
Cosmic Perspective Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"We're here for a brief moment of cosmic time and that's all there is to it."
"Our galaxy is over a hundred thousand light years across. A distance so vast that it defies ordinary understanding."
"If the there is a discovery of a neighbor in our cosmic backyard, it would change everything for humanity."
"What is our place in the universe? Is it our autumn, where we are just a leaf falling from a universal tree, or is it our spring, where our story as a civilization has only just begun?"
"Cosmos at its best gives a cosmic perspective, in this case, a biological perspective on your relationship to the world around you."
"It's not just the origins of distant stars and galaxies but it's the story of us, you and me, how we got here."
"Our days and our lives are short in cosmic terms, but with our minds, we have learned to follow time's trail out to longer and longer intervals."
"We are star material become conscious. It is as if the universe..."
"If you’re alive, hearing this now, then in my opinion you’ve a better than 50/50 chance of having your name remembered and recorded until long after this bright star we live around burns out."
"Tony looks at his hand and he holds it to his face as if trying to embrace that dust that just slipped through his fingers."
"Facing a shared cosmic identity, many conflicts and divisions that currently plague our world could pale in significance."
"You are like the cosmos in a physical body. You are the summation of the whole universe."
"We embrace this moment in our galactic evolution."
"We are not privileged, we are not special, we have a solar system."
"Next time you see a shooting star, just take a moment to be thankful that it's a tiny harmless lump of rock."
"The universe isn't a barren desert, it's a dark forest full of wild beasts lurking behind the bushes."
"It is a strange moment in adolescence when you first start to truly comprehend the concept of where you are, your position on a solitary planet in a vast, seemingly unending space of some strange incomprehensibly immense thing we call universe."
"Are we truly unique in the universe? Is our star the only one of the 100 billion or so stars in our galaxy to have a planet where life has developed?"
"I got a new mission in front of me, so let's get it done."
"We need to get this out to as many people as possible and show them that we are part of something much bigger."
"Nothing seems so important once you've wrapped your mind around your sheer cosmic insignificance."
"I love the individual, I love human beings, I could see the universe in their eyes."
"Next time you take life too seriously, just think about the Hercules Corona Great Wall and think again."
"The earth is a rare jewel in the cosmic expanse."
"If you just take a cosmic perspective, that you would maybe think of your fellow human being as being a bit more worthy of your kindness and compassion."
"This might change the way we look at our place in the universe."
"What are stars? What are galaxies? None of that is real."
"Acceptance is the reality. The reality is that both you and me are both, in terms of time and space, occupy just a blimp of space in this cosmos."
"One fascinating aspect of the Book of Enoch is that of the extraterrestrial being Uriel, who tutors Enoch with an education in the cosmos, speaking of humanity's place in the universe."
"We have to have universal peace... our whole attitude towards the cosmos has to become peaceful."
"Our Earth, this pale blue dot in the cosmos, is a special place."
"We are at a point where we're seeing ourselves in the universe in a new way."
"We exist on this relatively tiny rock called Earth floating around a relatively average star, the Sun."
"The mind of God, the mind of God that Einstein wrote about for the last 30 years of his life, the mind of God is cosmic music resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace."
"That's what Biden is seeking to undo, and that's a big part of this."
"We are insignificant moments in the cosmic sphere, and the universe existed long before us and will exist long after us."
"Look up to the stars and appreciate every single moment you're alive."
"Space, there's this the scale of it... It alleviates some pressure for me."
"You have not been left behind by the universe."
"They're here to remind us who we are, part of a Cosmic Family."
"We can't understand our place in the universe without grasping the principle of evolution over lifetimes."
"Thankfully for my scientific endeavors and what I've uncovered, our hope is in the cosmic nature of our existence."
"That is it, it's so crazy to think about, outside of our galaxy, there's a star-bound planet."
"How much happier you would be, how much more there would be of you if the hammer of some higher God were to smash your little cosmos." - GK Chesterton
"Giving the world free will, giving the multiverse free will, and being like, 'Let's see how [ __ ] shakes out' is a pretty admirable thing to do."
"I am overwhelmed by what I saw. I saw death and in the blackness of space I saw life."
