"Kit Fisto's force abilities were both inspiring in their magnitude and were a fully-fledged and fluidly incorporated tactical and strategic tool that he used to control a battle."
"Super Sonic can run much faster, jump much higher and is invincible to nearly everything in the game."
"Usually, you could only use Thor's Mjolnir emote with the pickaxe equipped, but if you switch to a large-size character, it lets you wield the hammer."
"Bad guy Kuma overall just has a really good stun."
"Pac-Man's Hydrant is obnoxious to deal with, and if you can't deal with it, you automatically lose the matchup."
"You might look at a Space Marine and think to yourself, 'Okay, I get it... what else is there to understand here?' But then you find out in the canon that they can breathe underwater and also spit acid."
"Bloodhound's abilities work well and they for a long time now have been a great legend to use in Apex."
"Horizon has one of the better vertical height abilities in Apex with her tactical gravity lift."
"Wraith's kit offers extensive versatility. She has a true skill gap."
"In the comic, Batman is often described as a peak human... he represents the pinnacle of what's possible for a human being in terms of their athletic performance, intelligence, knowledge, skill sets."
"You can create opportunities for them to feel awesome when they overcome those challenges by using their own ingenuity and using their own character abilities."
"Anti-Mage has a 40% slow that works on illusions. Oh my god."
"Permanent armor? Are you kidding me? Axe is going to be so tanky."
"Dazzle has two ultimate abilities now, Good Juju and Bad Juju."
"Mordekaiser's ultimate is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life."
"Lifeline's tactical healing drone for me is the best part of her kit."
"Watson actually even has a hint of hybrid power in there... her true power does come from those fences."
"He's great at any sort of skirmish. Whether it comes from ganks, or scuttle crab fights, etc with his high early DPS and mobility."
"The Warhammer Titan's abilities were able to combine very nicely with the abilities of his Attack Titan."
"The sorcerer's also the highest sustained character in the game."
"Espeon can use teradark to eliminate its weaknesses to Ghost and dark attacks."
"What's more interesting though about Sir Wilhelm is that he not only has a black flame buff on his weapon but he also wields the dark hand."
"Shinobu has fast ticks, mobile healing, no energy restrictions or conditions on her healing, and near 100 uptime without constellations."
"Legit max tenacity - basically means you're immune to CC, but I'm excited, let's see how it goes."
"Mundo's buffs are pretty damn strong, like I feel like you're, when you're alting, I mean it's like I said, it's basically like you're getting your old, it's basically like last patches ultimate but without Grievous wounds."
"Mona summons sparkling waves and creates a reflection of the starry sky... applying the wet and illusory bubble statuses onto all enemies in the area."
"That seems pretty freaking good to be honest."
"Think it's time someone attacks their base. Look how I look when I ride a boat."
"Poco's super could break walls all the way back in beta swansong was a removed star power which after death healed allies in an area."
"Gear third: blowing air into his bone structure to make giant limbs."
"Why is Sonic on a board? You know he's faster than that, right? But this game just feels so good."
"Echo seems OP as anything in this game, gosh."
"Ifrit granted a new move called Meteor Strike in Final Fantasy X."
"My favorite part about Omen's kit is that he seems to have an answer to most scenarios and potential to pull off flashy plays."
"Thank you here's another example using your alt and then following up with paranoia can result in some free kills."
"One of the best fruits in the game... but how does it fare in the One Piece universe?"
"Sacred weapon... makes it so that your charisma modifier will now be added to your attack Rolls made with that weapon."
"Skull Crowns, super OP, that's my favorite champion."
"The abilities of the shadow sorcerer are just really well placed."
"Psychic scream on point with a shadow sorcerer stuff of dreams become real."
"Link has a really cool ability where his sword can actually hit enemies that are above him."
"Zero Suit is the epitome of unreactive 'el and the epitome of you can't hit her."
"Palutena has such powerful neutral tools, the fastest aerial in the entire game."
"Falcon... blown away... finally understand how those wings can be awesome."
"Shadow kill turns enemies to Ash upon killing them... making this a must-have quality of life upgrade."
"They clearly want the eSports friendly gunplay of say csgo but also the crazy plays you can get when you actually have access to character abilities."
"Mirror Entity is a finisher. You're making a bunch of one ones pay five mana into Mirror Entity they're all five fives."
