
Rendering Quotes

There are 460 quotes

"The simulator learns intricate rendering, intuitive physics, long-horizon reasoning, and semantic grounding, all by some denoising and gradient maths."
"Using the physical renderer because it's more physically accurate with its light, global illumination, shadows, and reflections."
"It's going to say you sure you want to render it's not a real render and I go yes and then it's going to kick out a really really fast play blast version of our animation."
"Another big question when you start a project is what renderer do you want to use?"
"With baked lighting, you have GI (Global illumination)."
"Distance fields can also be used to generate soft shadows."
"Every adjustment brings us closer to the perfect render."
"It's almost as if it's almost like immediate mode rendering... just render all the pixels and then once you're done, once we have a new thing, something has changed, just render them all again."
"You can envision building a component with your like custom DSL and then rendering it down to whatever you want."
"None of the triangles get drawn behind the camera."
"Increase the subsurface... the more detail you're actually going to see."
"It's not a spectacular groom but it's just sort of showing you that you can go from something very quickly to a full render in a short period of time."
"Ray tracing: the most realistic rendering method that exists."
"Blender is way superior when it comes to rendering compared to ZBrush."
"Threadripper: transforming rendering with superior quality and reduced file sizes."
"This is going to allow us to change how our materials look here for this rendered view."
"Unreal and Blender are physically based renderers."
"Unreal automatically generates irradiance volumes, except they're called volumetric light maps."
"Stationary lights offer the best of both worlds: baked lighting and dynamic lighting on movable objects."
"With Unreal's Sky and Atmosphere system, we get a realistic preview of our scene."
"Open Image Denoiser Included - Enhance Your Renders with Noise Reduction"
"It's really important to note that the only way that rendering is really effective or cross hatching is really effective on a figure is if your underlying structure and your lighting is well established."
"Energy conservation is absolutely essential for physically based renderers."
"The Sheen layer is now a proper and useful component."
"Possible improvements: iridescence... we really want that."
"The normal map doesn't add anything to the render times which makes it amazing."
"Object instancing can significantly reduce memory usage and render times."
"Render times are important because if you spend too long rendering, you'll end up like me living in a box on the side of the highway."
"Viewport shading vs. rendering: making your scene pretty."
"Blender also comes with a cycles render and that thing is a beast!"
"Positioning for the metaverse: Core services like rendering are crucial."
"With that all said and done, you're ready to render out a final animation."
"Blender can actually handle that many vertices being rendered in a scene."
"Just rendering that stuff out. By today's standards, everything can render at this point."
"The video game graphics rendering pipeline has three key steps: Vertex Shading, Rasterization, and Fragment Shading."
"Accuracy of details: How well model renders images with greater details."
"Shader Forge is for the default render pipeline; Shader Graph is for URP and HDRP."
"This one is beautiful rendering at its finest."
"Let's go ahead and give it a render pass, let's go ambient occlusion."
"We're going to need some JavaScript if we want to begin rendering out artwork."
"Lighting is something that'll make or break just about any render."
"Virtual DOM compares with the previous state to understand which areas need updates."
"You can set a time limit to your render, rendering the image in just over 1 second."
"Rendering basically is just painting on top of the already established values and shadows."
"Occlusion culling will make sure that objects are only rendered when they need to be, so if an object isn't seen by the camera or is behind a wall, it won't be rendered."
"You recognize yourself. It's a really incredible experience when you see it rendered in its final form."
"Rendering things in VR requires a lot of pixels to look good."
"This just kind of gets the skin fully rendered and gets your shadow on there at the same time."
"But as SketchUp users again that means that we've got access to this really interesting RTX and real-time rendering technology."
"Lighting pretty much makes or breaks your renders."
"One more thing I'm going to do is go to render settings and enable motion blur."
"The main reason for processing photogrammetry models is to reduce the number of faces and vertices while maintaining high-quality rendering."
"Then I also got a lighting pass that was a separate render for the interactive light from the beams coming out of the box."
"Make a conscious effort to render 3D forms as much as you can."
"...but it is much much lighter to render."
"We're gonna set the render to look at that camera."
"Plus the rendering just ends up looking really cool with the principled hair rendering options that you have."
