
Divine Truth Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"One thing that the true God cannot do: He can't lie. All of God's word is true, perfect, and infallible."
"The word of God has never lied nor can it err. It is your word eternal; heaven and earth will pass away, but your words will never pass away."
"Grant me the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten my mind with the light of Your divine truth."
"Truth is the establishment of the word of the creator in instruction given to man."
"All Scripture is breathed out by God... God cannot lie, God cannot change."
"The Truth that we embrace does not come from us, but from God!"
"Abraham's pursuit of divine truth was sparked by his father's dying words."
"There's something about this message with the truth of God, there's nothing like it in the world. Glory to God."
"And now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of Yahweh in your mouth is truth."
"God's truth will always find where it's supposed to reach."
"Let Yahweh be true and faithful witness between us."
"This is a historical day for the truth of God."
"God is the sole source of truth about heaven."
"You need to hear this: what God says about you is true."
"Satan, you're destroyed. Every man is a liar, but God's word is true."
"Lord, I just thank you for speaking, thank you for Your Truth, Lord, which sets people free."
"Truth of God follows, it's a beautiful feeling."
"God's truth stands the test of time for eternity."
"Faith is hope and trust that comes in harmony with the truth of God's word."
"You take something very simple as a container to ride divine truth into the hearts of people."
"Lord help us keep our heads clear about the revealed truth of God's word."
"Faith is believing that and behaving like God is telling the truth."
"We need to be praying and asking the Spirit of Truth to guide us into all truth."
"We have a direct perception of the things of God in the world of the truth of God."
"God's Word is true, his compassion goes from everlasting to everlasting."
"I made up my mind that God's Word is true no matter what I see."
"What are some examples of the truth that the apostles taught and which was accepted by those who truly love the Lord God?"
"The Word of God speaks the truth, you don't tell it what's right."
"If it's from the divine, then what the Quran says is going to be true."
"We know what the original writers wrote...we know it's true history...and we know it's the word of God." - Rick
"God doesn't tell lies and every word that the Lord speaks it never returns void and always bears fruit everywhere it goes."
"God is trying to release the spirit of truth that's why his truth is going to continue to march on it's going to triumph it's going to trump over what the enemies tried to do."
"That's how God would make the religion of truth to be easily understood, easily comprehendable."
"Speak the truth of God; there's an anointing on it, there's power in that in the spirit."
"The Spirit of God is guiding us into all truth, helping us understand what God has freely given us."
"Stand on the authority and truthfulness of God's Word."
"If when God is true, it doesn't matter who lies."
"We have a sure word and we must go by that if God's word is the truth."
"He will lead you and guide you into all truth."
"God can take me with all of my imperfection and... bring forth amazing truths."
"God is not a man that he should lie; he's a man of his word."
"What distinguishes a true believer is responsiveness to divine truth."
"We embrace divine truth. We understand it. We love it. We absorb it. We believe it. We proclaim it."
"Keep a pure heart, be faithful to divine truth, and leave the results to the Lord."
"Thank you again, Lord, for Your Word. We are always enriched by it, we're always thrilled at its glorious truth and consistency."
"To know divine truth and to understand the Bible, the sinner must call on God."
"There's truth, and you're looking at Him. It's in human form because I came from God."
"Whatever God's truth is, it's larger than anything that my head can contain."
"The truths of God will always swallow up the falsehoods of man. And if we'll simply wait with patience and faith to be able to see the aftermath of the truths that God has given us through lively oracles then we will see them devour the false gods of the world. Just wait and see."
"The truths given us after the passing of the time in 1844 are just as certain and unchangeable as when the Lord gave them to us."
"The truth of God's word is just overwhelming and powerful for anybody that's earnestly seeking."
"When you lie to the Holy Spirit, you lie to God."
"The enemy tries to get you to doubt what God said. God makes things so simple you have to have someone help you misunderstand it."
"God represented the idea of truth and love."
"I believe God is restoring that truth once again."
"...God's Word is always right, therefore that's how they knew of the man that was speaking whether he had the right revelation of the word or not."
"The truth of God is a gift to you in these last days."
"The truth of God is a light to the world."
"You cannot be moved by what you hear, nor by what you see, because there is only one reality in life, and that one reality is what God says."
"Your word is truth, it sets us free."
"You can't be around God and not have the truth that sets you free."
"Help us to see you as you truly are."
"Behold, I make all things new, and He said to me, write, for these words are true and faithful."
"God is not a human being that he should lie, or a mortal that he should change his mind."
"Let God be true and all men lies."
"God himself has said you're healed, that is the absolute truth, you're healed."
"God's word is sharper than any two-edged sword; it cuts and divides asunder even to the marrow of the bone."
"God for you is for you to know His gospel truth and His word of truth."
"Truth comes from Allah, and Allah has allowed us to get truth from His prophets."
"Divine truths can be conveyed in two ways. One is through the intellect... The second way is speaking to the heart."
"He cannot lie, He cannot fail, because He is God."
"Let your truth prevail in the matchless and wonderful name of our resurrected Savior, Jesus the Christ, we pray."
"The Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth."
"Thy word is truth, oh Lord, forever your word is set on its truth."
"You must believe that what God says about you is true."
"The word of God and the spirit of Prophecy stand sure. Hold the Line, stand for God's truth."
"The Lord shows us the truth about himself, he brings us out of this incredible twisted reality."
"God's truth is timeless truth and that it doesn't change."
"The Word of God cannot fail; it is bright, it teaches itself, it discloses itself, it illumines the soul with all salvation and grace."
"Look unto me; I am the way, the truth, and the life."