"Their ability to nova damage, I've seen a lot of rogues one-shot a boss."
"At level 2 you immediately get to assume the form of a CR one creature."
"Zero Suit Samus's upbeat is in the top of high tier, it's small so it's really hard to hit."
"Bowser's upbeat is somewhere in the top tier upbeats, it's super obnoxious and one of the best out of shield options in the game."
"Dante has an instant overhead... I think it still is."
"It's just a better Zofia like literally Zofia is a three armor Great Gun like decent utility then they give the r4c to ram 2X and 1.5 those LMG three armor shotgun secondary the MK1 was just a crazy secondary."
"Aventurine basically does what japar does but much better because he can do it on his skill and on follow-up attack which is very easy to trigger."
"Vader is better at attacking with the force while Yoda is better at defending with it."
"We designed Chocobos unique for every region so that they have their own abilities."
"The coolest thing you can do as Bastion: Super jump, switch to recon mid-air."
"Sports coach zombie, mostly good in sports decks."
"The second that you get it, the second and it drops for you, this will give you increased damage while you're in werebear form..."
"Magic Carpet: 'Very, very hard to deal with.'"
"He does not appear to have a tier 3 or Transcendence."
"When Zarya uses a bubble, you don't feel cheated."
"Bugs is literally Steve. Bugs is the most crazy character in this game. You should play him no matter who you play in Smash."
"Nothing will beat the satisfying feeling of freezing your enemy and seeing desperation leave their eyes and replaced with acceptance knowing that they're about to get killed by the ice demon Mei."
"The damage amp effect of mercy and the reliable healing she can give is so potent."
"Harness the awesome power of Godzilla's thunderous roar and devastating tail swipe as the king of the monsters battles Kong to settle an ancient rivalry."
"Tsukuyomi is still really good... his ultimate will still one-shot you."
"Bastion went through several ultimates before the team finally settled on the current tank configuration."
"Law's kind of reconfiguring the metal of his sword at an atomic level, that is what's causing it to stretch."
"It's like having half the benefits of the Berserker rage racial power but for any character."
"Secret of protection... pretty much every character can make use of taking half as much damage for 30 seconds."
"Even if you are playing as a man doing 10% more damage against females is still really useful."
"Salvador possesses a number of very useful skills... his guns irking action skill... easily the most powerful of all the action skills."
"Seeing all of her donuts powers and abilities was really cool."
"He's also immune to Espers, as in the webcomic the very best Tatsumaki could do was make his muscles twitch."
"Your first constellation is going to give you more energy."
"I contribute summon it by tributing the monsters from my field and if I do, Exodia the Legendary Defender gains attack points and defense points equal to the total attack points of the monsters tributed."
"I didn't know he could do that, I didn't know he could like teleport in the game borders as well."
"Behind that sweet, cuddly demeanor is a cold, calculating ice thing that will destroy the positioning of all who tread where it may linger."
"You have two types: you have alpha mutants and you have omega-level mutants. The Omega level ones are the ones we have to worry about."
"The new supers actually feel incredibly fun to use when you can use them. They're super fun."
"Her healing shade star power can heal like crazy."
"The charm for Evelyn is so important because when you do hit that allure it drops their magic resistance to the target."
"Vision is a master of hand-to-hand combat, that's one of his powers, but honestly, I find that incredibly useless when you're an all-powerful vibranium synthesiod."
"Shelly's Band-Aid... basically gives Shelly two lives and many consider it to be the strongest star power in the game."
"Colt's Magnum Special... absolutely an S tier star power and it absolutely makes Colt much easier to push."
"Bo's Snare a Bear star power is an S tier star power."
"Poco's Screeching Solo star power however is absolutely S tier."
"Mortis' Creepy Harvest... was a unanimous vote on Mortis' next hour power."
"Leon's Smoke Trails... is an S tier of star power."
"Is it possible that his powers are really just connected to his speed?"
"Diona is able to output colossal 13,901 damage charge shots every one second or so."
"Greatsword is really, really good. Punishing its ground moves is very difficult."
"She's got the killing power, she's got the high speed, she's got a lot going for her."
"Rax has some of the best cigs in the entire game."
"Unique to Joker is Arsene, who can potentially be out at any time during a match, and who has his own animation for win Joker taunts."
"Every single one of Luffy's abilities is so classic."
