
Knowledge Pursuit Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"To remain humble before the vastness of God's universe, for in our pursuit of knowledge, it becomes ever clearer that we are but a small part of His grand design."
"The more you know, the more you realize how much more there is to know."
"Knowledge should be the goal, which is belief held to such a high degree of confidence and warrant that it would be worldview altering to discover that it was wrong."
"But it's not really the end because there's always something new to learn."
"Learn, not to accrue knowledge, but to unravel the essence of understanding."
"Our business here is not to know all things, but those which concern our conduct."
"The Mechanicus do not seek knowledge through research or reverse engineering. They seek it through Standard Template Constructs or fragments of such."
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence."
"If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us."
"In the pursuit of knowledge, every day something is acquired."
"When you say 'I don't know,' it's fine, but you should try to know what are the things behind the thing."
"I've been diving deep into my research, trying to figure out what the heck is going on."
"The goal isn't the meaning. It's really the pursuit and generation of knowledge."
"Ultimately, this whole story is about us, our curiosity, our love, our passion for knowledge, and about that unique adventure which is science that allows us to build this cathedral of knowledge where we can all enter to understand ourselves better and to contemplate the beauty of the universe."
"These discoveries reminded us that pursuing knowledge knows no bounds."
"Every stone we turn leaves us with more questions than before and, in turn, drives us ever forward in our search for ultimate knowledge."
"Science is a pursuit of knowledge, not a definitive having of knowledge."
"It's really important to answer this question."
"Suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics but it is not the path to knowledge."
"Ambition for knowledge is one aspect of the goodness of man."
"There is perhaps no better illustration of the close links between Islam and science than the Prophet's Hadees, 'Seek after science even in China,' which is a veritable invitation to man to enrich his knowledge."
"He craved the answers, understandings beyond his imagination, the revelations that would finally put his curiosity to rest."
"So many questions but it's important to ask."
"I'm obsessed with the idea that I can learn and know a lot of things."
"I don't know. I hope to one day know and make that truth journey."
"I research it until about 4am until my eyes physically cannot stay open anymore, so then I go to sleep and then I wake up and the thoughts are still screaming in my head."
"I much rather be that ignorant kid that always asks questions and then, you know okay."
"People have been always seeking knowledge and thinking critically, so that's so refreshing to see."
"If you think you know what the answer is, don't you stop looking for the right answer."
"Science is an extraordinary way of exploring nature."
"I just want to know more, do you know what I mean? Because if I'm right, that means someone's wrong."
"And more than anything else there is always something more to learn."
"I am always relentlessly curious and I always want to find the answer why."
"Those who question eventually will get closer to the truth."
"We're going to be learning more, that's for sure. Now the depth of what we learn, that's what we're fighting for right now."
"Ideas in, equal ideas out. You must chase that knowledge down, it is a relentless pursuit."
"Having intellectual curiosity, having a hunger for knowledge, having that sort of attitude of nothing philosophical nothing valuable is alien to me."
"I'm going to focus on making this channel what I want it to be and respect the hell out of anyone who stays loyal to the community we build around it."
"You don't know what the truth is going to be difficult to find unless you try to find."
"Patience and perseverance are keys to seeking knowledge and guidance."
"A person remains knowledgeable so long as they are seeking knowledge."
"This is why we want to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible..."
"I'd rather have questions I cannot answer than answers I cannot question."
"I want to know, so let's move from I want to believe to I want to know."
"Life to me, I read not just to be rich. I want to know."
"Curiosity is stoked by having a little knowledge because when you have a little knowledge, curiosity is the desire to fill gaps in knowledge."
"The university is to pursue truth, produce knowledge, and serve as a community of Scholars."
"You're always learning; the day you stop learning, you're dead."
"Curiosity is the cure so you won't be ignorant anymore."
"As long as we get as close as we possibly can to the objective truth."
"The offer of certainty, the offer of complete security... is an offer of something not worth having... I want to live my life taking the risk all the time that I don't know anything like enough yet."
"I want to know everything... we're going to keep pushing."
"I'm always going to be trying to learn as much as possible."
"You're never gonna know everything, you're always gonna feel like you know nothing."
"If you really want to understand something, then it matters what the truth is."
"People fear what they don't know, they fear the unknown, and if there's a topic within witchcraft, if there's a topic within the world that you are quite fearful of, take the time to learn a little bit more about it."
"It is America's destiny to be at the forefront of humanity's eternal quest for knowledge."
"The quest for knowledge is almost a moral imperative. Outer Wilds makes a passionate plea for space exploration by making it clear there's value in actually having people go out to these places and see these things."
