
Competitive Advantage Quotes

There are 2081 quotes

"The Sentinels dismantling MIBR, he was the factor, almost two kills for every death he had in the server in that series."
"Investing in trust and safety is a top priority and serves as a competitive advantage."
"For me, discipline has literally been something that separated me and my companies from the competition. It's improved my marriage. It has, at 47, put me in the best shape of my life."
"Our greatest competitive advantage is our democracy gives us the ability to get better, to reform short of revolution, because the people have a say."
"AI will not take your job; a person using AI will take your job."
"Every other team in this competition isn't gonna know what hit 'em."
"Terry Smith on moats: 'Great businesses not only have great returns and sorts of growth, they have a moat...to protect them from attack.'"
"Marketing then is getting customers to believe that your products and services are important and that they deliver a better value than the competition's."
"It's really hard to be the best in some discipline, 'but if you are good enough 'in five different disciplines, 'and somehow you manage to tie them together, 'and offer something that is a combination 'of these five things, 'you will probably be the best in the world doing that.'"
"South Korea or the South Korean region, in general, is going to excel when these moments happen, especially in the clutch play, managing resources and using them appropriately."
"You just got barriers. Oh no, that's really OP."
"Quantum hanky-panky occurs when things are using quantum mechanics to get an edge up on their fellow living things."
"My question is, what do you guys get right that other manufacturers are getting wrong?"
"If the barriers to entry are too high for anyone else to get in because your technological expertise is just too good, then you can maintain those high margins for a long period of time."
"Tesla's not willing to sit around and wait for that to develop, so they needed to do it themselves, and that has just provided them with more of a competitive moat."
"Tesla's real competitive strength... is being just damn good at manufacturing."
"Sebas transformation ability... it's apparently enough of a trump card that it grants him enough power to defeat both Cocytus and Albedo."
"Customer service builds trust, and we think that trust is a competitive advantage."
"With Metaverse, that allowed you to activate it directly from your deck during your opponent's turn, which is better than Terraforming in that kind of deck."
"Getting an extra turn can give you a huge leg up on the competition."
"You establish an advantage and then you kill them."
"Strength in this context means the likelihood of winning a tournament, no matter how fierce the competition is."
"Understanding a little bit when most people don't understand very much at all is a huge competitive advantage."
"A SWOT analysis helps you understand your competitive advantage."
"Your business plan needs to spell out the points of differentiation for your product or service."
"The theory of competitive advantage posited that rather than have a country try to make everything it needed for itself, countries should instead figure out what they can produce best and then sell that stuff to other countries."
"We are gonna be very very difficult to stop but this is where our window is, this is it."
"We have to say, Jacqueline is in a better spot than we thought like 10-15 minutes ago."
"Yes, race and gender can be part of the equation. I view diversity as a competitive advantage."
"I view diversity as a competitive advantage."
"If you have a lead as Sonic, you win the game. If you don't have the lead, he deals 70 in combos. His combo game is so much better than it deserves to be."
"Defeating Zapdos will destroy the enemy goal zone for 30 seconds, meaning you can score Aeos energy points into the goals without a wait time."
"We can't out-China China. Let's face it. We don't want to. We want to double down on the advantages of our own system."
"Intel finally able to transition away from 14 nanometer to a new process tech with a new architecture, they've managed to close the performance gap and be far more competitive."
"Even if you're working within a competitive environment, I feel like you stand head and shoulders above the competition."
"72% of business executives believe that AI will be one of the most significant competitive advantages moving forward."
"Mobius the Frost Monarch... for only one tribute allowed you to destroy up to two Spell or Trap cards on the field... without having to banish a whole bunch of cards from your graveyard as an extra cost."
"Yarla able to snatch the game from the jaws of defeat to keep it going and perhaps swing it."
"Hold down your choke points, you're gonna win every time."
"Most champions lack something you have - singular focus."
"The Seattle Kraken are gearing up to be an awful team to play against."
"You got a good shot to be ahead of everybody and be successful."
"Studying the competitive advantage that a company has is extremely valuable."
"Once you get those buffs in the bank, like there's no stoppin' this lad."
"It's very op if we can get that, we could win."