"The core gameplay of forespoken is Frey's traversal mechanics."
"There is a discipline that lets you just become Ant-Man. Yes, literally, you become Ant-Man."
"Popeye was less often seen fighting off Bluto for the affections of Olive." - Instead, he was seen using his spinach-fueled powers to fight off the Axis enemies during World War II.
"It beats the sorcerer it beats The Bard You're Now using your charisma for all of your attacks you know it's super gross too what the Warlock sorcerer Paladin it's pretty gross."
"Healing is one of the most important things a waterbender can do. When it comes to Healing using water bending, well, there's nobody who even matches up to Katara."
"Zane's two active abilities offer team play extensive benefits."
"He has literally everything you could ever need, bell in hand is broken."
"Toxtricity... does stupid amounts of damage."
"That's huge, you're also going to prank your light and heavy attacks, the two-piece bonus down there dealing an additional 1,353 damage."
"ZSS is a top tier with some of the best mobility in the game."
"His recovery is probably the best in the game."
"Puff is a good character, has one of the best edge guards in the entire game."
"He does whatever he wants all the time, his air mobility is crazy, his air dodge is amazing, his combos are great, his kill potential is arguably consistently the best in the game."
"The hockey or shading debate will finally be settled."
"Aika's burst is not a single hit, it's multiple small hits, but it deals an immense amount of damage during that time."
"Peach is insane... her advantage state is one of the best in the game because float up air is broken."
"Pikachu is insane... this character has literally anything you can want and more."
"I really hope that jumping gets nerfed into the ground here in Black Ops 4 because for some reason all of our characters are Olympic level high jumpers."
"This move is amazing to use because Cloud has slight armor on himself and you can easily put most enemies into pressure off of this move to help build up some stagger."
"Maybe bar like gun side sig, but this character is wild. Yeah, actually wild."
"Wizards get access to virtually all of the spells in the game."
"Lewin Leoncur provides extra replenishment rate for knights and is just an absolute god on the battlefield."
"This character is just nuts she's nuts she has everything available to her at all times."
"Cinderace says ever since it got Libero, you know, it rose up, you know, top 10 usage. Fantastic Pokemon."
"Pike mid is a follow up from our previous Pick of the Week and the reason that this is so good is because of the changes that riot gave to his lethality scaling is so hard to deal with."
"It's actually kind of an insane approach tool that a lot of characters would kill for."
"Jolt Haymaker is frequently the Saving Grace at all stages of Little Mac's game."
"Penny with her balls of fire star power, 55.7% win rate with a very high pick rate, that is super solid."
"That root sands star power doesn't deal as much damage as healing winds heals the team but the fact that enemy players cannot heal while they're in it they're gonna continually take damage because he can just throw it down right in the center."
"For Mei's wall, it's great for blocking LOS or disabling abilities like immortality field or Orisa's supercharger."
"There's a dog on one specialist, but I don't think we've seen dogs as a streak."
"Demon form is extremely wild, it's a must-take."
"Acknowledging the impact of a powerful ability or item." - Highlighting the potency of certain in-game mechanics.
"For those of you that don't know, if you're wondering how did we survive, how did we prevent Hype from completely smashing us with a special three? Well, Sorcerer Supreme has a little bit of a power steal mode."
"Wukong is now a great crowd controller, a great damage dealer, a wielder of a truly unique mechanic, all while still being an incredibly tanky frame."
"Young Link's moveset is a nostalgic love letter to Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask."
"Sure, we might eventually meet someone or something with whom his ability has no effect, but then to Nerf it would negate the whole point of having it as your main plot device in the first place."
"Crimson is a streak machine getting kills heals you and also getting a headshot kill makes your magazine fully reload."
"Darth Traya's Zetas are just so brokenly overpowered."
"Cool Cyborg. Oh, call Cyborg, sorry. He can shoot a rocket out of his shoe 'cause he's Cyborg."
"Sora's got a bag of tricks and nobody else has really awkward tricks. That's what I'm saying."
"Yeah, that is metal and it's definitely up there for one of the wildest final smashes in the game."
"Could you imagine sitting there for two minutes just waiting for Sephiroth's final smash to finish?"
"In Sonic's final smash, he summons all of the Chaos Emeralds and transforms into Super Sonic."
"Toon Link's final smash in all three Smash games is the Triforce."
