
Ethical Dilemma Quotes

There are 520 quotes

"Usado decides against it, fearing the beginning of a life of crime over a $5 umbrella."
"Do I want fast fashion companies to go bankrupt like Forever 21, or do I want them to switch into becoming more ethical brands? I don't know."
"If you want to have a baby and you think that we should consider its experience in all points, even before it's having an experience, how do you escape things like antinatalism that says that giving birth to something is exposing it to potential suffering that it never consented to?"
"If a concentration camp or laboratory is burned, that is violence but if it is left standing, is that not more or worse violence?"
"If you had the chance to wipe out the worst thing that ever happened to you, to make it so that you had no memory of the event at all, would you do it? Or more importantly, should you?"
"If you see somebody who is like, their leg is broken and there's a wolf running towards them, do you say, 'Oh well, the strong must survive,' or do you help save the person?"
"It's not between good and evil but between competing virtues."
"Killing a day-old embryo seems morally acceptable to most Americans, but killing a day-old baby is one of the worst crimes imaginable."
"Do you allow humans to be humans even if it creates more problems and endangers you all in the long term?"
"The profit motive is a direct conflict with human welfare."
"The fact of the matter is, you're killing civilians."
"When my doctor offered me 50k to test something on my body, I said yes."
"Discovering that the legendary Philosopher's Stone is created from live human beings, the brothers are thrown into a deep despair."
"Oasis straight-up asks you to deal with a question of euthanasia in cases where the person is unable to take their own life but their family doesn't want to let them die."
"It's not always about what's right or wrong or who's the good guy or the bad guy; often, it's about who has control over those precious resources that power our world."
"If abortion doesn't kill human beings, no justification is necessary; however, if it does kill human beings, no justification is adequate."
"If the mother's life is in danger, she's more important at that point."
"The trolley problem explores the moral dilemma of making difficult choices in situations where lives are at stake."
"You're basically saying the baby is healthy and capable of surviving on its own, viable, but you can kill it if the mother is sick."
"The C ation of humanity is definitely worth the life of one girl."
"A dilemma was presented to Kant by French philosopher, Benjamin Constant."
"This is a choice between right and wrong, justice and injustice."
"The moral of the story is I chose a half measure, Mike Ehrmantraut represents pragmatic evil."
"I'd rather someone steal diapers than their baby go without diapers or formula that they need to live." - Unnamed commenter
"Just because you only make 11.50 does that mean you should allow shoplifters to steal from the store?" - Brandon Tamayo
"Right but I really don't want to kill somebody you know like even like it's scary you know someone breaks into your house and they're armed for lethal force..."
"There's seldom been a more obvious and blatant gap between what is right, just, and moral, and what the rules and the laws actually are."
"What would you do if the fate of someone's life lay entirely in your hands?"
"Why would he want to keep an individual record of individual girls and the means by which they became pregnant and the desires of whether or not they wanted an abortion?"
"Look at this monster we created. What do we do?"
"Rommel agreed to take his own life to protect his family and image."
"I feel bad that we're gonna go here, but I hope you guys understand."
"You can't just kill a healthy person to save some more people's lives."
"Divorced from all these questions of unborn-ness and bodily autonomy the actual question kill the moon asks us to consider is: is it moral to end one life to save billions?"
"This is a literal case of people choosing between their child's life and their religion."
"Such a world where crimes are known before they're committed is disturbing. It sits in between the comforts of security and low crime but also complete government knowledge and control."
"I don't think it's weird of me to point out that eating meat is wrong even if I'm still doing it."
"Morally horrendous choice." - "You know, to put people at the choice of feeding their families or taking something that they and their doctor don't believe they should, uh, is a morally horrendous choice."
"If violence maybe is threatened and I know somebody who can do something to prevent people being killed and so on, I think I'm entitled to go to that person and say please, we don't want violence."
"I would rather be illegally alive than legally dead."
"Something is fitting about scammers getting scammed and it would have been a satisfying outcome if it hadn't resulted in such a tragic loss of life."
"This one is for interest but also for shame."
"Is there even a point to killing Liam's wife?"
"If the world is to be saved like that, it would be better for it to perish. Believe me, Duny, it’d be better if it perished."
"Wouldn't it be unethical to not do something if you knew it could help them?"
"I actually know a liberal feminist who watched our interview with Tara Reid and said, 'You know what? I believe Tara Reid and I'm gonna vote for Joe Biden anyway.'"
"Okay, but what if that was the wrong guy though?"
