
Controversial Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"Blood bending should be an entirely uncontroversial S tier."
"Joe Biden literally saying to black people they're not black unless they vote for him is an incredible pitch."
"But one thing we know for sure is fuck Ronald Reagan."
"Hitler cakes, Hitler roses, cafes, shops, restaurants being named after Hitler."
"E) Playing a speech by Peterson is basically like playing a speech by Hitler."
"Mushoku Tensei is worth its deeply uncomfortable price of admission."
"Let me get a 65 incher in my [__] living room you're so goddamn jewish."
"I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole." - Mike Pompeo
"Soph is a 14 year old girl who will not we call you the c-word, she'll do it while espousing views that go against modern progressive thought in pretty much every single way possible."
"The thing is, her videos are edgy, funny, and to a lot of people, they make a lot of sense. And that's scary."
"Blacks in this country commit an insanely high amount of crime."
"What in God's name... the president United States is inviting Vladimir Putin to invade Eastern Western countries? It's bizarre." - Joe Biden
"The app BitLife included Amber Heard as an answer to a question of who could be considered creepy and manipulative."
"You are more important than your children, your happiness is more important."
"Nobody needs the coronavirus more than conscious black people."
"Why are we supporting an organization that exterminates black lives?"
"SpongeBob is lust, now that I'm aware of this theory I actually look at these characters very different."
"But when I called AOC a big booty Latina, she ended up interacting."
"The most dangerous place for a black person's in their mother's womb."
"Every human on Earth today is in some degree Annunaki descended."
"Every woman wants to be an accessory to your life, not the other way around. Men lead, women follow."
"An old anti-communist song from the 1960s... turns out the guy might have supported murdering American civilians because of thought crime."
"The original witches were the OG scientists, I don't care what you say."
"If you commit hate speech online, you should be doxed."
"The white race is the cancer of human history."
"Black people are the most disappointing, most perpetrators, most betrayal humanity on this planet. But guess what? We are also the most people."
"I think I'm more for chemical castration... take away the urge that would even get to that point."
"Some refer to filmmaker John Waters as the pope of trash, with Pink Flamingos serving as arguably his boldest cinematic statement."
"They're not afraid to be controversial, willing to speak their mind."
"If you think this is extremist, then that really is fighting fire with fire because they just made it legal to kill a nine-month-old baby."
"That's even more of a reason to put bomb, do it Joe, don't do it!"
"It just so happens that these individuals are groomers. I'll say it every single time."
"Some of y'all about to be real mad at me but it must be said: some of y'all is fat and ugly and unattractive. But that is okay."
"Sausage Party has been described as annihilating the boundaries of cinema."
"Money, power, and sex pierce through everything."
"To me, that's not a chess move, it's a dick move."
"If you're not attracted to black women, you're gay... and he would back it up with an angle."
"Hannah's graphic death sparked an industry-shaking moral debate about depictions of mental health in television."
"What a [ __ ] baller because that drove so many kids mad I respect it."
"Real free speech is that you can impersonate somebody and then like maybe can can you."
"A baby should be able to be killed until its head exits the birth canal."
"More dangerous than Elvis, prettier than Mick Jagger."
"A whoremonger is a man who consorts with or pays for the services of whores."
"That photo will live in infamy. It summarizes two years of insane, horrible, evil, twisted, perverse COVID policies."
"Abigail Shrier's book 'Irreversible Damage' actually has won an award for the world's worst book to ever be written."
"He's brash, he's not afraid of controversy, but he's also one of the most brilliant strategic thinkers I've ever met."
"The reason why it exposes feminism for the fraud that it is."
"Black people are the supreme beings on the planet."
"It's mind-blowing... L. Ron Hubbard's approach."
"Prostasia uses semantics to foster a pro-pedophilia message."
"We have to eliminate the beta male gene from the black male brigade."
"This is the rudest thing I have ever seen on an NFL field. It's a work of art."
"Cannibal Holocaust is infamous for its controversial content... rumors of missing scenes persist."
"Their unorthodox approach divided observers between sadistic egomaniac and visionary."
"David S Goyer, you crazy, homophobic, sexist, dumb piece of [__]."
