
Future Technologies Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"There's a lot of stuff brewing behind the scenes at OpenAI, as you'll see. OpenAI might be thinking multiple steps ahead, steps that we can't even see."
"Imagine a future where you could have your genome changed so that you could be reprogrammed to be younger."
"We often discuss the particular processes for terraforming a world or various megastructures we might build in space to serve as habitats, industries, or weapon systems, but we don’t really talk about the basic drive, motivation, and strategy of doing these things."
"Transhumanism: Humans may edit their genes to adapt to any environment or merge with computers, embracing existence as digital consciousnesses."
"AI is Big. Robotics is Big. That's what is next."
"The future of interaction is being, not clicking, touching, swiping, or speaking."
"Sometimes it’s the older ideas that can help pave the way for a brighter future."
"In the future, you could get from New York City to Los Angeles in 3.5 hours."
"AI is disrupting jobs we didn't quite imagine be disrupted first we thought it'd be accountants or whatever and what it ends up being is artists creators."
"AI is expected to bring about once unimaginable capabilities."
"This other Fusion thing right, it's the way to go forward."
"Vertical farming: the future of food according to Bill Gates."
"The future of 3D printing looks promising, with increasing implementation in housing, infrastructure, and custom-made designs."
"They're gonna have certain technologies that roll out where you can't always believe what you see."
"Invest in the future. The future on the stock market side is what's going on with cryptocurrencies, electric cars, charging stations. Tesla is obviously the leader in electric cars."
"Scientists, science fiction authors, and under-qualified youtubers have all spent time pondering just what the human race could do with near-limitless energy."
"Comparing an Apple self-driving system and a Tesla self-driving system sounds like a future I want to be in."
"I actually think it might define the future of home battery storage."
"Meta is in the business of making dreams come true, bringing people together, and creating new experiences that will usher us into a utopian future."
"I'm beautiful because of it and I absolutely love it."
"We're looking at a future in which organic food and clean energy are cultivated with levels of abundance never before seen."
"Hyperloop networks will connect major cities, allowing rapid, efficient, and environmentally friendly travel at speeds that exceed 600 miles an hour."
"Fusion is the only reaction that can take us to the stars."
"The next generation of cell therapy will allow us to treat many medical conditions."
"It's about investing in industries of the future."
"Cold fusion will be a very, very important part of energy as we work to create safe power and efficient power."
"In the decades to come, nuclear fusion could not only change everything about the way the world fights Wars but it could literally change the way Humanity approaches the concept of conflict itself."
"The energy that we need is going to be mastering this fusion."
"It's like electricity. It's going to be a much larger technology than most people in the current world get at this point."
"We might even see a future where NFTs could be an animated movie or something."
"Concepts such as ion drives, nuclear thermal propulsion, and even theoretical ideas like antimatter engines and warp drives represent the cutting edge of research that could one day enable us to reach other star systems."
"Are tidal energy systems destined to become the next big wave of renewables?"
"Super soldiers could become a reality with genetic modification."
"It's stuff like this that makes me pumped for the future of games."
"I made this video because it's important that people understand the future."
"The variolift airship... will change the world of air travel forever."
"AI technology is already planning what it is going to do."
"I take things like gestural recognition or projection or artificial intelligence or robotics and see what that might do in the future."
"Geoengineering is going to be a very big thing very soon."
"We would completely clean up the environment in 10 or 20 years. 20 years on the economy would boom with all of these new technologies."
"Whoever controls the battery industry controls the future of the world."
"This is the future of high speed transportation."
"For your thoughts, the future of energy production: sustainable energy, fossil fuels, efficient, and fusion."
"Cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, this is the future."
"The technologies we’ve discussed for terraforming and colonizing other worlds."
"The future plane was supposed to be something like this."
"It's very clear that our days of loving the consumption of gasoline are to an extent numbered, but the days of cars like this aren't."
"This is all speculation of course, but that's why we're here to have some fun and think about the future."
"The exciting promise of this next industrial revolution."
"Agromining is one of the tools we will need in the future."
"The world is gonna become much more efficient."
"This could be the next generation revolution in transport."
"We were talking earlier about, you know, that it's very plausible that within the next decade or so, that biologists are going to have figured out and geneticists are going to figure out a way to clone the woolly mammoths."
"Loads of reasons why fusion has enormous potential."
"Every manufacturer has basically said all of our next-generation supercars and mega cars and whatever are gonna be some sort of hybrids."
"There's tremendous opportunity. I do believe that digital currencies, decentralized finance and those types of trends and innovations, they're disruptive technologies that will prove to be very fruitful in the future."
"Let's change the future of cars. That is how we need to evolve."
"We're going to do another feature film like unacknowledged in Close Encounters of the fifth kind and it'll be about all these sciences and technologies that can save the planet within a decade or two."
"I think there's a future in electric towing."
"The future of energy storage will come down to two competing technologies: do we go hydrogen or do we go batteries?"
"We have so many exciting technologies that we're gonna be launching over the next couple of years here. Everything safe for you, the bees, and the trees."
"The scenario where AI is really safe is a society of AIs acting as human agents."
"We dismantle our solar system to build something far grander, and far friendlier to life."
"The science is just going to be so goddamn sexy."
"In the future, there's going to be a lot more solar on rooftops and a lot more batteries storing that solar energy than there are today."
"Titan is really cool for that, I'd love to see this working."
"I have got great faith in humanity's ability to technically innovate and to come up with new forms of energy."
"Lithium is what we have, but we need to move to the next one shortly. It's a really game-changing technology when you understand it."
"Renewable energy is an exciting and noble path to lead our future into, but it may not be our only option."
"Change something which will be there for the long term. Machine learning makes sense because that's the future."
"It'll be interesting to see this one develop because it could end up being a big piece of what leads to a future $25,000 Tesla."
"Graphene batteries and super capacitors... is a very, very big area of research."
"Execs running the world's major car companies agree that fuel cells may very well be the way of the future."
"Hallucination will not go away unless we discover a new machine learning methodology, something new that will equip AI with this model of the world, with this understanding of even physical actions."
"We often see it as a lynchpin of a future solar economy, able to provide hydrogen and nitrogen to places like Mars that have very little of either, or Venus, which has plenty of nitrogen but very little hydrogen."
"We're always looking at disruptive technologies, what's going to change in the future market trends."
"We explore different technologies that will impact the manufacturing in the future."