"The other thing that really kind of showcases the cool hair rendering here is adding some depth of field to a camera."
"Anisotropic filtering helps us create a more visually appealing look for models that are viewed from an oblique angle."
"UseEffect runs on every render, which means that when the count changes, a render happens."
"By avoiding rendering when it's not needed, it's going to make your component more efficient."
"Now if we render this again now, we should see something slightly different."
"PBR simulates the actual behavior of light in the game engine."
"Ambient occlusion is reserved for the shadows, because after all, that's where there is ambient light to be occluded."
"You can use them for selection sets and they're better optimized for rendering."
"The results are just beautiful I mean in fact as we're taking things from the 60s we want to render them as they were in the 60s and as we go to the 70s same thing right."
"The rendering of the whole piece is really great."
"Rasterization is the process of... painting that R is rasterization."
"The higher you go, the longer your render is going to take."
"I hope that this has inspired you to make some of your own kind of renders."
"What a 3D modeling software does is it gives us the ability to create digital 3D objects that can be rendered onto a 2D screen in a way that allows us to perceive them as 3D."
"Now we have multiple different cards that we are rendering and each card has the make as well as the price."
"React memoization: rename it in your brain to 'render if the props have changed'."
"There's nothing better, I think, when you're learning rendering programs, than working into an example."
"The results that come from it are absolutely excellent."
"The render times are incredibly quick."
"...fundamentally a two-level radiance caching system where we try to have very few rays, but make the most of every ray by caching the radiance and then using it for sampling."
"...we get some form of recurrent infinite multi-bounce effect for free, limited though because the reflector needs to be on screen for this to work, which is nice."
"This effectively gets the luminance of the new sample we've just calculated versus the luminance of the reprojected history."
"And this is the final comparison, the path tracer, running on that scene, and GI-1.0."
"What I've described really so far can be referred to as diffuse interpolation, where we estimate the irradiance."
"Culling is the idea that if I'm showing the moon I don't necessarily need to render the backside of the moon unless I need to see through."
"A shader is really just a callback, but it's a callback that runs on the GPU millions of times for each frame to render a certain part or a certain aspect of the image."
"...once that application has finished submitting everything it needs to do for this current frame, it will move on to the next frame while the renderer renders that frame."
"Here's the rasterization phase. It's rasterizing individual triangles. Whites are in, blacks are out for each individual triangle."
"Server side rendering is a technique that involves rendering web pages on the server rather than the browser."
"It has to calculate the coordinates of everything, it has to calculate the size of everything and place it on the screen, and then when all that is done, it actually renders every pixel on the screen."
"Each render contains its own symbol. For instance, the point layer we just looked at contained a simple render with a picture marker symbol as its symbol."
"So my tip, if you're not gonna even if you're gonna do an animation but especially if you're gonna do a single render that you want to look extra good, I'd probably combine the workbench renderer with EEVEE or cycles."
"But bear in mind if you do a lot of Blender rendering or 3D like V-Ray or something like that then the more cores and more threads is better for you."
"You can bring in anything you can take pictures of, bring it into fusion and use it for rendering, use it for 3d printing."
"If I stop the IPR, it says okay, I just freed up my pipe to go over here and be able to draw that because this actually is Arnold in the little wind in the little material um preview."
"...that's basically the setup that that's all there really is to it and what I do is I render this in redshift."
"Now we come to the output settings so I usually like to render all my projects at 4K I find that I get a much higher quality result even if I'm going to use the render at 1080P or HD I still like to render it at 4K."
"The renderer will read the data in the scene and then presumably create a list of commands that it'll send to the GPU to actually render the scene."
"Termite, St, and Alacrity all rendered just fine on the unicode test."
"The biggest advantage of using Unreal is that you can render entire sequences in minutes."
"So now we're compositing, right? This scene on top of this scene in Blender, and if I go back to my first scene and render things out, it's going to render both shots and put them together for me."
"The fat on the brisket flat, you can sort of see how it kind of peels off like that, that means it's not fully rendered."
"MC Escher is great at a lot of things we're talking about like look at this beautiful rendering of the drawing."
"Lighting in a ray tracing render engine is just the same thing as real world lighting."