"If I let my wife and daughter die, it'll end right here. If the virus loses its host, it'll die. I can save mankind."
"She came very close to the line... at the fringe of her professional ethics."
"Sometimes violence and pain is required to protect your loved ones."
"Should I still have children given the state of climate change?"
"Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it: 'My appetite is more important than your suffering'?"
"Why love one but eat the other? You have a dog here and a baby boy cow. Baby boy cows are murdered."
"Does that mean that even if we believe in a person's right to life we should still kill this one person to save the ten thousand?"
"It does matter who you are or who you identify with. You always have the choice of being the good guy or the bad guy."
"We had to end the war. We had to save American lives."
"Showing surveillance footage of her family, they explained that rupturing her genes is actually a good thing, even though she will lose all emotional attachment for her son. She will become part of a superhuman species and take over the planet."
"If keeping the population growing comes at the cost of millions more children each year living in poverty, I don't necessarily know that's a trade-off we want to make."
"I think it's crazy how the government was spying on the whole world without permission. I think Edward Snowden did the right thing in reporting what the government was doing."
"I'm concerned about miscarriages, man, like a six-month pregnant woman falls down and hits her stomach and the baby dies. Then what are they going to charge her with manslaughter because she didn't protect and defend the baby's life?"
"Wouldn't it be technically okay if we just made everyone happy artificially all the time?"
"People have this emotional problem with doing that because it means killing an animal but you're actually killing something with kindness."
"Would you bang your aunt to save a million people?"
"Should Man play God, what consequences shall the world reap for sewing these altered seeds, and when shall the line be drawn?"
"Most people say they would pull the lever and sacrifice one person to save five. It's for the greater good."
"So what I'm learning from you is that I could break and say if someone under me did it."
"Forgiveness versus holding people accountable."
"One person probably has a stronger claim to defend their record store than another would to defend the hospital."
"It seems callous to not save that first person. It seems insane morally speaking but this is why the meme says that this is the day the deontologist started questioning his belief system."
"If it is the case that the rational thing to do is to consider pulling the lever and pushing the fat man as just as moral as each other then in this situation it's probably the right thing to do to push the fat man off the bridge."
"If you want riches you got to sell your people out, you gotta sell yourself out, dehumanize yourself or whatever you got to do, then you got to sell your people out."
"The baby didn't do anything wrong. So why are you punishing the baby? If you believe it's a life and it is ending a life, you're ending the life of the innocent baby."
"No doubt if he could spare Jews from the results of his nativism, he would, but he can't."
"Is it alright to boil a sentient creature alive just for our gustatory pleasure?"
"So I guess the question always is how far do you take that because, you know, if we wanted to reduce suffering the most, then non-existence would be the furthest reduction of suffering possible."
"I baby-trapped my boyfriend but I did it with only the best of intentions."
"Put yourself in Scott’s shoes. Would you keep the box? Or would you take the two-hundred-million-dollars, right then and there?"
"At what point do good people participating in evil become evil themselves?"
"Maybe he's choosing the lesser of two evils right now."
"I definitely think it's okay to cheat, it's not cool, but it seems like it's right."
"You're right, Thanos! Resources are limited! If only you weren't a genocidal asshole."
"Sometimes even when you're trying to do the right thing there is no easy answer."
"You've created a world where what you're suggesting is actually evil or wrong."
"I hate being in a position where I'm actually having to call out ex-teammates or friends."
"Would you want to have principles or do you want to win?"
"Zuko questions if his intentions matter if the action is the same."
"Better to kill one and save five, tragic but necessary."
"As soon as Superman makes the choice to kill Stalin, he’s already become him."
"If we attack King's Landing with Drogon and the Unsullied, and the Dothraki, tens of thousands of innocents will die. Do not become what you have always struggled to defeat."
"Better to kill one and so that five can live."
"Honor: sacrificing honor to win, of course you would."
"I think it's selfish to keep someone alive who's basically dead."
"How can the church not feel as if they are culpable in the harm and the continued victimization when they sit back and they do absolutely nothing?"
"If it turns around from this and he just exclusively does good things, even though he's like a sociopath, like if he gives us a million dollars, but like that's fine too."
"Can we mix our sperm together and give it to a woman?"
"He's actually challenging them that are you selling your soul for some judicial appointments?"
"Being a transplant patient is this weird juxtaposition of feeling both incredibly thankful and happy to have a functioning organ again, but also guilty and sad that someone else had to die."
"Can you eat animals and love them at the same time? It's a bloody contradiction."
