
Self-confrontation Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"The greatest battles we face are not with monsters, but with the fear within ourselves."
"There's no such thing as a bad meditation; there's only you overcoming you."
"Maybe he's put in this other kind of world where he has to face his darkness."
"The greatest enemy that you will ever face is you."
"Any change must start with a compassionate confrontation with oneself."
"Life is like wrestling a snake... and your snake is you. If you ever let go of that snake for a second, it's gonna strangle you."
"Each battle presents Scott with an internal crisis, inching him toward the moment in which he will have to fully confront his past in order to move on from it."
"The biggest struggle in my life was with me."
"Lena is a new person, forever changed after literally confronting herself."
"You're brave enough to confront your demons."
"Every day you step face to face with your demons and you say, 'Yo, you will not take me down. I will beat you.' Is a day closer to being free of those demons."
"We win the war within, and the battle with the reptilians is really a battle with our own negative ego constructs."
"No alcohol or weed... face your own emotions."
"You're challenging your challenges like you've decided to fight fire with fire."
"Deals a lot with fears... everything we don't like to confront directly."
"They’re being hunted by a distorted echo of themselves."
"There is no doubt in my mind that the true narrative here is Walker mentally torturing himself in order to confront his horrific actions."
"Face whatever it is that you're dealing with like the courageous boss that you are."
"Facing yourself is part of the process. It's like an initiation, literally going through hell and the underworld."
"The biggest enemy you have will always be yourself."
"The story as it nears its end also insists upon the necessity of confronting that which terrifies you and poisons you the most voluntarily."
"I ought to be ready at every moment of my life to confront myself and say this is what I've done."
"Moments of reckoning have taught me that transformation has a chance to occur when people honestly confront something about themselves."
"Like we're berating the coward inside of us that wants to hide in the corner when things get scary."
"This drama horror thriller is about a puppeteer who is forced to confront his inner demons after returning to his childhood home."
"At the end of the day, the only person Jordan is fighting against is himself."
"In order to save the universe, he will have to fight the fiercest enemy he has ever faced: himself."
"You gotta want to confront the darkness, you gotta want to go to the inmost cave."
"Don't fight against yourself, dive into the flame."
"As I lay here tonight unable to sleep, I know that I can't keep hiding from the truth. It's time to face it head-on, no matter how hard it might be."
"You're right I know how to do why am I because I'm human and because your ego comes in and because if you keep running this will catch up with you which is why radical confidence is really about turning and facing it."
"You face your inner demon and you face your darkness, you're the bravest person."
"The greatest battles are often fought within."
"One's inner demon can only be defeated by oneself."
"God's like I can help you conquer it if you'll confront it."
"It seems that the truth behind our own Doppelganger may be our most important fear to face."
"Do not be afraid to confront these things because the more you confront these things the better you're going to be able to release them."
"The most difficult enemy that you're going to encounter is going to be yourself."
"Time to face our monsters, time to go out into the world and conquer it for the glory of humankind."
"You know you need to put people in front of themselves and right now i don't think the majority of people are."
"Life versus anxiety: facing myself, my circumstances, the reality around me."
"It takes bravery to confront yourself, goodness gracious it does, it takes bravery to press in, dude."
"Pennywise is defeated when he is shown for the system that he is a system that forces us to confront our problems by ourselves dive inward to save face and grow up to resent the world around us because we feel misunderstood."
"The hardest thing to defeat is your own mind."
"To the other side of fear, to feel that pride, I did it. I faced my fear, I did it."
"Focus on all the stuff you've been running away from your entire life."
"The aliens come in and start doing their little experiments in an attempt to understand her what they actually end up doing is forcing her to confront herself as well as the past."
"Essentially the calling for someone Pluto in the 12th house is to confront things that disempower you."
"It's time to empower yourself and face that."
"Confronting death: what's really happening is that we usually come face to face with a symbolic death when we lose our identity."
"Shinji stops running. He confronts his past, his present, everyone who has added to his life, whose life he’s touched and he sees it through."