"Dan, you're probably the bigger victim than a single mother is. Congratulations on beating a woman at her own game."
"The pleasure room itself on the third floor of the chicken house was painted totally pink and contained everything and anything for the practicing deviant, including whips, chains, mattresses, candles, and plenty of other toys."
"Sometimes you gotta let Thanos win and say, you know what, let's wipe out half of humanity. I mean, we're sort of overpopulated, I almost sort of agree with his ideology."
"Guns do not kill people, people kill people. Guns are good. I support guns being around."
"If worse comes to worst... we've got means in America of removing someone."
"Al Sharpton was actually an FBI informant, 100% no matter what he says he was an informant he tried to do a drug deal they got him on tape doing the deal the whole bit."
"Trump is the lesser of the evils. Evil as he is, if we're gonna go by the lesser of evils, Trump is the lesser."
"I'm excited for when that happens though because we're gonna kill some people and killing people is fun, ladies and gentlemen."
"I won't be happy until he has Rachel Maddow in a naked chokehold."
"Abortion: it's not your body, it's not your choice."
"There are truths and there are untruths, and to me it is a truth that having your child undergo transition is a form of child abuse."
"It's not comedy and it's beyond propaganda. It's actually hateful." - Unknown
"That's my second lesson: abuse your family if you have one."
"Am I the jerk for saying I prefer sushi to children?"
"She's actually in there for molesting and murdering several children, but whatever, she's hot. Let her go so she can tag along."
"Looting is redistribution of wealth from corporations to individuals."
"Dobby got what he deserved, hashtag Dobby got what he deserved."
"It's not murder if you're simply making the world a safer place."
"Truth matters and they can't get pregnant, that's the truth."
"I think bullying is good. It makes you stronger, it makes you better."
"Regardless of what you might think, always loot."
"I just love killing people, I don't know, is that just me?"
"Roe v Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life."
"Donald Trump is one of the greatest presidents in American history. Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land because of Donald Trump."
"You can look badass while killing a six-year-old. That's the power of film."
"That's [ __ ] up, but how interesting would it be?"
"No woman should be taking out the trash if a man in the house."
"Let's stop demonizing people and recognize that white men aren't people."
"Evil cleanses people, evil brings good to sinners." - Steve
"Okay, okay, how many votes did Trump get compared to Hillary? Was it less? And yeah, he won. Doesn't f***ing matter, round numbers, this is the five five, that's how politics really works."
"A lot of these billionaires are sick twisted individuals that also do unspeakable things with children."
"Thank God, okay, so you're okay with aborting a child at 36 weeks?"
"Joe Biden is a piece of lawn furniture. Trump is Satan."
"One of the greatest lies in world history is that America is a racist country. America is the least racist multi-ethnic multiracial country in history."
"America is the least racist multi-ethnic multiracial country in history."
"I think she's saying like I killed my mom and I feel really excited about that and it doesn't go across saying like abortion is just like that it seems to me that she's happy she had the option to kill her mom."
"Black lives matter is not a peaceful protest. Antifa never wanted it peaceful. I would take them all out." - Ali Jr.
"If you import the third world in mass, you become the third world."
"Men and women are biologically different. I'm gonna die on that hill."
"President Biden is protecting the cartels, making more money off of his failure at the border than they ever have before."
"Society where most of the members agree that rape is a good idea might be great for potential rapists maybe maybe not it's definitely bad for the rape victims."
"Harrison's big mouth, harsh comments, and dirty style of play made him one of the league's most disliked players."
"Nobody believed anything I was saying because it was so outrageous."
"Conor McGregor is without a doubt the most polarizing, controversial, and one of the most influential figures to ever exist in the world of mixed martial arts."
"Mexie has convinced me that cannibalism is good."
"I'm also truly shocked that a bunch of leftists and progressives came up with the worst idea in probably constitutional history."
"The Sun is in fact the primary driver for climate change."
"Green, green, green. Babysitter advice: hire the hottest one."
"I love Mourinho, I can't help but not like him. He's mad, he does upset people, but you can't hate him. He's a genius."