"The beating heart of universal love echoes throughout all of creation."
"You do come from the stars, you return to the stars, you are of the stars."
"We are not alone, but the search is only just starting."
"We are minuscule matter in a world of cosmic dust."
"Whether we like it or not, we are part of a much larger cosmic ecosystem."
"Each self on this planet, and all planets, are part of the one infinite Creator."
"We are moving from the paradigm that we are alone in the universe to a new one in which we are not alone."
"Don't worry about being a Republican being independent start thinking independently ask yourself each each each political process were your values and principles stand."
"We're not alone in this universe, and this planet Earth is so special, so extraordinary, it's a true laboratory."
"Humanity doesn't really know all that much about life...we are a speck of dust orbiting a speck of dust making up an average sized Dust Bunny on a planet completely composed of well dust."
"The commodore is like us, a product of our cosmos made on earth, a triumph of human spirit."
"It's so potentially Paradigm Shifting, the story is could restructure the way we see ourselves in our place in the universe if it's really true."
"We may be pitifully tiny in cosmic terms... but nonetheless, we are still the species that did produce Hamlet and the Sistine Chapel."
"Humanity's existence isn't that important and just a blip on the timeline of the universe."
"Humanity's triumphs shine brighter than the darkest of cosmic voids."
"I want the world and the universe to continue."
"I just think you know, the Big Bang is real competitive. Listen, I'll say it, God's the audio listener."
"We're like a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."
"The universe is practically blind out there, and it's humbling."
"We are on the brink of sharing our knowledge, our aesthetic, and our way of seeing the universe. This is an important moment."
"The universe is infinite, it has no beginning and no end."
"The end of greatness... acknowledges the enormity and diversity of the cosmos."
"You can't blame yourself. The cosmic forces are way too strong."
"For what it's worth, the universe waits. Halfway, the half the universe away, you know, to the half that remains, the universe is a better place."
"Is there anything more awesome than what you just said? Well, I am truly star stuff as Carl Sagan once said."
"The universe is teeming with consciousness and life."
"Humans are a means for the universe to experience itself."
"Space: it's big. Really big. Mind-bogglingly big."
"You realize how small you are in the universe... nothing else matters."
"I came from stardust, and I'm gonna end up stardust."
"This is where we live, on a blue dot. That's where everyone you know and everyone you ever heard of lived out their lives. It's a very small stage in a great cosmic arena."
"Forcing the world to confront the vastness of the unknown and our place within it."
"The universe has no obligation to make sense to us, to any of us. It's under no obligation at all."
"Either we're alone in the universe or we're not. Both are equally terrifying."
"The probability for Humanity to be the only intelligent civilization that has ever existed is one in 10 billion trillion."
"The entirety of the universe is folded within every single individual."
"Every step along the way is perfect, a building block, a microcosm of the universe."
"I just think we don't realize we're [__] we're just like a speck of dust in the grand scheme of this universe."
"We're just like a speck of dust in the grand scheme of this universe, we're on one planet among billions of planets in a small space."
"The idea that we are alone is absolutely beyond ludicrous."
"Staring into space has a way of reminding all of us just how little we know about the universe and how small we each are."
"As a result, while aliens might know that there’s a biosphere here, they very likely don’t know that we’re here."
"It's a really good reminder... we're surrounded by vast darkness."
"In a cosmic sense, Noah and Mio are way way more important now than we initially gave them credit for."
"The whole cosmic realm is within you." - Jesus
"We are stardust. We are made of stardust. We are energy and we're planted on this planet to grow."
"The universe could be in the tip of your fingernail, and the tip of your fingernail could be in the universe."
"I want to paradise in from the cosmos there's no reason for all the tensions the hatreds and all the stuff that we have in the world of day."
"I say learning to love oneself is in a way learning to love the Galaxy, because in the end we're just Stardust all entangled on itself."
"In all chaos, there's a cosmos, and in all disorder, a secret order."
"Our home is just a small speck in the cosmos, but it is the only one we have."
"It was the greatest gift that the universe had ever given me."
"The Earth is pretty weird. It's a small lump of rock flying around a star at high speed."
"The Sun is actually cold. It's cold and empty and all is lost." - Joseph Fink
"The universe never truly ends, it just goes through changes."