"You can see you have some nice HDR lighting going on here and you can also then in your Eevee settings here up in the render settings go ahead and enable screen space reflections."
"Using voxels for dynamic simulations allows for diverse rendering and simulation options."
"...thought it would be really fun to create this apple pie render for the holiday season."
"He and I are gonna sit down each one of us with a laptop and see who can bust out the coolest render."
"It's practically rendering my model almost in real time with their RT cores and AI tensor cores."
"Physically Based Rendering or PBR is a method of shading and rendering that provides a more accurate representation of how light interacts with material properties, allowing you to create realistic materials in your rendering software."
"And those are some tips and tricks for creating realistic materials in D5 Render."
"Our page will render correctly if there's a header inside of it."
"It's fun, of course, to begin at the beginning and show you guys what a simple 2D renderer looks like and the concepts behind that."
"The goal is to give you less of a performance cliff to say, be as dynamic as you want, and we'll render it."
"Finally, the GUI consumes those and renders the paths."
"The fragment shader runs on a per fragment basis."
"We have an estimate of where the incoming lighting is coming from and we send more rays in those directions."
"So both stacks together are still a lot faster than Photoshop, and in Photoshop, you don't have the chance to choose a different render setting."
"Once we have enough in the render API to draw a triangle, guess what we're gonna do? We're gonna write a renderer that can draw a triangle."
"Let's dynamically render the post and show it to the user."
"Calling a map on a JavaScript object to render 3D assets is mindblowing."
"...when we render that component to the DOM its template is injected into the DOM."
"I love the rendering, so do I. Yes, great rendering."
"It's the pure data representation of what you see rendered in the browser."
"Our application is either in a state where the modal is nice and rendered or it is not rendered."
"We want to have as many details as we can in order to make the render in the end more compelling and more realistic."
"Through it, you can populate and render a template using variable replacement tags, including conditionals, looping, inheritance, and inclusion, and function-like macros."
"Now that you have a template, you render it using the render method, passing in any context variables that can be used to turn the template into a result."
"Fusion lets you bring in your own HDR image background for rendering."
"Rendering the project is basically processing all of the different edits, effects, composites, things like that that you've made on your scene."
"If you want the highest color Fidelity, render in exrs."
"The way that we make a nice render is by choosing the HDRI image that we like and adding proper lights to it."
"Rendering is an art of patience and precision."
"If you want to learn more details about what each of these textures does, take a look at this video that I created previously about physically based rendering."
"Now we're going to go into a rendered view, and the scene looks really nice, actually."
"These things combine to make subtle differences that add warmth and a little bit of contrast and a little bit of style to your render."
"Subsurface scattering gives our highlights a bit more of a highlight."
"This route I'm going to create, I'm going to render it and do all the hydration related things on the server and ship it directly."
"The nice thing is, with a reasonably up-to-date graphics card, you can render scenes up to a certain level of complexity virtually in real time."
"That means it speeds up rendering while improving quality."
"Denoising is a technique that can remove noise from images after rendering and thus saving rendering time."
"This rendering is amazing, it's a great render."
"So here is our shot right now, and I feel like this is starting to look pretty good, and it's time for a render."
"You can never trust a fast render; that almost always means that something's wrong."
"The difference between the Scanline and the Ray Trace... if you're going to create a reflection or some actually physically accurate shadows, you need to use the Ray Render node."
"In the refraction tab, which is also transmission, make sure to increase the weight and set the IOR to something realistic."
"Make sure to disable Opaque, which means you will get transparent shadows which glass actually has."
"What is a CG multipass render? A CG render with multiple extra layers or passes that are to be used to recreate the beauty render, which is the final image, and to aid in further manipulation while compositing."
"It's just giving your renders a bit more detail, just a bit more of realism."
"Rendering takes a lot of time, so the goal is to give the compositor as much flexibility as possible."
"Let's enable these render passes to give our compositor as much flexibility as possible."
"We call this feature time slicing; it doesn't block the thread while it's rendering."
"Now when we hit F12 to render this out, we've got a scene with custom materials and custom lighting."
"Press Control plus B and drag over the camera; this will tell Blender to render only that region."