"Black lives matter, but all lives do matter."
"It's either too hot for TV, didn't make the cut, too political, too far to one side, it's the rest of the story."
"Fascism addressed real problems but offered very perverse answers."
"Roko Basilisk is a controversial thought experiment."
"If you're pushing for ideas that would cause my family to be forcibly removed from this country, I think you can make very strong arguments for violence against this person."
"A man should be able to have sex with as many women as he can afford."
"I think it's deeply patronizing and offensive to treat any group of people as victims when they clearly aren't." - Rafe hadel Manu
"We touch those subjects that preachers are afraid to touch."
"Want the riots and police shootings to stop? Vote Trump 2020."
"A lot of people know a school shooter when they see one."
"With so many records that directly challenge freedom of speech rights, between their eye-opening stories, shocking covers, or just straight-up insane themes..."
"I'm just selling for the one-on-one, you just gave me, yeah, they started, they are the Ford dealership of slaves."
"The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ; he is Jesus Christ himself."
"If that doesn't convince you, the only thing left to say is all my homies hate Afghans."
"If you can ever find a dinosaur footprint and a human footprint together you will destroy the theory of evolution."
"Evidence indicates dinosaurs and man coexisted."
"I make, I say things all the time that people would consider racist and homophobic and I ain't stopped."
"I totally [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of Hitler because he's just regarded as a universal evil so I'd be a [ __ ] hero."
"There's just no debating the fact that this account is disgusting."
"It's literally as if Charles Lindbergh had a baby with Joe McCarthy and that baby was Donald Trump."
"God still chose me, that sucks doesn't it? You gotta play pretend, walk around, watch your mouth, then there's people like me who say what they want unapologetically."
"Child brides are like literally ninety percent of why people become libertarian."
"Candy Montgomery literally walked out of a courtroom a free woman after killing somebody with an axe and concealing her behavior."
"You don't have to wear a mask in this [expletive]. You don't got it, you know what I'm saying?"
"Whether you like Donald Trump or not, you know, you watch his videos because of the ridiculous things he says."
"I've been called an extremist, a terrorist, militant; you name it, I've been called it."
"Give her whatever she wants, emotionally grab her by the throat. Women often don't know what they want, but they're attracted to dominance."
"All women have value but not all men have value."
"You need free speech for the speech that you deplore."
"Now there's a reason for people to watch just to hate watch them and hope they lose."
"It's beyond dispute that Roe has had that demographic effect. A highly disproportionate percentage of aborted fetuses are black."
"Trump's a bad guy who pardons bad people except when he pardons decent people who have been doing amazing things whom you know personally and like these women truly do have trumped arraignment syndrome."
"The biggest threat to the legitimacy of the United States Supreme Court is not its potential expansion nor the likely reversal of Roe v. Wade."
"True freedom is the freedom that says you can even eat people if you want to."
"What I actually think Tate stands for is just male self-improvement."
"Get vaccinated people, it's a must to not get vaccinated."
"Black Unity, black family, black love, hate speech, anti-Semitic. None of y'all see this?" - Captain
"The only solution is separation, not integration."
"It's called the Church of Satan where they perform ritual human sacrifice and eat human flesh. Please don't confuse us with the Catholics."
"We will be vindicated, ladies and gentlemen. This man right here, President Trump, started... a storm against the deep state to dismantle the deep state."
"I was called the world's worst mom because I let my nine-year-old son ride the subway alone."
"This is a game where one player might consider it to be an offensive piece of trash which deserves no more than a 3 or 4 but to others it is exceptional and refreshing."
"That's probably one of the worst things I've seen somebody do on YouTube is rehoming and adopt a child, that story floored me I could not believe it."
"That's not an insult... if you're an advertiser you want feckless cunts."
"That statement was one of the most racist things I've ever heard."
"Intellectual inquiry meets censorship in the spring of 2021, a time when questioning the vaccine is akin to social suicide."
"I think the question is not, are women willing to exchange sex for value, but rather the horror is at explicitly saying that they're doing that."
"Homosexuality is as a result of psychological disorientation at some point in one's life, not genetic and not hormonal."
