
Composition Quotes

There are 2422 quotes

"The universe, in its vastness, is not just a canvas of celestial bodies and expansive voids but is an intricate composition of harmonies."
"Composition is how everything comes together in the image to produce that final photo that tells the story of when you were there."
"I love the composition; the bride, in particular, looks great. Her profile looks really pretty."
"I love to do framing. I think it simplifies the composition and it's really interesting."
"Composition is everything, I think, in photography."
"The key ingredients of landscape photography are foreground, mid-ground, and background."
"The most common rule of composition being the rule of thirds, where you divide your frame into three equal parts horizontally and vertically."
"The greater the contrast, sometimes the more memorable the sections will be, the more refreshed we will feel."
"To write a great melody that can communicate with a listener requires both a perceptible internal logic and a sense of fluency for the melody to be coherent and sound natural."
"Fill the frame with any lens, even if it's mediocre, you're going to get a fantastic picture that people are going to love."
"Unity is defined as the feeling that all the elements fit together comfortably in your photo."
"For some time, it was called the diamond planet because it was believed to be composed of diamonds and graphite."
"You're supposed to be thinking now, before you take a photo, ask yourself: Where do you want the viewer's eye to go in this photo?"
"You'll need a solid understanding of composition to turn a practical item into a personalized piece of art that looks incredible from all angles."
"If you want to create depth or a dynamic feel, think about finding colors that are complementary."
"We arrange elements in a pleasing manner because we want to tell the viewer where to look."
"You now know the composition of what is usually referred to as Inception's theme, and that is the track 'Time'."
"Having these focus points out to the edge makes a real tangible difference in photography, improves your composition, and lets you get more beautiful pictures."
"A visual anchor is a bright, bold shape or object that attracts the eye, reducing the chaos in a scene and creating a starting point for the viewer's journey through the composition."
"Mastering contrast in your photography, composition, and editing is going to improve everything."
"What really turned my head was about a girl because to me, that sounded like a Lennon-McCartney composition."
"Knowing how to use, combine, and compose various elements in an image should enable you to create a picture that tells a story with substance."
"Good compositions are always the simple ones, either following one rule or more. As the photographer, keep in mind and think what you want to tell your viewer and how to say it to make it very clear."
"We create visual rhythm in a piece of art through repetition. Repetition helps to unify a piece of artwork and it creates that rhythm that can lead to a strong composition."
"I use the crop tool on just about every single one of my images very, very rarely do I ever get the composition right the very first time in camera while on location."
"Every track is tied to a particular scale and set of notes."
"Composition is sticking two functions together to get a new function."
"Tips for creative composition: place the subject and the horizon off the center frame with the foreground."
"The real power of object-oriented programming is that you can compose things together."
"Any song that can make the top 40 is a great composition." - Nile Rodgers
"Composition is about figuring out where the focal points are."
"The rule of thirds. If you align your subjects or your points of interest along the vertical lines or where the lines intersect, you'll end up with a much more pleasing and balanced composition."
"Leading lines. Streets, tree branches, fences - anything could be a leading line to draw the eye into frame and lead them toward a subject or a point of interest."
"Golden ratio. Put your point of interest in the little hole of the spiral, align the rest of the image with a rule of thirds type grid, and you're pretty much there."
"Balance. Using balance in your compositions can help your audience feel a sense of ease."
"Music creates tension and then relieves tension."
"Making an image interesting is... about how you design the elements on the page."
"Anytime I approach a score, it's all about the heart. What is the heart that we're trying to connect? Because that's what music does."
"I think you can be critical of a person without soliciting personal hate and personal attacks."
"It's about using the right point size and letting. It's gonna start to come together."
"Understanding color theory enhances photographic composition."
"It's not a matter of what colors you choose to include in your composition but which colors you leave out." - James Gurney
"Batman's theme almost sounds like someone took a March and threw it in a blender."
"This game is more than the sum of its parts."
"Descending lines tend to carry a sense of weight and seriousness to them, falling from the lighter, higher notes down into the heavier lower register."
"Bright Eyes, just the composition, chord progression, and lyricism."
"Each note is individuated and contextual... it's just so well balanced."
"A game can be far more than the sum of its parts."
"Avoiding symmetry in your canvas will help you create more interesting compositions in the future."
"Motifs are super cool building blocks in music."