"Phil comes back, he would send shockwaves through all of these guys because he has the he has the tools."
"Steal followers from your competitors by interacting with their followers; follow, like, or comment on their photos to gain engagement."
"Nick's back double, yeah, who else is going to be able to look like that?"
"Abomasnow resisted Kyogre and Groudon stats, could swap the weather on them, and even had the ability to one-hit KO the behemoths via its powerful Grass Knot."
"Suddenly be on the right tire whenever everyone else is a little scared to commit, and suddenly you can really turn your afternoon around."
"The problem that I see going forward is the only way to maintain competitiveness is to have more education in the right ways around innovation, new companies, and so forth."
"If you do what everybody else does and you do it better than everybody else, you get a tiny competitive advantage. But if you do something no one else is doing in your space, you get a geometric advantage."
"If you do everything everyone else does in business, you're going to lose."
"If you can build a solid relationship with the list of suppliers, now you're going to be so far ahead of the game."
"The player who spends the most mana overall is generally the player that's gonna win."
"Size really matters... you can't beat the Elite big ones because size really matters."
"The haves and have-nots of marketing are becoming very clear. The stakes are very high."
"Fnatic's bot lane, the strongest 2v2 in Europe."
"If you try to build software where you don't deeply understand the problem or you don't deeply understand the customer, you're never going to succeed because you'll always be one step behind a competitor that does."
"Who can find the best ideas fastest and that creates all of the value."
"It should be a dominant performance because as soon as he gets his hands on picky he's gonna be able to put him on the floor."
"When you are severely outmatched, you gotta make sure you get in a haymaker when the ref isn't looking."
"Being small, agile, and lean gives them a massive advantage."
"Being very specific will really set you apart from other potential buyers."
"It's a card that wins you the game often on the spot."
"That's the thing with Mundo, you just get to a certain point where you can just kill people and they can't kill you."
"It's just a freebie, a free win a lot of the time."
"If the runners gain control of the map through their good teamwork, the hunter will just be chasing shadows."
"Better cheaper faster more productive more efficient more creative is going to win."
"I believe I'm faster and I believe I hit harder."
"North Carolina, the hottest team coming into this tournament, they've remained that way in the madness."
"Competition is really important especially when it comes to expensive research and development."
"This card looks super scary. That means Rachel can now be casting stuff for free every single turn. This is really bad news."
"He's a nightmare to block on the field... he was just running around like a freaking Maniac."
"If you give me an edge I can put the ball where I want it to be."
"Teleport has all the makings of a truly great movement ability."
"I love playing Fury not necessarily because arms is bad so just want to uh just mention that on the outset although I do think that this build right here uh may be the most powerful thing that you can do on a warrior at the moment."
"When you've got either of those two in your team you can win the Champions League."
"The nurse is still the strongest killer in the game and it's not really that close to be honest nurse is a character who breaks all the rules she practically doesn't have a weakness."
"Resident Evil's gameplay is what really sets it apart from other games..."
"Your reputation over time becomes a competitive advantage."
"The perfect business model: unique, expensive, sticky, managed by somebody who's risk-averse, long-term thinking, and has unimpeachable character."
"Whatever company figures that out first is probably going to win."
"Good intel will keep you on top for a very long time."
"If the season was to finish today, they would have skipped that step and they're now in a position where they can go straight for the top shelf."
"In terms of acceleration and performance, this is going to blow the doors off of pretty much everything in the segment."
"You're beating the competition because there's something about you and your gifts and your energy that no one else can compare, no one can replace you, no one can do it the way you do."
"Best known wins. Best known wins the game. It is not the best product that wins, it is the best known that wins the game."
"Feel confident...the team that exudes confidence is often the team that prevails."
"AMD being in the rare position of being perceived generally speaking as the better CPU brand right now."
"You don't have to try and get through some silly gatekeeper. If you can bring it, you can win."
"Where are the most talented people interested in working, that company is going to win."
"Going sober is the most effective competitive advantage for most young people."
"Blinding nade grenade launchers... it really doesn't get much more overpowered than completely rendering your enemies useless."
"When you deliver them a car like the Lamborghini and drivers like Pepper and Calderelli, tough to beat."