"Trump is so pedophile adjacent that he was sued by a woman who said he had sex with her when she was 14."
"Some people thought that I put a bullet into my career by making the movie Tusk, a movie about a guy who turns another guy into a walrus."
"If you're sad because Hitler's not here anymore, then maybe something's wrong with you."
"Yeah, we know that the Jews run the goddamn media, so if you advocate that, bitch, don't expect to be a part of too much goddamn media."
"Women are made to be conquered by the more rational sex."
"This indictment, if it comes this week, is absolutely outrageous, it is frivolous, it is baseless, it is a political persecution."
"Vaccination segregation is disgusting. Vaccination slavery is disgusting."
"Hillary Clinton is the primary example of a psychopathic narcissist."
"Elon Musk, he's one of the biggest trolls right now."
"If you're in a private group chat non-stop talking about how you're so surprised that it's Jews who keep disagreeing with you... you're a Nazi."
"Ron DeSantis not to say Ron DeSantis didn't lock down."
"Ivermectin, the hot dog of anti-parasitic medications."
"Eyes Wide Shut is probably the most outrageous Christmas movie ever."
"Cannibal Holocaust is a disturbing, disgusting cinematic endurance test that has completely earned its reputation."
"For the past four decades, Cannibal Holocaust has been vilified as one of the most vile pieces of trash cinema ever made and hailed as one of the most brutal and uncompromising films of all time."
"Infidelity is the best cure for crippling depression."
"Politically incorrect and refreshing for that reason."
"Hip-hop has always been grimy and violent and over sexed and misogynistic and homophobic Etc none of that [ __ ] is new."
"the Civil Rights Movement is the worst thing to happen to black people other than abortion."
"Hubbard says a seven-year-old girl should not shudder at being kissed passionately by an adult man."
"It's not an accident that he blew up. Some of the things he says are outlandish, controversial, but his communication skills are insanely world class."
"Some of it may be a little controversial, but it sure as [ __ ] makes me laugh."
"Looking for another controversial movie with plenty of splatter? Then be sure to check out my review of Cannibal Holocaust."
"What is this Bizarro world where I'm one of the only people happy with a new controversial series that's come out?"
"Is a very controversial statement you might get some push back on Blazing Saddles."
"Do you need to balance or not? Controversial video, caused a lot of interest. Not everybody agrees with me and that's just fine. That's the nature of this kind of work."
"I actually think that maybe we should, um, it might be a little bit anti-vegetarian, but I think we should actually go and take a look at maybe some butcher meat and try it on real carcass."
"If everyone hates you, it just means that you're doing something right."
"I'm the villain of the content game, the guy who I feel like rappers all want to be friends with but they hate to be against."
"The Tesla Model 3 is a bit like coronavirus."
"And now for the controversial bit, the transmission."
"The 996, it's fair to say, is one of the most hated of 911 generations, but I actually really quite loved it."
"Love it or hate it, it draws a reaction."
"I think the best thing you can do for the planet is to become a cannibal"
"Josiah doubled down on the controversial statements that led to him being investigated in the first place."
"Abortion is okay, it just doesn't say anything about it."
"...women boxers are a little controversial today, let alone in 1915."
"A Brazilian student has sold her virginity this week for half a million pounds."
"I would have never kneed on George Floyd's neck, I would have shot that [__] that was making us [__] ass."
"His work was really controversial at the time and people were like what the heck is this but it was because he was super unafraid to put it out."
"So, if you had the chance now, like rewind the tape, yeah, and you were offered like that lead in a great comedy, but you had to shag Harvey Weinstein. And you thought you'd probably get an Oscar, would you do it?"
"He owned adult bookstores that also had peep shows, he owned a brothel which he named after me."
"You're gonna allowed me to kill fewer babies."
"And more controversial than Anul Kid's Trilogy of philosophical Blockbusters."
"this will be my most controversial video ever here are my Minecraft hot takes"
"She always shows up in obscure places and talks to peasant people. She's certainly a lot more lovable than Jesus."
"...does a lot of things that... was going to just infuriate Michael Myers fans."
"Offensive memes are the best memes. If they're not offensive, they're cringe."