"If we can just open our hearts and souls to the revelations He wants to pour down upon us, if we can accept His counsel and His confirmation of divine truth, then how can you not have hope? How can you not have faith?"
"The truth of the Lord is everlasting."
"We are by nature God rejectors, so what hope do we have if we twist the truth of God?"
"The word of God is so infallible that not one jot or tittle can ever fail."
"Two brilliant minds, Stephen and Saul, battling over divine truth and Stephen won."
"The most important message in the entire universe is that God's word is true."
"Standing on the truth of God's word and not allowing God's word to be mocked."
"If God has spoken to the issue, if there's Revelation on the topic, God is true and He's not a liar."
"God is the truth. God cannot change, so the truth cannot change."
"This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."
"The light in the heavens is spiritual and that light is divine truth."
"Let every man be a liar, but my God be true."
"God will never allow anyone to give you a truth from Him that isn't written in the word."
"God is so good and His truth is so wonderful."
"Let every man be a liar; let only God be true."
"The word of the Lord is right, and all his works are done in truth."
"The Word of God is truth, and every word is pure, and God promised to preserve it."
"Give me an undivided heart, give me a heart in which there are no more lies, give me a heart in which there is nothing but the truth of God."
"God's word is true, and that it's right, and that it's holy, and that it's timeless."
"You cannot lie to God. Our God is a God of truth; He hates deceit, He hates that which is false."
"All things are now all light, all law, all truth is now; time and eternity are one."
"The truth of His word gives us a clearer comprehension of who God is."
"God's word and his truth will prevail."
"For the father is seeking such to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth."
"We live in a fallen world, God's Word is true, He always keeps His word."
"God tends to enforce and reinforce truth that is of vital significance in relationship to the understanding of his people."
"To be immortal, we must forsake the mortal sense of things, turn from the lie of false belief to truth, and gather the facts of being from the Divine mind."
"Thank You, Lord, for Your love, joy; we thank You that You are faithful, that Your word is true."
"Revealed is a word which is not found in the Old Testament... but in the New Testament, a good mind and study will not help you to know God's will because God reveals His truth; it's by revelation."
"Over and over and over and over again, His word doesn't lie. He's not a liar; we don't serve a lying God."
"God's word holds its own of Truth and victory in the worst of the circumstances on this Earth."
"The truth of God is a gift of God."
"The truth isn't something; the truth is somebody, and all truth that truly is subsists in Him who is the Truth, God."
"To surrender to divine knowing is to realize that there is more truth to be experienced when you just choose to release that grip a little."
"The truth speaks for God, and God is love."
"It's not trying harder, it's now living inviting Christ to live out his truth through me."
"It's the truth of God's word that's going to change your life and set you free."
"If God were to say something to you, it would be true."
"The truth of God is the best thing that is in the world."
"Whom the sun sets free is irrevocably free."
"God is not like a man that He would lie, or a son of man that He should change His mind."
"No matter what the challenge is that you have ahead of you, when you really understand and believe every single thing that the Word of God declares to be true about you, it changes the way you face the battle."
"Trust God and trust Him; His word is true."
"The spiritual fact is eternally at hand."
"God is not a man that He shall lie, and God is not the author of confusion."
"Because God is going to show people who you are, and God is going to show you who people really are."
"God's Word is the truth, God's work will never change, God is truth, God is love."
"Ultimately he shaped his life around the truth of God's word and God's promises."
"Faith is the ability to see what God says is."
"The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is the true God."
"God has not entrusted the truth to them; He's entrusted the truth to us, His believers, His worshipers."
"God's Word is always true; it will always come to pass."
"The books of Scripture firmly, faithfully, and without error teach that truth which God, for the sake of our salvation, wished to see confided to the sacred scriptures."
"Everything that is true about you is what God's Word says, and only that is true about you."
"It is deleterious for you to believe anything that anybody says about you if it doesn't line up with the word of God."
"For the truth of God will speak over my life, and it's the truth of God that is setting me free at this very moment."
"God has become flesh and expressed the truth to purify and save man and to rescue him from Satan's influence."
"Life is about connecting to Waheguru, and by connecting to Waheguru, we will find Waheguru who is the truth, the one who is the truth, the ultimate eternal truth is the one."
"Let's open it up, let's read it, let's study it, and go to God and ask God to show you truth."
"The Word of God is truth. Satan does not have truth in him."
"Satan speaks lies. God speaks truth."
"The Lord is the only true and living God."
"There's no truth about God that shouldn't move you."
"It is God's truth through human personality."
"God's voice is like the sound of many waters; it can't be drowned out, it is the truth."
"The time is coming and now is when a true worshipper shall worship God in spirit and in truth."
"God's government is moral, and truth and love are the prevailing power."
"The books of Sacred Scripture teach firmly, faithfully, and without error that truth God wanted us to have for our salvation."
"Only Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life."
"The truth from God is so clear, clearer than the truth that a human being can represent."
"You need to recognize that if you believe the things that we talk about on this program, you need to believe them because God has revealed them."
"God knows the future, God tells the truth, and we can trust His prophetic word."
"Allah does not shy away from the truth."
"No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent."
"And now I, the Lord, give unto you a testimony of the truth of these commandments which are lying before you."
"O mankind, the Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe; it is better for you."
"The mystery of God is finally unraveled."
"Blessed are those that are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. These are the true words of God."
"You're not holding back but you're not speaking with bad intention, you're speaking truth, divine truth, divine knowledge."
"More than trusting in our own understanding, we should be trusting in God's truth in His word."
"God can't lie because whatever He says will come to pass."