"I am simply an ordinary man pursuing extraordinary knowledge."
"These natural tools offer us the ability to seek greater knowledge, tools that could positively affect life on our planet."
"I think it's ignorant of any people not to seek out what we need to know to continue the universe."
"Stay curious and never be happy until we get answers."
"An inquiring mind is one that sees before it the opportunity for knowledge and strives to move forward."
"The entire way that you said that you view the pursuit of knowledge is antithetical to science."
"Science was the tool. Science could get us to an understanding of what UFOs are, and that's what he advocated for."
"Curiosity while sometimes rewarded for its efforts often proves to be equally dangerous."
"Read more to understand the perspectives of others."
"Do your research and never stop learning... There's always more to learn."
"Find what works, find good information, and use the best tools at your disposal to move forward and live the best life, knowing as many true things and as few false things as possible." - Eric
"Understanding the 'why' of everything is our biggest deal."
"Science is the systematic study of the natural world."
"We're done with that... we're going into the knowledge barrier."
"Science isn't claiming to have the truth, it's seeking the truth."
"Curiosity and search for answers is one thing."
"Basic research is about seeking new knowledge, while applied research is about solving real-world problems."
"I started to develop a hunger for understanding more about the way reality works."
"There's always the desire to want to be another level knowledgeable."
"On the mountains of truth, you can never climb in vain."
"Chase the skills that help build that stuff. Chase knowledge. Chase practical application of that knowledge."
"If it interests you, you will read up on it. And if you find it more interesting, you will read up even more."
"A wizard is someone with an absolute thirst for knowledge, specifically as it relates to the Arcane Arts, allowing them to cast spells they dedicate their lives to."
"If you want to know something you go learn it."
"Searching for what's out there helps us understand what's in here."
"Questions are almost always better than answers."
"It's kind of this unending quest of chasing down knowledge."
"We just need knowledge; we haven't got it, and we're desperate for that knowledge."
"I want to know everything I can possibly learn and report it to you."
"Just stick with what you do know, and the path will become clearer."
"Don't run towards ignorance, run towards knowledge and science."
"But if we found one overwhelming answer, it's that we need to keep asking questions."
"Removing temptation can lead to the development of higher knowledge."
"If you can make it through your day and still sleep at night, you're doing better than most."
"The more we can learn and understand the whys behind things happening, the more at peace and chill we can be."
"We have to break from the social agreements... reach for information and knowledge that is beyond the boundaries of what's currently accepted."
"Don't rely on faith alone to get you to truth."
"Just don't always look for the drama look for some knowledge too and something you can gain because that time that you sat there and even just watched that [expletive] or somebody get into it you could have spent learning something as well."
"Get kids involved... It's amazing how much load is taken off your shoulders."
"Y'all have made it this far and those big bulging IQs are thirsty for knowledge."
"Lift off time as you can tell by our countdown clock."
"Commit yourself to pursue knowledge men, I challenge you to decide from this night forward that you're gonna turn your home into a library. You have to do this."
"The ability to say 'I don't know' takes honesty. It takes courage. It's the first step towards knowledge."
"Science should be about trying to make things as objective as possible."
"I really fundamentally believe there are folks that are curious and want to know more."
"Merlin's primary drive in life is learning everything there is to know, and in that sense, she is a glutton for knowledge."
"Curiosity is good, people should be more inquisitive, asking questions is the way to knowledge."
"The good reason to do science is because you're really curious, you want to figure out the truth."
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom... Understanding the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
"Specific knowledge is found by pursuing your genuine curiosity and passion rather than whatever is hot right now."
"The pursuit of truth and the pursuit of knowledge, not the same thing."
"If you read enough and if you learn enough... you'll find the truth about things."
"You need to question, learn, look things up, go out and explore."
"Once you start learning, you're not gonna want to stop."
"Curiosity is one of the most important attributes of all humanity."
"For the charismatic intellectuals, the pursuit of knowledge is not just a passion but a calling, their lives a continuous journey towards enlightenment and the uncovering of the universe's deeper truths."
"...just take inspiration learn keep yourself curious and just go out there and chase that knowledge that costs the knowledge because you can never have enough of that."
"He wanted to know everything that could possibly be known about everything that was knowable."
"Practicing patience in the pursuit of knowledge allows us to explore ideas and perspectives in depth."
"You're described as someone who has an underlying current that proves that everything that you do is about personal growth, knowledge, and attainment."
"So I was basically leveraging almost anything that I did in life to just gain more knowledge of naval history."
"Interaction, communication, and circulation are the fundamentals of the pursuit of reliable natural knowledge."