"Buffy fought a god. Now she has to fight Buffy."
"How to be empowered in the capacity to go deep in yourself and confront truth."
"Face your own fear, meet your own crap, your own crap. Try to be responsible for your own imperfection, your own crap, and try to bring love into your own life in whatever small way you can."
"If they want to best him, they need the evil and the demon that sleeps within himself to come out."
"Balance is found in the one who faces his guilt."
"We can't outrun ourselves; facing our shadows and pain is the path to healing."
"I had already won in my head today. Not winning the tournament, but I had beaten my own demons."
"The fight is not with the guy across the cage for me, it's with me."
"The psychedelic journey had not been an escape, but a confrontation with the trauma I had tried so desperately to bury."
"I'd rather be on my bloody own going through my fears and living."
"Choosing nothingness requires immense strength and resilience; it involves confronting the finite and insignificant nature of One's Own existence."
"Sometimes you gotta fight your inner demons."
"If what it is you want is really the truth of the matter, then you will have all support necessary to turn and face what you have run from for aeons."
"The hole manifests your greatest fear, you conquer that fear, and come out well, fearless."
"You can't run away from challenges that are within yourself and expect to beat a demon."
"Is there a challenge or an obstacle that I've been avoiding? Do I have the courage to confront it now so that I can emerge stronger?"
"Are you prepared to fight a vision of yourself, twisted almost beyond recognition?"
"I confronted my inner demons and I'm going to conquer those inner demons by placing faith in a higher knowledge."
"You have to face that in that dark room. In that dark room is where you have to create another human being that walks out of that dark room to face who you are."
"The only person that's going to defeat you is that man in the mirror."
"To dare, to be fearless, not just in facing the enemy but also what lies inside you."
"The best way for Iron Lad to prove his heroism would be to take on his future self."
"To have the courage to look inward, to confront everything about yourself that you dislike."
"Am I going to be a coward, or am I going to have some bravery here?"
"He is confronted face to face with himself, his choices, and the things he's done."
"The first battle that you have to fight is with you."
"It's way less painful to actually face yourself and walk through it."
"Unless you pivot and face your shadow, turning directly into its horrifying memory."
"Our inner demons feed off our fear; they lose their hold over us when we choose to stand and fight."
"The greatest battles are fought within, not on the battlefield."
"What if you could truly be your own worst enemy in a very special and horrific way?"
"I need you to confront you because you're the one holding you up."
"You made it back. Did you beat that evil, jerky, plus-pack alternative version of yourself?"
"I will not fight you because you're the one that has to fight yourself."
"Often we feel that impulse to flee, but this is the opportunity to face ourselves."
"I need this, Kim. I need to face who I was for my healing to take place."
"The Beast is within the self and that's the thing you need to conquer because that'll always be your worst enemy."
"You can’t clean a slate by moving or running. Not when that slate, is YOU."
"Later that night, deciding to fight against himself from an alternate world in order to preserve the future, Toru finally opens his case."
"Your biggest battle is literally overcoming yourself."
"Use this moment to fight against your fears, fight through your insecurities."
"If you deal with the war inside of yourself first and you overcome that war, the war outside you would not bother you at all."
"The only enemy you're going to really have is yourself."
"She wants something that represented her courage to defeat her darker self."
"You are your worst enemy and the enemies that have been coming against us have only been able to do what they've been doing because we have not faced the fears of ourselves."
"You getting ready to be face to face with your stuff, you getting ready to be face to face with what you've been praying for."
"Your enemy is yourself, and that's who you're fighting with."
"Internally, that's the toughest opponent throughout your whole life."
"Courage is when all the protective layers we've built up, all the internal and external noise, all the life's distractions are stripped away, and you are simply faced with you versus you."
"A twin flame is about facing you, it's about facing the inner demons and the inner darkness, finding a place to love yourself."
"The whole key to life is not in all that you have, you have to face yourself."
"Once I know my darkness, I face my darkness, I defeat my darkness."
"Congratulations for having the courage to face yourself."