"Individuals have actually had the advantage over institutions who maybe weren't able to invest directly at the protocol layer."
"Leftovers - the definitive competitive item, it gives even Pokemon that don’t have recovery moves a way to stay healthy throughout a game."
"Liverpool got this one over the line; they effectively won a race that nobody else knew that they were even in."
"Tri-gate wizard see so much competitive play despite the fact that it's actually kind of hard to get its negate because if you can activate its negate then you have a really good setup that your opponent is gonna have a hard time getting over."
"The acceleration on this thing is crazy, it separates from the pack so much."
"Resume writing can be pretty daunting especially in a difficult labor market where you're trying to compete with thousands of other people so you really do need any advantage that you can get."
"Competitive playlists dramatically increase replay value and overall player satisfaction."
"Few things are as powerful for you to win in your own unique way as staying in the game."
"Every single toon monster a pseudo towers on par with Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon."
"Disruptors will win. We just don't know which disruptors or exactly how they'll win, but they'll win."
"The thing is, like, I feel like Ludwig and Typical Gamer kind of had a leg up already. We needed to humble them a little bit."
"If you're having good bases and your attacks are proper, you can even win with even bigger disadvantage."
"The goal is not to beat your competition. The goal is to outlast your competition."
"If I had maybe two consecutive moves here, two, I would have had a good...because I think there was this idea that was a little bit unconventional here that basically led to a nearly winning position."
"Every individual card in Yu-Gi-Oh is so powerful that the cards themselves being the resource, having one extra card over your opponent is actually a huge advantage."
"Going first is too good in Yu-Gi-Oh... Every individual card in Yu-Gi-Oh is so powerful."
"We have a better growth model, better markets, better USPs."
"The silver lining to Solo's failure is less competition for Infinity War."
"That's incredibly impactful. That's a game-winning play."
"The clearer you are, the creator who understands the viewer best wins."
"The Dreamcast was set to absolutely put all other dedicated gaming systems that came before it to shame."
"Beautiful clean start at the front of the grid."
"Tesla's lead is extending, they're getting further and further ahead."
"Madam Serris, one of the best epics in the game."
"Skills win fights. When you really get to the top, skills win fights."
"The rules they use on a consistent basis is what's giving them that edge over the market."
"If you're able to make money from killing other players again instantly you're going to like push off the fact that you've died to desync or a Chia way more than you would right now."
"I have a god on my side. I am set to wipe the board. My man Omega beside me. Now it's hour six."
"All along Tesla's advantage has been a first mover and having the range."
"I have a sense of self belief and willingness to work that I think is my competitive advantage."
"If you pull up your Galaxy Note 9, you can basically file all of these other phones to the trash."
"Zero Suit is the epitome of unreactive 'el and the epitome of you can't hit her."
"Quite frankly, Tesla is doing things on a different level. They're doing science and chemistry that no one else is."
"Getting that hard point win to start your series is gonna change a whole different momentum throughout the rest of this series."
"Burnley's a good draw for Man United, but we won't have played a competitive game since Fulham."
"I think I have a good edge here, and swings are going to happen."
"The best thing that ever happened to Coke is Pepsi because Pepsi by having a competitor in the category it increases consumer trust and broadens the category."
"Once he gets that starter down and gets in position, that's really where he excels."
"Golden break there and Shane's had a few this year."
"These two cars, they just make the competition look a bit silly and overpriced."
"Whoever can access the realm of the spirit already has an advantage over this realm."
"Psychic spam can just win games so quickly." - Aaron Cybertron's Zeng
"It's a very nice fight for New York, blizzard's such a good ultimate right there."
"I just know I'm so much better than the next best person mechanically."
"I think the teams that are willing to take a chance on new emerging strategies are often the ones that get the advantage."
"Triple mushrooms are amazing because you can either use them on a bunch of smaller shortcuts or save them for some of the best shroom spots on each course."
"You're gonna have much more success against teams that are afraid of you."
"If you want to just play this game on the long enough timeline, the people who are gonna win this game are the people with the most amount of money..."
"Applying fast is one of the best ways that you can separate yourself and give yourself a competitive advantage."
"What problem does your channel solve? The person who understands the problem the best and solves it the best wins."