"This universe is so huge I just can't imagine believing or how people believe that we are the only life form in this entire universe."
"That's kind of the situation we're in as a species... sitting here on this tiny watery blue ball... and we think there's probably somebody else out there."
"You really think God made billions of galaxies with billions of stars in each of them just to have a personal relationship with you? Yes."
"The sun exploding is utterly beyond us it is it is completely and absolutely beyond our ability to reconcile outside the abstract it's yeah it's a feeling of cosmic insignificance."
"We move through space at five and a half trillion miles every year. Congratulations to you if you believe that."
"We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not just to ourselves but also to that cosmos ancient and vast from which we spring."
"Every galaxy, every star, every planet, every rock, every tree, every human being that's ever lived, you are the oldest thing in the universe."
"Possible that every time we look up at the Moon we are peering into our own past."
"Every star you see is from millions, if not billions, of years ago."
"Think about how massive and how tiny of a speck that Earth is compared to what else is out there."
"It seems unlikely that our planet is special in some way and it may be that there are many other civilizations present in the Milky Way."
"You're already tapped into this broader world that we live in, this cosmic quantum universal reality."
"I always believed in things beyond us, much more capable than the limitations put on humanity by this unforgiving universe."
"It's amazing when you really think about that and you look in the sky and you're like who am I you know we're nothing I mean just look up in the sky."
"Technology... allows us to... for the universe to know itself."
"I do believe there's a bigger force at play something's happening that's bigger than us."
"You've seen all of existence, same as me, so you know."
"The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena."
"Earth is a very special place, and there is nowhere exactly like it in the entire Cosmos."
"Life in the universe is the norm, not the exception."
"We're in a universe that's full of Consciousness and other life forms..."
"The universe never works against you, it always works for you."
"Jim’s light, continuing its journey through space long after the star is gone."
"We are Stardust, not just figuratively true, it's literally true."
"Light is the game changer and love is the checkmate Pam Gregory I just thought wow that hits it on the head that is the Ascension process that's the 5D that's the Great Awakening oh I love it I love it I love it."
"We're all on one little itty bitty rock in the universe, we don't matter."
"Sometimes I wonder, as I gaze into the night sky, whether the stars themselves are gazing back at me."
"Think always of the universe as one living creature, comprising one substance and one soul."
"Life on it, however, that will take its shape I do not know, but we are not the only planet in this vast of vastness that has life in it."
"Understanding our place in the cosmos is a fundamentally human constant throughout the ages."
"It made you feel about that big, about as big as a gnat in a whole universe."
"Earth's whole existence was just confirmed to be nothing more than an egg in the larger scheme of things."
"This changes everything about life, evolution, and our place in the Galaxy."
"Eventually, all that will remain are subatomic particles dancing in the vast expanse of intergalactic space, engulfed by eternal darkness."
"We believe that all sentient beings, organic or artificial, have a role to play in the cosmic symphony."
"From the cosmic point of view, the use of money as it is used today is fundamentally wrong and is a method or means arbitrarily established by humanity for the purpose of getting around and avoiding most of the ethical principles established by the cosmic."
"With each beat, you have the power to shape your narrative, harmonizing with the cosmic rhythms that transcend time and space."
"Count the stars in the sky; you mean it's infinite."
"If you're Divine, if you're the cosmos, if you're the universe of your Source, you command the stars, you command everything."
"Doubt thou the stars of fire; doubt that the sun doth move."
"Your soul is part of the Creative Source. Did you know that? I'm going to talk about how big you are. How big is the soul of a human being?"
"The galaxy itself became a scar upon the fabric of existence, a testament to cataclysms endured, to the ceaseless, chaotic process of creation and renewal."
"I think we're gonna see one of the cousins reaching out."
"Remember that you're the universe."
"Out of the star-strewn heavens came hope."
"But from afar, a galaxy reminds me more of a collection of lovely found objects, seashells perhaps or coral, the productions of nature laboring for eons in the cosmic ocean."
"In the cosmic perspective, it is poignantly beautiful and rare, but it is also, for the moment, unique."
"We sleep on our backs at night. What are you looking at? The night sky, the lights in the void of darkness."
