
Order Quotes

There are 2647 quotes

"Wisdom reaches from one end to another mightily, and sweetly doth she order all things."
"It is geometric design at its highest level, yes, structure and order – two things you don't associate with Metallica."
"You need to find this balance between chaos and order."
"The human mind bounces between order and chaos; chaos is our default state."
"Make sure your own house is in perfect order before you criticize the world."
"The world makes sense and human beings operate not randomly."
"We seek order to comfort ourselves, and one of the quickest things that we can always blame is ourselves."
"Order first becomes apparent in Christianity, for instance in the hierarchy of the angels."
"Order is when what you're doing is producing what you want to have happen."
"When you're in chaos and order can reveal itself."
"Creating order out of chaos is far more complex than simply surviving within chaos."
"Everything's got a place, and there's a place for everything."
"Identification with the spirit that generates order out of chaos is part of the answer."
"The remarkable thing is, when we see some degree of order today, it actually is a remnant of the extraordinary order that for whatever reason was in place at the time of the Big Bang."
"God is a god of order, and there's three commands...love your husbands, love your children, and work in your homes."
"The truth is the truth, the truth is what creates order, and the truth is what these kids should be learning from a young age."
"Order is the first law of the universe because nothing can be done without order."
"Ritual is the only thing that provides order in a world that changes constantly."
"Our ancestors knew that you can find order by overcoming the surrounding chaos, and if you do that, then happiness would come to you, or at least some peace of mind."
"Nüwa, the mother and creator of mankind, the great goddess of order."
"Above all, we will restore order. We will make things right again."
"We have to make a choice to how to create order out of that disorder, and we can't respond to those conditions with anger, hatred, or fear because that's the very consciousness that's driving it in the first place."
"Order again is indispensable; for by it we wish to be understood that there should be a place for everything and everything in its place."
"The Greater Will, as the dominant force in their setting, controlling life, creating it, and imposing its order upon it."
"You're restoring order to your house... Maybe even overcoming some kind of addictions or bad habits."
"Reality is composed of chaos and order and your role is to mediate between them successfully."
"Out of chaos comes order, and so people are looking for something to give that to them."
"We are creatures whose levels of anxiety are fundamentally reduced by any activity which manages to impose order on a section of the world."
"Any satisfying piece of work has in it that ability to take you from chaos to order in a timescale which means you can hold on to a picture of both."
"And if you try to restore order by gluing the plate back together, your actions release enough energy into the surrounding environment to create more disorder in the universe as a whole."
"Without law and order, society literally can't have anything because to have something requires stability."
"I think that God is the creator of order, and that order is something that does exist fundamentally."
"One of the themes that you've explored most of all in your last two books is, of course, order and chaos and that tension that exists within societies but also within individuals between the safety of boredom of order and the danger and simultaneously excitement of chaos."
"Truthful speech, if you confront potential with truthful speech, you engender the order that is good."
"Some scientists believe that order and complexity are inevitable."
"I'd like to announce my new book, 'Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life.' Unlike my previous book, 'Beyond Order' explores, as its overarching theme, how the dangers of too much security and control might be profitably avoided."
"It's wonderful to see everything in its place."
"Our brains like order and precision...this is crucial to our understanding of the world."
"Hell is very cognitive; it's very orderly. There's a flow to it and it makes perfect sense."
"The Empire did nothing wrong, they're just trying to create order in the galaxy."
"We believe in law and order. We believe in justice."
"We need milestones and to feel like there is order to the universe."
"Maxwell's demon seemed to say that just by having information about the molecules, you could create order from disorder."
"God is the process that generates the habitable order that is good out of the chaos of potential."
"It makes me feel happier when things look clean and they look like clinical, then I feel relaxed and I feel like the world makes sense."
"Vegetation still followed perfectly along the lines of the grid even after it was screwed up."
"We're in a position of change... attempting to bring order to chaos."
"We perceive order therefore there must have been an intelligence who crafted that order."
"We are a country of law and order, and this is lawlessness when you're seeing all these riots."
"The appearance of chaos has underlying order."
"Symmetry, the fact that everything is perfectly aligned, perfectly set up."
"It is seen as a triumph of order over chaos and light over darkness."
"For once in a very long time, we are at peace. Now I can focus on getting everything back in order."
"There's nothing about the laws of thermodynamics that say that you can't have order arise from chaos."
"Anarchism is the mother of order when people engage voluntarily based on individuals."
"These patterns and regularities are the opposite of randomness."
"Chaos is no worse than order, order is tyranny, chaos is possibility."
"Is it more reasonable to believe that there's an intelligent mind behind order and design, or is it more intelligent to believe there's no intelligent mind behind order and design?"
"If you know about the past, it helps you understand the present and helps you sometimes predict the future."
"We need to choose law and order over rioting and disorder."