"Doing things that don't scale is one of your biggest competitive advantages."
"Differentiation in that market is fantastic."
"Tesla’s moat is innovation, not resting on their laurels."
"That'd be a hell of a team, they'd be very, very hard to beat."
"There's no doubt this Indian team are worried about this England side which is great."
"In Metro Exodus, the advantages of Radeon anti-lag were more obvious."
"It could really mean the difference between winning and losing."
"Tesla may be better positioned than other U.S. automakers to survive."
"Do more for others than anybody else does. That's the only secret in business."
"Me personally, I think Silver Sols has a very strong foundation and a healthy head start in the motion picture film market."
"Its sales per store is higher than any other fast food chain."
"As a kid I learned that I may not be the most talented person in the room but I'll be the hardest worker in the world that's how you get it."
"Organizations that are accepting digital currencies currently have a competitive advantage in the market."
"If City Lamb is your fourth option, that's a scary given fourth option."
"One-nil up in the cup final of the Carabao Cup."
"Submitting Bryce Mitchell like this is a feather in his cap."
"Just when considering his strengths as champion, like what can he do that no other champ can? I'd say that's a pretty big strength."
"Whoever provides the most value, always wins."
"You have all the ammo you need. When you have all the ammo, you win."
"Love that stack. I think it's gonna be wildly profitable on Thursday night putting you into Sunday in your fantasy, Cynthia."
"Literally, an EG win condition could be GP hitting one single barrel on the backline."
"You win every lane basically... So you checkmate."
"The real winners in Forex have an edge in the market that helps them win consistently."
"Admiral's position seems to be stronger because he's going to join that relic from the middle there and that'll be three relics to two plus the castle position means some extra gold control for later on in the game."
"It's competitive advantages, it's ways that we can take what we're good at and compete with our strengths against what someone else's strength might be."
"We're now the best car in Formula One in season five."
"Mewtwo just keeps on adapting. The new move in our sphere was the reason for Mewtwo's continued position at the top of the lot."
"Simples! It's like, just do this, compare market must be livid."
"What distinguishes the best of the best is what else they offer."
"The best way to ensure that you're that hiring manager's number one pick is to do everything you can to be building skills and experience that set you apart from the competition."
"He's gonna get so good at it you're gonna be able to kick the [__] out of any any takeout in your town."
"Strength wins. Bigger, faster, stronger. It's the same for a reason."
"Preferential matchmaking meant that you could avoid being a tier 8 tank against all tier nines and tier 10s."
"You have a lot more power as the scrappy underdog."
"Bitcoin has this huge advantage in that it's first to market."
"How can you watch what Nurmagomedov did tonight and say to yourself, yeah, I don't think Conor's got much for him?"
"If you're picking the right tight end, you will have a week-to-week advantage."
"I think they're in front of everyone at the moment."
"An aggressive Woodley is one of the absolute best fighters in this division."
"So what you want is a business that has a deep moat with lots of piranha in it, and that's getting deeper by the day."
"Ingenious Artillerist is legitimately a win condition with all the treasures lingering around in the format."
"Don't be general, be specific. Niche specificity separates you from the competition."
"Why should you do this? I hear you ask. Put simply, it makes you and your content much harder to replicate."
"The results that you'll get will be far superior than the results that your competitors are getting just one of those ways for you to get that little bit of a slight edge over your competitors."
"Lando made a terrific investment by snatching up the Kessel spice mines."
"Create the character that can win the games that it is best at."
"The Lakers want to get going because they know how good that team is."
"VCS are definitely going to want to know why you're different than everyone else."
"Make sure that even if you think something is really obvious... if it's a result that everybody delivers but nobody is talking about, go ahead and use that in your ad copy."
"Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!, A tier. This was Pot of Greed that was legal at three for about a year or so."
"What the drivers are looking forward to is to have a car which you can follow the others." - Emphasizing the importance of close racing.
"Projectile that kind of lands on the ground and continues to make space and to top it all off they have one of the best kill confirms in the entire game with checkmate of being down throw up air."
"High resolution mode boosts the native resolution to 96 megapixels."
"We went from getting blown out in this series to now blowing teams out."
"DK can accidentally win a lot because his Advantage is insane."