"very catchy flows, clever wordplay and lyrics, and a fantastic instrumental"
"Every light Motif that ties into the next... genuinely one of the best scores of all time."
"Gesture drawings of compositions can help you understand how your eye moves through them." - Marshall
"Despite its short length and simple composition, the Song of Healing is gorgeously moving."
"It's honestly astounding that Koji Kondo was able to compose this in just a single day."
"So, my answer would be, the composition, the actual composition is done by an entity. If you believe in God and Islam, it's God who composed it."
"Knowing how to properly compose an image will instantly up your photo game."
"You can see if these shapes look unbalanced or if the composition looks kind of strange in some way."
"The compositional elements, the aesthetic elements, what is it saying in the lyrics, what is the meaning behind it?"
"Because we can harmonize every note of the scale, this now allows us to harmonize melodies and provide movement under those melodies."
"Personality, subject, and moment: these are the ingredients of a hit."
"Removing distracting elements can greatly enhance the composition and colors of a photo."
"Every note is actually a whole bunch of tiny notes put together."
"This song really is hook after hook after hook."
"Adding a person to a scene usually gives you a little bit more interest."
"The interest isn't always in the focal point but it is important to where that focal point is the composition that you're shooting."
"It's a perfect composition to switch in between."
"It just shows so much thoughtfulness in this composition overall."
"The music composed by Koji Kondo was just awesome."
"The composer is a genius, well done absolutely."
"We've adjusted all of our framing and Composition throughout this entire sequence."
"I'm a big fan of using out-of-focus areas in a frame to draw you in to the subject."
"Passionate, well-written song with a tasteful instrumental."
"The less crowded the background is, the better."
"Legendary camera work... a master of composition."
"It's not only what's in your frame but also what's not in your frame."
"Just keep composing... just show up and just keep composing."
"There is an element to Beethoven's music that is extraordinary nearly perfect and daring and conception even taken completely out of context with his mastery of form that is his sense of rhythm."
"These rules probably lie at the heart of most of the music you actually listen to and want to make."
"Ultimately, the message is still that these rules probably lie at the heart of most of the music you actually listen to and want to make."
"The authentic cadence is the most satisfying way to close out a phrase."
"This challenge is everything in one simple frame."
"Frame up your shots using the rule of thirds for more interesting compositions."
"Astronaut ice cream is mostly made of sugar, like whipped sugar."
"Music is then built on the relationships between these notes."
"They are tiny little sort of phrases that have a lot of musical potential already in them."
"There's such a beauty in ending in a root chord with a bright major chord in there. Like, it's such a satisfying ending to such a troubled and unpredictable ride."
"Use these compositional elements properly, and they will make your photographs far stronger."
"At the end of the day, the melody is the most important part of a piece of music."
"I love how it fades in and out of the chorus."
"Ghosts are wonderful to mix into a composition like this. I absolutely love it."
"The trio of composers on board developed a soundtrack so good it didn't even need remastering."
"Music is not subjective. A note can be amoral, a single note, but the way you put it together and even the style in which you put it together can be used for moral or immoral purposes."
"Beware neat theories of composition. The artist's feeling for composition, like the artist's feeling for proportion, is a highly personal thing." - Robert Beverly Hale
"That composition is lovely. It's very pleasing to look at."
"Everything in your picture must work in harmony."
"It's one of the places in the music that relies on very simple, standard type harmonic progressions."
"The score by John Williams never ceases to amaze."
"Composition is as important as exposure and colors."
"Having a good grasp of inverted chords is really gonna free you up to write way more interesting melodic and moving chord progressions."
"Earth, Wind & Fire only used five chords to make one of the most legendary songs ever."
"It's really difficult to get all the elements right in the composition."
"A well-balanced photo has a foreground, mid-ground, and background."
"Rule of thirds can actually be more powerful than placing them in the center."
"In composing music, first comes the music, then the realization of what it means."
"Ruby is just aluminum oxide that's been doped with a little bit of chromium."
"Simplicity, repetition of rhythm and pitch, and variations with little flourishes make a melody memorable."
"I wasn't like focused on like telling a story through and through, like there's no interludes or like crazy transitions or whatever, it's just a bunch of songs, but they do like, you know, tell you, they hold it down, you know what I mean."
"The main theme song was composed by gooseworks herself."
"We've got a lot of silicones in there which I love and a lot of like light diffusing powders."