"Karl Fritz's ultimate goal was peace, but he believed that the crimes that the Eldians committed in the past were so grave that they should never have existed in the first place."
"You can cheat once? What's one cheating okay?"
"Is receiving organs from an organ harvesting not moral since organs was removed when the donor was still alive?"
"Her desire to kill Leslie may sound callous, however she’s the only one who realizes how dangerous it is to let him live."
"Would you sell one of your eyes for a million Dolans? Would you sell both for 50 million?"
"Do you think this was a good way to fight the attritional war or do you think at the end of the day it's a little too much willful sacrifice for the few for the many?"
"Surely you can see the conflict here and the potential for corruption."
"There's always that conundrum, if you could travel back in time and kill Hitler before he was a baby, would you do it?"
"When I am weaker than you, I ask for freedom because it is according to your principles. When I am stronger than you, I deny you yours because it is according to my principles."
"But if you had the ability to stop a crime before it happened, would you do it even if the person that you were arresting hadn't actually done anything yet?"
"If you're in direct competition with absolutely no one and it's just a complete hurdle, roadblock to what you're trying to do, you might be more inclined to cheat."
"Celine Dion had already grossed close to 750 million dollars in revenue."
"I remember he said that you know keep the child comfortable while you decide whether or not to kill them or not."
"You walk to your wife every night and you tell her you had a good day at work. How do you do that? How do you look on the face and lie?"
"I told him, 'I'm pregnant.' He says, 'Terminate.' I say, 'No.'"
"Would you rather kill everyone on the trolley or allow a pigeon to rob everyone and give that's the real Charlie problem right there."
"You're the []. I notice you don't say what kind of doctor she is. Either way, you reported it anonymously, which means you already knew you were being an []." - Sunshine and Murder
"What and who to value in times of apocalyptic distress."
"The burden of guilt that can only come to a man who is sworn to do no harm."
"Separating the art from the artist... It's a personal decision though so you gotta make up your own mind."
"If you were a scientist with the ultimate goal of improving the human race at what point do you think you'd realize you'd made a wrong turn somewhere?"
"Isn't that antithetical to Christ's teaching?"
"Sacrificing the few isn't any different than killing a hostage, Liam. This is it, burden."
"Like tell me if this is right or wrong. Don't fish seem like they have less personality than land animals? Like, which one do you feel more bad about killing, a cow or a fish?"
"She's weak, she accepted the paycheck and the position but wants to be shielded from the price."
"Love is, you know, if your family's getting attacked, you know, do you use force?"
"The real question is, is a fetus a human being?"
"I'd rather have a moaner than someone who just indiscriminately kills people."
"But those that kidnap a six-year-old child, collect a ransom, but kill them anyway... some might say that the gas chamber is far too humane a method of execution for people that are capable of such unspeakable evil."
"Why is it always a choice between the lesser of two evils?"
"Sacrifices must be made for the greater good, I suppose."
"This is about ending monetization, this is about taking him down personally."
"I feel uncomfortable knowing that there will be a total of five people in my home, likely engaging in group sex while my family is nearby. Am I the arthur if I maintain this boundary?"
"What you want me to do, do you want me to lock a young person up?"
"Better that a hundred guilty persons escape than that one innocent man should suffer."
"Wouldn't you be the most selfish person in the world for not murdering all of your children before they turned eight years old?"
"It’s hard to stop the progress of science however, especially when there’s a deific construct at the center of things."
"We've killed something that seemed to have thoughts and feelings..."
"You're permitted by law to do it but it's not right that they are doing it from a moral perspective."
"This thou shalt not kill stretches to killing babies."
"Some may question your right to destroy 10 billion people; those who understand realize that you have no right to let them live."
"For as reprehensible as big game hunters may seem, the money and population control they bring to animal conservation efforts may make them one of the most useful groups to prevent extinction."
"Do we really want to use lethal force to stop someone from selling cigarettes?"
"Cops who might in their gut be like, 'This is wrong'... but I don't know how to move forward because I don't think I have any law to arrest them."
"Would you let something really bad happen to you and then let that happen to some other family?"
"What would you do if you found a way to make an infinite amount of money? A glitch that allowed you to practically print cash. People all over the world are claiming that these methods are the real deal."
"Would you be okay with your daughter if she was with a guy that was cheating on her?"
"Despite a story that basically says, hey you committed worldwide genocide come work for our program like a damn NASA rocket scientist, it's pretty good from beginning to somewhat wonky ending."