"Learn, learn a lot. And never stop learning."
"We should pursue curiosity for curiosity's sake rather than use another thing."
"Freedom is the ability to work out what we fully desire to know."
"And until next time, keep learning."
"We study the Word primarily in order to know Him."
"It's the overwhelming hunger to know that's the key."
"Research can be a lot of fun if you actually do it right and if you actually love what you're learning from it."
"Seeking of knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim."
"The mathematical sciences speak: who wishes to know the various causes of things, learn about us; the way is open to us all."
"From the cradle to the grave, he was seeking knowledge."
"The pursuit of knowledge is a big one, and it'll keep you going for the rest of your life."
"Hop on the spaceship of knowledge; it's lifting off."
"The main thing is to just start asking the questions."
"We are always a student; we are always called to learn."
"We are thankful to those who preceded us and we will strive to act responsibly and collaboratively to carry forward the quest for knowledge for the betterment of all."
"Pursue knowledge unencumbered by ideological activism."
"He had a real thirst for knowledge."
"Oxford is much more than a physical place for teaching and learning; it is an ethos of human pursuit of knowledge right from the medieval times."
"The pursuit of knowledge is a journey that never ends."
"Science just proves itself, correcting. It's not perfect, but it's the best thing we've got."
"We should never stop questioning."
"Doing our own research is about getting deeper into science, not sidestepping it."
"Education comes from the Latin EduCare, to lead out of."
"Consistent learning is the secret to achieving massive intellectual goals."
"The end is not to prove that we are right, rather our program brings diverse minds together so that we can clarify what we do and do not know."
"We study logic, science, math, ethics, and many other fields because we believe there are better and worse solutions, true and false beliefs, valid and invalid arguments."
"In the pursuit of knowledge, every day something is gained."
"You have to break a few question eggs to get your answer omelet, Beasts."
"Let's start learning something good today."
"Each is responsive to a primitive, permanent, pervasive human curiosity."
"Because we are scientists, we must say an unalterable yes to these questions: it is our faith, our commitment, that knowledge is a good in itself."
"You should never stop educating yourself."
"It's about acquiring knowledge, about acquiring experience, and about doing as much as one can to keep yourself busy."
"By my 14th birthday, I had started taking an interest in cars and I started reading every published word about car specs."
"Get knowledge, get knowledge, get knowledge."
"We always try to find some new information."
"I love a good small question because the nice thing about a small question is it can be answered."
"Never get to a place where you think you've arrived and that there's no more to learn."
"If I'm gonna actually be obsessed with something, I better understand it."
"Seek knowledge, don't just take things blindly."
"It's the quest for knowledge that is exactly why I do what I do."
"I love to learn, I really do. We'd study something in class, and I take it outside of class and become like obsessive and just research everything."
"If we can all have the questions, we can all find the answers."
"Continue the persistent search for knowledge of things as they really are."
"As long as man has the thirst for knowledge, we will continue to press outward."
"I love learning, I love exploring things, I pursue knowledge and pursue information."
"It's not about the answers necessarily, it's often about the questions."
"I never chase money, I chase knowledge and wisdom."
"Forget about the 'I know' and remember how much there is to know."
"Take the initiative and the will to go and learn properly, not simply enjoy your time looking at debates and discussions back and forth."
"The road of discovery is a continuous undertaking, driven by curiosity, cooperation, and a constant quest for knowledge."
"I think you will come closer to the answers."
"I have this craving to understand reality as accurately as possible."
"I'm always down to learn more, I always want to improve myself."
"The more I researched, the more excited I got."
"If you really strive to learn something new on a regular basis, then Pran is definitely the brain haven for you."
"We don't stop learning because we grow old; we grow old because we stop learning."
"Research is key when you're interested in something."
"We're trying to find out what the answer here is, and come as close as we can to it."
"The Hipsterians... declared that they would treasure, admire, and honor the best, most perfect that might come from their knowledge."
"Curiosity has a sort of restlessness within it; I am curious of a particular object, observe it, and move on to something else."
"Knowledge is so pure that the more you seek it, the more your intention gets corrected."
"Sometimes science is just for science's sake."
"In the pursuit of knowledge, we must never part."
"With today's planetary positions, you will have no trouble focusing on your body and its thirst for knowledge."
"If you want to get closer to the absolute truths rather than just the truth that is relevant to us, then you want to study that."
"I pursue knowledge, not power. Power is nothing but the consequence of my search for the truth."
"Take this opportunity to learn some more. There is no harm."
"The pursuit of knowledge is an endless journey, filled with wonder and discovery."
"Learning can be an end, and not just a means to an end."