"You create more space, but then the notes that you do choose to use become more important."
"None of the songs can survive without melody. There is a melody and there is a thought, but it's hidden sometimes."
"Harmony is the vertical aspect to music; it's the result of hearing two or more different pitches at the same time."
"The harmonic minor scale is the most commonly used of the minor scales because of its leading tone."
"The battle sequences are accompanied by the gladiator waltz that Hans wrote for the film."
"The use of diatonic modes in music is a very cool concept."
"This song is really interesting though, like composition-wise."
"It's got so many parts going and so much happening, but together they're just really anthemic."
"Architecture is composition; to compose is to put together, to place together."
"Most humans are 60% water, but I'm 100% human."
"People are made of cells, cells are made of molecules, molecules are made of atoms."
"Mapping a painting out like this really helps to decide where it's all going to go."
"Staging can be from big things like the positioning of components within your frame to more subtle changes in expression."
"Composition might be the single most important aspect when it comes to creating a picture."
"I'm fascinated about composition because I feel that if I mix every influence that I had during the years, I will create something unique."
"It's brilliant because it's pretty but then also it just helps the composition so much."
"A balanced photo is where the elements of the photo just seem to fit nicely together."
"It's more about composition and how you can get your composition right because that is what's most important for a good photo."
"If you have something in one diagonal, try and think about what's happening in the opposite diagonal as well as left and right and top and bottom."
"If you're struggling with composition then going with a long lens makes such a big difference to improving your composition."
"Thinking about your corners, thinking about what's happening in the corners and the edges of your image can make a big difference and change your photos quite dramatically."
"Composition in general is a huge thing, using color in composition and different visual hierarchy and visual elements to guide the eye of the viewer."
"I started out by doing little value study layouts... trying to get something that is interesting to look at and guides the viewer's eye to the correct place."
"Snow, which is crystallized ice, can be 95% air."
"On paper it's quite simple, but it feels like everything very much has its role to play in this sandwich."
"By making these top areas a bit brighter, we effectively move the eye where we want it."
"There's no right or wrong here; there are things that will technically work towards the grander composition of the painting, but we can take liberties and break rules and do all of that here."
"The important thing in the beginning is the same as any subject matter, whether it's landscape, still life, portrait, wildlife paintings, or whatever, the important thing is the abstract composition."
"Jeff Lynn could have turned evil woman into a vendetta to slander his ex-lover, but he has never divulged her identity."
"The golden rectangle is frequently used to frame the composition of paintings and architecture."
"We're not starting at the top and we're sketching our building from the top down, we're going to get those big shapes in."
"By darkening down areas that you don't want the viewer's eye to pay attention to and brightening the areas of the photograph you do want the viewer's eye to focus on, you create that depth and three-dimension of a scene."
"Lighting composition, camera movement, and directing engaging action sequences is really all it takes to create amazing videos that people genuinely want to watch."
"A hauntingly atmospheric composition."
"Learning what to leave out of an image is just as important as what to include."
"Vertically Orient your graphics towards the top of the canvas."
"You can actually compose in the dark using this mode."
"The most important thing in any photo is composition, light, and a story. You know where you are; those are the things that really, really matter."
"The composition and shots, like, it's like very artistic. It surprised me."
"If you're walking around, look for light, color, texture, reflections, gestures, interactions, emotions—all of those kind of things. And if you can combine multiple elements in one photo, then you definitely got the makings of a good photo."
"Composition is key. You choose what you want to include and what you don't want to include in the picture."
"I'm going to do one more eight bar thing, a buildup thing."
"The best shots are pointing at something that is really stunning and doing a simple movement right to left, up to down."
"A song is just melody plus chords."
"You really don't want to drag the viewer's attention to the corners of your photograph."
"Adding layers to an image can help direct the viewer's eyes around the frame to create a more interesting looking image."
"Leading lines act as a great way to draw the viewer's attention into the photo; they lead the viewer's eyes into the frame and can be used to create a sense of depth as well as direct attention to your subject."
"Foreground depth and interest can make your photos really stand out; this involves including elements in the foreground to give your photo more depth."
"Triangles and diagonal lines are a great way to increase dynamic composition and tension within an image; this technique involves using triangles or diagonal lines to draw the viewer's eyes into the photo."
"Pattern breaking is a photography composition technique that involves breaking up patterns in an image; it can be a very effective way to draw attention to the subject and direct the viewer's eyes around the frame."