"That monster deserves to be put down? I don't think so. There's only one monster here."
"By sacrificing the few they are able to save the many."
"Murder is murder. So if we're killing someone who murdered someone, then we're murdering them too."
"It's hard to do the right thing; it's so easy to always do the wrong thing."
"Perhaps on the rare occasion, pursuing the right course demands an act of piracy."
"I think the survival of humanity is far more important than the lives of a couple hundred kids."
"Let us know how you feel about Jennifer Lawrence's comments whether or not you would take ten thousand dollars if it meant a random person dies across the Earth."
"Save one person or save 12? The choice is clear."
"The conflict isn't about 'can they be strong enough to defeat these guys,' it's more about 'am I doing the right thing?'"
"You see a wallet on the floor and you say oh no, someone left their wallet here."
"People saying like 'oh yeah, our players should stand against it and turn against it'... they're gonna if we offer them to double their wages they're not gonna say anything."
"Deliberately killing innocent people for the supposed greater good is more often than not the wrong thing to do."
"If you don't have an answer, you can err on the side of not ending a life."
"We would have to err on the side of life if we don't have an answer, on the side of liberty and let women make that choice for themselves."
"A woman needs to be able to control her own body, even if that can lead to a very tragic choice sometimes."
"You have the ability to read anyone's mind but everyone knows you have the ability to."
"I don't see the solution being going and stealing a bunch of stuff from Claire's."
"Shouldn’t the extermination of all life be a last resort?"
"If an abortion happens but the baby survives, can you kill it? And he already said no."
"That's really how these things should go but I don't want to see anyone's life get ruined over this whole incident."
"Civil War asks should the superheroes be policed."
"It's legal and unethical, that's pretty much how it works."
"You must show you are willing to take a life to save the world."
"He writes a note to his commanding officer deep in that when he's deep in the desert saying we are getting them to fight for us on a lie and I can't stand it."
"You become an active participant in a grand lie."
"You want the wrong person in jail just so that everyone can feel good at the end of the day."
"Our capacity for rationality and science has given us awesome and terrible weapons, but we have not yet got enough rationality to avoid using them."
"This is seriously messed up, and the therapist should have intervened."
"I sensed God telling me I need to do something, and it leads to something that's actually dangerous or law-breaking or even sinful."
"If your son or daughter had sufficient evidence that they were talking about committing an act like this, a school shooting, would you be capable of taking them to law enforcement and getting them arrested or would you try?"
"The problem in survival is that you have to sacrifice a lot of livestock to get enough animal thyroid."
"Your daughter's got superpowers, what if we use those superpowers to stop this woman?"
"Is using a child who is made from Miranda's own disease to kill her bad?"
"If I have to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all."
"In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good."
"Politically, if driverless cars kill a few people but save tens of thousands of people, that's a problem for the politicians."
"Picking the lesser of two evils is still evil."
"I just can't fathom wanting to kill my own unborn child."
"The baby is not a parasite, the baby is a human life."
"Money or inconvenience would move you to snuff out your own child's life."
"If she was about to pull the trigger and kill my kid, do I think it would be right to shoot her? Um, yeah."
"I could literally rig the vote right now okay I could literally rig the vote I have so much power."
"So it's not scumbag if you scumbag a scumbag, you're just friends, right?"
"What is crueler than denying a desperate person the thing that they're desperate for? That is the definition of cruelty."
"An endangered animal has been shot and killed at a zoo that was meant to protect him many have asked why didn't you just tranquilize the animal they stand by the decision that they made did they make the right decision."
"There's nothing else you have to ask to know what is the right thing to do. The right thing to do is either throw out the result and redo it, or we'll have to scrap the system totally."
"It's better for one innocent or for 100 guilty people to go free than for one innocent person to be punished unjustly." - A provocative ethical dilemma.
"There's nowhere to go. Some people have a right to know."
"I could have signed and kept my old job, but I knew my conscience would bother me for the rest of my life. I would never be able to go to the congregation and serve as an elder knowing that I had let Jehovah down."
"I think Joel did the right thing in the last game. The fireflies wanted to use Ellie's immunity to the infection as a way to reverse engineer a vaccine..."
"Ask yourself whether you're complicit in its atrocities by doing business with it."
"What would you think? You'd think all right, I'm going to go and stick some pins in people."
"When my grandma, who has Alzheimer's, thinks it's her birthday with dementia, it's better to go along with their reality at the time. Yes, it's lying but it's a kind lie. No one likes being told that they're wrong or not remembering right."