"SheepIt Render Farm is a free distributed render farm made for Blender."
"When you upload a project to SheepIt, every frame is split up and rendered by different computers simultaneously, which is way faster than having to render frames one by one on your own machine."
"Use effect is rendered at the very start of the component."
"What determines the order in which they draw... is actually just who runs their draw event first."
"Now in the Cycles rendering engine, you are able to get that bloom effect, you can see right here in Blender EV, you're able to get this really cool real-time bloom effect."
"Applying anti-aliasing will blend the colors of the shapes' edges with the surrounding colors, resulting in a smoother rendering of the drawing."
"Path guiding helps the renderer to concentrate rays along similar pathways that have been noted to return higher light values."
"I think the Fusion 360 rendering engine can produce excellent results if you just give it some time."
"Looking good, alright everybody, I hope you're on your way to creating some great photorealistic renderings of your designs."
"Once you render it out, it will look awesome, I promise you that."
"I'm a big fan of cycles, and there's no reason to use Blender render."
"Better rendering may make some shading things that I teach you obsolete."
"Gone are the days when I first started doing rendering, you'd go home and the next day you'd come back and if you were lucky you'd get something you want."
"This sci-fi metal material works really great in both Cycles and Eevee."
"It has a wonderful way of rendering images."
"Now would you look at that, beautiful interpolated pixels of our triangles."
"Graphics API is how we're going to send the data, the vertices, the texture, the normals of the vertices, this huge information of the 3D model we go and we implement to be rendered."
"It is much faster to call draw once and have it draw 10,000 objects than to have then to call 10,000 draw calls."
"You want to try to avoid changing state as often as possible and you want to try to avoid having draw calls as much as possible."
"The Ankylosaurus looks just so beautiful; I just love the way it's rendered."
"Rendering can be used as a communication tool to communicate mood, styling, and the ideas that are in your head with the audience you're trying to communicate with."
"So if you're ready, let's jump straight into ZBrush and look at rendering using BPR filters."
"This method of rendering was shown to me by the people at ZBrush, and I just want to thank them for showing me how to render my model inside of ZBrush without having to composite it later inside of Photoshop."
"It's very quick, very easy to understand how to do this."
"It's very handy to use if you are a concept artist and you don't have access to a render engine such as Keyshot or Maya."
"You can use ZBrush to composite your image out and use it as a final piece in your portfolio."
"We don't have to go take it into Keyshot or take it into Maya to render out a turntable; you can do that all within ZBrush."
"V-Ray is still the champ when it comes to image quality."
"Once you can figure that out, then the actual rendering process is really straightforward."
"Let's go ahead and Render this document and we'll be able to see the input and the output on the viewer side."
"Understanding how the node editor works in a rendering point of view will really help you to save time and create even better materials out of the gate."
"The most important part of a render is the lighting."
"I prefer using the Cycles render engine because Cycles is a bit more realistic."
"Back to Front, we are basically using what we call the painter's algorithm."
"For objects rendered in the Transparent mode, the Alpha value will decide how transparent each point on their surface is."
"The RTX 3090 is taking about 5 minutes and 22 seconds to render a five minute 4K 60h.265 render."
"This alone empowers artists to create USD based scene graphs that go from master creation to a final render."
"Now I have an entire city that I can use to render quite nicely."
"The performance increase in actual 3D rendering is ridiculous."
"This next part is possibly one of my favorites because this is what's going to really add that element of realism to your render."
"Next.js gives us the ability to fetch data in different ways, so it also allows us to do client side rendering as well as server side rendering."
"Whether you're actually coming up with a new material for an item or it's just adding realism to an image... you can do all those things to really help increase the quality of your renderings."
"Once you start rendering, you already have immediate satisfaction."
"It's not about creating the best renders; it's to know how to actually achieve them."
"So that's our scene baked, textured, lit, and rendered out for our portfolios."
"Once you're familiar with creating a 3D scene, I'll show you how to render it out as a 3D output."
"Hopefully, you can take these techniques and methods and translate that to any type of render you would want to make."
"I get really pretty good looking renders with only a little bit of tweaking needed in post."
"I hope you learned some stuff, and again if you want to use Concierge Render, get that five dollars of free credit."