"The rule of odds states that an odd number of elements in a photo will be more visually appealing than an even number of elements; it can help create some visual interest and draw attention to the subject."
"Simplicity involves stripping away all unnecessary elements and keeping only what's essential in the frame; it can be an incredibly powerful tool for creating impactful photos."
"Negative space does a great job of drawing attention to the subject of the photo; it involves leaving blank spaces in the frame that give your subject breathing room and create a sense of balance in the composition."
"Using analogous colors is a great way to create a more balanced image; by using three or four adjacent hues on the color wheel, you can create a harmonious effect when used together."
"Using complementary colors can create a striking contrast in your photos; complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel, and using them together can create a dynamic visual impact."
"Using contrast in your images is a great way to add visual depth, create visual interest, and to create an image that looks unique and interesting."
"Juxtaposition is a great way to add further dimensions and story to your image."
"Photography composition is all about how you arrange elements within a photo; it's an art form with certain guidelines and principles that will be used to create images with impact."
"By understanding the basics of photography composition, you'll be able to use them in your own photos to create better images and eventually break the rules to create your own creative compositional masterpieces."
"Placing key elements at these intersections will create a more visually appealing photo; it's called the rule of thirds because by creating these imaginary lines it divides the photo into thirds."
"Frame within a frame is an easy and effective way to draw the viewer's eyes into the photo; it creates a sense of depth and can be used to highlight your subject."
"It's just a puzzle of shapes and how you arrange those shapes is how you communicate to your audience."
"You can see how I've really framed that figure and your eye goes directly to them."
"It's just using diagonals to lead your eye through a panel."
"If something in your photo isn't helping, it's probably hurting it."
"When you have things overlap, it creates a pleasing sense of depth, it feels like it's actually a scene."
"If there was one thing I would like to inherit from Henri Cartier-Bresson, it would not be his decisive moment, but it would be his way of composing a photograph that sets him apart from everyone else."
"A good way for you as a beginner is to plan and play around with composition while you're drawing really simple things."
"Compositions that are that simple, like recently I did a painting of my wife where she's just standing in a field with the river behind her and it's like 'Oh, that shouldn't be hard' and I was struggling with that composition so much."
"Fill the frame as best as you can. Divide your frame into thirds."
"Increase the space between the subject and the background. You want your content to have layers."
"A successful composition relies on creating nice contrasts between the elements in the scene."
"Lighting is a key point in composition as it can be used to increase the visual weight of elements in your scene."
"When examining a scene, you need to determine a focal point and then figure out how the lines in the picture lead your eye."
"Try to use an odd number of elements."
"Your eye likes to know where to go and so, if you have three points where your eye can kind of, I hate to say 'circle', but it bounces from point to point, it's a very effective tool in painting."
"The goal for the process is to end up with a painting composition that has the greatest chance of success."
"It's really moving around a lot and it's really adding a really, really unique element to the composition."
"He was more interested in the melody and the way it's counterpoint with the rest of the song, how it worked in the grand scheme, the total package."
"So pre-composing is the exact same thing except it's creating a composition within a composition."
"... there are only a certain amount of notes in music but the difference in the way they're put together is difference in happy birthday to you and box concerto or whatever."
"So thinking of those numbers is the all-important way to do all this stuff, right? So you know, let's just, let's do a common one, one, five, six, four, right? A lot of songs are in that order. One...five...six...four."
"Photography is composition and storytelling and mood X expression emotion, those are the things that make a photo and those things apply no matter what camera you're using or even if you're using your smartphone."
"You can't talk about Pirates without mentioning Hans Zimmer's music for this movie."
"The entire top half of the photo was 'negative space' and 'showing off the location'. Yeah, sure, I kind of got what she was saying because I was in school for photography too. Too bad we're sellings pictures of people and not space."
"Photographers don't allow the sensor size to dictate the composition of their pictures."
"It's a 70% Rye 21 corn nine barley, so this is a rye, it is a rye."
"You have to have that in mind. I mean, as a videographer myself, you have to. Like, I'm always thinking every single shot I'm like, how is this going to, how is this going to get cropped to a vertical frame?"
"Chaos parameter changed the subject as well. It affected the composition, the perspectives, the mediums, the detailing, everything."
"That's the lore of this image. Yeah, I was pretty happy with the composition."