"Zarya just does massive amounts of damage, it's absolutely ridiculous."
"Zarya's new ability to choose where to place each of her two particle barriers often allows her to build up high energy very quickly."
"She can project cosmic energy in heat, light, or concussive blasts."
"Populism requires political mechanisms which allow the masses to express themselves."
"I like the fact that the Night King used his powers to protect his troops."
"Gear Fourth Snake Man trades off all of his defense and bulk for speed."
"Trolls should be able, even though they're taking on Troll Slayers, the trolls should be able to take these guys out."
"Nova has it all: damage reduction, nuking power, mobility, and utility."
"He can brew plagues, he has souls gained plus 25 when plagues are spread which is massive."
"Suze negates the one weakness that Roadhog and MAA have: Biotic Grenade."
"She's like a hyper mobile glass Cannon like Zenyatta who also has that level of damage output."
"I think that people just hear invulnerability and their brain just turns off and they think damn that's broken."
"Now with Prowler's Claw, even if you're standing next to a wall, she can still flip behind you and proc the ult, removing this counter."
"Unlocking a whole new bag of tricks, Prowler's Claw removes the biggest counter of Fiora's ultimate."
"A larger Rava fused with Korra means a whole different level of power for the Avatar."
"Legendary Godzilla's ranged attack is a blinding light with enough power to blow away opponents hundreds of feet away."
"His passive immunity against inability effects and increase in attack gauge when allies become incapacitated... make him shine best in World Arena."
"Necros excel both in the pve and the pvp realm for eso. They're highly desired in both cases, those powerful ultimates especially can be game changers."
"You're going to be able to throw things way further than most other characters."
"The plant debuted in the original Super Mario Brothers and since we know its moves already, it's fair to say that it'll have the longest melee range in the game."
"Tied as the game's fastest job, excluding Beastmaster, the Thief stands on two solid pillars of stealing MP and spamming among the game's strongest single target attacks, Godspeed Strike."
"Using Kylo properly does not include mindlessly slashing your lightsaber until your stamina is drained and instead requires strategy and ability cooldown."
"Zero Suit is still ridiculous, she's still so mobile."
"Mario's dumb, he just kills you in so many situations."
"We're gonna get extra attack and fast movement...so that's kind of nice."
"Arrows that come at you and throwing them back, uh yeah, there's... I mean, your maneuverability gets upscaled here."
"Miles may not be as crafty as Peter, but with his venom powers and camouflage, he doesn't need to be."
"This subclass is saying to you, 'Hey, guess what? Double the number of spells known as a sorcerer.'"
"Never gets old and I wish Mario could have this move even when he's not mini."
"Those boots let you move so freaking fast to make you look like freaking sanic!"
"Reaching the top will pit you against the mad lad Boom Boom and you'll have to use three well-timed ground pound attacks to defeat him."
"Dream Land 2 added the animal buddies that actually have different powers."
"Ranger abilities... more interesting to play."
"Kirito is crazy in this game, dude, because it doesn't matter if they hold F, I can still use the second part of it."
"Kirito's the fact that he has the passive where you can like dash attack and stuff and all your attacks move you forward a little bit. It's kind of crazy."
"Her buff is so big you're also going to see her in teams that don't necessarely need a hydro unit."
"She can fly across the map for so long being able just to launch onto any single target she's so incredibly broken right now."
"When you're able to make Aloy's various tools and abilities come together it creates some harrowing and exciting battles."
"Life Drinker adds your charisma modifier as necrotic damage to your attacks."
"Quick attack not only is that a combo starter it's a kill confirm at certain percents."
"Villagers jab is literally Pikachu's jab on steroids because not only is it safe you can choose to keep it going however as long as you want."
"When Dia unleashes her Elemental burst, she enters the Blazing lioness State."
"First constellation provides a significant damage boost and interruption resistance."
"Lastly, your sixth constellation is a pretty insane one that will increase the damage and the duration of your charge attack throughout its duration. In fact..."
"Pokemon Trainer is carried by Ivysaur, but Charizard has insane out-of-shield options."
"Monet is essentially a near perfect being, all of her physical and mental skills are greater than the natural physical limits of peak humans."
"Fl4k can have a permanent pet following you and helping you in battle."
"Amara has an unparallel ability to dish out powerful melee damage."
"His physical abilities can do more damage than others and are sneakily one of the better CCs in the game."