"The cosmic perspective is one where all of Earth is one."
"The cosmic perspective reorders what is important in this world."
"The universe is like, 'Let this play out. This is playing out exactly as it's supposed to.'"
"...there is a curious comfort knowing that one's own chunk of cosmic debris is not alone as it litters the space between the planets."
"Human beings are central to the creation or the cosmos is human centric."
"Life is revelatory, meaning like really this paradigm of space and time is the cosmic mirror within which we get to see where we're still thinking that we are fundamentally confined."
"Nature's not just nature, it's a planet moving through outer space and we are sharing that planet with plants and animals."
"The universe doesn't care about us."
"...So astrology really is a big cosmic clock."
"Throughout all the eons of the past up to this moment, the sun has never set before tonight ever, and in all the eons left to come, it'll never set again."
"Just knowing that you all are a part of this Galaxy."
"In the 1920s Humanity realized that our Milky Way galaxy was just one of many millions and even billions of light years away."
"You are part of a fantastic universe."
"Legion: 'For the sake of the entire Cosmos, fingers crossed Legion can keep it that way.'"
"It's literally like good news sent to the moon or a good news sent out to space positivity sent out into the world or into the universe and I was like so."
"It's moments like these that help us remember the wonder that exists in the universe."
"You are a starborn energy, feeling like you're really not from here."
"the forecast does seem to be for an ever colder ever-empty universe but then of course we have to ask could that end lead to a new beginning"
"As long as we remain the only known example of life, we could consider ourselves exceptionally fortunate in the cosmic Lottery of biology."
"the universe is so big and we are so so small it really puts things into perspective"
"The revelation that the universe is not only vaster but also far more complex than previously understood underscores the need for a philosophical realignment in how humanity perceives itself within the cosmic order."
"...from a bigger, broader, more cosmic perspective all is well and wisely put, and there's some reason for these things happening."
"Greetings cosmic children of the universe!"
"Just remember that you are the universe."
"If I could just trust that I actually am made of Stardust like the most miraculous thing on the planet, how might I lead my life differently?"
"The whole Cosmic realm is inside you."
"In this world we live in, where I'm given so much power and attention, it is good to remember we are but a beautiful dot in the universe."
"When you consider what a tiny speck this planet is on the cosmic landscape, isn't it marvelous?"
"Our world represents but one tiny pale blue dot in a sea of darkness, the only bastion of life in the ocean of the night we know of."
"If we find aliens that are more developed than us, it would probably challenge our perception of where we exist in the universe."
"We're just a tiny speck of dust when it comes to the universe at large."
"I am the Milky Way galaxy, look in the night, you've gotta see a part of me."
"Humanity is probably relatively unique because we are definitely the first time that the universe has been able to observe itself."
"In one respect you of third density are but children in the sense of the universe, but in the other sense you are aged and old along the path, more wise than you know, and spiritually mature."
"Every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there—on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."
"We suddenly realized we were space dust."
"The whole universe is a sacramental universe."
"I walked away fully believing that there's life in the universe."
"Oftentimes the light that we see from a star is from a star that no longer exists. Isn't that weird?"
"In the canvas of the cosmos, we are but a single brushstroke."
"The planet is dying, the Sun is exploding, the universe is cooling, nothing's gonna matter. The further back you pull, the more that truth will endure."
"We are on a floating planet in an ever mysterious universe."
"There was only, to paraphrase Carl Sagan, a single blue marble suspended in a black void."
"We might underestimate our cosmic significance."
"Looking up at the night sky makes you feel insignificant, which is something that everybody needs."
"The night of stars and shadows had been transfigured; no longer did I see constellations and planets in their serene orbits, I saw a mind sailing free."
"The so-called sphere of stars was an illusion; our galaxy, or universe as it was then thought to be, was a vast slab of a billion points of light, all in motion."
"It may forever change the way we view the universe."
"We learned in awe that we live on a moist spec of dust moving around a medium-sized star in a quiet region of one arm of an average galaxy."
"I felt like I was staring into the eyes of the universe."
"We're on a planet here, we're orbiting a star, and that context is important for understanding and taking care of this planet that we're living on."