"Follow the money... everything suddenly is perfectly ordered."
"There is a divine order to the universe, and when you organize your mind, energy, and emotions, you harmonize with it."
"Every single thing looks like it's exactly where it should be."
"There's no such thing as perfection... it's all about the chaos and the order."
"It wasn't pandemonium. It was controlled chaos."
"Almost always the greatest golden ages follow the worst struggles... chaos breeds order and vice versa forming a beautiful nexus that is creation."
"First there was specific order but now there's just general chaos."
"Geometry exists in every part of nature; its order underlies the structure of all things."
"All opinions are welcome here. There's going to be order in my courtroom."
"The Holy Spirit is divine order and divine intelligence."
"To impose order on a large population means to impose hierarchy."
"Chaos was believed to be just as important as order."
"Without police, there is chaos; without law, there is anarchy; and without safety, there is catastrophe."
"This is more about order and not about publicly praying in tongues disruptively."
"How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?"
"The optimal position for a human being isn't in chaos or in order."
"Life finds a way, and if you are trying to order the universe to be perfect and pure and clean, yeah, life finding a way will be quite annoying."
"You cannot create more moral order when you abandon the created order."
"Biden seemed like he was attempting a semblance of order and I thought he was quite dignified, to be honest."
"We are seeing an old world order coming to an end and a new world order replacing it."
"The real divide of what happened at the Capitol is chaos versus order."
"The New Order won't look exactly like the old order."
"Maintaining order is a government's first duty."
"The establishment of order in Europe and the rebuilding of national economic life must be achieved by processes which will enable the liberated peoples to create democratic institutions of their own choice."
"God calling Adam to name the animals is considered an act of establishing order."
"Consciousness introduces order into the world."
"God is not the author of confusion, but of order."
"You can do what's right to you but it'll be Anarchy at the end. There still has to be some sort of order."
"If you want order and peace, no confusion, get into a Bible-believing Church."
"This ministry will be characterized by a strange order of speed."
"Those who are waiting for internal order will be the subjects of external chaos; those who yield to internal chaos will be the architects of a new order."
"An orderly Society is necessary to have Liberty."
"So we can rest in that and simply do the next right thing while also doing everything that we can to make the world around us better and safer and more orderly."
"That world made sense, and the world will make sense again."
"God has given us the instruction book in the Bible and it gives us the order for humanity to make things work properly."
"Virgos really do value perfection, they do value things all being in order."
"We changed that by creating order and delivering justice in the open."
"Unless unity and order are kept even above liberty, if necessary, if there is a clash, we're in danger."
"When Stellan was young, this man came to him in dreams, took him in as his own, and always said he imagined a world of perfect order."
"God's order brings functionality, peace, trust, and love."
"I want only to bring peace and order to the Galaxy."
"Two corned beefs on pumpernickel with sauerkraut."
"You have to follow the rules. We're a nation of laws."
"Before you criticize your social structures too intently and not to say nothing of the structure of being itself you should try to put your own house in order."
"She somehow elevated it to something of beauty, something of order, something of tradition and pageantry."
"When you walk in, you're gonna get a ticket. That's our system."
"The universe executes a precise order of Justice."
"Worship God... and that's when things lay themselves out almost automatically in the right order."
"The Emperor was sovereign... his job was to transform chaos into order whenever chaos threatened."
"Set thine house in order, Hezekiah is a man that God was incredibly kind towards."
"I think that's what Nip said, 'Yo, it's a marathon,' right? Because what is life but ordering up the whole day? You know, that's what it's about, just putting order to this [__]"
"If I concentrate hard enough, I can force my words back into order."
"Embrace order to optimize your productivity."
"Kepler was one of the first to look at the universe and see not chaos, but an ordered system waiting to be understood."
"The bad guys actually have a good point in this game even though they're all murdering slavers their system of order works very well even though everyone's fucking miserable and gets crucified all the time."
"Creating order from disorder... nature can provide."
"They really just want to have everything in good order."
"Struggle implies chaos, but if you strategize, you plan."
"I just want order, I just want there to be some peace and stability."
"Order is essentially structure, giving life structure as the greater will did when it fractured the one great."
"The Emperor is my Savior, order is the path, the Emperor is the Imperium sword, and the reason why this galaxy was forged in the first place."
"Life is all about learning the correct sequence to do things in to some extent."
"It takes a man of God to put the people or the wood in order."
"The world is not random. It's the farthest thing from it."
"We have to keep it in perspective, the order God is a God of order, we have to keep that in perspective. Praise the LORD!"
"The universe is orderly because God is a God of order, not confusion."
"I like for there to be like structural symmetry so that the chaos and the wildness in that can feel kind of ordered."
"I ruled this realm, a world of perfect order."
"I've developed a love for pattern, seeing the patterns unfurl in front of me, and enjoying the order of the world."
