
Humanitarian Issues Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Doesn't it suck that civilians are dying, buildings are being destroyed, hospitals being destroyed? Shouldn't that be the focus?"
"The poverty, fear, suffering, and humanitarian distress haunting the victims of conflict are the outcomes of sustained violation of the most essential principles."
"It's hard to ignore the fact that it seems to be very convenient where the corporate press focuses their humanitarian impulses and where they don't."
"The situation in Rakhine is complex and not easy to fathom, but one thing surely touches all of us equally: the sufferings of the many innocent people whose lives were torn apart."
"No victory that leaves behind babies and the woman to be carved apart... is worth fighting for."
"We are on the brink of a potentially enormous humanitarian crisis."
"Nonetheless, there is still time to avert the worst case scenario that will bring untold suffering to millions of people."
"Democracy dies in darkness... Perhaps the slogan for the entire media right now ought to be North Koreans die in darkness." - Ben Shapiro
"There is a growing humanitarian and security crisis at the southern border."
"I think one of the greatest crimes that's ever been perpetrated on Humanity unfolded under his watch."
"But nothing gives us the right to flood this country with weapons, to destroy it and leave it in ruins."
"It's not an issue of right or left, it's an issue of humanity, of basic decency."
"Isn't the worth of human life worth three towers in Russia? That's the point in history we've come to, absolutely despicable."
"The nations of the world have long recognized that certain weapons are so dangerous, and can inflict so much suffering, that all of us have a vital interest in preventing their further development, spread, and use."
"In developing countries, high inflation can lead to food shortages and even trigger a widespread humanitarian crisis."
"The bigger problem... it's really the disaster that's happening in Syria where are these people going to go I mean they're literally getting on boats so many boats so many people and showing up in Italy in Greece."
"Shelter is a basic human right...and if we can add this to the types of building that's happening throughout the world...it opens up this entire new way of building and sheltering people."
"This is not political. This is a human issue."
"There's nothing humane about what is happening to these people."
"What we're asking the men and women of the border patrol to do is inhumane." - Lindsey Graham
"The crisis at the southern border is a humanitarian crisis, it's also a drug crisis, it's a fentanyl crisis."
"Pouring fuel on the fire... worsen whatever humanitarian crisis they claim to be trying to solve."
"Humanity in general on a planetary level hangs by a thread with genocide of levels we have never seen right on their doorstep."
"This is a humanitarian disaster and it's also in my view a war crime."
"Humanitarian supplies being used as a weapon of war cannot be justified."
"Mothers and children sent to poor conditions."
"The women and children at the border are not a security threat, they are a humanitarian challenge."
"Frustrated is a gross understatement. I feel infuriated as I watch the pictures of these civilian casualties."
"International criminal law and international humanitarian law apply to all parties of the conflict."
"We can no longer accept it because we know that it costs lives."
"It's not even about sovereignty anymore. It's about people's lives."
"What matters is what the Russians are doing to the Ukrainian people."
"A potential escalation of military operations in Rafa would result in catastrophic humanitarian consequences."
"The crisis that is unfolding is a humanitarian crisis, a public health crisis, and a national security crisis."
"Russia would be happy for those 500 million people to go hungry if they thought it would help them in any way win this war."
"The story of Congo often seems like one of never-ending tragedy."
"Vladimir Putin is committing crimes against humanity."
"The process of making the conduct of U.S wars more humane has in fact legitimized and prolonged the underlying enterprise of war itself."
"This is a humanitarian crisis, and we need to start speaking up for our children."
"Using military equipment in this way, targeting civilian infrastructure, killing civilians in this fashion, well, it's needless cruelty."
"Stephen Miller made the big boo-boo in public and saying that we want to use the separation of children from parents as a deterrent to prevent people from crossing the border. He should not be using the suffering of children as a deterrent."
"We should be clear that this is, as stated, a humanitarian crisis created by human hands."
"Forget about our little ideologies at the moment when there are people who are dying, their circumstances, their situation must prevail."
"The fraud is so immense and the damage is indescribable. It literally is a humanitarian catastrophe."
"United States funded and supported the greatest humanitarian crisis in our lifetime which is now happening in Yemen that most people don't talk about because they're poor and because they have no oil."
"The war is catastrophic for the nation and the people of Ukraine."
"On any given day, 50% of the people in the Gaza Strip are not going to be eating to their fill as the war started and Aid is slowly trickling in."
"The gravest threats to humanity do not respect national borders or cultural differences."
"We have the ability to clothe, feed, and house everybody, and we're not."