"I'm ordering you to pay the bride three thousand dollars. That's my verdict."
"But it was not lost, for China's cycles of order and disorder will continue."
"Everything is in its place, everything is right where it needs to be."
"Faith embedded in trust. Increased faith creates a cosmos out of chaos."
"There's strength in numbers, you dig? But without order, there's chaos."
"If you hate chaos like I do, the lumineth are quite possibly the best army for you."
"Organization is key; creating order out of chaos."
"Perhaps there is room for alliance and camaraderie within the madness. Witnessing this exchange of teamwork, I now realize the defining trait between chaos and order is not laws but our acts."
"Everything is going back to where it belongs."
"We want a government that is properly ordered and directed."
"The antidote to chaos: order. Achieve order, achieve happiness."
"I knew she was saying I'm still powerful. I actually have chosen to do this so don't don't look at my life as a powerlessness."
"Zero Ceiling's mission is to end youth homelessness."
"There seems to be though an immense amount of of order and power and truth and objectivity in the world in nature in just yeah the universe that we're humans are tapping into."
"Clean your room before you go about reordering the world."
"Everything's in divine order, and God has arranged all of this."
"I'll have two croissant so Josh, tell Josh to get the almond butter on the side this time."
"We're a nation of law and we're a nation of order, that is why we're here today to talk about what we must do to uphold the rule of law in America."
"And indeed it might even be that the hard work has to come first."
"Providence is recognizing that there is an order to the universe."
"It's so perfectly planned that even the way we categorize the first, second, third, fourth dimension."
"The Bible teaches us that binary is beautiful and blessed. What was God doing at creation? He was taking what was formless and void and bringing it to order, design, and life."
"You either have the rule of law or we have no rule of law."
"A wise judge will instruct his people and the government of a prudent man is well ordered."
"Stories give order to the chaos of the universe."
"The emperor does not wait, rules must be followed."
"We began to realize that things were not accidental, that there were laws and rules governing practically every procedure and function of the universe."
"Entropy does not always produce chaos; it is needed because entropy is more like a marker, a measure of the number of different ways that a set of objects can be arranged."
"Set containment defines a partial order."
"Without law, there will be chaos and confusion in society."
"Can you have ordered chaos? I don't know, but the level of entropy is likely to increase."
"They believe in the police in Europe, and they don't allow people to use heroin or defecate in public."
"Everything has its own categories, almost cubbies, like almost you could say a place for everything is everything in its place."
"Humans tend to naturally seek order given our drive for perfection and hierarchy."
"The deeper you descend into the story, the clearer it becomes that all the artificial gravity and neatly divided meals amount to a futile attempt to give order to a chaotic universe."
"They're systematic, they always have a process or a system to follow."
"The actions of the hero constitute an antidote to the deadly forces of chaos and to the tyranny of order."
"Horus represents order, stability, and legitimacy."
"Can you not see plants, birds, ants, spiders, bees, all doing their work, each helping in their own way to order the world?"
"Powerful paramilitary and secret service organizations paradoxically enforce order while being the greatest threat to it."
"We're about rebuilding the family, bringing back the order of God in Christ."
"The alchemist must put his own house in order."
"I'll have no fighting on my watch."
"Get a sense of order, a sense of discipline, a sense of direction, follow a proven plan."
"The community has to order itself according to the astral cycles."
"Hundreds of CHP officers are executing the dispersal order."
"We're a civil society, and order must prevail."
"There must be therefore one who governs it."
"They want there to be order in the chaos and to find meaning in seemingly unrelated events."
"What made Saruman evil was not his desire for order nor his love of the dark Lore."
"The Titans see themselves as standing above the irrational chaos that dominates the human species."
"All things must be done in order."
"Being about a definite thing is the formation of a total order."
"Cream bronzer first, then your concealer, and that's going to make a huge difference with your application."
"The Holy Spirit is the antidote to chaos."
"Nothing you do is accidental; there's this order to you."
"Descent must never lead to disorder. History might not always repeat, but it often rhymes."
"Everything is just as it should be."
"Unless the individual puts his own life in order, he can never discover universal order."
"Batman is the literal force of order over chaos."
"Cyclops demands order and structure, imposing clear roles and responsibilities on the battlefield."
"The live-action Scooby-Doo movies are in the wrong order and I can prove it."
"The Entwives desired order and peace."
"You brought order to the universe with but a few battles; you ended war for all time."
"We live in a world of rules where all things must be bound by balance."
"I love when things have rules I love when things have limits and limitations."
"There's a lot of order in nature."
"Anarchy in our streets is unacceptable, and anger is not enough."
"So let's stand for law and order, for peace in our streets, and against anarchy."
"Does it seem like when your kitchen is messy, your whole house feels messy, and when your kitchen is clean, all seems right in the world?"
"We like steady sometimes; it doesn't always have to be chaos."